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 No.529846[Last 50 Posts]


Bird vs Capybara vs Cat vs Dragon:

Dog vs Dolphin vs Fox vs Goat:

Jellyfish vs Narwhal vs Octopus vs Opossum:

Platypus vs Raccoon vs Seal vs Sponge:


bird gang


>dragon vs capybara
>2 allies against each other
I would vote for dragon but I don't want capybara to get eliminated so I'll support the capybara coalition, even if it means sacrificing dragon


if capybara wins then the mascot will be called capytan(sounds like captain), or any variation like capy-tan or カピたん idk. capytan would be a captain lol


nah it should be named "bara"-tan



But it won't win, your days are over, capytalists.


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Would Jellyfish be willing for a coalition with sponge, where we vote for each other? Or at least confidence and supply type deal.


voting guide for REAL communists:


File: 1714866810786.mp4 (3.09 MB, 1280x720, 1714761917.mp4)



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OP here. Only I can see the results, and in THREE of the four polls there are TIED candidates on top!!!!! more people need to voot!!!!!!!!!!!


sorry i didn't realise it was a seperate topic, I voted now


I thought the election was May 20 wtfff


UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!! i will NEVER forgive you!!!!!!!!!!! just kidding, it's all good

this is not the final election, it's an elimination thingy to DRAMATICALLY reduce the amount of candidates


bird? what bird? thats like putting 'mammal' aint anybody gonna vote for that


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▒▒▒▒██▓▓▓▓██▒▒▓▓▓▓██▒▒ VOTE JELLYFISH
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Down with KKKapybara!


▒▒▒▒██▓▓▓▓██▒▒▓▓▓▓██▒▒ VOTE JELLYFISH


I voted for that


mods should sticky this instead of the old thread no?




we should let the jellycels cheat their way to victory. look how hard they're trying, it's so cute



no because it's not the final election, just a thingy to get the candidate count down


File: 1714966049595-0.png (44.12 KB, 888x558, DRAGON WON.PNG)

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File: 1714966049595-3.png (49.7 KB, 893x564, PLATYPUS WON.PNG)


The following candidates that PASSED and will be on the FINAL election:

The following candidates have been ELIMINATED (!!!!!!):




No way!!! This is an outrage! Capybara is consistently the most popular candidate, jellyfish supporters have rigged the vote!


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chigüirefags seething!


File: 1714975848061.png (286.28 KB, 616x605, template.png)

> everything I voted for ended up being last place


KKKap "L" Bara is now resigned to the dustbin of history


Wer hat uns verraten?
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File: 1715009191012.png (113.52 KB, 872x1200, ClipboardImage.png)

To my fellow vertebrate enjoyers saying we need to vote for Fox/Platypus:

I see you. I hear you.

But now is not the time for us to throw away votes on vanity candidates. Homothermy and lactation will have to wait until the next election cycle. After all, democracy *is* on the line and we can't risk having mammals act as spoilers and siphon of votes from the more electable reptilian candidate.

So check you privilege and start campaigning! This is the most important election of our lives!



File: 1715011721321.jpg (16.61 KB, 220x261, Trotsky_portrait.jpg)

Wrong pic


File: 1715015282839.webm (17.41 MB, 640x320, JF.webm)

To all jellyfish enjoyers, win.


The fight now is between Jellyfish (Palestine) and Dragon (I$rael)


>In 2006, the US nuclear-powered supercarrier USS Ronald Reagan was forced into an emergency reactor shutdown in Brisbane after it sucked more than 800kg of jellyfish into its condensers, hindering coolant from reaching the main reactors.
how do jf get away with it?
how do literally brainless biological plastic bags get to clog the war machine of the biggest empire to ever exist?


jellyfish are the ugliest things ever, just look up on a search engine's image section, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


Jellyfish are one of the organisms that found a niche and life cycle that just worked and they have been stuck doing it for millions of years.


Yeah smh, how are we supposed to measure if their skulls are aryan or not?!?!


I guess you've never seen a mirror


Everyone sees their own face in the mirror, not yours.


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Dragons are not even real, I'm not going to vote for a fairy tale.


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>uhm I don't know who needs to hear this, but dragons are not even real. If you look it up on Snopes, you will see how totally debun- ACK!


Even sadder, since you still have to look at your own ugly face


Are siphonophores counted as jellyfish? What about comb jellyfish (they are not related to normal jellyfish at all)? Can they all link up and form the jellyfish JDPON?


lame clapback tbh


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First person who nominated dragon intended it to be mythological dragons, contest later changed it to komodo dragon.
Regardless the only type of person who'd vote in such an animal is the kind which enjoys watching live feeding videos of baby bunnies, mice, guineapigs to reptiles.



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This is ridiculous! Capybara has been the most popular candidate according to almost all polls and then suddenly it loses? Something is up. Please put capybara back on the ballot!


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> It has been hypothesised that this reproductive adaptation allows a single female to enter an isolated ecological niche (such as an island) and by parthenogenesis produce male offspring, thereby establishing a sexually reproducing population (via reproduction with her offspring that can result in both male and female young). Despite the advantages of such an adaptation, zoos are cautioned that parthenogenesis may be detrimental to genetic diversity.
With Grace-chan's recommendation, the Habsburgs of the animal kingdom.


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Sorry bro, didin't know the revolution was supposed to be a beauty contest.
Anyway, you're getting stung. Face the coral.


The silent majority have risen to topple the corrupt kkkapytalists who, for much longer than they should, have run siberia to the ground. Turning one of the most prosperous boards of leftypol into a barren wasteland.
This brave demonstration is but a peak of the changes to come now that the masses have wake up!
Any attempt to demerit the completely fair and free elections is a futile attempt from the kkkapytalists' regime to uphold what little speck of power they still have.
We urge the extended leftypol community to support the righteous struggle of the siberian people to rid themselves of their brutal regime!


Let's be real, the dragon only won with cheat votes from the jellyfish puppet master, they know that they couldn't defeat capybara in a fair vote.


They killed the birds in the sky.


that's also what I was thinking
>they couldn't defeat capybara in a fair vote
they would just cheat more votes in and call it fair


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this song is too 🔥 to have been made by someone that likes jellyfish. a capybara probably composed this


Capybara fans are too normie to know obscure music, of course anything they find they must put their grubby hands on to claim as theirs.


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due to the fact that dragon had almost NEVER beat capybara in a poll and due to public demand, i have decided to put CAPYBARA BACK ON THE BALLOT(!!!!!!)


In addition to dragon or instead of?


rigged election


in addition to dragon






If this happened to dragon no one would care, but when dragon outvotes capybara - capybara gets to come back


jellyfisher got capybara back in the game to fragment the vote against jellyfish


Jellyfisher voted out capybara, why would they bring it back in?


Rigged rodent gets immunity to appeal to memefags, nothing less expected from "electorialism".


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capychads we win again


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Yeah, because no one cares about dragon, duh. Nobody votes dragon.


>Nobody votes dragon.
<ignores that it won
<ignores that Jellyfish-tards hate dragon posters
Denial is not healthy


Capybara gonna win again, its pointless to vote dragon.


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>Capybara gonna win again
Hope it wins third place




democracy wins


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In case you had any doubts about >>530565 now is the time to reconsider!
An additional mammalian candidate has been planted by big Medusozoa, in order to split the vote. Only a vote for Dragon can save democracy!


File: 1715218567541.mp4 (16.59 MB, 700x700, capybara vs jellyfish.mp4)


kek. nice, official capybara campaign ad




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Everyone should vote dragon just to spite Capybara


Is this the future you want for our children, jellyfishers?



Thanks! Took a trilliom hours to make.

More like smellyfish.





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2 kg. de Chigüire salado
2 pimentones rojos o verdes
3 cebollas medianas
1 cabeza de Ajo (6 dientes)
4 ajíes dulces
2 ajíes picantes
Cebollín y cilantro al gusto
2 Tomates
Aceite de onoto
1 taza de caldo de pollo
Sal y comino al gusto.

1. Se coloca la carne salada en un recipiente con agua por una hora.
2. Se descarta el agua y se pone a sancochar en dos o tres lts. de agua, hasta que se ablande.
3. Luego se saca, se deja enfriar y se desmecha o se pisa con una piedra (por eso el nombre de pisillo).
1. Se cortan las cebollas, los pimentones, ajíes, y tomates en tiritas.
2. Se machacan los ajos, y el cebollín y el cilantro se cortan finamente.
3. Calienta el aceite de onoto y sofríe los ingredientes hasta dorar.
4. Luego agrega el chigüire desmechado y le agregas la sal, el comino y la taza de caldo.
5. Se revuelve bien, se baja la llama y se tapa hasta que reduzca el caldo.
6. Se deja reposar y listo para servir.

Lo puedes acompañar con arroz, yuca, casabe, tajadas o ensaladas, o mucho mejor: ¡¡¡unas ricas arepa con chigüire!!!


meanwhile nobody can eat jellyfish because they're worthless


Chigüiroids proving that they're incapable to view other living beings as more than mere objects to be consumed by the bourgeoisie!
Chigüires are class traitors to the entire animal kingdom!
Death to KKKapytalists!



looks like a shredded radioactive bouy ring


What beautiful animals. They are angels.


Wrong. Plastic bag.


>only capy, dragon, and jelly representation in the thread
Where are the fox and platy supporters??


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Absolutely, the West must fall.


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capybaras and dragons live reaction


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Chat is this real?


File: 1715389149871.mp4 (16.39 MB, 1280x720, True_Komodo_FACTS.mp4)

FAKE news pushed by kkkapybaras to smear the kind komodos.
In reality, komodos are very chill and love to play!


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KKKomodos maul children.



absolutely disguisting predatory animals
they deserve extinction


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And what was doing that ruffian on the komodos' island? It was clearly a violation of komodos' sovereignty over their ancestral land, so let's not delude ourselves with such slander and miss-characterization of the facts! That scoundrel was no angel!
Oh! So now they (the poor komodos) can't educate their children in their traditional ways? Sweetie, please, check your privileges and biased anti-lizard view of the world!
Yikes! It's called the circle of life, my dear. Komodos are only fullfiling their role. Or what, would you prefer that those dears overpopulate and end up starving?


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>It was clearly a violation of komodos' sovereignty over their ancestral land
Literally no different from saying "muh property" and shooting kids who set foot on your yard. Only psychopaths could look at this and approve.
>their traditional ways
Reactionary, backwards savages.
>its the circle of life
Appeal to nature fallacy.
>would you prefer that those dears overpopulate and end up starving?
By the same logic of "billions must die" because of human overpopulation.

Conclusion: Social Darwinist Nazi
Go back…


File: 1715391823697.jpg (Spoiler Image, 101.3 KB, 900x1166, hitler_yelling_at_you.jpg)

>Komodos are only fullfiling their role


Capybaras: We are so wholesome and funny not like the STUPID jellyfish and the EVIL IMMORAL dragons. They are all predators and should be EXTERMINATED!!!! We are unique and original!!!!! The DEMOCRACY that is the FOUNDATION of our great site means NOTHING to us as we are the most undemocratic faction and probably fascistic!

Dragons: We are cool and badass. We don't eat children and if we did they deserved it. Cycle of life motherfuckas. Capybaras are our prey we will eat them. There is nothing insecure about us! We depict ourselves as gigachads, Capybaras as soyjacks and jellyfish as wojacks.

Jellyfish: Life's good swimming in the ocean. Capybaras and dragons are materialistically Zionist and we can prove it with facts and logic. We beat them in debate every time and have strict party discipline. We read Theories of Surplus Value every week. We have gone past biologial needs and are now space jellyfish. We are who you should vote for. Vote progress. Vote Jellyfish.


File: 1715392915398.png (15.59 KB, 624x382, JPL.png)

JPL approves this message.


File: 1715392994368.jpg (172.74 KB, 705x500, reptilian-stare.jpg)

>Literally no different from saying "muh property" and shooting kids who set foot on your yard. Only psychopaths could look at this and approve.
Hmm, no. You don't get to twist the facts that humans are invaders and actively colonize komodos' land. They have a right to defend themselves by any means necessary.
>Reactionary, backwards savages.
>Appeal to nature fallacy.
Material reality. There's as much resources to sustain a healthy population of deers and other animals on those islands. Letting does deers engage in kulak-like behaviour would be detrimental to others animals.
>By the same logic of "billions must die" because of human overpopulation.
And they (firstoids) should! They are the main cause for the extinction of innumerable species and are also responsible to the current climate crisis that'll surely annihilate even more…


File: 1715393403508.png (253.93 KB, 392x281, Reptile Hitler.PNG)

>humans are invaders
Hitlerite KKKomodos can't cohabitate. Not just with humans, with no other animals, not even their own.
For whom? For what? Didn't even write who I'm voting for.
>Material reality
Ah yes, we must cannibalize children to meet the scarcity quota.
>And they (firstoids) should!
Stage 4: Acceptance.
>They are the main cause for the extinction of innumerable species
DER JUDEN! Great replacement much?


Def voting for the dragon


File: 1715394319565.gif (1.21 MB, 150x106, bloody-keyboard.gif)

>KKKomodos doing deer pogroms apologia


File: 1715396219707.jpg (139.14 KB, 973x458, Reptile gang.jpg)

Together forever and never to part
Together forever, we two
And don't you know, I would move Heaven and Earth
To be together forever with you?


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Komodobros we won!




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The anti Komodo Dragon faction suffer from terminal slave morality. They will never be able to lead a revolution. Who tf cares about Komodo Dragons eating deers? Cry me a river you moralizing mammals. You can't defeat a cold blooded predator with kindness, what you need is a stronger, faster and deadlier cold blooded predator.


File: 1715440456448-1.png (13.71 KB, 810x198, dragon voters.PNG)

We're only NINE DAYS away from the FINAL election, and:
-Dragon is up bigly!!!
-Jellyfish is doing well!!!
-Capybara is underperforming bigly!!!
-Platypus and Fox support is DEAD!!!

Dragon's lead is very suspicious!!! It is odd how suddenly almost all Dragon votes are from Venezuela (and in past polls Dragon had no Venezuelan votes), and how it went up so dramatically. So it would seem like we have not one but TWO CHEATERS!!!

But I must WARN you again that it's going to be IMPOSSIBLE to cheat in the FINAL election, so y'all cheaters are wasting your energy!!! The FINAL election will have a RIDICULOUS measure that you are NOT READY for!!!!!!!! I have one clue as to how the FINAL election will play out: the animal with most autistic voterbase will win!!!!!!!!!!!


Dragon is controlled opposition for jellyfish.


>have a RIDICULOUS measure that you are NOT READY for
Not gonna join your fedcord server just to vote.


Dragon is controlled opposition for capybara.


There will be no fbi.gov server or any other glowy solution that requires more of your info, don't worry. The safety measure is so OUT OF THE BOX, so WILD that there's no way u'll ever predict what it is going to be!!!!!!!!!!!(!!!)!!!!!!!!!


File: 1715443555106.png (Spoiler Image, 24.98 KB, 850x593, Schematic-representation.png)

>You can't defeat a cold blooded predator with kindness
<He doesn't know about the Jellyfish's plan in creating a controlled ecological catastrophe to collapse the West
Yeah you can say Jellyfish is kind, since it's doing a kind favor Juan Posadas could've only dreamed of.


File: 1715445638070-0.jpg (46.35 KB, 281x392, Jellyin.jpg)

File: 1715445638070-1.jpg (744.11 KB, 2708x1280, JF Books.jpg)

>Jellyfish is when pacifism and morality
Holy shit read some fucking theory bitch ass lizard

You will be stung by your genitals for leaking КМБ intel


File: 1715450107011.jpg (72.93 KB, 800x450, j3s9d77kisv41.jpg)

>I wasn't referring to capybara
>doesn't know what cnidarian means
Lmao what else should you expect from people who worship a brainless jelly that shitts out of its mouth


File: 1715451024624.jpg (120.77 KB, 797x447, Dragonjak.jpg)

<I wasn't referring to capybara
No one brought capybara, retard.
<doesn't know what cnidarian means
It means you're shit-talking jellyfish.

>Lmao what else should you expect from people who worship a brainless jelly that shitts out of its mouth

Better to worship an immortal than a cannibal lizard, which from birth - rolls in its own shit to avoid being eaten by its parent.


>Because larvae can’t survive the cold winters, the study suggests that this comb jelly species ramps up reproduction in late summer — when it might otherwise be counterproductive — in order to feast on its young and bulk up before winter
lmao. jellys do engage in cannibalism and shit with their mouths.
also is very funny how jellycunts like >>532304 project their behaviour of soyjacking/wojacking others when the ones doing it are they >>532220 >>532243


File: 1715453444366.jpg (207.71 KB, 742x622, Dragonjak.jpg)

Difference being - jellyfish don't feel pain and have little to no consciousness to suffer during death. Unlike those lizards and their victims.
Not only that, but the example you gave is relatively no different from a person eating their own cum (literal clumps of cells playing Agario). As opposed to the grotestque, barbaric scene of komodo dragons in the image of Saturn Devouring His Son.
>behaviour of soyjacking/wojacking
So? More original content. Something dragon posters don't have.


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>comb jelly
They are not cnidarians aka real jellyfish they are ctenophores, a completely seperate type of animal, as seperate as a normal jellyfish and a KKKomodo!

Jellyfish moral superiority has been preserved. I'm starting to think that all this talk about jellyfish being 'mindless' is fake news in order to shut up jelly dissidents! We need to be careful about KKKapybara and KKKomodo (KKKapybara manufactured opposition) misinformation! I think maybe we can only trust Jellyfish media curators to hear actual TRUTH about how great Jellyfish are!



>imagine being so mad you draw a whole ass new wojack with colors and details
Sad. Vote Dragon and so on and so on


<Can't draw so cry instead
Git gud, scrub


I will not participate in your deranged wojack games.


Massive cope for lack of OC


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underrated post


Literally swimming in schooling. Even in the pic they're in a group. They are the bolsheviks (majority) of the sea.


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>capybara attacking dragon
<how to destroy coalitions


based. this is the only research I need. who would you leave your kids with, capybara, komodo dragon or jellyfish? the answer is obvious




If one of those had to defend you, picking capybara would be the worst option.


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File: 1715472406426.webm (11.97 MB, 360x360, leninhat_speech.webm)

We musn't forget that not eating babies is revisionism and reactionary. However eating babies must be for the proletarian revolution alone, not for bourgeoisie fascist tendancies.


wait, why is it good when jellyfish eat babies but bad when dragons eat babies?


Because when fascists do it, they do it for a reactionary cause. When communists do it, it is for greater good.


komodo would eat your kids before it defended them, and jellyfish would just turn into a blob. capybara are still the best option for safety. the child can run away while the capybara neutralises the intruder with their sheer chill


File: 1715473841076.mp4 (561.62 KB, 854x480, stung.mp4)

Jellyfish can be weaponized for their sting while capybaras are useless.


>jellyfish dies


Schools are individualist, they punish you if you do your work together.


!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!

the FINAL ELECTION date is now MAY 18!!!
meaning that it'll be THIS SATURDAY!!!!

!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!


I am feeling anxiety, what if jellyfish dont win? Has it all this effort of thousands of people have been for nothing? What will become of my life, my identity, my hopes and dreams????
I need a vacation to sort this though, get some time to think this better, alone, in a desert beach to the sea in some random third world country full of latinx and ponies.




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File: 1715626237202-1.gif (1.42 MB, 220x141, komodo-dragon.gif)

>isn't even a real fish

<komodo dragon

<literal wyrm your ancestors feared

How is this even a competition?


I should take a break from the animal elections activism, this is draining ALL my jellyfish juice up. Gonna go some ballet, go disco dancing for a while, get that body shape i always dreamed of. Maybe even join some national milita in the meantime, or try to write my own blog. And most of all, try to dedicate my free time to the most important thing in my life. My beatiuful jellysfish.


File: 1715634795211.jpeg (17.5 KB, 600x511, coconut doggy.jpeg)

bruh, they don't even got brains, they don't know what they doing. they're'nt among other jellyfish because they want to, it's because it's where they are. they don't help one another in any way

literally when did dragon voters EVER show support for capybara?


I hear you and I see you. Animals just feel so toxic right now, they used to be my safe space but since they've been politicised it's like I can't even enjoy them anymore without someone telling me I'm wrong. Just take a break and center yourself and don't let the bara bros get you down, they are on the wrong side of history.


File: 1715635660923.jpg (1.08 MB, 4368x2912, fakeimage.jpg)

I recommend birdwatching, it's very relaxing.


File: 1715644116763.jpg (Spoiler Image, 74.88 KB, 737x800, 540f410b2ae40a5d648dfd8824….jpg)

i like looking at birds very closely


>what if jellyfish dont win?
Then we start breaking shit bro.


File: 1715744469014-1.jpg (176.12 KB, 540x533, BIRD IS BACK.jpg)

MAY 15 POLL!!!

BIRD IS BACK!!!!!!!!
and replacing fox since it's been performing much better in the polls before the deathmatch


I have switched my allegiance to bird


File: 1715791715479-0.png (61.41 KB, 624x382, JPL.png)

File: 1715791715479-1.png (1.15 MB, 1140x1092, JELLYFISH PROTEST.png)

a horde of over 9000 jellyfish have began to protest in a movement against democracy, a large portion of which have began to use violence. The JPL also known as the Jellyfish Party of Leftypol has declared a militant status in a call for all out war against perceived "mortals".

The following message has been produced by the leader of the JPL Chervenkov Meduzov: (Translated from ~~~ ) THE MOVEMENT CANNOT BE STOPPED BY VOTING AND WE CANNOT RELY ON VOTING ALONE TO SECURE VICTORY. EITHER STING AND LIVE OR SLEEP FOREVER!


The JPL has claimed responsibility for a series of massive explosions causing the deaths of over 29 seagull supporters of the bird faction with over 18 injured and the deaths of 4 parrots, as well as an unknown number of capybaras and komodo dragons possibly killed or in critical condition.


I guess it doesn't matter to jellyfish if they kill children now, yet Komodos still are the bad guys right?


~. ~.
>kill children
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.


Chill, jello. Bird is probably gonna steal more votes from capybara and dragon than jellyfish


9/11 for Aves


Since both jellyfish and dragon are spammed just by a single guy plus S poster, this means birds won, right?


File: 1715845518926.jpg (70.64 KB, 736x736, zvmzhwfqfy0a1.jpg)

>this means birds won, right?


>all animal spammers aren't just the same one or two guys
>there is no silent majority that doesn't actively perticipate ITT and will shift the coming vote in an unpredictable direction


Where are the poll results???


here they are. jelly is being sussy again


File: 1715916768734.jpg (113.66 KB, 600x605, ITS COMING.jpg)

ONLY 23 HOURS and 30 mins left until the FINAL ELECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Looking forward to this novel new verification method.


nah, jellyfish will win with 999 votes


you are NOT READY for what's to come!!!! The FINAL ELECTION will happen in a SHOCKING way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But i thought the JPL got rid of basically all the opposition?

>The JPL has claimed responsibility for a series of massive explosions causing the deaths of over 29 seagull supporters of the bird faction with over 18 injured and the deaths of 4 parrots, as well as an unknown number of capybaras and komodo dragons possibly killed or in critical condition.


I'm not sure why there is still going to be an election when the JPL is the only party which can actually run siberia. The other animals aren't qualified for the job and should probably be taken from the list tbh so we don't have so much confusion.


>run siberia
you can't even run on land lol


File: 1715983209553.jpg (85.29 KB, 600x605, ITS COMING.jpg)

ONLY 5 (FIVE) HOURS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


le mao true



File: 1715997468394-0.gif (2.12 MB, 498x278, tenor (1).gif)

File: 1715997468394-1.gif (2.09 MB, 498x278, tenor.gif)

>Jelly fish gang Sunday night be like
(It's gonna be a 🧹sweep🧹)

Come back to us when you can visit the marina trench.
Yeah that's right, stick to staring at fartballs in the sky.

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