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So apparently George Soros is supporting Palestine. Rightoids say, he is a "Marxist-Globalist who wants to destroy America". Are they unironically correct?(USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST)


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nobody cares


He's just been doing Dengist praxis


A single New York Post article by some dumb journo and poltards fall for the zionist trap.


All power to Chairman Soros


So you don't belive, that capitalists run the world?


>zionist trap
What?? They paint Soros as an antizionist this way.


He does not support Israel. I will paste what I wrote in the German thread for newbies to understand why this is the case.

Marxism doesn't explain individual ideologues actions. It explains broad historical changes, the development of societies, economic development, technological development, etc.

In general it explains development, not what individual people believe. When, in general, most of the international bourgeoise support Israel in this moment, Marxists can explain how the global political and economic conditions led to this conclusion. However, why a specific member of the bourgeoisie supports or doesn't support Israel is not in the scope of Marxist analysis.

Marxists can explain the emergence and development of certain ideologies, for example, neoliberalism, Zionism, etc. A bourgeois individual isn't a robot that perfectly embodies his class interest, much like a proletarian individual basically never fully embodies his class interest. We are all subject to ideology, which might run counter to some of our class interests. Marxism observes that the general developments in the long run tend to align with class interests. In other words, in the long term, the class warfare is evident, while in short time scales, it is not necessarily evident and classes can act against their own interest. This is in the case of classes. In the case of individuals, this dynamic is even more significant. Individuals can even spend their entire lives fighting against their own class interests.

In the case of George Soros, he is an ideologue of the Open Society. He seems to believe very deeply in liberal values. Israel is an apartheid genocidal tribalistic society, which runs exactly counter to the concept of Open Society and (contemporary) liberal democracy, which again, Soros is an ardent believer in.

If you want to understand Soto's actions, you have to understand the development of "liberal democracy" as an ideology, and the concept of Open Society.

Contrary to what you might expect, most of the bourgeoisie considers themselves to be a strong positive force in the world. They consider themselves to be responsible for brining good to the world, preventing bad in the world, being uniquely capable of knowing what's good for humanity, and generally morally correct. Even though their actions or what they support might be the most fucking evil shit known to mankind for you, they still believe themselves to be generally good people. It's important to keep that in mind.

Check out: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_society

Also George Soro's Wikipedia page cites Soro's autobiographical books regarding his beliefs, it also has a section on Israel. You can also go to Soro's foundation, Open Society's website and read what they're saying.


akshually capitalism run the world, not capitalists. Capitalists have no say in any of this, they are just cogs in the machine, they have 0% blame, i swear to you. Please don't kill porky.


And they know that the only people who give a shit about muh Soros are rightoids, who are torn between hating Jews and loving the slaughter of Palestinians.


Tldr: George Soros is /ourguy/?


Is he supporting Palestine — as in one state with equal rights for all? Or is he "supporting Palestine" as in walking things back to some halcyon point in time when the two-state solution actually worked? (It never did!!)


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>Is this bourgoise pig actually le marxist because he doesn't want to invest in killing children like most bourgoise pigs


Ok what is your opinion on Jack Ma and Lei Jun?


Marx & Engels wrote about progressive bourgeois figures. Imagining that bourgeois are inhuman vampires that could never change their hearts is reactionary. They might as well be Jews to you.


Surely they were talking about old billionaires exploiting thousands and thousands of workers for decades.


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DDR anon is likely German, he can’t help it


No, tldr Soros is a liberal who believes in liberalism and open society. It just so happens that the apartheid genocidal ethnostate that is Israel goes against those values and it just so happens that it aligns with the greater objectives of socialists. Soro's is anticommunist to the core.


>Marxism observes that the general developments in the long run tend to align with class interests

Soros supported a lot of things, like BLM, Cannabis legalization, Wokeism and now Palestine. What if his actions perfectly align with his class interests? Where is the contradiction with marxist theory? Soros is a antizionist jewish capitalist.


>Soro's is anticommunist to the core.

Ok how much have you donated to the palestinian cause?


I'd be very impressed if George actually dodged every blackmail Honeypot the Mossad has set up for all the haute bourgeois


Soros just wants to keep its place in a socdem world. He wouldn''t mind a china model in the US.


Balls in your jaws


basically, he's a liberal but not an opportunistic one. So I can respect that despite his anti communism


They are though.


What? What the fuck are you implying? Speak clearly if you want answers in good faith.
>What if his actions perfectly align with his class interests? Where is the contradiction with marxist theory?
I genuinely don't understand what you're saying. If his actions align with his class interest then there's no contradiction "with Marxist theory". (Which, as I explained, even if he went against his class interests, it still wouldn't be "in contradiction with Marxist theory).

Does that answer the question? I probably misunderstood what you're trying to say/ask.


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Chaotic neutral person.


>What?? They paint Soros as an antizionist this way.
I imagine he supports a two-state solution in line with the Clintons and people like that, but I don't think he's much of a factor, and I read some time ago that Soros is not well liked in Israel. For example, he's a wealthy Jewish guy but has never given money to Zionist causes from what I understand. Right-wing tabloids in the U.S. went to the old Soros trope when the student protests started.


>Chaotic neutral person
Soros is anything but neutral, the amount of damage and misery he inflicted through his color revolutions on so many people puts him firmly in the evil camp and that isn't even counting his stock market actions. He was involved in the 1989 counter revolution and the 2014 Maidan in Ukraine.
Soros is capitalist imperialism in person and the fact that he is one single time in his life supporting a good cause for some odd reason (probably money) doesn't make him neutral.


>German talking about evil
lol. Aren‘t your people supporting another genocide atm?


Moral of the story: You can always find a reason to kill a billionaire


I genocided your mom you racist idiot


Seriously, Adam Tooze has a better understanding of what a ghoul Soros is as these people, and he's an FP/FT Keynesianism dude.
This is probably the dumbest thread I've ever seen, everyone is just taking OP at face value.


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>nationalist brained


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No. "Capitalists" do not run the world. Capitalism runs the world irrespective of the individual bourgeois agents. You could execute every single porky tomorrow and more proles would just rise to take up those superstructural bourgeois roles if you did not build and organize and institute and enshrine and codify into law a class dictatorship of the proletariat that fundamentally changes the economic base of society. If you burn the invasive vine,but don't rip the tuber out of the ground, it will just grow back. Base vs. superstructure. Think!


He's mine.


>You could execute every single porky tomorrow and more proles would just rise to take up those superstructural bourgeois roles
Revolt works because humans can adapt to suit the matter in which they are expressed. If what you say were true, then there is no reason to organize, to resist, to revolt.
The base is not "dominant". It's "prior". That means superstructure can't command matter that doesn't exist, and nothing more. As long as matter exists, actors can act as they like on it.
>another religious nut selling soap and church as the answer to capitalism
>law is magical
Kys idealist


Yap god


but that make my peepee stop being big and get cold

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