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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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You can't tell me, all this is made by "volunteers". We know projects like Linux or Wikipedia are backed by multimillion dollar corpos. So who is financing this site here?


Do you think this tinyboard instance takes several millions to run? The jannies probably have jobs.


weren't ya'll at the last meeting? the soros checks aren't rising with cost of living so we voted on contracting out to the wumao. I actually voted to stay on the Soros contract but the Wumao have a much better dental plan and stronger vision for the troll farm.

anyways have a nice day comrades

PS I found this cool string of letters on my epic kalashnikov rifle we should all post our gun numbers right now


>The jannies probably have jobs.

This site is their job. It is so weird, that people take this forum for granted. I don't believe, that this site is run by 100% volunteers. Maintaining this site 24/7 is a lot of work:Server costs, moderation etc. Maybe it isn't backed through millions of dollars, but SOMEBODY must pay the bills! Did you know, that 4chan is funded by a toy company??? So who is funding leftypol?


Your mom lol


>This site is their job
You already pointed out there's no obvious income directly from this.
> I don't believe, that this site is run by 100% volunteers.
On what grounds? People've always done websites without profit incentive because they enjoy it or know it to be useful to the community as a whole. That's how the internet was when it started, and while most traffic ended up congregating to the profitable sites, up until recently, seems like the material conditions that caused that were short lived people never stopped doing ii.
>Server cost
It's just a tinyboard instance, the server costs on that is quite small, you can easily foot that with a decent job if it's a passion project, especially as a guild.
Being they're volunteers, so: free.
>4chan is funded by a toy company
4chan disseminates thinktankisms that are useful to the toy company and it's partners. Most of the discourse here boils down to pointing out thinktankisms and countering them.


if this site is anyone's main job i will eat my left foot.

what's this filter


the difference between linux/wikipedia and leftypol is the world runs on the first too, which are used by billions everyday, while leftypol has myb 100 active users.


It's paid for by volunteers out of pocket. Volunteer work is pro bono. Nobody gets paid. I don't get all these sudden glow posts out of fucking nowhere this past day.


>I don't get all these sudden glow posts out of fucking nowhere this past day.

Since I found out, that a lot of non-profit/alternative internet projects are backed by corpos, I question everything. For example the email service Riseup is funded by Mozilla, which is funded by Google. I also don't believe that sites like archive.org or libgen are purely motivated by wholesome altruism.

In these days, you can't be sure about the authenticity of anything on the internet.


>while leftypol has myb 100 active users.

Ok but what about a organisation like Riseup? Mozilla gave them $100000!



in 2013 Riseup had 6 million subscribers, even with a myspace tier attrition rate it'd be hard for it to be less popular than /leftypol/


A thinktank is basically a private glowop company. A thinktankism is term, phrase or framing that a thinktank pushes to influence discourse. So like, "political correctness", "woke (derogatory)", "cancel culture", "influencers", "content (in reference to a work)", "face reveal", visual wheadonisms like wojak/pepe/soyjak/chad/shriveled up and buff doge/ect…
You gotta balance that with materialism, else you're just "following the money" without critical thought for why the money flows where it does. For example, a donation can be made to discredit by association: how do you tell when that's the case?


OK, I don't care. Don't do glowops for free on leftypol. Wrecker shit.


>You can't tell me, all this is made by "volunteers".
why not retard


>Don't do glowops for free on leftypol.

Yes, don't question anything! Nothing to see here! Stop spreading disinformation!


I don't think anyone in the mod team would do this full time, even paid, lmao


I would. Not a mod though.


I mean, we know nothing about the leftypol organisation. We don't know how many people are involved, where the servers are located, NOTHING. Mods can make statements, but how can we know, they are saying the truth? We don't even know, how many users this site actually has!


Is it possible, that the average 4channer is in this regard a better critical thinker, than the average leftypoler? 4channers KNOW that their site is a honeypot. But on leftypol, users are actively downplaying the possibility, that this might be a honeypot. Concerning….


Imageboards are cheap as fuck to run and the jannies are volunteers.

Shocking, I know, that people might actually do things because they want to and not because of some conspiracy theory


>4channers KNOW that their site is a honeypot
<they post there anyway


File: 1714950395257.png (566.01 KB, 640x640, WojackPirate.png)

we shld not be attackin OP, OP has good intentions and these are clear from their replies, it is right for them to b always suspicious. if they started to point fingers at mods in particular, shittin on Zankaria, etc. then we'd hve a problem but this is not their intention.
im w/ u on that one, riseup is 100% glow. outside of this fact, they're on record for releasing emails to the feds under threats of arrest. don't use.
>We don't know how many people are involved,
idk, if ur on the matrix, u can talk to pretty much any of the mods. they all hve usernames


big man soros of course


George Soros in collaboration with Hamas and Russian trolls.
But in reality we pull the strings.


>You can't tell me, all this is made by "volunteers".
I have a confession to make: it's Putin. This entire website is funded and ran by the Internet Research Agency in Russia with the goal of destroying NATO, Israel and the USA. I remember the big office party we had when we won the meme wars and made Hillary lose to Trump. Nothing is going to stop what's coming.

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