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 No.524278[Last 50 Posts]

Real talk: how do we fix Detroit?


Organize communities into autonomous units. Seize and repair empty buildings to turn into homes. Turn empty lots into community gardens. Abolish police and white people.


Nuke America, simple as.


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just wait till climate change renders the West/South uninhabitable and the whole rustbelt will do a massive rebound


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kill the city's rapist


wasn't there research done that found the property there is dirt cheap (not that anybody is going to bother kicking out squatters)

general plan outline:
>put together a team with appropriate skills
>set up a homestead type of operation focused on sustainably acquiring food and clean water (see permaculture for this)
>build party membership by starting with the most conscious segments of the population and working towards mass recruitment slowly as the operation expands
>train cadres not just in weapons use but unit tactics, point defense, area denial, etc to keep out gangsters and police (but I repeat myself)
>export surplus to neighboring cities and towns, take payment and donations to put into building up infrastructure
>work towards reclaiming abandoned factories and refurbishing them to start doing manufacturing, starting with things the project needs (like farm tools, weapon manufacturing, etc)
>document everything (securely) and use the process as an experimental 21st century commune
>spread propaganda online to teach people to do similar things elsewhere and to attract interest and resources to the project (and help ensure the documentation isn't lost)
tl;dr speedrun agriculture and industry while avoiding re-establishing a class system.

There's already people doing various levels of this in many places, but for somewhere as fucked as Detroit you would basically have to uproot yourself completely and make this your life instead of something you do on the side. That's the main issue here. It's a lot harder to start something like this than to join once it exists, in basically all respects. If you wanted a good shot at success it would make more sense to "colonize" the area as an offshoot of an already established movement that could benefit from external support from the jump.


thread theme


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Would need some federal investment effort. Detroit is actually a great economic opportunity. A prebuilt city with nothing built on it. It's like those ambitious desert cities they built in California, but in a much better location. Whole road system, sewer, electrical, just waiting for buildings.


>wasn't there research done that found the property there is dirt cheap (not that anybody is going to bother kicking out squatters)
There's a lot more vacant lots that vacant buildings left after decades of annual Devil's Nights.

>The Detroit Data Collaborative's block-by-block analysis of about 343,849 residential parcels found that about 64 percent contained occupied housing, nearly 10 percent had vacant homes and more than 26 percent were empty lots.

>estimates of Detroit's vacant land range from a low of about 24 square miles to a high of about 40 square miles of abandoned land in the 139-square-mile city.


Most of that stuff is probably rotted away though. You can't just let roads and pipes sit for 20 years then come back and expect them to be in condition


>tl;dr speedrun agriculture and industry while avoiding re-establishing a class system.
literally the walking dead comic plotline to reestablish civilization after the apocalypse. Gonna need to wall off all settlements and use APCs for travel tbh.
>Then when you succeed or become notable the capitalists come in and take over


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Well they are still in use by the people who still live on those blocks I think. They're probably maintained.

Doing google 3D view on Detroit is fun. Seriously go to any suburb and at least half the houses are gone.


I call this one: Drive-On-The-Grass-And-Do-Donuts Park.


Carpet bomb the whole thing.


>that description
Detroit can't be THAT bad, can it?


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He's exaggerating. He must've not gone to the right parts of St Louis or Baltimore if he felt safer there.


To be fair, Baltimore is gentrifying a lot. You literally see 35-year old white women yuppies in Lululemon attire jogging only a few blocks away from deteriorating row houses.


depends on what parts you go too, like most big cities.


My suspicion is that Detroit feels creepier and more dangerous because so much of it is abandoned.


yeah he has not seen homicide: life on the streets


True but you don't see blocks and blocks of empty lot in Bmore like you do in the D. Bmore was established in the 1700s around the horse and buggy so it's highly compact. Detroit has always been notoriously car-centric given its status as the hub of the auto industry so it's all spread out. Hence all the spread out lots.


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1. get a bunch of faggots together on a communist shitposting forum
2. buy a condemned house for bout tree fiddy
3. start a commune in Detroit
4. ????
5. communism achieved


it's already fixing itself now that the suburban boom is dying down and business is trickling back into the downtown core


detroit become human insurrection playthrough


>how do we fix Detroit?

Sewer Socialism




From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sewer socialism was an originally pejorative term for the American socialist movement that centered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from around 1892 to 1960.[1] The term was coined by Morris Hillquit at the 1932 Milwaukee convention of the Socialist Party of America as a commentary on the Milwaukee socialists and their perpetual boasting about the excellent public sewer system in the city.[2]


Anarchists could never


wtf I love reformism now



comrades, it's time to go underground


Abolish the BURGER LAW


This is actually quite sad.


Question: are there any comrades on here who are from Detroit and can give actual info about the city?


>how do we fix Detroit?


We turn all the empty lots into parking.


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They already turned their football stadium into parking. They sold it a couple years ago for 1 million dollars which they built for 55 million in the 70s then Volkswagon bought it to park all their recalled vehicles in the emissions scandal.


>city bad because I felt it was bad


Detroit is bad tho.


You've obviously never been.


Everyone believes their own country is the worst unsafest place in the world. Show me statistics instead of asking me to fly there, lmfao.


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No one should.


Everything you said is retarded except murdering all cops and white people


99% white countries dont have crime


Detroit is fundamentally different from other slums in the world. Generally speaking, slums and ghettos formed because people from diseastablished rural communities are fleeing en masse to the cities to get job at a faster rate than the cities are developing residential properties. In Detroit and other US cities its the opposite; the bourgeois are the ones fleeing from the cities which in large part has lost their economic viabiliy due to deindustrialization
Even if you managed to fix urban crime rates, so what? There is still no job, no investment, no nothing. It is simply economically dead and if the government is smart they'd put all the lumpen elements into reeducation camps like in China and then let the city fade (also happening in China with their ghost towns)


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Clear the rest of the buildings and restore the natives and the buffalo.


Give the land back to the Kickapoo tribe.


>Generally speaking, slums and ghettos formed because people from diseastablished rural communities are fleeing en masse to the cities to get job at a faster rate than the cities are developing residential properties. In Detroit and other US cities its the opposite; the bourgeois are the ones fleeing from the cities which in large part has lost their economic viabiliy due to deindustrialization

I know I'm going to sound like a reactionary POS here, but the reasons for white flight are a lot more complex and nuanced than "white people racist."

I'm not that familiar with Detroit history but I am very familiar with Chicago history. Chicago is the most segregated city in America and people outside the city like to blame the segregation for the crime and poverty. What they don't understand is how the racial and ethnic segregation in Chicago was a response to several instances of race/ethnic riots in the city's history. During the 1919 Steel Strike for instance there was an incident called "Red Summer" which was a race riot between Blacks and Irish (mostly Irish gangs provoking Black communities). Multiple people died and sections of the city were devastated. This lead to the Black and Irish areas of the South Side being distinctly segregated along racial lines.

Later, a lot of white flight in Chicago happened at the end of the 1960s following the riots which occurred after MLK's assassination. Places like Garfield Park used to be mixed Black and white until nearly all the white people fled after the riots. They took their businesses and capital with them and not Garfield Park is statistically the most violent hood in the city (about 1-2% of the residents has been shot in case you need to know how fucked it is).

Nowadays there's all this talk about fixing American cities by making them less car dependent and introducing mixed-use zoning in place of single-family zoning. Even though these proposals sound very good I'm skeptical only because I highly doubt most white petit-bourgs are going to want to set up shop in a mixed-use building in an area where gang activity is heavy. Imagine your store is on the first floor while there's active members of the GDs or Vice Lords living on the second and third floors. You'd be scared shitless that the opps are going to show up and start shooting at your store because they know where their enemies are living.

My point is that it's a chicken-and-egg scenario. We all want to blame racist whites or Robert Moses (LOL great man of history meme) for fucking up the cities, but the truth is a lot of that segregation was triggered by already-existing crime and tensions and ultimately created more crime and ethnic tensions. It's a vicious cycle.


? i'm not saying that the bourgs fled from Detroit (solely because) they are racist. My whole point is that these cities are simply economically unviable. Like, even if you get rid of crime and ethnic tension and rehabilitate gangbangers why would bourgs open shops in Detroit? Shops catering to upwardly mobile middle class elements can only thrive if there is a middle class in the first place, and middle class people won't move to Detroit because there is simply no job there. There is a cycle of underdevelopment happening in US cities, where you can't build capital because you don't have money because you don't have capital, same cycle happening in the third world.


>two rich white boys from the suburbs looking to buy drugs end up getting murked by ghettoized proles
Please tell me why I should feel sorry for these crackers.


Based crime


It’s funny because I remember how 13-14 years ago (pre-Occupy) anarchist comrades of mine would talk endlessly about moving to Detroit in order to squat those abandoned city lots into urban gardens to revitalize the city and form something like an Anarchist Catalonia in America. Keep in mind, these were white comrades from the Boston and NYC Areas who were mostly college-educated and felt they knew better than the residents already there. Looking back, these schemes which seemed compelling at the time would have been chauvinist if put into practice. The locals don’t want to see a bunch of white hipsters from the east coast taking over their city and turning it into “their” Utopia.


imagine if we had a gooning commune


>who were mostly college-educated
lol of course


In the mid-20th century, Detroit was a prosperous and growing city thanks to the booming auto-industry centered there. Unemployment was low and the UAW had unionized the whole industry so it wasn't hard for white workers to get a high-paying job, although segregationist policies locked poor blacks out of the market. Deindustrialization and the outsourcing of labor in the auto-industry to foreign countries with lower wages lead to all the jobs leaving the city, and the middle-class white suburbanites leaving with them, leaving behind only the poor inner-city blacks. The infrastructure of the city was built around cars and the auto-industry, with low-density and no public transportation, so the city wasn't attractive for companies in post-industrial sectors like technology. The population of the city is one third of what it was in the 1950's.

How do we fix it: jobs and money need to come in. The Detroit city government has known for decades what needs to be done to improve the city, they just can't afford it. Bulldoze the endless sprawl of abandoned buildings, build a modern city, invest in better education, better-funded social programs, and a public jobs program to employ the large unemployed population to build new high-density infrastructure. Money needs to come in.

Basically the black people are too poor. It's kind of the same problem everywhere in America has. The crime is just a symptom of the poverty.


>”nooooo we can’t do anarchism because we aren’t morally perfect enough!!!”


This is like an old MadTV skit.


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>at 0:55
>"we're not a third world country"
lol lmao kek even



Most hilarious thing I’ve seen all week.


>Keep in mind, these were white comrades from the Boston and NYC Areas who were mostly college-educated and felt they knew better than the residents already there.
You say this like poverty and racism don't deliberately deprive people of an education that would empower them to do things like set up their own commune. The population of Detroit are not indigenous people living in some traditional manner. They are discarded chronically impoverished and racially marginalized exurbanites. It's not chauvinist to recognize the wretched conditions they are made to suffer. It's chauvinist to characterize the situation as unfixable in general or especially unfixable by relatively well off white people per se, considering the situation is manufactured by rich (predominantly) white people in the first place.


It’s what Zizek calls false egalitarianism.


Pretty solid description of the east side.


yeah nah, it's just a racist fuckhead talking shit about places he's never been to, like xinjiang or north korea.

i can't drive one mile here without running into some form of construction.


Which part of the D are you in?


san francisco is the new detroit and the solution to the san francisco problem is to implement a ranked choice voting system so that congressmen don't get to have control over local fiefdoms without being broadly popular among the people supporting their party so that ghouls like pelosi and gruesome newsome can be removed from power and replaced with better politicians


san francisco is not the new detroit lol. try to find an abandoned lot in san francisco, it's one of the most desirable areas in the world


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>san francisco is the new detroit


>san francisco is the new detroit
Not even close. No one is leaving the Bay en masse; it's actually the opposite given that everyone and their grandmother would move to the Bay Area if they had the opportunity. San Fran is the epitome of a boom town.

If anything, LA is the "new Detroit" in the sense that everyone and anyone is leaving the city. Last time I was there for a visit not too long ago I couldn't believe how many white folks were fed up with LA and California politics in general and wanted to leave for Texas or Florida. The Hispanics and Filipinos all wanted to stay though.


This is what he's talking about. Not sure how much this compares to Detroit but it's interesting history nonetheless.


(((The Gays)))


Do whatever the fuck China is doing


The lots are not abandoned but unoccupied. Kulaks can’t sell the property for their absurdly high prices so they consider it a “business loss” and get a tax break.


Holy motherfucker, the killers are the perfect Stirnerite egoists. Not giving a fuck.



shouts out to t baby


Why is the letter D stylized like that?


Honest question: why should colonized peoples apologize for killing colonizers? We don't ask Palestinians to apologize for killing Zionists. Why should we insist Black folks apologize to whites?


What are loosies?


Blacks in the USA are colonizers.


blackletter/gothic type is used a lot in 90s/00s gangster rap aesthetics


individual cigarettes




>Everyone believes their own country is the worst unsafest place in the world.


Explain how and why.


I feel sorry for that beat.


They were brought here to serve what is essentially an imperialist colonizing machine? It's like the Indians whom the British brought to their African colonies. Yes they were practically slaves who did not receive much, if any benefit from the colonial powers that brought them there, but their existence still fueled the imperialist machine and from the perspective of the natives they were essentially foreigners who competed over resources with the "actual native" populations. That's why there were often conflicts between native and Asians in say Africa and the Pacific Islands even though these two groups were equally oppressed by the system.


This is why i am a bit iffy when people emphasized decolonial narratives over anti-capitalism and anti-imperialism in general. Because it can quickly devolve into blood and soil/ethnic essentialist discourse.
It is not for nothing that Dugin fashioned himself as a decolonial and anti-imperial activist.


Detroit Tigers logo


Bring back the Circus Maximus and put it in Detroit.


Here's a nice little history of detroit
to investigate a problem is to solve it ^^y


Free these comrades.


>real world Planet of the Apes
Not-so-subtle racism there.


And Ukraine is getting all the money that should go to Detroit.


holy shit thats ghetto. Bros lets say you had to live one of these homes and couldnt leave detroit. How would you survive? I would build a perimeter wall with wires like a prison, fill it with cameras and load up with weapons inside. then id get satellite internet, fix up the home, find a chubby detroit shawty and make some halfblack communist babies


Looks like it was hit by a bomb. Not exaggerating.



The Detroit tradition of seeing how many buildings they can burn down on Halloween. Record so far was 800+ in one night.

They still keep the tradition alive to this day.




The article lies saying that the tradition ended. You can look it up on youtube Devils night + year and see it's still alive and well.


wew lad


So that explains why so many empty houses "mysteriously" burn down.


Relocate Gaza refugees to the city.


Honestly, the main reason why Americans hate on Detroit is because the D represents the shame Americans feel knowing their system is so delicate. Detroit was the "Paris of North America" during its heyday, a massive industrial centre which mass-produced the staple of the American economy: the car. The fact that such a glorious city could fall from grace within a few short decades is a huge source of shame on the American psyche.

Detroit is bad, but there are plenty of other American cities that have suffered the same fate, like Baltimore. But again, everyone hates on Detroit because of what it represents. There are actually way more murders per capita in Bmore and St. Louis yet neither city is nearly as stigmatized.


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>"Paris of North America"
>a city made 95% of single family homes

I don't think anyone hates Detroit. I don't think most people think of Detroit at all. Detroit is hardly a real city anymore.


Detroit didn't take that title because of city planning, dumbdumb. It had that title due to its prosperity during its heyday.


That still doesn't make sense. New York or London would be better titles for prosperity.


Well you'll have to debate with whomever came up with that title.


Did you even watch the video?

These two boys were driving to a relative's house in west Detroit. The media put the spin that they were attempting to buy drugs because no one from the suburbs could understand why two white boys would drive into Detroit on their own free will. The killers were pieces of shit who broke into a bunch of houses, killed an old man who tried calling the police, forced a guy to receive oral sex from a girl they were with and shot him in the head while she was sucking his cock. They weren't anti-colonial heroes or whatever you think.


I didn't watch the vid. To get back to this post
>>525042 what's wrong with raping and murdering some random geek off the street?


Update: I watched 11 seconds of the video. They said "murdered execution style", which is a paradoxical statement. An execution is not a murder.



Point is I gave up on the vid


Who the hell keeps cutting the grass?


>forced a guy to receive oral sex from a girl they were with and shot him in the head while she was sucking his cock.
Sounds like typical anarchist praxis.


>An execution is not a murder.

how is it not?? assuming it's done without 'legitimate authority' which would make it not murder


Colonizers shouldn’t be in Detroit to begin with. Do you feel sorry when white tourists get killed in Haiti?


not a thing anymore sorry




sir im a proletarian


And now Paris is the “Detroit” of Europe.


White people need a strong state (police) in order to guarantee their “right” to the city. New Afrikans (“Black peoples”) do not.


You’re breeding too much into it. People don’t hate Detroit because of what it symbolically represents. They hate Detroit because it’s a real stain on America. Baltimore isn’t nearly that bad and is actually heavily gentrifying in many places. The area around JHH no longer needs security guards to escort hospital workers to the metro if you need indication of how much better Baltimore is. Detroit is still shit because it missed out on the gentrification wave of the early 2010s. At this point it might as well be turned back into farmland.


>Detroit is still shit because it missed out on the gentrification wave of the early 2010s.
That sounds like success to me though


did paris deindustrialize?


>the police only helps those with money
>but with sakai brain worms on top
very cool


Most whites in cities have loads of money.


youre right, but you make it sound like its 1:1 tied to race. cops dont care about poor white people either


And the vast majority of whites/settlers in the cities aren’t poor.


kill whitey hes what detroit in this mess.


N way Detroit can be worse than Honduras. Central America has a sky high murder rate and femicides are hella common.


And the majority of poor whites in rural areas like Appalachia are poorer than blacks in Detroit.


youre just going around in circles now


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Post Detroit ruins





>how do we fix Detroit?
With a Fanon.


How do people trapped in the city live when 75% of their infrastructure has decayed like this?


Isn't it just the suburbs that are like, not the actual city?


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What ur seeing in the thread are abandoned buildings. The city lost ~2/3rds of its population since the '50s. "75% of their infrastructure" has not decayed like this


dis cracker isnt scared of the police LMAO


That has to be the saddest demographics chart I’ve ever seen.


Most of that grass looks dead.


Looks like it is winter.


Detroit died largely because the corrupt city politicians kept trying to prop up a dying industry (auto industry) rather than attract newer industries. Greedy porkies who moved the auto industry out of Detroit are bad, sure, but politicians did nothing to replace the lost industry.

Also says a lot that cars was the only major industry in Detroit to begin with. For most thriving American cities it's universities and medical technology/hospitals. Look at Boston, Pittsburgh, etc. Heck, Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins U are the only things keeping Baltimore afloat.


Does grass shrink in the winter?



bring the factories back. invest in things that aren't cars. increase federal funding. but that won't happen


Isn’t this called the Dutch Disease or something?

Reminds me of how the cotton industry pretty much held back the US South in terms of development because all the South did was grow cotton.


Abolish single family homes and cars. Turn the entire city into an eco village.



And what should they produce?


Split Detroit up into a series of decentralized eco villages and abolish “Detroit” as an entity.


Gun restrictions and basic services but thats impossible because it would be communism and detroit is in usa.


Cars? Semiconductors? Machine-tools?
This is not even a "how should we account for demand under socialism" question. The US is so severely lacking in domestic production of so many things it is not funny. Any new factories are more than welcome.


-self defense corps
-unionize the police
-develop means of production to displace the black market economy
wa la


Correct. Those abandoned homes that were being sold for a dollar require tens — if not hundreds — of thousands of dollars in repairs.


We were talking about infrastructural hookups not the value of condemned houses. Obvs a condemned house is worth the price to demolish it. That is why the city is spending millions each year to demolish all the vacant buildings. The land and the infrastructural hookups are still valuable. Hh


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>open leftychan overboard
>very first thread I see is bitching about trans people
Thanks for invite but I think Ill stay here. Will occasionally visit to lurk the local incel thread though.


All right, nevermind, its all just MGTOW clingeposting.


It's a splinter by some guy that didn't like the anti-idpol and anti-incel rules, so they made their own board and it's basically just /polr9k/ without anything leftist, since any meaningful materialist analysis that conflicts with thinktankisms gets you instabanned on there.


>yah let’s dismantle a perfectly good city for the purpose of our hipster ideology without getting the consent of actual Detroiters


>european socdem style reforms


At the very least, a major improvement could be making large swaths of downtown pedestrian-and-bike only like most European cities.


If a white homeless guy is being beaten by the cops, which hand do you jerk off with, acab-bro?


>muh car-centric infrastructure
>muh single-family homes
Huge red herrings. Even if Detroit was built like a European city it would still be a shithole, specifically because of LACK OF INDUSTRY. It doesn't matter how many mixed-use buildings you have or how many bike lanes or how many golf courses get turned into urban farms. What matters is that there's zero jobs and the population of Detroit which can't afford to leave has nowhere to fucking work and make enough in wages so they can leave or better their standard of living.


Many Americans in their quest to fling mud on cars and suburbs (though not without reason) end up bending the stick 180° towards a fetish of public transport and urban living. Ties in with mindlessly praising social-democrat health systems in Europe.


>Huge red herrings
It has been literally found that the suburbs are linked to poverty, and also has been found that the best things that lead to "pulling yourself by the bootstraps" is a public transportation system (which is barely a thing in those suburbs).

Even on the outset it's obviouse.
Walkability -> More dense living -> more jobs and developed services around you -> better opportunity.
Walkability -> not needing a car -> save money on not needing a car (saving $10,000 a year).

>What matters is that there's zero jobs

Where are the jobs most likly going to be?
<The space where you can cwram 10 to 100 of them, and if any go out of business another can easily take over the location
<The space with fewer locations to stuff business, and the place has specifically built buidlings for the business that less types of businesses can take over because of it's design, (if a taco bell goes out of business, what type of business can take over that location? Exactly. It's the reason for why big box stores and malls are constantly going out of business, (other than a few other things)).


It's not directly/mostly related to the specific issue of that specific city, but it'd still be better to do it though.


Meanwhile, Europe is full of poverty depending on the country. Muslim immigrants are shoved into ghettos where they remain exploited and ignored.


TBH, shit like this is exactly why most schemes to "fix" cities end up failing or being nothing more than a backdoor to intense gentrification. Do-gooder bougie white liberals implement reforms which only appeal to other bougie white liberals. Bike lanes are a big one. Housing co-ops are another one. "Plant trees not XYZ", gluten free donut shops, replacing basketball courts with dog walking parks, etc. The problem is, white liberals utilize these things primarily out of ideological reasons when the working-class should be the ones utilizing them out of survival. How many of these "eco" apartment units are affordable to proles, or how many of these "no waste" cooperative grocery stores take EBT?




Ironic, because Montreal is notoriously good when it comes to Europe-like urbanism.


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Did someone actually use this AI slop for something? LMAO.


Nice things aren't cheap. Shit things are. If we enshittify everything then it will be affordable. Even shit things are expensive if their location is near a city center because proles aren't allowed to have anything that doesn't actively make their lives worse.


>Working class people don't ride bikes, have dogs, etc etc


Dog walking parks are almost exclusively for porkies and little porkies. Bike lanes have been proven to increase gentrification.

You can’t blame working class people for being skeptical.


Dog parks are for people without yards so they can let their dog of leash outdoors. Every townhouse complex has one now it seems. It's just a small patch of grass with a gate around it lol.


I bet you think driving a pickup is what makes you 'working class' right


>specifically talking about people in the cities
>jump to the conclusion that this person is a "MAGA communist" bullshitter


Yes, so the solution is to bring jobs and industry back to these cities so proles who can't afford to leave can afford whatever gluten free eco garbage the hipster gentrifiers are selling.

Cart before horse.


you don't.


European style reforms are the only thing Americans will get. Being a leftist in America essentially means you support America implementing European social democracy. So why the hostility? Even American anarchists will say state run healthcare and more funding to government run schools is needed.


I made it because I was bored.


Plenty of people who aren't as retarded as MAGA Communists also have workerist spooks


>not wanting cities to be taken over by middle-class whites is “workerist” now


Anti-workerism is bourgeois


>Bike lanes have been proven to increase gentrification.
non-thinktank source?


>how do we fix Detroit?
"We" don't "fix" Detroit.

Detroiters who still live in their city will be the ones who "fix" it. Not us.


Someone needs to have their wealth redistributed.


He doesn’t even live in Detroit anymore.


He needs to be sacrificed.


Alright, so how will the Detroiters who still live in their city "fix" Detroit


Definitely not by doing whatever pink-haired grad students tell them to do.


You give them resources and money so they can be autonomous and save their own city.


>just give them taxpayer money!!
socdem moment

>inb4 "oh so youd rather it goes to israel??????"

no i want communism


Abortion refugees.

I'm not kidding.

Michigan has very liberal abortion laws now thanks to prop 3. Many people in red states are getting frustrated about abortion restrictions and the dangers they pose to pregnant women. If anything, Michigan should advertise how woman-friendly their state is and offer these women a home in the Detroit area.


What do you have to offer to the people of Detroit other than gentrification and the smug satisfaction that they are on the Right Side Of History because they're Real Communists?


Real “we’ll make the desert bloom” vibes ITT.


After watching so many urban planning videos on youtube, this should be child's play to us.


Not Just Bikes never shows you Muslim ghettos in Europe though. He’s a major cuckdem.


Cooperative enterprises where the employees own most of the shares (only 10-20% by capitalists, if necessary) or all of them, when the employment contract of an employee ends if (s)he doesn’t renew it it triggers a buyback for his/her shares. Allocating part of the revenues to improving the community. In addition to the enterprise having HR , it should also have a in house physicians and dentists who are part of the labor force of the business and provide healthcare and dental care as social benefit for the rest of the employees.
Using crowdfunding model to collect money as low interest loan from ordinary people to finance the startup costs, thus giving commoner an additional passive income, and the means of production are fully owned by the workers.

The government receives more tax money, and as this business model gets adapted by more people capitalists lose their control over the economy and State.


>urban planning
sir i want to abolish the distinction between town and country


>hipsters think they can “fix” Detroit
Meanwhile they can’t even fix Brooklyn, Boston, Portland, or LA.


NYC was a major shithole in the 70s and 80s. How did it recover?



>How did it recover?
By Rudy Giuliani.


He used RICO to take down the mafia and then started using it on the drug gangs. It was a police state but at least it enabled NYC to gentrify.


Although with gentrification I’d call it more of a “costal they/therm’s burden” than a white man’s burden.


the low rents funded an art scene that the capitalists have been profiting off of for half a century now.

entire city thought 100/mon in rent was extortion in the 80s. if anything its fallen.


NYC didn't start heavily gentrifying until the mid 90s though. By that time the art scene thing was coming to an end. Giuliani going apeshit with RICO is a much bigger culprit.


Detroit will likely slowly gentrify and pivot to tech and the service sector over time, like other failed rust belt cities that outsourced their industries and collapsed. It'll probably redevelop outwards from the slightly more salvageable areas closer to the core where white hipsters can do experiments in YIMBY urban planning and where third rate tech bros can take advantage of cheaper rents while working remotely. Downtown Detroit is already gentrifying, and this pattern will only continue.

It will probably still be a shithole in the suburbs, particularly as the city will have limited resources to supply such a spread out land area with essential services. The impoverished black population will most likely be pushed further in that direction as rents closer to downtown become more expensive, in a common reversal of the pattern where whites dominate the suburbs and poor blacks live in the hollowed out urban center.

The parts of the suburbs that are too far flung even for that will simply revert to greenspace and farmland, or ruins. Detroit's former sprawl is not something that you can so easily save.

When climate change starts to make the Sun Belt unlivable, people in those areas may start to migrate back towards the Midwest in larger numbers. However, even a growing Detroit in a revitalized Midwest will never achieve anything like its former glory. Cities like Minneapolis or Chicago or likely even Cleveland are already better developed and better poised for economic growth in the region.

The future of sprawling Sun Belt boomtowns like Phoenix, LA, Houston, and so on will look quite a lot like modern Detroit. Industries will dry up, the climate will become inhospitable, and the vast suburbs will crumble into poverty and destitution while the recoverable core districts will gentrify and upzone. It's a ticking time bomb, right up there with the risk of basing your national economy on financials/services/tech instead of actual industry. The decay will get ugly.


Agree with everything you said except for LA becoming a ghost town. LA could easily be saved if they reverted to dense urban planning. They have very good infrastructure as it is. The only thing that would fuck them over is water.


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None of those places (LA, Houston, Phoenix) will become ghost towns, but they will have to contend with the limits of their expansion grinding against the climate and changes in economic fundamentals. Right now, all of these places are growing for very good reasons. But what happens to Houston if it gets hit with 4 Katrinas and the oil industry starts to lose relevance?

LA itself will probably be fine, but the Inland Empire towns are begging to be returned to the desert the minute LA stops growing or the water situation gets bad. They already have an above average unemployment rate and a proven economic sensitivity to disruptions of industry. What happens if they actually build the Blade Runner towers in urban LA and the rents go down? Who the fuck wants to live in arid methville?


LA is already building more densely-packed condos and is surprisingly improving its public transit. I agree about the Inland towns. Those places are shit as it is and a water/climate crisis will devastate them.

People are also leaving LA in droves because they're fed up with California politics. Last time I was there I encountered several white people who said they were moving to Texas or Florida because they couldn't stand what California has turned into.


Building megalopolises in the middle of a DESERT was a mistake.


True. In socialism Dubai, Las Vegas, etc will be abolished. Did you see that Dubai had a massive flood the other day and billions in exotic cars will have to be written off, pretty funny.


>People are also leaving LA in droves because they're fed up with California politics. Last time I was there I encountered several white people who said they were moving to Texas or Florida because they couldn't stand what California has turned into.

That's just hype. More people want to move into California than away, even most of the alt right retards still live there while they tell their followers to go move to some desolate shithole, the only reason for people leaving is mostly that it's too expensive


California in general is an incredibly strange case of a land with the economic recipe for explosive growth stubbornly refusing to let itself grow up because of entrenched petty petit-bourgeois greed. It's the Mecca of burger tech and cultural power for the world but the elite is very, very determined to not let anyone in because of the way they've tied their wealth to property values. The bottom rung of the workforce in the bay area and LA spills out onto the literal streets in tents because they won't even let them build favelas. Even with all the capital in the world, you'll start to stagnate and lose it if you can't make room for a workforce. California can get away with this in some ways because it's so focused in growing sectors that can extract the most from the fewest labor inputs (the financialized tech industry) but when the bubble pops it'll pop hard.


It's also worth noting in conjunction with this that it's very interesting that the tech gig economy that marinated in California is the kind of labor mobilization that allows you to use that army of precarious homeless retards who you forced onto the literal streets in San Francisco as a resource that you can extract value from. Nobody who's in a financially stable living situation is working as a DoorDash rider. It's very common to live on the street or in your car and to still be working. That's the California Dream.


>That's just hype. More people want to move into California than away
Yeah no. I know people in California, Arizona, Texas etc. and they're all telling me that people are getting the fuck out of dodge, the people moving in are primarily immigrants. Outside of personal circles, you can find a lot of people mentioning it in casual social media posts. Couch Cast is in Texas and mentioned a lot of people immigrating to their city from California, and mentioning how everyone wants to leave. Having been there and knowing what LA and California in general were like a decade and 2 decades before, the cities of California are visibly worse than they used to be and are only degrading more and more. The ONLY reason San Francisco was temporarily cleaned up was because Biden met Xi Ping there, and all they did was clean the streets and deport the homeless outside the city limits, shit returned to status quo in a week.

Also, only an entitled ignoramus is going to call other places "shitholes" Arizona is fucking beautiful, hot as hell, but so is LA, and it's not as muggy as LA gets. Not to mention prices for land, housing etc. is lower, there's fewer people to bother you, and if you're not an unskilled idiot, you can grow just about anything there. California's land is more fruitful and easier, but only if you have a shitton of money to live outside the cities, and most don't.

>inb4 muh altright

Don't care about ECelebs, never have, never will. If rightoids are saying this too, fine, that's irrelevant to my experiences since I didn't see or hear them say it, nor care to listen.



It's stagnating.


I have no fucking idea why LA won't build more high-rises to house all those people. They have more than enough space.


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Wanna hear a blackpill? Supply and demand, porky wants those property prices to go even higher. Number must go up FOREVER (until it crashes again, harder than ever before).

Doesn't matter if the worker supply doesn't regrow, porky can't think longterm :)


This should be fairly obvious, but for the American petit-bourgeois professional the largest investment one will ever make in one's life is a suburban single family home. If you increase property values, you profit from that investment. If you restrict the supply of new housing in a desirable location, you guarantee that property values in your area will rise. People obsessed with this run all the local governments there.


>slummy parts of India
They're just unhygienic because of state neglect. Most people who live there are sweatshop proles. As long as you don't go to some extremely shady parts, you'll be fine.


Enough with bashing on Detroit. Detroit has been recovering for the past ten years. The real problem city is St. Louis.


>white people


Bulldoze the whole thing.


This but first build new commie blocs to house all the people.


i kind of wonder what will happen when line go up becomes enough of a problem that large swathes of the population become excluded even from renting. we already see squatting becoming a bigger thing as the homelessness crisis gets worse and worse. if for example, 30% of a given city could not afford to live in a place, would people just straight up resort to violence, take over buildings, and defend themselves from cops to have shelter? what would the government even do?


Oppportunitically wage a war and send the excess population to the meatgrinder defend democracy


capitalists need more workers though. less workers gives workers more bargaining power. thats why Elon musk and Bezos are so scared about the birth rate and the future of 'civilisation' and are playing at rocket man.


We speak about about last resort measures though.



There is no saving this.


wow there's black people there, we gotta bulldoze the whole thing and salt the ground it was built on


All I'm seeing is poor Black people having fun in the nighttime and making the best out of their shit situation.


Gosh darn it's almost as if capitalism disrupts the balance between town and country, forcing workers to live in ever larger agglomerations of urban sprawl that periodically collapse and empty out based on the vagaries of profit rates and capital investment.


The only problems you can glean from these drive-through videos is urban decay and all the fucking cars and their conquences. They're superficial.


Mass export their surviving BBC population across America to breed with the highest tiers of white women to create the true master race and usher in a new era of American supremacy




high Eye Q


Why are gas stations particularly dangerous?


Cars are evil


Doesn’t explain anything I asked.


Race isnt the problem. Culture is. The ghettofab philosophy is a serious problem.
Even in black communities where urban decay is extremely tame, the ghettofab inspiration is there.

Alot of the people arent poor. Theyre broke.
They have cars, gas statiins, corner stores, nice toys, medical servixes, etc.

But they dont have autonomous finances.


Asset rich/cash poor


> Alot of the people arent poor. Theyre broke.
They have cars, gas statiins, corner stores, nice toys, medical servixes, etc.

But they dont have autonomous finances.

Reminds me of a video I saw years ago where a Black woman was explaining why the whole ballling mentality is the reason the Black community can’t get out of its rut. She claimed money made by Black people doesn’t stay in their communities because everyone is so obsessed with buying cars, nice clothes, chains, etc. Meanwhile, rich white people stay rich because they invest their money. Think about how the Irish in America were dirt poor when they immigrated but are now sons of the most powerful people in the country: they were smart and strategic and worked their way through city politics and made sure their communities acquired inter generational wealth. Look at the Kennedy family for instance. Why are there no Black “Kennedy” families? Because they piss their money away on luxury consumer goods rather than using it strategically.


Easy targets for robbery and a lot of shady characters(heavy drug users) hang out there.


>The future of sprawling Sun Belt boomtowns like Phoenix, LA, Houston, and so on will look quite a lot like modern Detroit.

What about cities like Seattle and Portland, Oregon? What would be their fate?


They have access to drinkable water and natural resources.


Because in the hood gas stations are some of the only places where people can hang out. They don’t have restaurants, cafés, bars, nightclubs, bookstores, record shops, or any other place to go. Hell, most hoods don’t even have Walmart.


At least when it comes to Seattle. I'm a little worried that the lack of mountian snowpack would make the water supply strained during the summer months.




Satanic trips checks out.


bro it's not "hurr durr black people can't into saving money" it's because they are institutionally blocked from investing and buying property


A one point so were the Irish.


It’s both. Blacks who have the ability to invest choose to spend their money on frivolous shit instead.


Ironically, Detroit and Chicago used to have plenty of Black homeowners.


Also by black, I mean black American.
Youe also forgetting gentrification.

Also, white rich folks dont really invest in their own communities as much as they invest in connections for their offspring. And the momey can fall apart easily.




They're the site of about 90% of hood commerce.

The ghetto only has gas stations, 7-11, McDonald's, KFC, and if you're really lucky Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme.



Definitely not racially-coded. But hey, what do you expect from a copraganda YouTube channel?


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Inshallah, Detroit will be fixed.



critical support for comrade pothole in its fight against the common car



City of Satan


Average day in the D.



Nuclear testing site.


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i want someone to let haz govern a city for a year


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>If anything, LA is the "new Detroit" in the sense that everyone and anyone is leaving the city. Last time I was there for a visit not too long ago I couldn't believe how many white folks were fed up with LA and California politics in general and wanted to leave for Texas or Florida. The Hispanics and Filipinos all wanted to stay though.
Lol official demographics of LA is only 25% White. Unless you go to the rich areas, you won't see any "Whites" in LA(they're counting Armenians and Persians and etc. as White.)


This makes me sad NGL. The hood is quite literally an open-air prison.


Average /pol/tards.


I want to see Caleb try to start a church already. you know it's going to all end in tears and possibly suicides.


He already has: “City Builders Ministries”.


Unironically this.

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