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Metas emerge as players learn more about the game's mechanics, both through datamining game files and trial and error within the game itself. Once good practices are found, guides are made and continually iterated upon as the game (and its playerbase) evolves. A common complaint is that players feel pigeonholed into certain playstyles, because the fastest, easiest, or most effective way to play becomes the expected way to play, and the developers in turn cater to the players who follow the meta. It doesn't matter if a player in an MMO can easily clear the vast majority of content without a meta build, other players expect them to follow the meta and not doing so is considered bad etiquette in group content. This mostly comes down to risk aversion on the part of the other group members, as people are more willing to group with someone they know put in the time to get their character geared up and using the "right" build.

Metas aren't restricted to character builds either; there are guides for leveling efficiently or gaming mechanics for the best possible rewards. In the former case you have old-school MMOs like Everquest or Final Fantasy XI where they're essentially solved games and it would be difficult to find anyone willing to just explore the world, since farming mobs in one spot for hours at a time with a group will always be the most efficient way to play.

Back to the question in the title, if you wanted to encourage more playstyles how would you go about it? Some games (or players acting on their own accord) do it by reframing the game, adding in rules like hardcore/ironman modes in WoW or Runescape. It keeps things fresh for a time, but even those have extensive guides now aimed at minimizing effort and risk and maximizing rewards.


You can also just not bloat a game with endless systems that make it hyper exploitable to begin with and just you know, balance the systems that do exist in them.


meta was the single unifying force behind what made brood war a timeless top-of-the-list esport for over a decade


I can think of three ways of "naturally" balancing out the concept of a gameplay meta
1. extremely good balance that makes everything situational and creates places for all the possible strategies
2. a small enough set of choices so as to reduce the distance between meta and off-meta configurations
3. a big enough (massive) set of choices and exploitable mechanics so that the established meta is always a step behind emergent gameplay and creativity
1 and 2 are easy to understand, good balance so there are no "wrong" choices, and not having that many choices in the first place. the only game that I can think of that has successfully implemented 3 is the dominions saga and some single player roguelikes


You could add more randomness to the environment and enemies.
That way a meta build would need to be more diverse, as to facilitate multiple potential playstyles.


One thing that MMORPG games do that encourages meta is ghettoize its gameplay, so the players at one time have to be only focused on doing one task, which means naturally, they are going to optimalise towards it. Leveling, PvE, dueling, large scale PvP, each exist separated from each other, so player never has to make tradeoffs between what they want to be good at at the expense of something else, they just switch to whatever build gives biggest numbers in specific situation.


Istill how the team managed to make the flying physics for dragons legitimately good in dragon flight but now I’m wondering why they didn’t fix the base movement. And by that I mean being able to keep the mouse hidden and move backwards without backpedaling, it wouldn’t be a huge change, I don’t think it would even require any new features. Just a tweak to make the base game play better…


world of warcraft should just get a sequel at this point called wow 2 and it's the same world and universe but you play as the bad guys this time so you can play as monster or demon races and it would give the game a great opportunity to create an alternate history and revamp the engine


There wouldn’t be a point. WOW has almost 2 decades worth of content and expansions. Any sequel would be crushed immediacy by the sheer scale of the game. Dragon flight was a sign that wow can modernize many of its mechanics and still appeal to its community and that’s what the team should be prioritizing at the moment considering it’s still ridiculous knowing years after release that turning still isn’t a movement option


there isn't a point to making expansions to the aging game to begin with. the game peaked with wrath and has been downhill ever since, with occasional good moments like mists and legion which had appeal mainly because it was more like an arcade game than an RPG


Eh idk anymore. I felt the same way but after re reading the story of warlords of Draenor and seeing both casual and hardcore perspectives on wow I think the game(well at least up until dragon flight launched) had way more issues with being too much of an rpg than anything. By that I mean the amount of progression systems and features overriding any interesting zones, levels and campaigns post WOTLK expansions offered with BFA for a lot of people being the last straw of this.

recently blizzard cut back on most of those mechanics and did something similar with d4. I wonder how their design philosophy for later content and games is gonna change because of this


This actually plays really well and the movement is fast paced enough to allow for cool plays without being so overly jumpy you get a slide spam fest like in mw19. What a pleasant game and I’m interested to see where the team goes with this….

Also it would be pretty funny if this ends up hampering activisions success with cod considering the circumstances for how this game came out
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A lot of games from major studios have been generally way more colourful. Fc6, re4s remake, elden ring looks like x defiant isn’t different

It used to be common for major games to have filters for their colour pallet I’m not sure what changed and I’m not sure how to feel about it


I am not talking about the abundance of color, which I actually welcome, but the lack of coherent art direction. The character designs barely make any sense, and even if it is just customization options being shown I would say that they are pretty atrocious. Even the more-or-less serious looking girl on the middle-right suffers from a mild case of Bloodpouch syndrome. Still, at least it is not the generic tacticool operator #6912 type of deal that R6S and CS:GO have going on, I give them that.


It wouldn’t look as weird if the art style was completely different man. But if it had better lighting and colour theory attached to set pieces it would also look a lot more boring. Personally I’m fine with it because players are gonna ruin the aesthetic with skins anyways


Looking at gameplay of this and I'm not seeing anything I wouldn't already get out of playing CoD. It's the same pit all these Halo/WoW/CoD "killers" fall into.


of course they are doing the corporate cartoonish futurism/cyberpunk
you know what would be funny? a AAA fps with obese /k/ommandos and schizophrenic domestic terrorists. now that would be an aesthetic

 No.24995[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I’m going through the effort to do something I never thought I’d do and it’s patching out all the broken and busted shit you’d find in a TES game. I mean specifically the meta

I am
>patching out all the health magicka and stamina offsets that make certain enemies unkillable without exploits and magic
>patching enemy stats so they scales with the players armoury and not their level as the player progresses through the game
>patching out projectile speeds and magic damage so that projectiles are easier to dodge and armour rating matters to the effects of how much damage magic will deal to you than getting one shotted by level one NPCs spamming ice bolts
>patching out the effects of all hidden damage multipliers ingame the player can’t use(I actually finished this)
>patching out nondedicated attacks so the player can dodge out of certain attacks
>patching out attack speeds for certain enemies like ogres whom barely have any recovery on their attacks
>and rebalancing the inventories, and appearance of enemy tiers so they aren’t just copycats with a slightly different name
>and patching out everything else like health regeneration, stacked effects, potion scarcity, etc

Wish me luck because I’m gonna be fucking exhausted after all these patches but satisfied knowing I’ll finally force this game to be more than a chaotic mess of an rpg but a playable boring rpg with a simple meta anyone new can easily work and have fun with :)
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thats not what I meant but okay, I guess this is slightly less wrong?

if I was you I'd do some scripting to just make something akin to TES Morrowind or Oblivion's class system, and if you don't make magic your specialization then you have vastly reduced magica regen, by like 50 or 75 percent or something.


I’ll see what’s doable


>Also this is correct, Bretons are like 1/14th High Elf
It is not. Direnni are not "High Elves", they're an Aldmeri clan.

>Foresworn are like Bretons without the mixed elvish heritage

They're an alliance of Nedic people, those of Eastern Skyrim ("Reachmen", so called for the area). Breton "were" Nedes.

>even they delve heavily into magic endeavors

As any other culture on Tamriel (if not all of Nirn).
Come to think of it: the Talos Empire has the third most extensive magical society in all of Tamrielic history (after the Altmer and the Dunmer, and that last one is debatable). Why don't Cyrodilics start with a magicka bonus (especially the Nibenesse)?


alright genuinely the last balance patch. I did manage to make a perk for magicka regen but just scrapped it after realizing that it does absolutely nothing to curb power creep since you can have it on top of everything else, So i defaulted back on the original idea of making regen a trait for race selection but this time for high elves thanks to a suggestion from a user in this thread. As for minor tweaks theres nothing i could decide needed to be changed since the game was essentially balanced to the point where i could run any build at any level in any area and not experience serious issues with progressing anymore. thank you all for supporting me and as I have managed to create an experience with a TES game that doesn't feel foundationally unbalanced.


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This was sure a nice experiment. I do not think the result is exactly my cup of tea because I mostly play with a modpack based on the "A Dragonborn's Fate" list, but I think I might try doing a semi-vanilla run with it sometime to see how it actually plays out.


Seriously the writers for the game could’ve given her way better circumstances for killing Joel. Like literally at the start of the game she has legitimate reasons to not shoot the guy considering he saved her life like several times which only partially erodes any inclination to kill along with the fact that upon meeting him she could’ve also just talked to him to understand wtf happened and decided to kill him based on Joel’s response or simply just leave which would make way more sense considering how violent both characters were in nature.

Like fuck I couldn’t be the only one to think how fucking idiot it is knowing the writers wanted players to sympathize with Abby and her reasons for killing Joel despite literally having their first experience with Abby be her having reasons not to kill joel
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I'm not like a fan of these games at all but uh… at the end of the first game wasn't the guy Joel killed some nutjob who was killing the only people who were immune to the infection? Like do you think maybe you could research these people using any other methods that don't kill them and deprive you of the evidence you need to make a cure?

The way they killed him in game 2 kind of just seems like a/the writer had a bone to pick with the first game for some weird personal reason. Almost like when some teenager writes a fanfic and they pair up the characters they are shipping, but first the romantic rival dies a graphic and gratuitous death… I kind of see the point they supposedly were making but it feels pretty obscured by "LOOK AT MY OC VILLAIN CHARACTER SHE'S SO COOL AND EDGY"


Pretty sure Abby’s father(the guy you’re referring to as the nut job) we’re trying to find other means of ensuring the livelihoods of the immune patients. Yes most subjects being tested on did die during the process but at the time most of the fireflies also had conjectures in favour that as development continue a prototype or even a full vaccine could be created from a successful client.

Despite all of this you can actually blame the entire ordeal on the woman in the pic. Mainly because she didn’t bother clarifying the deaths occurring or even asking Ellie about how she felt about the situation, neither did she do this for joel. As a result of poor communication a lot of people died in the finale


>the writers wanted players to sympathize with Abby and her reasons for killing Joel
No, the writers just want you to experience her story and maybe sympathise a little with her general life. The true objective of the game is to show how Ellie becomes a monster that ultimately redeems herself but too late, so he loses everything.


yeah you fucking retard the main point of the game is how vain and destructive "revenge" is.
that is also why Ellie doesn't kill Abby. The game isn't about revenge, or revenge bad. The game is about the consequences of taking revenge. play the fucking game


I dunno I think revenge is justified against the guy responsible for dooming the world by killing all the people trying to find a cure for the thing that fucked up the entire planet all because he can't cope with loss.jpg


>3rd person bodycams
>locomotion based animations
>procedural animations based off the above parameters
>active ragdolls physics for enemy’s upon being collision with objects having a lot of momentum
>diegetic user interfaces seen in games like far cry 2 and dead space
>dynamic and minimalistic 2d user interfaces for accessibility
>destruction physics for randomly placed objects and infrastructure
>enemies/allies as factionized NPCs players had the option to side with seen in classical rpgs to today
>interaction animations seen in games like rdr2 and again far cry 2
>water physics
>LOD’s for rendering at high distances
>volumetric clouds over skyboxes
>dynamic foliage(grass and plants that fold and burn, trees that break or bend in response to winds)
>weather systems

Keep adding to this list
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Lightswitches, urinals, pissing off passerbys


Hook this shit up to toribash


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LOD is kind of a weird inclusion sure but on that one, Breath of the Wild (and some other games) take LOD to its logical conclusion by using flat texture representations called "impostors" for very distant objects. This lets you render far LODs with as few as 1 polygon each and with very small texture files.


The future of animation will probably be using AI to train your models to animate and then "rendering" those animations into a "baked" version that the game actually uses. Not unlike how they used to do with baked-in lighting before we had the tech to run dynamic lights on the fly.


>interaction animations seen in games like rdr2 and again far cry 2
This varies from context to context. As a player you interact with game by clicking a button, then having to wait for your character to carry out an animation you have no input in can take you out if it.


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the shit i gotta listen to on this goddamn board……… .. .. . . . … .


I was playing fallout 3 with most of the ui disabled then I played wow in similar conditions and then went back to far cry 2 and came to the conclusion that having a minimalistic ui doesn’t necessarily mean that a game is minimalistic in nature. Why I feel like that’s wrong is because it can end up harming how fun(at least for casual gamers like me) games can be

Minimalistic UIs are preferred because of two reasons, they keep the players screen generally clear of distractions and show information that’s relevant but with diegetic UIs they take a step further by integrating elements of the UI directly into gameplay. I find the minimalistic approach is bad for games coming in the future because it doesn’t fix one problem, how complicated a games systems are. In far cry 2 there’s barely a UI because the game fundamentally isn’t complex in nature and that means the developers can use the games base mechanics to their fullest to create a memorable experience. A minimalistic UI wouldn’t work for a game like world of Warcraft(or just any mmo really) because there’s so many systems interacting with one another all at once with little responsiveness from the game world to tell the player what’s happening especially in moments where such responsiveness would be fervent. Because of this it’s easy to find yourself in constant need of several tabs onscreen at all times and as a result the gameplay of world of Warcraft just isn’t as deep gameplay wise as you’d find in games that came after it.

In my opinion it’s great that games like the last of us, rdr2 and the Callisto protocol have done more to ensure games become more responsive to the players actions. I hope as time passes a greater transition to diegetic UI and minimalistic game design will be found among major studios and also the possibilities of games without UIs can come with it for a much more immersive and in depth experience for gamers like me

That’s all thank you for reading
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You can't get more diegetic than pushing a button to have Academy Award winner Adrian Brody tell you how many bullets you have left.


There’s actually a lot of diegetic games based off movies or are designed to feel like movies now that I’m thinking about it


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I liked how the first Half-Life did its HUD. It is justified by the game's lore as the HEV suit's helmet display and is very minimal with just semi-transparent health, armor and ammo counters aside from warning symbols that appear over the health counter when you travel through hazards, damage indicators and flashlight status icon.


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Is it cheating if the character has advanced armor with a helmet that gives them an actual HUD?


This was a really clever way of making a single level easy to navigate for players not just because of how immersive it is but it’s not out of place lore wise too

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What are the issues that make their games end up so glaringly flawed? Is it Todd Howard sniffing his own farts too much, shitty workplace practices, general lack of competence among the staff and/or their parent Zenimax corporation's meddling? Or maybe it is something else?
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Flawed in what way? They set out to make casual action adventure games focused on exploring interesting, isolated set pieces in the form of dungeons and in that regard I'd say they do fantastically well. Trying to see them as anything more than that will lead to disappointment, as story elements will always be secondary to their primary design. If anything their flaws come from tacking on the vestiges of an experience and leveling system where it no longer fits. Perks and abilities should be bought from trainers or obtained as a reward from quests and exploration, rather than arbitrarily locking them behind character level and causing some playstyles (like mage) to be perpetually perk-starved and forcing every player to spend levels getting the same perks no matter the build (like with crafting).


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I play Oblivion with a mod called Ultimate Leveling that overhauls the XP system to revolve less around skill usage and other kind of grind and more around exploration, defeating enemies and completing quests and I got to say it indeed made the game play more smoothly than usual. Every level-up I can invest into pretty much any skill or attribute I want without having to change my equipment, grind magic or meticulously calculate the optimal level up scheme so that my attribute gains do not get gimped.


A lot of fallout 3 and new Vegas fans that have never touched 2d fallout in their lives and morroboomers have a tendency to not realize this and get mad over anything bethesda does while ignoring the fact that earlier titles did the same things and thrived with them similar to how fallout 4 and Skyrim thrive on their design today. Personally I’m just glad bethesdas still consistently working on and releasing original games both small and large considering how rare that is for a major studio outside of blizzard.

Like fuck activision is dry on anything not cod related, Ubisoft kind of stopped making anything after fc6 and legion due to the management issues related to skull and bones. EA right now is making one single player sequel with respawn. 343 just fucking killed halo and aren’t releasing anything. The only major studio(well more like AA) still cranking out small and large IPs are digital extremes, devolves digital and obsidian


Capcom is still making good AAA projects.


Its very simple OP, the reason is crunch and shitty labor practices


Huh would you look at that
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It’s not the speed that’s the issue all fighting games are naturally fast paced at a high level it’s the VFx. I complained about this a while ago but generally speaking the VFx in this game when compared to games like smash, Brawlhalla, and fraymakers is overdone to the point where it’s hard to figure out what’s going on especially in duos


a lot of 2d fighters have a ton of screen clutter


Most of that clutter is easy to ignore. Smash in the standard configuration would be hard to follow even if it had abstract minimal graphics because you would need to have six independently moving eyeballs for that.


Wha tha


TLDR multiversus launched with less legends, maps, worse physics, less map diversity, gamemodes and a missing campaign
Game flopped shortly after its launch because of that and also server stability issues

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 No.25500[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Isn't this lazy? Titties and ass with no face. Will the game have good gameplay and story to compensate?
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Bros, it's so fucking over


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oh god this is so cringe


The heart is still red.


i dont like this


Did y'all get fucking baited by one Ukrainian shitpost?

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