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Hi, My name is Zachary Zacharias, and I am the zookeeper at the zoo here in Goron City, and I'm here today participating in the fundraiser. Our zoo is greatly in need of some additional resources to help house and feed the animals, and continue to provide a wonderful opportunity for the children in the city of Goron. To help me here today, I've brought one of our animals with me. This is Tommy Turtle, from the zoo. Tommy is one of the outstanding attractions that many children come to see here. Obviously, they feed Tommy, you can see how large he is. He is far beyond the size of an ordinary turtle. In spite of the fact that he seems well fed, most of our animals are not, and we do need addition help buying food and helping to shelter the animals. So I'd ask you, please, if you're here in Goron City, just stop by the zoo, say hello to Tommy and some of our other fine animals, and we'd appreciate very much a donation to help us keep the zoo going. Thank you!






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For anyone who's played it…How many parents can you murder right in front of their children? I really need to know, realism is a big thing for me in games like these…


I don't think there's an option to rape little girls in it and then get aquitted, 0/10

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The game in some ways does feel like d2 or even like d1 in some moments. What matters for diablo, well really for blizzard in general, is a shift away from power creep and convoluted rpg progression.

Bethesda did this with oblivion and Skyrim and now blizzard is doing this with dragonflies reduced level cap and diablo 4s progression and combat mechanics. Things like 100+ level caps, damage in the millions being seen casually in endgame content for either games listed, enemy spam, and more are visibly gaining attention from the studio as legitimate problems to these games and I'm hopeful for where they go. Personally I hope they fix the awful crafting and profession system of wow to make gold a primary resource for crafting materials and just scrap professions all together since even hardcore players barely understand their purpose
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This genre always made me feel like a stick in the mud. I just get bored after a couple several hours of holding right-click to watch hordes of enemies die.


That's how I felt about Skyrim, poe, d2 and Morrowind

This is a symptom of the verticle progression tied to many rpgs especially hack and slash titles. You get boring combat with increasingly meaningless stats as the game progresses. Most normal games especially fps titles like far cry 2, hl2, ori, Rayman legends, rain world and many more have far more interesting gameplay because verticle sxaling is toned down to a level that the developers can focus on other aspects of gameplau


>monsters scale to your level

what a heap of fucking garbage


it just werks :^)


I was just about to comment something similar on Bethesdas garnage approach to dealing with power creep in their RPGs ahaha


I can’t get over these games years after release they’re just really that well put together. Nearly every single action of these games is animated and with a noticeable amount of detail.

These animations can include limb specific hit reactions when an npc gets burnt in a specific section of their body, transitions from gameplay to cutscenes being seem less, weapon upgrades, looting animations, or simply just having NPCs and the player have their foot properly match up to the terrain they’re standing on the list of small details that build up to provide a super immersive experience for the player just goes on and on. It’s so so easy to pass by these qualities when you’re used to playing games made with this much love. Oh man I really truly do hope the technology that goes into engines like euphoria physics, or proprietary or even just the things both studios have made with havoc directly become more available for smaller studios. These games show a better direction for games overall and what they can be
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My juicy tushy. Temperature calculations are expensive. That's why all these games run like piss. I bet they use a (terrible) inhouse compiler too.


we need to store the temperature data for our open world map in a single, un-chunked bitmap file that uses red to map the high, blue to map the low, and green to map how rapidly it changes


Jokes aside it's still pretty incredible knowing that even at the highest stage of capitalist development in gaming, AAA publishers and developers still hold each other to a standard to push for the most advancements in gaming tech from time to time even if it creates zero profits or details anyone is gonna care about


Jenkins, promote this man!


Read Dead 2 as an alpha test for a Sword Art Online style full dive VR world that the government is developing and they need it to be realistic like having horse balls shrink or people would find out its VR. NPCs are so believable because they are actually brainwashed prisoners who are killed IRL if they die in the game. SCREENCAP THIS.


This is E3. You know it. You love it. Come and get your slop, gamers.
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what's it like being massively gay


its just fucking commom sense, im not wasting my time watching some white dude's video about some failed video games event. stop watching trash



i am gay, what does it have to do with trash youtubers?


I'm also gay

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/games/ does anyone want to start an online tabletop RPG group with other anons? what games would you want to play? What games would you want to run?


I think that would be fun, I am too lazy to DM it tho. I vote for something scifi or modern (preferably with furries)


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Eclipse Phase might be a good idea then. By default there are some pre-written animal-like character morphs like Takko (uplifted octopi) and Pigmorphs, but nothing prevents you from writing your own homebrew morphs and playing as them.


Sure why not. Sounds good.


So when we playing son?? Maybe try post in the matrix chats/siberia for more exposure



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Is it possible for this type of game to have a good playerbase? The concept is amazing but it has possibly the worst online community I’ve seen in a game. I just want a comfy co-op space outpost autism simulator without dealing with uncreative griefers or admin abuse.

Goonstation was the closest thing to this back I the glory days


Not nowadays, half the people who play this kind of game are addicted to gmod trolling videos where grown men bully little kids


because they're funny, fuckin nerd


Nah, the best gmod trolling videos are the ones that go on "Nazi dark rp" servers and gets banned

But yeah, some ss13 servers (the strict ones) are fine but the rest are edgy trash


for online autism milsims are your best option


AI will be good for games, actually.

It will allow games like Morrowind to have fully voiced characters without needing to have either the hours put into voicing or the many audio files. Voice work will no longer consist of doing hours and hours of reading lines. It will instead consist of creating a distinct voice characterization with the most important lines and for the AI to read the rest (including procedurally generated ones). That is good news for voice actors because it will make it easier to voice characters, especially the more demanding ones. The actor will only need to read a small percentage of lines where the character screams and shouts for example, and the AI voice model will be able to use that for a wide variety of lines in the game. Since voiced characters has become standard (and creates bottlenecks with games like Skyrim), meaning that with similar amounts of effort from actors, there can be much more content in the game. If you combine that with chatbot-like systems to flesh out the dialogue, it means the writers can create more content with the same effort. It will allow much bigger and richer games with a much more efficient use of people's labor.

The same will also apply to all other assets once dynamic generation is good enough. There will be better dynamic models and textures, lighting systems, etc.
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>bidibidibidi, animalese or espeak can do just fine.
It's not at all the same as actually reading the line, especially for accessibility purposes.
>that many sevenfold playtesting to see if the AI fucked up the line
People are going to be playtesting those parts anyway, including to ensure the dialogue system works. Just another thing to make note of and doesn't require special testing since that system is relatively isolated from the rest of the game. The AI fucking up a line is a minor bug at worst, too. Where you'd have problems with procedural AI generation is things that affect other game mechanics, like dynamic level design making sense or meshes matching hitboxes.


AI tts is already doing a much better job than basic tts, try using one. Plus VA requires many hours of paying money, recording, editing, fitting it in, and repeating this a couple of times.


Lol no plenty of vas get paid barely anything

What matters is the quality of voice acting and if it even works to communicate the emotions wanted by the game developer or studio, something that requires so much to time and planning that you might as well hire an ordinary va anyways to do due to the consistency and diversity of results possible

Maybe ai in this recieves enough funding that it's valorized to the point where it can be conventionally used along with real actors but for now it's gonna remain a, although very powerful tool for modders


>you might as well hire an ordinary va anyways to do due to the consistency and diversity of results possible
Like I said you would still want actual actors to build the model for a character and to do the most important lines, but you could extend the character beyond what is reasonable to have an actor perform. Especially for the parts that matter the least and that you'd want to avoid repeating. Any amount of audio you record is finite, but if you are having the AI do the voice in real time can be reading newly generated lines. You could record 10 greetings and 10 farewells and then have the AI improvise 100 more if the player keeps talking to the same character so you don't keep hearing repeats. You could even have it adjust the lines when they have to be repeated so it doesn't sound too samey.

>Maybe ai in this recieves enough funding that it's valorized to the point where it can be conventionally used along with real actors but for now it's gonna remain a, although very powerful tool for modders

Considering that people accept solutions that don't really sound like speech at all, extremely compressed audio, or a mix of voiced and non-voiced lines it's probably a pretty low threshold to acceptance. If anything bigger games would have more use for it, to create more content on less budget. Games like GTA for example are extremely expensive, and you could save a lot of time and money if you can flesh out the dialogue (especially the random, least important parts) you can get a lot more bang for your buck.


Didn't you hear that it is possible to set different intonations for different parts of sentences now?

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Once you find out that the same people own both the grading houses, and the auction houses, it all just clicks into place.
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hard to believe things are actually worse now than they were then


In that case they are making a future investment. By collecting the product and keeping it in mint condition, they, or their of spring, can sell it for gangbusters. That's the real reason people were collecting stamps (aside from the hobby factor).
It's a very bourgeois mindset.


This relies on other dipshits valuing the product enough to buy it later though.


the irony is that they will

1) never reproduce
2) hand off a bunch of crap that will be worthless when they die and is only inflated right now to capture idiots like them

its a ponzi scheme


Oh totally, but look at NFTs. That really exposed how many dumb cunts have way too much money.


What are the geopolitical implications of elite gamers from China, France, and America competing for the fastest Only Up! speedrun?

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