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I was thinking about how these games approached violence and just came to the following conclusions on what these games had to say about it.

Violence is multifarious.
Violence is expensive.
The disposition of someone may not necessarily be directly tied to how violent they’re within a given period of time nor how much they’ve suffered.

>violence is multifarious

I think tlou2 and to a lesser extent hotline Miami 2 do a the best at expressing this idea. Throughout tlou2 you play as both Ellie and Abby and how each character kills is influenced by how much they view their targets. Generally these games take a realistic approach to how humans rationalize violence towards one another by using factionalism as a tool the protagonist’s use to justify their actions. You see it all the time, the WLF vs the fanatic seraphites(whom were not initially violent lore wise oddly enough without the WLFs influence), how the residents of Jackson justify the killing of WF soldiers under the guise that they’re harming their communities despite only one group, a group consisting mostly of fireflies actually causing real damage to Ellie and her friends. With the infected they’re always the prime targets no matter what, NPCs, the characters and sometimes even other infected recognize that they’re creatures with convulsive motion, easily and desperate to infect anything and anyone near them and likewise no one feels any remorse for killing them despite some also being aware of how much pain victims of the fungi go through and how you can observe them ingame showing sadness over their inability to control their actions. In hotline Miami factionalism again plays a role in the justification behind the mass deaths seen in game with the Russian mafias tenacity to maintain their control over the drug distribution in Florida up until jacket comes into play without knowledge of what he’s doing to the country he shows so much love for. These games through how violence is setup and how the reasons for it are explored show to the player that how people kill and why people killed shares a direct relationship to how much people are willing to distance themselves emotionally to their targets. It’s quite powerful for the tlou2 to show every npc including seraphites will beg for mercy for themselves or loved ones only when they became vulnerable to one another’s violence as a guaranteed outcome of every encounter


>violence is expensive
Very rarely does violence on a mass scale come with benevolent intentions within these titles and throughout far cry 2
<and I mean far cry 2 I wrote 3 as a typo
and hotline Miami you can see how many resources are used up just to get by and commit these Far cry 2s gameplay is as violent as it is exhausting, sprinting is a limited action, ammo on higher difficulties is scarce enough that you’ll frequently run out, guns break in the middle of combat or jam before you can kill anything, you’ll frequently die either from gunfire or from disease all just to take down one man. In between these sessions of killing the player has opportunities to save themselves by gaining medicine through protecting refugees, taking moments to be with their companions in safe houses and ceasefire zones away from conflict. thus the developers showcase how much commitment is involved in making violent decisions through the level of adversity the player endured through the core elements of gameplay and show how many opportunities for peace are formed through this level of commitment by refugee interactions, so much so that by taking the chance to free refugees instead of trying to continue fighting against either ingame faction for their behaviours the player character is granted a new opportunity to start over in life and has granted thousands a chance to see peace.

Hotline Miami does this in a similar fashion. The fast paced action and equally paced deaths can lead to intense gameplay that may leave players feeling more exhausted than satisfied once a level is complete. Watching companions die for each playable character in the two games and recognizing when opportunity’s they had to start anew we’re stripped for seeking peace at the wrong time and wrong places wether it be the thug that was murdered by the fans, the biker whom failed to stop the bombs or jacket for failing to protect his lover can showcase an opposite view that far cry 2 did. Showing how violence isn’t just commital to one’s life as an action but a part of life that has to be addressed a with a level of responsibility lest it takes control over one’s life in ways they wouldn’t want.


>the disposition of an individual isn’t tied to their violent tendencies
Thanks to the massive effort by naughty dog and debating towards storytelling this idea is explored through to such detail I couldn’t explain all this in a conventional amount of time in this post. But I’ll do what I can.

Hotline Miami 1 tells us a lot about this concept just off with jacket. The man kills not because he’s loved anyone, or because his life is in any immediate danger(hitherto when the calls start arriving). Simply he calls out of patriotism for the USA and seeks to channel his passion for the country through the often brutal murders of whatever his advisors consider to be enemies, communists, Russians, maybe even troops outside of the countries listed at any point would be included. You can see this aspect of him clearly through how during the murder of a homeless man next to one of his missions he shows visible disgust unable to rationalize his actions or use factionalism as a tool to justify his frustration. His disposition doesn’t change ingame until his girlfriend is seen dead upon rejecting a call, changing his character between each mission to reject violence and his patriotism for the USA as time passes only seeking to be reunited with those who were once with him like beard and isolation away from murder. Ultimately this never happens and by the end he finds little meaning in life once the mafias completely stopped and soon lands himself in prison with little motivation to free himself or find any reason to seek solace in what he’s done.

For the case of Ellie we see a separate scenario where her character was already predisposed to violence. Ellie is a violent person, an aspect of her existing as a sign of her upbringing, in the beginning she would kill and would kill frequently people and infected alike for any reason. In the sequel this aspect of her only amplified her problems and more time is spent acknowledging and exploring how she copes with this as time passes. At the start of part 2 and the entirety of part 1 she openly celebrates violence, complimenting her loved ones for their abilities in killing and her own, but by the murder of Nora she changes. Her passion for killing manifests into an endeavour for tranquility of the situation she was in upon realization of why Joel had conflPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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anyone playing marvel snap?
i love this guy's design

shame it's money hungry as usual and no friends feature or i would add you guys
still in early beta, so idk

fucked up how like this and multiversus, they use it to fund now
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This is my deck
Looking to replace Blue Marvel with some other fun ongoing card


cerebro is a communist card

>gives every card +2 power if they're the same power





i call this the proletariat


>Start using electro ramp deck
>Sandman gets nerfed a day later


Apparently during the development of games like half life 2, gta 4, far cry 2, la noire, the last of us 1 and 2, halo, well this list can keep going for games that pushed the technological limits of the tools available for developers to use and gamers to experience the teams behind them had one universal goal. Connect the player to the game world as much as possible. The reason for this was simplistic, by having games be generally more immersive and responsive to the players actions said players could directly play test new features developers implemented and help the studios they worked at understand what to do with the technologies available and produce the games that are made today.

This is why the UI and environment art for so many old games is noticeably minimalistic and for the case of UIs it was almost nonexistent compared to the constant tags and indicators seen on todays screens. Or why the physics were much more detailed before clashes would game designers would have them removed due to interrupting the handling of a game. Or even why developers stopped prioritizing adding a lot of detail to games upon realization that most players would never actually play long enough to see them. Pretty interesting


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The new zeldas also follow this mindset


Nah the only thing technologically new about the zelda titles on switch is the physics ported from pc games. Just cause did a lot more physics wise to create an interesting open world environment


>Or even why developers stopped prioritizing adding a lot of detail to games upon realization that most players would never actually play long enough to see them.
It really bugs me every time I beat a game on steam and see that less than 10%-20% of players got the achievement. Goes down to below 1% for most games above normal difficulty. It really seems like all that work is going to waste.


Believe me man. Most developers are aware that most of their players rarely ever finish their games. The ones that know what they’re doing provide veterans with NG+ content and appeal to them the most often since they’re the most likely to buy micro transactions and extra content wether that’s an expansion or new game entirely. It’s not that different with how most alcohol companies get most of their money off alcoholics or why blizzard had so much of WOWs content be dedicated to endgame shit only to then make levels buyable


Thanks to this lovely presentation from naughty dog I found their tech interesting and it explained a lot about how their present day releases function so well when it comes to realistic animation.

To summarize the most important sections of the video the developers at naughty dog animate rigid bodies by first giving characters like Joel, or Nathan real ragdolls that simulate human behaviour as closely as possible, and then have certain collisions of those ragdolls stay active while keyframed animations play. For animations that are used to transition between other animations ragdolls are only active in the instance that the animation itself has an event requiring one. What ends up happening are the characters of naughty dog titles having natural looking motion and playing these games communicate a sense of weight to the player because that weight is real in the game world than doing what most developers do by not giving the players avatar physics but random objects and vehicles. It’s beautiful how many emergent details come up because of this, Nathan and Sam will bounce in response to ruff terrain while driving, NPCs slump over but don’t twist in weird ways when shot at, while climbing certain objects Nathan will move said objects along with his own body, the list goes on and I wish more developers had the time to implement and appreciate and implement such details in their own games.
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ragdoll physics can be done well, as seen by f.e.a.r. I would even argue that ragdolls physics are superior if done well, as SEEN BY F.E.A.R


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"realistic movement" is what is killing modern games. this focus on realism is crippling artistic creativity and shows that modern audiences have less suspension of disbelieve. it's not fun to have to turn left then wait for your legs to pass a bill. thankfully this trend is starting to show it's age with games like callisto protocol


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>"realistic movement" is what is killing modern games.
You could extend this to all 3D animation, which generally disregards the animation principles devveloped for 2D. You're never going to 1:1 match reality without some crazy Avatar budget (maybe not even then) so you should lean into the style and exaggerate movement to help sell it. It probably wouldn't even be that hard to implement, if you animate based on key poses you can interpolate between them using different functions according to how you want the movement to look.

There's already standard "fade in" and "fade out" styles of motion tweening but you could significantly advance this by just adding in some variables and allowing for numbers beyond the range between one pose and the next. Pic related, some motion tween curves using classic animation principles. At least they could do a first pass this way to get more traditionally animated movements before adjusting and doing secondary animations (or use soft body simulation for it in video games).


everyone wants to be the next nostalgia critic and has their brains reddit-wired to demand realism and be on the lookout for "plot holes"


Honestly I prefer realistic and grounded gameplay. I’m at a point with games that I just need them to be quiet and slow enough in terms of the pacing and excitement in them that I have space to relax and play however I want in a setting where the mechanics don’t feel completely out of place

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Naturally all of their critiques basically amount to "I can't be a confederate revanchist and hate crime former slaves and natives".
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To be honest there is a fair point being made behind the usual /pol/ bullshit that supposedly morally flawed characters in recent dramatic fiction are just mildly more rulebreaking self-inserts that allow liberals to vicariously live out fantasies of getting in fights with and beating anyone they consider problematic. Having characters in historical settings always defend movements and ideas that would not have had majority support in their time is dumb and even progressive types have questioned the trope on occassion.


As long as its not as egregious as the fucking Wolfenstein games.


I dunno, I feel like in the case of RDR2 specifically, I don't think the game would be enjoyable if you just got put in the shoes of the average nazi american thirsty for black and native blood.


Why would I want to play a game where I play as some evil shitbag. There were people that disagreed with the prevailing morality even in the olden days you know.


>vicariously live out fantasies of getting in fights with and beating anyone they consider problematic
That's the point of the game though. Arthur is intentionally written as that kind of guy. He's written to be the ideal anarchist, a dude who can believably live up to the fantasy of slaughtering KKK members by the dozen, but in the end, he dies and the gang falls apart.
The gang is the living embodiment of that kind of liberal vicariousness. They rebel against racism and inequality with uncoordinated violence, but never actually achieve anything. Dutch couches his ideology in American Dream-style libertarianism, which leads to him retreating into sophism once things start going bad. The whole game is a tragedy about how, in real life, the "beating anyone they consider problematic" guy is destined to be crushed by the forces of capital.
Does the game still serve to carry out that fantasy? Sure, but it still goes out of its way to give a lot of commentary about it.

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Wizards of the Coast sent Pinkertons to a youtuber's house because he made a video about promotional materials for Magic: The Gathering, which he received early probably due to a clerical error (happens all the time). Wizards is currently trying to cover up and censor any discussion of this, including on subreddits about their products that they control.

This comes not very long after Wizards tried to update an existing license for their Dungeons and Dragons products, which would effectively make any home-brew content published by the community retroactively the property of Wizards. They publicly backed down and claimed the new license was only an internal proposal (it was leaked by an employee), but this was almost certainly fake damage control because the controversy was causing them terrible PR just before the release of the Dungeons and Dragons movie which the community was threatening to boycott.

the youtuber discussing it:


crazy this happened the same week nintendo forced a hacker to pay 30% of his income to them for the rest of his life


Reminder the Pinkertons sued Rockstar for having RDR2 show them as the nasty pieces of shit slave catchers and murderers they are.

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 No.3291[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm making this thread here, because the other boards are practically dead. If a mod chooses to move it to /hobby/, that's cool, I just wanted some exposure on /leftypol/.

As you might now, chess played a large role in the Soviet Union. They outright dominated the game for decades and it was commonly played ever since the inception of the union.

I think chess does possess the potential to develop and train the strategic thinking skills of players, if they abstract from the game and attempt to apply it to the real world.

But it's also a fun game. Because of that I made a /leftypol/ club on chess.com, which is a great website with a nice UI and plenty of resources to learn and improve at chess. I've been using it for months now and got far better at chess and I even do the puzzles on it for fun every day. The way the website is designed makes learning chess and improving really, really easy. Making an account is free and would be quick. I know this sounded like an ad, lol.

So, I'm inviting you comrades to start learning chess or improve whatever skill level you are at and join the /leftypol/ chess club. We could play against each other. Perhaps even organize tournaments. I think it would be really cool if we could get something like this going and make it the community wide hobby. If only 3 people join that would be good enough honestly.

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Basically pic rel lel


Was chess the Monopoly of feudalism?


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<Chess variants are sometimes created and played in a particular subculture outside the chess community itself. Notable examples of such an origin include Tridimensional Chess, hailing from the world of Star Trek, and Gary Gygax's Dragonchess, an offspring of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing phenomenon. Enochian chess, an interesting variation on Chaturanga for Four Players, also has its origins in a particular subculture, in this case the world of Victorian occultists
Enochian chess, anyone?



Lichess has an interactive tutorial

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which is the most likely to help a person successfully evade a police chase by car:
-if this person played 1000 hours of a need for speed game with police chases;
-if this same person played 1000 hours of gran turismo;

which is the most likely to help a person successfully survive in the wild:
-the person played 1000 hours of minecraft;
-the person played 1000 hours of skyrim;


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>which is the most likely to help a person successfully evade a police chase by car:
Mario Kart.


>Which is most likely to help a person successfully survive in the wild:
The Forest because you going to run into cannibals at some point who are very hungry.

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or not?
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>satanic panic and literal nazis gathering together are the same thing


I don't see any evidence of that, unless you make the faulty assumption that "nobody would enjoy RPing as a Nazi unless they were actually a Nazi" which is just as stupid as "Someone playing Farming, Truck Driving, Power Washing etc..Sim either wants to or is capable of/training to do these behaviors as their occupation". Likewise any sort of "Anyone who RPs a cop in GTA Online RP servers, or even a dirty cop, must be in favor of police brutality in real life! Why you would ever take on such a role if you were not an evil person!" nonsense.

I don't want to list the particular server group here that I looked into the community (I am actually inclined to grab GMOD on sale just so I can see how it actually plays out in person and if it differs from what is on the community site) as I don't trust people here not to harass them, but I dont' see anything that suggests its serious "Actual Nazi or Cryptonazi losers", its a very comprehensive RP , including saboteur and resistance factions and a lot of civilian, commercial, and bureaucratic roles even on the Nazi side that are not the kind of thing the usual roles those who seriously support the ideology usually want to take on. You don't see a lot of hardcore Nazis chomping at the bit in order to make Gerhart Dummkopf, a mid level manager at a textiles factory stamping papers and ensuring boxes get loaded to take processed cloth to varying other fabrication plants or something.

Outside of either "Everyone who plays this is a real Nazi!" or "Well, real Nazis will eventually come play and like it therefore we can't have that" equally inaccurate and fallacious rationale, I don't see any reason to be upset about this conceptually

It is absolutely exactly the same thing. In both cases someone sees something "PROBLEMATIC AND DANGEROUS" from their perspective that people are having fun PRETENDING to do, and ascribes that either they either adhere to the same ideology in the real world already as who else would pretend to do something "BAD" or that it will be a "corrupting influence" leading them into actual BAD and we just can't take that chance! Everyone's fun must stop to PROTECT _ and after all something BAD really shouldn't be fun in thePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Well my only real exposure to these servers is from Gmod trolling videos, and it just looks like a bunch of teenage losers from that, I admit that's hardly a comprehensive look but still.


Ahh okay, yeah that's kind of a selection bias, its a bit like those pushing "lefties dont' know anything" agendas go and find the most obnoxious and ill informed person willing to get on camera at Occupy , or the /r/Antiwork disaster etc

I'm sure that there will be trolls and edgelords and kids who just wanted to play on a server they can dress up in Hugo Boss uniforms etc.. but that doesn't make it justified shutting it down, or eliminate those more mature RP servers with a higher threshold of interaction. Like most moral panics, people will find the most objectionable thing they can hope to push their viewpoint even if it isn't representative. Besides, if the worst thing on the server is a bunch of edgy kids that's no reason to make everyone else pay for it - at most its a moderation issue.


I feel conflicted because on the one hand I agree that people should be allowed to do most anything they want that isn't affecting others, but on the other hand… Nazis. Then again I play TNO so can I really criticise?


Mana systems are stupid and make magic in games feel common and uninteresting. Scroll systems as a requirement for spells make magic both scarce and feel both like a choice in games and rewarding to use
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Spell charges make magic feel way too "normal" though. Like you are just using a fancy gun.


I would say Julianos is more of a conduit and Magnus and the stars are the real source. Magicka itself is fading out of Aetherius because the holes in its fabric are closing, and if nothing cannot be done about it Magnus will likely remain the only source of magicka aside from the plane of Oblivion, which would leave Daedric magic as alternative.


Counter point: the magic system in final fantasy 15 is similar to scroll (making then based off of a item resource), and it was a massive failure.
Turns out restricting your ability to use the spells will just lead you to never use the system and thus use anything else like physical attacks.

A better idea is that magic has a downside.


I think using calories as ammo for magic could be interesting. Use it too much and you'll overheat.

In Arknights, using Arts can cause your oripathy (basically cancer but instead of cells it's crystals that can be used as a power source) to worsen. No mana system in it, just cool downs. But like canonically they gotta take meds to lessen the spread since no cure has been found yet. Doesn't effect gameplay tho.


>I think using calories as ammo for magic could be interesting. Use it too much and you'll overheat.
If you ever play Cataclysm: Bright Nights, there are actually magic mods that feed into that, you can get mutations that let you rapidly burn off calories for mana to use for spells. Especially since there is a survival angle to that game, it can make it an interesting tactical choice where you can burn resources for mind bullet daka but really have to scavenge to make up for the lost calories, or limit your magic to your body's natural regeneration and only use it in very limited bursts.

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