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Israel is not a "white supremacist" state, it is a JEWISH state. The overwhelming majority of Jews around the world support Zionism and the genocide of the Palestinian people. Most white people don't, especially outside the US. When Zionist genocide is committed in the name of the Jews, when Jews around the world overwhelmingly support it, when Jews are dramatically overrepresented in the western imperialist ruling class, why are so many "leftist" "anti-Zionists" terrified to even utter the "J word"?
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They are a small minority and most of them only care about making sure the antiZionist movement doesn't become "antisemitic" not actually about liberating Palestine


So I guess before the fall of apartheid there was no genocide colonization and oppression against Palestinians? Israel only became bad because a bunch of Afrikaners moved there in the 90s?


Israel is a Zionist state, which is more white than it is Jewish.


true tbh


Hmm, I guess there is a jewish ethnicity ( groups of people stayed and breed in the same place for a while ) alongside with the jewish religion, but since jewish religion is rather an ethno religion, people see it as 'racist' , but yes,
Cast down the idols, burn the temples, slay the orators!

>The overwhelming majority of Jews around the world support Zionism and the genocide of the Palestinian people.

I kinda wonder what would the islamic fundementalists do when they ever achieve power. I guess itz kill or be killed.


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This thread is for feedback, suggestions, complaints, questions etc. regarding leftybooru, the main image repository used by /leftypol/


Leftybooru FAQ and Rules:
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Tf is this spam


a bot got past the captcha. this has been removed.




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You forgot to delete this on the forum


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Fellas, y is dis habbening whenever i search something


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 No.941093[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>the very point of criticism they make about the DEI industry is that it is dominated by a commerical logic!
You're fundamentally missing the reactoid mentality here. They largely have nothing against commercial logic in itself, they're just mad that it doesn't cater to them. That's something you shouldd always bear in mind whenever you ssee a reactoid raging against an unjust world: they're always, without fail, complaining simply that the world is not unjust in their favor.


your pivoting to "these spaces" is wonderful. when asked to actually post on one yourself - one that was also demonstrated to be fairly reactionary on the Palestine question - you suddenly put your tail between your legs. still you won't make life easier for yourself: kiwifarms is one of "these spaces", but not one you can post on, but that doesn't mean that these spaces are a waste of time…

moreover that banal KiA post only "belongs here" because this board is in freefall and mostly full of idiots. "corporate social control measures" is a meaningless phrase and you'd be a total dupe to imagine it hints at the kernel of anything: far better rhetoric has come from much worse people.* the conversational tone of the post alone is disgusting: you're not talking to the Dr. Who showrunner, itsakon, you redditor faggot. don't smugly post like you're putting him down in person. don't post like this either: https://www.reddit.com/r/centrist/comments/1cayfi5/comment/l0xr6hm/ / https://www.reddit.com/r/centrist/comments/15lkqej/comment/jvb8mmh/
*"We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system!" - 1930s /leftypol/, hire this man!

more plainly: this >>1858546


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>But "consumer revolts" are not communist
Again I'm not claiming that they are. I'm simply saying what is obvious to anyone who visits these places: there criticisms they engage in are simply waiting to be shaped to attract more people such as yourself.

And again, you're making a cohesive generalized assertion in order to simply explain away the contradiction that is met between the actual existing reality and your own little view. You have not even understood the original point
>They largely have nothing against commercial logic in itself
This is obvious, but there is a latent assertion waiting to be made which simply unfurls the argument to them: if the DEI system is clearly a corporate cash-grab, then perhaps the very act of consumption is itself junk. This is, ironically, a position which was occurent on the video game board of 4chan from around 2010. Everyone was aware that the entire state of the 'hobby' had been ground down through a process of commercialization that they knew what they were consuming was essentially shit. There is a long dead picture, if you can find it let me know, which quite literally expresses this view: a cartoon of someone eating shit, getting upset and eventually screaming "let people enjoy things".

The culmination of the snap which lead to gamergate is arguably because quite literally everybody was aware of this situation. It was a fountain that had long been building, and part of the reaction was driven by a wave of grief with how companies were simply getting away with what was to them daylight robbery.

This image is from that era.


Can you imagine if the prevailing political view had not been one occupied by Stormfront, but simply one which expressed an anti-capitalist banner?

Again, I am not claiming that these groups are 'revolutionary'. I am simply claiming that in the present state of affairs, as with the reality one is subjected to when they engage in looking for work, or worst of all having found it, a kernel of truth emerges about the present social conditions.

Just bear that in mind the next time you call everyone who ever lived a reactionary.


>The culmination of the snap which lead to gamergate is arguably because quite literally everybody was aware of this situation. It was a fountain that had long been building, and part of the reaction was driven by a wave of grief with how companies were simply getting away with what was to them daylight robbery.

What's more, what happened then is happening now. These potential sentiments were obliterated by political commentators because it suited their narrative and with it their meal ticket to write fanfiction about the irrelevant media personalities involved and how they were heroes.


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It fits into ANY ideological lens:
Anarchism, Communism, Capitalism, Fascism - all isms it claims that that their doctrines somehow adhere to them.
There's liberation theology in Marxist / Marxist-Leninist/ Leninist circles, theres "christian anarchists" even "muslim anarchists" and "jewish" anarchists - (practicing judaism, not just jews by birth), lolberts (right libertarians / classical liberals) - the majority of which are christian although of course all abrahamic sects included, fascism (come on it should be self-explanatory in a few words DOLFUSS, FRANCO, EVROPA WHYTE CHRISTIAN PRIDE) and so on… AND SO ON! This is not limited to abrahamic religions. All pagans, all theists and all those spiritual fucking "tarot card readers" who claim that everything ever "mystical" is completely compatable and even adhering to ideological currents. They are all ideology shoppers. They claim that Jesus is a communist, a socialist, an anarchist, a fascist / monarchist (the latter IS TRUE!) , a libertarian ( in the rightlibshit sense) and in any narrative ever.

Those who claim that religion is compatible with "science" are the biggest pseuds and frauds to ever live. All religious have been a major setback to to the development of mankind. All abstract spiritual bullshit beliefs. They are all reactionary. What they will do is they will go in your niche techno-circles and convert people to live a traditional lifestyle. They will not have you convince other people that they must work on technology so you can all be immortal and well-off they will instead convince you or your buddies to pray and adopt a reactionary mindset in hopes of a life in "heaven" rather than a life on Earth. There are many examples of all religions, monotheist or polytheist alike being the biggest reactionary forces against development and against intellectuals.

The worst are the self-loathing who think that after thousands of years of religious hegemony on their idpol (Gay,Bi,Les whatever nonconforming) it is suddenly okay and always has been. It is ignoring that they would have been burned at stake a few hundread years ago or less, now going "OH ITS TOTALLY OKAY, JESUS ACCEPTS ME SO LONG AS I DONT HAVE SEX " or the closeted gay muslims who would rather accept that their parents arrange a straight marriage and repress their sexuality rather than reject their retarded filial piety and faith. It's all reformist garbage that seeks to make shit compatible when it's nPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Uncritical thinker…


>But what if my religion… is against other religions? Am I in the cool communist club now???


>le communism cult
You should add marx into the mix of those deities since everything seems to go back to worshipping him


I would rather worship a person that exists and has done good for humanity than an imaginary friend or a pedo prophet.


seems like a gloomy world you live in, especially with that flag


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 No.11615[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Noticed a lot people talking about Tolkien’s works and philosophy. So, I created a thread specifically dedicated for that and other things related to it, like the movies and games.
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I know this quote is sometimes misconstrued as criticism of Tolkien, rather than simply contrasting his own approach to fiction, but it still is ironic considering how much GRRM clearly doesnt care about making his world "historically realistic" (or doesnt know enough about history to make it so) and designed ASOIAF like an Age of Empires game, while Tolkien was a world-building autist who clearly put lot of thought into things like Gondors levy system.


Yeah IIRC when the GOT show hired a guy to make conlangs for Dothraki, High Valyrian, etc and asked GRRM for his notes he was just like "yeah the four or five words in the books are all I came up with." Like it's fine to not be on Tolkien's level with that, but it's kind of a major thing to think about if you aren't just hand-waving language altogether. Especially if you're then going to pretend you are doing more homework on the worldbuilding than the all time champ. GRRM also notoriously has little grasp of math and when he saw how what the Wall actually would look like at 700 feet tall and wide enough for a dozen horsemen to ride side by side along it he was like "oh wow that's a lot bigger than I thought lol."

GRRM's point is really more about the political realities though, so it's more fair to criticize over that, like how the realm managed to last for thousands of years despite the irregular winters periodically causing mass famines.


Does the winter only affect Westeros? Like no one else really seems that concerned about it. With their stupid culture it seems like all it would take is a sufficiently long cold snap to wipe out the dothraki.


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Yeah it seems to be exclusive to Westeros, but part of that may be that a lot of the continent is just in a more northern latitude.


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 No.805130[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

🗽United States Politics🦅

Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism
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>video starts
>painfully white woman lecturing asian woman and black man saying they're offending her by saying slavery has an economic basis

>capitalist team

>the Tai Lopez (I'm just here in my garaaaaaage)
>TPUSA looking girlboss with lip fillers
>bill gates looking white guy who immediately starts throwing out stats and acronyms
>they're all wearing business casual lol

>communist team

>an asian e-girl who says communism will pay streamers the same as software developers
>a 1st gen citizen born to Congolese immigrants who says communism = patriotism
>a white guy in a backwards baseball cap who "quotes" Marx and Engels saying communism = productive forces

This seems like it was designed to make the entire argument as dumb and cringe as possible.


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Imagine rebound-voting for a clown like Milei. Expecting that, if nothing else, there is no fucking way this zany, over the top character will be the fucking same as the conservative/socdem liberal turn taking government that has given you all these grievances…

Then the mask falls half off Milei's character and he's just a neoliberal wrecker with a thin coat of ancap jargon and *only* more inclined to radical change because he's more beholden to foreign interests than the local corruptele.

A common thing that happens, as you say, is the incredible belief that despite the wild turns of the culture war and the fantastic tales of the political theater… at the end of the day, the parties will have to reckon with each other and never ever EVER EVER unilaterally define policy in some radical new direction.

And it is true, because it's all fucking fake obviously. Things go where the uniparty and the deep state steer, as directed by capital. I just find it ironic that this myth of the radical liberal politics of the imperial core is ironically fueled by the things they see in the periphery,(almost) never at home.


>I never went to block parties, nor did most kids I know, that was for a small minority of popular and/or rich kids

nah i lived in poorer part of the city and there were a few big block parties every summer


Mercedes-Benz workers in Alabama vote against unionizing in blow to big UAW push

Another EV Factory Has Unionized Boosting Labor’s Push In US South


The fuck is this autism?


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A lot of people think 4chan is the last bastion of free speech, especially pol. But the truth is that they just delete anything that is against the alt-right that makes them too angry, so people see a bunch of nazis and assume it's not moderated. But it is heavily so.

This example is not me btw but I've had 5+ similar experiences where I will be deleted or banned for being "off-topic" when I post something that doesn't follow the hivemind there.

What can be done to make people realize that 4chan is a just a safe space for the alt-right and not actually a free speech haven?
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>You don't care about that at all?


>You don't care about that at all?
Nope. I'm neither a child or an 'internet culture' neet.


This is obvious, and, in the beginning, the concept of 'free speech' is ideologically conditioned just like how it supposes that itself is neutral.

Like, in here you'd probably get banned if you say things like 'genocide group x y z' etc.


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the fact that posting ponies is banned on all boards except /mlp/ but spewing antisemitic BS is not says a lot



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 No.1849725[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Cost of living is rising every day, colleges are debt slave machines but parents will still push their kids into going. Rapidly rising homelessness, inflation, etc
But everyone seems to be ok with it or at least tolerant.
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not really close at all then. you may as well include may '68 in france, italy '48, greece, the german revolution, even the easter rising although thats a stretch.


Indeed, it's a sad state of affairs for the whole world.


Back and still as much an incoherent retard as ever.


I think I speak for basically everyone when I say I wish I knew less about you people but you've made this more or less impossible. I wish I didn't have to live with the image of some balding leftist 30-something ironyposter snickering to himself over Simpsons memes in my mind.


>colleges are debt slave machines but parents will still push their kids into going.
Petit porky problems.
>But everyone seems to be ok with it or at least tolerant. Why?
Most workers feel that there are no alternatives for capitalism besides North Korean style concentration camp communism.


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What does /leftypol/ think of the riots in New Caledonia? Quick rundown for those not in the known:

>New Caledonia is an island in the South Pacific near Australia, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands

>It was colonized in the 19th century by France
>Typical colonial shenanigans. Enslavement, forced labor, French settlers moved in that still control most of the land and economy
>Violent independentist movement in the 20th century resulted in the Noumea Accords which called for three referendums on Independence
>Voting in the referendums and other local matters was restricted to long-term New Caledonia residents who were living there in 1998
>BUT at this time the white settler population, as well as other outsiders who got there by also being part of the French colonial empire (Polynesias from Tahiti, Walis and Futuna, Cambodians, Vietnamese) were already the majority of the population
>Unsurprisingly, all the non-locals voted to stay with France and each referendum failed
>France is now unilaterally breaking the Accords and letting over 10,000 people be added to the voting rolls (who will all vote for pro-France politicians ofc)
>young Kanaks (the name of the Indigenous people of the island) are revolting now over this, some police killed, Micron seething and sending in more police/military, TikTok shut down
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Does anyone know which parties in France initiated the electoral changes that set off the riots? What are the leftist parties saying?


A 2/3 majority comprised of self-described moderates, liberals, centrists, conservatives and the far right voted for it. Every faction that considers itself leftist, from socdems, greens, demsocs and communists voted against it.



Viva Armenia


Macron's whole shtick at this point is
<Don't do that, it will explode
>I'm doing it regardless
>It's tiktoks fault


Glowing hands typed this


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Has anyone heard about this new dating app called Duolicious? It's supposedly designed to help you meet like-minded individuals based on your personality. Sounds like a neat concept, but I can't help feeling a bit skeptical about it.

First off, how accurate can these personality assessments really be? I mean, are we reducing the complexity of human relationships to a mere algorithm? And what about privacy concerns? With all the data breaches happening these days, I'm wary of handing over intimate details of my personality to some tech company.

Plus, there's the whole capitalist angle. Is this just another way to monetize loneliness and exploit our desire for connection? It feels like these apps are more about making profits than genuinely helping people find meaningful relationships.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this. Do you think Duolicious is a step forward in online dating, or just another tech gimmick preying on our emotions?
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Sounds like a plot of one of those bitcoin wojak omegaverse cartoons on youtube


Looks like all the user data has been scraped and published:



>not a single afab
Material explanation?


name five women in your direct, irl, social network that would actually be interested in that instead of using using tinder on her iphone and swiping left on every man below 6 feet in height


 No.1852563[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Marxist political economy concerns itself variously with the analysis of crisis in capitalism, the role and distribution of the surplus product and surplus value in various types of economic systems, the nature and origin of economic value, the impact of class and class struggle on economic and political processes, and the process of economic evolution.

Related topics such as finance/business, etc. also welcome

related threads:
>>213072 /crisis/ General (monitoring the market, trends, fluctuations, etc.)
>>1852043 / CYBERCOM / (discussion of cybercommunism, the planning of the socialist economy by computerized means)
164 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Marz defines the time required to sustain the worker and the means of production as the socially necessary labor time. The rest—profit— is socially unnecessary for reproduction


>unproductive labour
I am being marxian in my explanation. Productivity is tied to the production of commodities which must be sold for them to generate Value. If theyre not sold then they are a useless product. Like how i can make youtube videos or write books, but if they gain no traffic then this is a fundamentally useless act. Like how we are producing posts but they arent commodified so dont generate Value. This labour thus is unproductive by the capitalist social relation.
And no, this isnt my capitalist religion, this is standard marxism
If you want to "kill gods", maybe read some books first, kid.
Yes i agree.


>profit is productivity
>money is use-value
Lel, your "materialism" doesn't even eat.
>I am being marxian in my explanation
You're being autistic in your apologetics.
<The French term autisme has an older meaning and signifies "abnormal subjectivity, acceptance of fantasy rather than reality". However, post-autistic economists also "assert that neoclassical economics has the characteristics of an autistic child".[4]
No, seriously, who told you that numbers were material?
>This labour thus is unproductive by the capitalist social relation.
Which is a religion, not a total truth. Other value systems and social relations can exist. Otherwise what would even be the purpose for a REVOLUTIONARY project?
>And no, this isnt my capitalist religion, this is standard marxism
Which is a CRITIQUE of capitalist religion, idiot. If you had actually read the Grundrisse (preparatory materials!) for Capital, rather than using Marx as your father-surrogate and your divine permission slip to reproduce bourgeois economics as an eternity, you wouldn't be creating the need for this conversation.
<Whenever we speak of production, then, what is meant is always production at a definite stage of social development – production by social individuals. It might seem, therefore, that in order to talk about production at all we must either pursue the process of historic development through its different phases, or declare beforehand that we are dealing with a specific historic epoch such as e.g. modern bourgeois production, which is indeed our particular theme.
Get treatment for your autism.


Youre not making any points


If use value lies in using a thing then it's not really wrong though a bit punny to say that money has use value which lies in it being exchanged.

As for the rest of your contribution to this thread, you act like the other poster made some normative statements about their own likes and dislikes in calling this or that productive or unproductive, when that poster has been clear from the beginning these judgments are from the capitalist point of view. How many times do you need to be corrected on this.



The fundamental leftist critique of religion is that religion lulls the masses into complacency with promises of a better life in Heaven and an assurance that the Earthly order is ordained by Providence and, on the flip side, recognition of the falsehood of religious belief will cause the masses to undergo a radical re-evaluation of the world, the way it is organized, and their relationship with their fellow man. But here in 2024, and in the Western world, is this still relevant?

Let's look at the first claim. Is the largest or even significant ideology keeping the masses in line the promise of a better life in Heaven? Do the actively religious actually believe that the world order as it is established now is the product of divine providence? I would say that obviously this is not the case and hasn't been for a while. What subdues the masses can vary from country to country, but at least in America (and increasingly around the world) it is not the promise of Heaven that motivates the masses to stay in line, but the promise of earthly reward. The "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" attitude has long been an aspect of the American ideology, but I would argue that it has moreso and moreso taken on the religious aspect of maintaining social compliance. First you had Horatio Alger stories which generally portrayed a "rags-to-riches" narrative based on young men engaged in some kind form of good works to rise above the poverty while benefiting their community, which then turned to Ayn Rand's stories which rejected outright any greater social responsibility of the industrialist tycoon, instead portraying them as pseudo-divine "Great Man" figures for which all the industry and wealth of the world was merely an extension of their great personalities and any attempt to direct or interrupt their great works was to invite disaster upon the world, for the world needs the entrepreneur, the entrepreneur does not need the world. This is further developed by the "self-help" movement that began to take off in the 70s, where often men of wealth would give advice on how to get rich to the masses, but this "advice" was almost never about making shrewd business decisions or actual ways of acquiring capital and business deals, but a litany of all the supposed morals and examples of virtuous living the wealthy supposedly possessed. And then, finally, to top it off we have "The Secret," a bestselling novel which posited that it is not simply being a great personality aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Yes, people should be maimed and disabled for seeing others as the instruments of their dreams, no matter how big your dream is.


my point is that the state is god and we will always serve it, so lets hope it is at least a kind god and we sacrifice the right people


Without power you can't kill or maim people. So you're just whining.


>my point is that the state is god
>and we will always serve it
They said the same thing about the divine right of kings, too. Three guesses who made that observation
>so lets hope it is at least a kind god and we sacrifice the right people
Everyone who believes in them can go first and we'll bury whoever's left alive.

Sure you can. It's just harder to get away with it.


Ive yet to see a state abolish itself
All it can do is transfer powers
And powers will always exist in society
This is the marxist point, except without the purposefully undefined bit about the "whithering away of the state" which makes no real sense


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 No.1856861[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What do you guys think of the phenomenon of foreigners (mainly we*terners) joining armed guerrillas against other State agents or Irregular groups? YPG\pershmega against the ISIS\Daesh, the stuff that happened in the Donbbas\Novorussia conflict (pre-war).
is it just a form of adventurism or extreme tourism, a thrill-seeking bourgeoisie vice? Actually heroic and worthwhile?
130 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Syria is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country. Any viable solution must involve all groups in determining their future and resolving Syria’s crisis.

In order to achieve this, the following points must be clarified:

1. The AANES affirms the unity of the Syrian lands, and believes that the problems that Syria is experiencing can only be solved within the framework of Syria’s unity. In this context and in order to achieve a solution, the AANES affirms its readiness to meet and hold dialogue with the Syrian government and all Syrian parties for consultations and discussions to provide initiatives to find a solution to the Syrian crisis.

2. The Syrian crisis resulted from the lack of democratic and social policies and the marginalization of Syria’s diverse ethnic and religious communities. Each ethnic and religious group has its own characteristics and the right to citizenship and equality. There are national commonalities among all Syrians, and different cultures that must be recognized and respected to enrich Syria’s national fabric. Therefore, any democratic solution should recognize the legitimate rights of all religious and ethnic communities, such as the Arabs, Kurds, Syriac-Assyrians, and others. The collective rights of Syria’s communities must be protected, and democratic values and mechanisms must be developed in order to build an administrative political system based on democracy, pluralism, and decentralization, that ensures equal rights for all Syrians.

3. The democratic political system in North and East Syria (NES) has ensured equal rights for all people. People can live freely in an atmosphere of security and stability. They can solve their problems through the autonomous administrations, which allow people to run their own affairs in order to overcome any obstacles and challenges that may arise.



Rojava making you cry at night. You will never be nothing more than a nationalist.
Arab propaganda


I actually do support a Kurdish ethnostate because I'm an accelerationist :)


I actually do support a Kurdish ethnostate because I'm an accelerationist :)


That word is doing a LOT of heavy lifting there. Show revenue sources


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 No.1853837[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Yeah cos both are fake and only class rights exist


rihgts don exits




>There will be more to say about the nearly 8,000 words long

<Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on deepening the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in the new era on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries (in Mandarin) (h/t Arnaud Bertrand).

>But for now there are these two excerpts.

>On multipolar global governance (machine translation):

< The two sides pointed out that the great changes in the world have accelerated their evolution, the status and strength of emerging powers in the “global South” countries and regions have continued to increase, and the world's multipolarization has accelerated. These objective factors have accelerated the redistribution of development potential, resources, opportunities, etc., developed in a direction conducive to emerging markets and developing countries, and promoted the democratization of international relations and international fairness and justice. Countries that embrace hegemonism and power politics run counter to this, attempting to replace and subvert the recognized international order based on international law with a “rules-based order”. The two sides emphasized that the concept of building a community of human destiny and a series of global initiatives proposed by China are of great positive significance.

< As an independent force in the process of establishing a multipolar world, China and Russia will fully tap the potential of their relations, promote the realization of an equal and orderly multipolar world and the democratization of international relations, and gather strength to build a fair and reasonable multipolar world.

< The two sides believe that all countries have the right to independently choose their development models and political, economic, and social systems in accordance with their national conditions and the will of the people, oppose interference in the internal af
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>NIMA ROSTAMI ALKHORSHID: Today we’re going to talk with Dr. Stein, 2024 presidential candidate in the United States and her policy advisor, Professor Michael Hudson. And we’re going to talk about Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel, and domestic policy in the United States.

>And so let’s get started with the conflict in Ukraine. Michael, how do you find the current face of the war in Ukraine? How do you find the policy of the Biden administration? It seems that they want to continue this war in Ukraine. How do you find it so far?



This thread is for the discussion of cybercommunism, the planning of the socialist economy by computerized means, including discussions of related topics and creators. Drama belongs in /isg/

Towards a New Socialism by Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell: http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/
Brain of the Firm by Stafford Beer
Cybernetic Revolutionaries by Eden Medina
Cybernetics: Or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine and The Human Use of Human Beings (1st edition) by Norbert Wiener
Economic cybernetics by Nikolay Veduta
People's Republic of Walmart by Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski
Red Plenty by Francis Spufford
Economics in kind, Total socialisation and A system of socialisation by Otto Neurath (Incommensurability, Ecology, and Planning: Neurath in the Socialist Calculation Debate by Thomas Uebel provides a summary)

Active writers/creators
Sorted by last name
>Paul Cockshott
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I whine about C because I know from experience that things can be better.

Strong typing, proper modules, and generics make things significantly easier at absolutely zero cost, being resolved at entirely at compile-time. If you're willing to sacrifice a bit of simplicity, you can also throw operator and function overloading on the list.


>he doesn't use multiple tools at once
Autism or religion?


what about cython? compiled python to C for performance.


That's a deployment option.


there's also pypy


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 No.211384[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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I did explain it to him. He doesn’t care and I don’t expect him to. Because for years, the— really big air quotes here— “China critical” left has had unlimited control over the discourse on China, on the left, and undermined all opposition to the new Cold War and now we are seeing the fruits of this: extreme, unparalleled racist paranoia and hostility and profound ignorance of the reality of China by the entire U.S. polity as it uses hatred racism and xenophobia to dismantle progressivism, environmentalism, ban media platforms, ban open source technology, control and stymie research and countless other minor evils that accumulate everyday.


I like how the reply to welfare state expansion is to tout wage growth, which of course is the classic conservative reply to why people don't need good government. Higher wages isn't a substitute for universal healthcare as Americans would know fully well. Who opposes the expansion of the Chinese welfare state, the unions?



China’s central bank has pledged to provide 300 billion yuan ($41.6 billion) in cheap loans to enable financial institutions to lend to local state-owned enterprises (SOEs) so they can buy up built but unsold apartments and then resell or lease them as affordable housing.


Damn, this is the power of soe


Both dumbasses


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To clarify I am pro-Palestine and have held this stance for quite some time now. I do believe that recent wave of palestine supporters have good intentions(and done a lot of genuine good) but I find certain aspects of their activism fascinating, cause they come directly from american twitter activism and its intersecting to see that deal with a real-life issue cause over the past decade this activism has campaigned and marched for causes like american bipoc struggles and queer activism
And while I believe that the majority mean well(and actually haven't done any harm) they are employing tactics and rhetoric that don't make sense outside twitter activism, For instance I came across popular posts stating, "You probably didn't know that x is actually was Invented by Palestinians" or discussing how Palestine is connected to the experiences of black or queer people
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Martyrs for McDonalds.


source? this is very interesting


>Sorry c.hud but all arabs are r/chonkers in 2024.
They got bombarded by sweets and fast food that have flowed from the West to the East like a big, greasy/sugary wave. But… they say black is slimming.


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I don't know what he's talking about, but there's evidence to suggest that Levantine Semites were influenced by elements of Indo-European (Hyksos and Median) society, in both theology and state structure


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I'm definitely seeing a change in perspective, especially by certain black activists who are kind of sick of the focus on gaza when they do see the lack of focus on the issues of African countries to be disheartening


 No.1851569[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/5/7/israels-war-on-gaza-live-israel-blasts-rafah-fate-of-ceasefire-uncertain

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


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Zionists, because they got the USA at their back, shamelessly invoke NATO and the USA's history of atrocities, in order to claim Israel is being unfairly "targeted" by comparison to what those former "get away with" to uphold US hegemony. And obviously that's because of "antisemitism".


>Who the fuck says kavkazi?
Russian pronunciation is superior.


Is stupid shit, and I have no intention of pretending otherwise.


Its actually great they always using the muh holocaust card, so people can see through their bs, properly ignore that and leave past for the long dead.


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palestiniancels btfo, how will they cope that their narrative got debunked by thes kosher kino.
israel did nothing wrong ever.


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 No.695716[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Ecco, le tue righe mi hanno fatto venire in mente la geniale definizione di intellettuale data dal sociologo francese Pierre Bourdieu: sono la sezione dominata della classe dominante. Hanno un "capitale culturale" da spendere sul mercato e questo consente loro di occupare una posizione al di sopra delle classi subalterne, ma sempre un gradino sotto ai veri dominanti. Poi va pure detto che ormai 'sto "capitale culturale" è ampiamente svalutato e questi personaggi campano di rendita sulla fama e la rispettabilità acquisite decenni fa. Giustamente hai fatto notare l'atroce superficialità e scontatezza delle esternazioni di queste menti fini. E mi viene in mente che la recente paura per gli sviluppi dell'intelligenza artificiale forse è motivata dal fatto che ora certi software sono in grado di produrre articoli, editoriali, opinioni e via dicendo uguali se non migliori di quelli di certi soloni. Addirittura sono già in grado di replicare in modo convincente lo stile di questo o di quello. Non parliamo poi della manipolazione audio e video, visto che si potrebbero benissimo generare filmati straordinariamente realistici dove questa gente di una certa kual kultura si producono nei loro soliti alluncinanti dialoghi che vanno avanti anche per dodici ore di fila in uno degli orrendi studi di certi talk show riprodotti a perfezione. Il vantaggio per i diretti interessati è che possono starsene a casa a ronfare - visto il fisiologico abbiocco che coglie chi è avanti con gli anni in orario serale - ed essere comunque retribuiti per via dei diritti d'immagine mentre il popolo dei tele-eroinomani continua ad essere perfidamente drogato dalle piazze di spaccio chiamate tivvù di stato (sempre fedele al governo del momento), rete quattro (eredi Silviuzzo), la sette (Papa Urbano Cairo, in gioventù a bottega proprio da Silviuzzo) e nove (che mi sembra appartenga a qualche gruppo ammeregano e dove domina quell'irritante personaggio insipido e insignificante col suo "tempo che fa").
Un paio di settimane fa avevo pensato scherzosamente che l'IA potrebbe regalarci un'intervista con Andreotti o con Craxi, magari fatta da Minoli - lui ancora vivo, ovvio! - e stavo pensando a come i redivivi statisti della prima repubblica che fu potrebbero commentare lo strazio odierno. Sai che battutacce butterebbe lì il Divo Giulio? Ma una cosa del generPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Qualcuno ha notizie su future proteste pro-palestinesi in sto paese dimenticato da iddio?


penso che per un po' ce ne saranno di meno
tante scuole sono state occupate e ormai gli studenti sono piuttosto stanchi
dovremo aspettare per una nuova ondata


Sicuro a UniTo e La Sapienza.


Se solo sapeste quanto vanno male davvero le cose…


 No.11924[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What's the Marxist take on the ongoing Drake vs Kendrick Lamar feud?
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Kek, now Macklemore has a diss track against him.


They do unfortunately. I blame Arab shame-honour culture.


Fuck off Armstrong


>zionoid rap defending genocide because the "Population increased tho"


>Nooo, muh hecking kidnapped by hamas.
should not have SETTLERED on palestinan land them.


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i am not in the anime scene, but i noticed that >>>/meta/33105 [etc.] have metadata showing the videos are edits of Commie releases. Are they just a typical sub group known for putting effort into integrating the subs into the scene in cool ways? Is their name anything to take seriously?
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No, they are softsubs. Archive.org needs and account to upload and I don't have one. Is there any alternatives? They are around 1.6 GB in total.


>Archive.org needs an account to upload and I don't have one. Is there any alternatives?
Literally just email address, password, google captcha. The email address can be a temp throwaway one you don't own (e.g. guerillamail) if you don't like giving yours away. I'll register for you if you want and hand over the details.
It's almost-if-not-impossible to find anywhere that allows you to upload GBs of files without an account.

Actually, since it's just an existing torrent anyone can download with special softsubs added, you can .zip up the subs only and upload them here.


Despite the name its members are Bernie-type socdems. They were well-known mostly for doing troll subs, but when they're good, they're very good (see: their Monogatari subs).



 No.26672[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I just beat this game, I remember seeing another discussion thread about this game but I can't find it, but I want to talk about the game, full spoilers.
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>cuno called me a fag so hard i died and refunded the game


>filtered by fictional children




Disco Elysium’s most disappointing flaw:

I should be able to fuck the hole in the world.

Look, just hear me out.

The game introduces the plot point of a hole in the world, and confirms that I am playing as a character in possession of a penis.

It lets me wear a jacket that says FUCK THE WORLD.

The hole itself is called THE SWALLOW.

It even has a crab(man) living around it, clambering louse-like through the rafters, sustained by its vicinity.

It’s sexualized!
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>the hole

I believe that "hole" is what they call "pale", something that is less than nothing. Where the laws of physics and logic start to not make any sense at all. If you were to say, "enter" this hole, it would probably be like entering a black hole . That would mean you would probably get teleported to Equestria. Or die.


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ya'll motherfuckers say "it's too early for PPW, think about the optics!" well I say 'really' because I don't see any other groups out there engaging in confrontation with the forces of my county.
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The military doesn't have to be in direct control.


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I conclude that Joeseph Biden's impending renewal of term will spontaneously create the foundational conditions of People's War in America, if not set it off outrightly with extra force from the most forward and conscious of the vanguard of America's lower classes. I have the most profound and material class analysis backing this hypothesis, which can be found in the burger thread, to be expounded upon and proven further as contradiction develops.
<Where a government has come into power through some form of popular vote, fraudulent or not, and maintains at least an appearance of constitutional legality, the guerrilla outbreak cannot be promoted, since the possibilities of peaceful struggle have not yet been exhausted. 
Mr. Guevara explains exactly why January 6th insurrection failed: The rigged 2020 election was still constitutional in the eyes of the masses, thanks to the overwhelming strength of bourgeois ideology and the utter lack of proletarian consciousness. The eyes of the masses are much more open now for many reasons, chiefly because workers' conditions are worse and in great decline. 2024 will be too big to rig, but the profit motive will force the bourgeoisie to try, as it worked before. People's War in America is only possible—and will be guaranteed—in the foreseeable future IF the masses can be made to understand the contradiction between them and the ruling Uniparty—bidenomics, imperialism, that the elections are rigged, etc.


I seek criticisms of my theory, and better theories or strategies of revolution in the imperial core.
You may as well substitute "maoism" for revolution and stop pretending you aren't a glowie.
>communism failed


Idk man thus far guerilla warefare tactics have always have been effective against the US military. If there was an opportunity to organize in a moment of government weakness then…


Nah, the only way burgerland is ever achieving socialism is a split within the military caused PTSD ridden vets and an insurrection. It's already becoming very obvious given how much people openly shit on le troooops. Try doing that in India, Pakistan, Thailand or any other thirdie shithole and you'll be thrown in jail.


new leftypol rules; this fags feelings.


 No.1793453[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

"we used to have culture" edition

come in, make friends, talk about everything Brazil related - politics, news, the arts… and shitpost, of course.

Previous thread: >>1683261
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Mas o sul é fascista msm, principalmente RS e SC


Vá fazer um boquete em uma espingarda.


E eu disse alguma mentira?


são posts desse tipo que me fazem simpatizar com movimentos separatistas aqui no sul, as pessoas têm uma visão tão distorcida da região que chega ser mais fácil falar com vocês sobre outro país do que sobre uma região no "mesmo país"
vai tomar no cu, imbecil


0) De autoria do Poder Executivo, o Projeto de Lei Complementar (PLP 85/2024) foi relatado pelo senador Paulo Paim (PT-RS), que apresentou voto favorável à proposição. "É um momento muito triste para o Brasil e o Rio Grande do Sul. Oitenta por cento das cidades do Rio Grande do Sul foram atingidas. Não há uma única família de gaúchos que não esteja chorando pelos mortos ou pelos amigos (atingidos). Apelo aos senadores que construamos um entendimento possível para que o projeto não volte para a Câmara. A expectativa é muito grande no Rio Grande do Sul. Quatrocentas e quarenta e nove cidades do Rio Grande do Sul foram atingidas por essas enchentes, por essa destruição. Unidos vamos superar essa tragédia e reconstruir um futuro melhor para todos", pediu Paim.
1) suspensão de pagamento da dívida do RS por três anos vai à sanção
2)Por 61 votos favoráveis e nenhum contrário, o Plenário aprovou na quarta-feira, 15 de maio, o projeto que suspende os pagamentos de 36 parcelas mensais da dívida do Rio Grande do Sul com a União.
3) O dinheiro será aplicado em ações de enfrentamento da situação de calamidade pública provocada pelas chuvas nas últimas semanas.
4) Autoriza a União a postergar o pagamento da dívida de entes federativos afetados por calamidade pública, reconhecida pelo Congresso Nacional, mediante proposta do Poder Executivo federal, e a reduzir a taxa de juros dos contratos de dívida dos referidos entes com a União, altera a Lei Complementar nº 101, de 4 de maio de 2000, e a Lei Complementar nº 159, de 19 de maio de 2017, e dá outras providências.

"O presidente da República, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, sancionou a Lei Complementar 206/24, que suspende os pagamentos de 36 parcelas mensais da dívida do Rio Grande do Sul com a União. O dinheiro será aplicado em ações de enfrentamento da situação de calamidade pública provocada pelas chuvas nas últimas semanas.
O estoque da dívida gaúcha com a União está em cerca de R$ 100 bilhões atualmente e, com a suspensão das parcelas, o estado poderá direcionar cerca de R$ 11 bilhões, nesses três anos, para as ações de reconstrução em vez de pagar a dívida nesse período.
O texto é originado do Projeto de Lei Complementar (PLP) 85/24, do Poder Executivo, que foiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


 No.1584143[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is dedicated to our accomplishment of having broken the upper limit of sea surface temperature and the lower limit of antarctic sea ice amount charts this summer, hence ushering our species firmly into the capitalocene. Good job guys! Welcome to the future.

Here's an article about that:

As for the news, there is a drought blocking shipping at the Panama canal, bad wildfires in North America and Greece, persistent heatwaves in eastern Europe and northern Africa, and floods in central and eastern China.

Here's the latest report from the IPCC
<AR6 Synthesis Report Climate Change 2023

The website of NASA about climate is great for getting data and visualizing climate change

Last thread: >>1332129
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The US has a stranglehold on food production. At the very least the third world will need to produce its own food during any sort of large scale or global revolution, because they are unlikely to be getting the food aid shipments the populations there currently depend on to live.


We're getting into highly theoretical territory here but yes, you're right. An important function of multiple DotPs would be helping each other with resources and infrastructure.
I'm not bumping because I think I got too unrelated to the subject of climate change. Cheers.


>The key factor that's missing is capital
revolutioning the means of production is one of the main traits of capitalism. dont you think its missing capital simply because its not efficient?
>There's just not enough resources in the hands of people to farm in this manner,
why would that be an issue?
>the big agra monopolies obviously are going to sit on their hoards like dragons
naturally, and their high productivity, competitive capacity and technological efficiency are byproducts of the accumulation of capital flow
>There's simply no need to be so efficient
…there is. socialism doesnt suppose the redistribution of what already exists nor a stagnation of productive forces
>When we hit practical post-scarcity in food production about 100 years ago
i suppose that would be an issue for countries with highly developed means of production
besides, on both of these points, youre forgetting the commodity form of agricultural products. the agrarian industry is not solely related to sustaining food security, but in a sense the very fabric of certain societies. see my previous post >>1857664
>stop playing the game and flip the table.
this is naive. social relationships are correlated with the social form of production. you cant and wont solve problems by "turning off and then on" an entire economy
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>In Canada, the average price for one litre [of olive oil] has more than doubled over the past three years, from $6.62 in March 2021 to $15.93 in March 2024, according to Statistics Canada's most recent monthly average retail prices — a 140 per cent increase.
>The challenges in olive oil production have been nothing short of a crisis in Spain, the world's largest producer, where production was down 62 per cent last year
>Bad weather has also hit olive crops in other major growers like Greece, Italy and Portugal. Greece and Spain have both seen sales plummet by one-third over the last year
>Global production fell from 3.4 million tonnes in 2022 to 2.5 million tonnes last year, and it's forecast to be even lower this year
it's over. I'm going to have to switch to canola oil only 🤮


Coconut oil is still fairly cheap. If you have land supposedly oil sunflowers can produce a ton of oil with very little land usage.


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 No.23574[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

it's been up for over 20 min on /siberia/
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funny it always seems to pop up when there's pol/yps lurking around


mods… >>>/siberia/


it's back


i second this


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>Fascists shitting up every board
>Chinafags shitting up every thread
>Anarchopiggers shitting up every reply
>Class collaboration and lesser evil nationalism everywhere
>Retards who haven't even skimmed Marx 101 acting like authorities on topics
>On the other side of the table morons who uncritically uphold low-level slop text and poorly interpreted Marx like scripture
>Communism reduced to spirituality and great man worship
>Constant disguised idpol threads
>General ruin of any sign of a competent, rational left

Perscription: we need to ban all the /pol/yps, and clamp down on /bunker/fags and /GET/fugees. Maybe put up a moderated wall that prevents any IP from access unless you answer a couple long-form questions on basic Marx and Engels. Would weed out retards in a snap.
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>That's exactly what this placed used to be
No, it was not, you're the blatant newfag you Chaya-wannabe
>o we don't need another 4chan
Strawman false-equivalency fallacy
>The site is decaying in real time because of your stupid bullshit.
No anon, the site post numbers have remained stable, you're the retard with the stupid bullshit that wants to make this a subreddit
>Everyone is noticeable dumber
<But not me, I'm totally intelligent
Get off your high-horse. The reason posts are worse isn't for the reasons you listed
>there's Nazis everywhere
No, there isn't. I and many others criticize the mods for over-moderating in areas they really don't need to, but if there's one thing they've consistently been heavy on banning is Nazi-shit. So yes, it's a boogieman and yes you're a faggot for projecting it.
>hen there are unironic Nazis posting in almost every single thread
And this is yet again proof that you're baiting. Most threads do not have anything APPROACHING right-wing takes, let alone nazi ones and any actual nazis get immense pushback from a majority of users. This is called discussion on a free forum, which allows people to form debates, arguments and to learn all while having some fun.
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>The worst part is mods not clamping down on Nazis like they used to. I think the site has been compromised
Leftychin wreckers go back


>We are at a point, where we have absolutely no common ground, what leftism constitutes.
Good, lol


Your point falls apart when you retardedly chose to go after anarchists as well, as if this board is only meant for Marxists and Stalinists fucking each other in the butt till they knock out


follow your leaders nazi chinlets


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Is the metal scene left wing or right wing?
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rabm is becoming more and more relevant.


there's a lot of leftoids in hardcore and noise rock


hell yeah


picrel is easily my favorite black metal album


I like Autumn Eternal better, Kentucky feels… too gimmicky?


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 No.222[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Meme thread for /AK/
Post memes, stories, funny shit and /k/ screencaps.
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you vs the cartridge she tells you not to worry about


>Embedding error.
File Version here

Also just realized the OP I made 3 years ago has 222 GETS… for a MEME thread lol


Also similar vibe.
>Self-defense: Point-blank Shot Dodge + Submission


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>If Military Recruiters Were Honest - Honest Ads (Military Commercial Parody, Army, Marines)


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is this the teenage girl version of giving elon musk an extra 8 bucks

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