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File: 1666906690469.jpeg (3.36 KB, 208x243, images (31).jpeg)

 No.23574[View All]

it's been up for over 20 min on /siberia/
118 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Leninhat stuff remained up longer, that was actually funny. This was just boring and unoriginal.


PR relationship thread in siberia






It's gone now. 😷




at least say what board smh


I reported like the third spam on /siberia/ today, was it always this active?


do your fucking thing please please 😭😭😭


The same spam post is back again!


It's in the pirate thread >>>/siberia/437227


It begins again


.neteens are spamming the fake ID thing again.


aand it's back


15 minutes already




The .neteens got mad over losing an arguement so they're spamming cp again.






[resets days since tally to 0]


File: 1699224572625.gif (1.73 MB, 360x640, 1699175122212303.gif)

Why can't mods block certain messages since it's literal spam? I know the can filter certain words, why can't they do that to fuck up the links and message at least ?


From the way the spam is written, kinda seems like there's been quite a few rounds of that. I do wonder how many sites / link shorteners they've gone through so far.


Huh, they're doing a new strat? No cp in the image this time, maybe they think mods won't notice if it's just a pic of an asian woman and some links with the caption "cute girls"


Seen this one on other boards, enbeds the link in the image itself. For some reason it's putting links in the text too, but the insideous thing is it doesn't always do that.


There's way too many URLs. I've rarely seen two being the same. Pictures usually change. And text is constantly garbled and broken to avoid filter detection.


Not 'p this time but the .net thread's been up for a hour and a half.


It's commercial spammers who target a lot of sites. They have ways to get around normal filters that they've developed over decades of operating.


>reccomended for leftist
>we support revolution
oh god the CP bots are using chatGPT to specialize the post for each imageboard they're spamming it to


It’s up on siberia again…


It's back up you lazy jannies




you forgot 2 CP links


never mind. It's gone now


Wait until you find out how much child porn gets shared in mainstream social media group DMs.


>that timing
>discomrade is here despite having left the staff months ago
nice try cpfaggot


Its back


Siberia is under attack by a scat porn spammer. Also, fix your reporting system.


uh oh poopy




p on da beria


File: 1709148763996.png (301.88 KB, 600x338, ClipboardImage.png)



o7 <3


it's up again


just report it retard


i literally did that like 5 times already


sometimes a mod might see this thread first


It’s back up please take it down


it looks like they're posting it on /games/ now with an OP image trying to seem less suspicious


the game controller in the pic made me grin


Reminder to hit the hide button when you see it so you don't see it anymore.

Unique IPs: 35

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