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 No.568987[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for the discussion of cybersocialism, the planning of the socialist economy by computerized means, including discussions of related topics and creators. Drama belongs in /isg/

Towards a New Socialism by Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell: http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/
Brain of the Firm by Stafford Beer
Cybernetic Revolutionaries by Eden Medina
Cybernetics: Or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine and The Human Use of Human Beings (1st edition) by Norbert Wiener
Economic cybernetics by Nikolay Veduta
People's Republic of Walmart by Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski
Red Plenty by Francis Spufford
Economics in kind, Total socialisation and A system of socialisation by Otto Neurath (Incommensurability, Ecology, and Planning: Neurath in the Socialist Calculation Debate by Thomas Uebel provides a summary)

Active writers/creators
Sorted by last name
>Paul Cockshott
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casper forum discusses unlearning economics anti cockshottism


This was a funeral speech and understandably an incredibly condensed and awkward summary of Marx's thought. What excuse does Cockshott have when he repeats the same shit over and over again?


>This was a funeral speech and understandably an incredibly condensed and awkward summary of Marx's thought. What excuse does Cockshott have when he repeats the same shit over and over again?
summarizing it for the proles


<In the USSR, pay differentials between manual workers and educated skilled workers were far smaller than in capitalist countries, and this fostered strong resentment among the latter and strongly contributed to the downfall of socialism in the 20th century. Furthermore, the notion of allocating goods according to labor time in a socialist system necessarily mostly wipes out pay differential and brings about an equality of labor. As Cockshott and Cottrell argue in Toward a New Socialism, pay differentials on the basis of productivity and effort could be introduced in a socialist system, but there would be no skilled worker premium, because there is simply no justification.

<Perhaps - and I’m completely open to the idea I’m wrong on this, but perhaps - Capital as Power-ism is the product of a stratum of educated high-income leftists who balk at how the labor theory of value necessarily leads to the notion of the equality of labor. As such, they desire an economics that challenges gross capitalist excesses, but that does not homogenize labor and ends up treating the work of lowly unskilled workers as being equal to that of educated skilled workers. The Capital as Power school provides that and thus offers an attractive alternative to Marxism, especially in light of the demise of Keynesianism.

OK I can imagine the comparison with the West making you slightly frustrated as a doctor or engineer. But is it true that those were very hostile to socialism? Highly-skilled labor and highly-paid labor are not quite the same concept. I believe people in administrative positions got into their positions mostly due to luck and tit-for-tat in personal connections and so I don't think of them as highly skilled. And it is them who could expect the biggest gains by switching to capitalism.


>Entropy and Industry
<2nd lecture that I gave last year to the School of Materialist Research

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 No.564579[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

/Ukraine/ thread #34 - RIP Bozo Edition
Previous bread >>1144096


>Source: bro, really? Everyone knows by now.

Nord Stream 1: Russia switches off gas pipeline citing maintenance
>Shutdown at short notice by state-owned Gazprom disrupts European efforts to stockpile for winter

UAF Attempts Offensives Without Much Success
>While the Ukrainian forces continue attempts to develop an offensive in the south of the country, the allied forces of Russia and the LDPR declare new victories on the Donbass front.
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Can you give me a source for that? I think I remember reading that as well somewhere, it was a Western source too.


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I'm legit surprised they're not saying it's Russia who owes them for WW2.

I thought it was a shame but she supported Ukraine so #RIPBOZO


So is kherson in danger or not?


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it is in grave danger… for youkrops

 No.568382[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>The generated images are looking scarily good, considering how little VRAM it uses.

>Stable Diffusion draws controversy on Twitter from artists who say the AI infringes on copyrights


>And that's completely ignoring ethical issues. And that's completely ignoring the fact that Stable Diffusion in particular will allow creation of NSFW images of all imaginable kinds (yes, even the highly deplorable kinds).

>The tools are amazing and, essentially, impossible to stop. But at the same time, imagine being a renowned artist for 20 years and suddenly people can make an infinite amount of images "in the style of [your name here]" that look just like your images. Not exactly a fair thing to happen to you.
>it's relatively simple: image-making, as a profession, is dead. people will keep doing it as a hobby, and for a while or so, there will be people able to judge art, but after that, it will be like clothing today: cheap, and no one cares about the quick and dirty sewing, because it's easier to buy new stuff than to educate yourself and seek out good quality.

>A new AI image generator appears to be capable of making art that looks 100% human made. As an artist I am extremely concerned.


>What makes this AI different is that it's explicitly trained on current working artists. You can see below that the AI generated image(left) even tried to recreate the artist's logo of
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>every sign points to it improving at an increasing rate
Every sign points to it improving at a decreasing rate.
It's exponential growth in computing power and data for linear gains.

My prediction is that we will see one more solid improvement in AI output, and after that it will more or less stagnate, then it'll be a scramble to actually make it useful for something.

I bet they excluded all images currently owned by anyone powerful enough to sue them lol.


File: 1673590258532-0.png (2.3 MB, 1664x1664, crimson king v3 1.png)

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File: 1673590258532-3.png (4.21 MB, 1664x1664, crimson king v3 4.png)

And this is the sort of image it produces on v3. A pretty stark difference.

The prompt was the same as above: "In the Court of the Crimson King"


Actually, there's a good case for that. v3 seems to be based much, much more on artwork than v4 is. Maybe they got cold feet when they realized that lots of rich people own said artwork.


File: 1673591431761-0.png (1.46 MB, 1024x1024, old gods v4 1.png)

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File: 1673591431761-3.png (1.4 MB, 1024x1024, old gods v4 4.png)

Here's another example.

Midjourney v4

Prompt: "Rituals to the Old Gods"


File: 1673591612949-0.png (2.87 MB, 1664x1664, old gods v3 1.png)

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And Midjourney v3

Prompt: "Rituals to the Old Gods"

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 No.562250[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


>Nancy Pelosi, who is conducting an extensive tour of multiple allied nations in Asia, has finally touched down in the breakaway province of Taiwan despite repeated threats to the speaker's safety.

First thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/561633.
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I, for one, am glad that the Communist Party of China did not give the US what it wanted today and didn't start ww3 over a geriatric clown show of dying empire. Time is on China's side. Military, technology, economic etc power of PRC will only increase in the coming years


>Anarchy or Death
How did that work out in Spain? :-/




Holy shit, you guys really aren't Westoids. You're leftists who unironically believe in the development meme. That's arguably even more naive than being a Westoid. At least Westoids know they're going to try pushing China's shit in eventually, no matter how much peaceful development it would rather engage in.



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 No.562578[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

On the events surrounding Nancy Pelosi’s scheduled visit to Taiwan

Last thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/561633.

Latest headlines:
>Chinese fighter jets fly close to Taiwan ahead of Nancy Pelosi’s visit
>Asia stocks fall as China warns against Nancy Pelosi visit to Taiwan
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I'm back, what did I miss? Was Pelosi shot down yet or did Dengoids cuck out?



revolution is when le war


That is probably spoofed data , A high value asset like a top level cabinet minister would not be traveling on a vehicle with an active transponder that is sqwarking accurate information.

There is probably a second plane not far away broadcasting something nondescript like a cargo flight that is the real VIP transport , and the plane claiming to be the VIP transport is probably a dummy that looks identical to fool potential attackers.


Only sane post ITT

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 No.561633[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Pelosi is going there.
The US is urging companies to move chip foundries to its soil
Obviously China nor the US really want a war, but we know that sometimes things spiral out of control. So, is war over taiwan possible?
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Countries do definitely have more aspects to it than just muh gubbermint. Is the ISIS Caliphate a country?


That image is amusing


>the Urinal thread
i am so glad i don't know what this is


Ukraina, Urina, same thing.


Actually, mostly everyone with a PC knew what Taiwan was: a lot of hardware was marked "Made in Taiwan". Or at least everyone who does not bought their PC ready-made, factory-assembled.

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 No.561028[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post yer vids 'ere, webms, mp4s are welcome.

First thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/9920

Second thread >>>/leftypol_archive/481354

Third thread >>>/leftypol_archive/492596

WebMConverter by WebMBro: https://github.com/WebMBro/WebMConverter "WebM for retards."
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File: 1655502992068.mp4 (38.32 MB, 400x266, August_Willich.mp4)


File: 1655676438434.mp4 (14.84 MB, 1280x720, WHAT ABOUT THE MEMES.mp4)





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 No.563974[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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If I put a gun to your head and said you had to join one Aus party, which one are you choosing? You can't say none.





What're yous doing for the upcoming long weekend?


> Housing still hasn't fixed property damage

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 No.558280[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Is pic related true? How would you respond to this? If the ones in the bottom panel deserved it, then why didn't the ones in the top panel deserve it?(pls can mods leave this thread because it's funny)
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this shit was beautiful
it was actually entertaining, any mf that didn't love this shit is just a hardass


i wonder if he still thinks I'm a woman


Don't tell me you're a fucking hispachanero



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What is this picrel site retard is screnshoting from?

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 No.556053[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post video updates here. ONLY UPDATES. For all other useless political discussion - including cancerous takes, baitposts, glowposts - use the general.

This is basically the general for videos. I'm having trouble swimming the sea of comments in order to fetch the videos, so I decided to make this.
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>Fake: In Rostov-on-Don, on the basis of one of the military units, a center for identifying the corpses of Russian soldiers was opened. Such messages are distributed in social networks and telegram channels.

>Truth: Again, a cynical attempt to manipulate public consciousness. The picture was taken by photographer Sergei Ponomarev in Beslan in 2004, these are the consequences of a terrible terrorist attack - the bodies of children are visible.


>Fake: Animals are suffering from the actions of the Russian military in Ukraine. A photo of a burnt hedgehog in the palms of a person appeared in a Ukrainian account.

>Truth: The published photo was taken in 2021 in Omsk after the fire: the Ministry of Emergency Situations pulled the animal out of the fire, its image became the snapshot of the day and was widely distributed on Russian social networks. Separately, it is worth noting that the primary source of the photograph is the Vesti. Omsk.

>The authors of the fake message deleted the post after criticism.


Anna Ivanova Malygina, 97 years old. A Red Army veteran.
In 1942, German Nazis kidnapped her in Birkenfeld, during 3 years.
In 2022 Ukrainian Nazis from Azov kept her captive for 3 days.


Moved to >>>/gulag/14972.

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