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File: 1645760808801.png (56.08 KB, 1500x1500, pixil-frame-0.png)

 No.556053[Last 50 Posts]

Post video updates here. ONLY UPDATES. For all other useless political discussion - including cancerous takes, baitposts, glowposts - use the general.

This is basically the general for videos. I'm having trouble swimming the sea of comments in order to fetch the videos, so I decided to make this.


File: 1645761031220.mp4 (3.34 MB, 1280x720, Migs pass over street.mp4)


File: 1645761052312.mp4 (1.11 MB, 320x570, Helicopters I.mp4)

Dumping my whole collection


File: 1645761089922.mp4 (2.4 MB, 854x480, Helicopters II.mp4)

Moar helis


File: 1645761182630.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 1.71 MB, 464x848, Family home bombed.mp4)

Sorry for deleting past post I forgot the video
Though it’s a little graphic


File: 1645761205121.mp4 (80.28 KB, 244x432, Footage of artillery .mp4)


File: 1645761271941.mp4 (685.91 KB, 478x848, Artillery II.mp4)

2nd artillery


File: 1645761294132.mp4 (1.92 MB, 848x478, Artillery III.mp4)

Final artillery


File: 1645761331231.mp4 (1.82 MB, 362x640, Burning building.mp4)

I think this was in downtown kyiv


File: 1645761363928.mp4 (349.03 KB, 480x848, Explosion.mp4)

A random explosion near Ukraines ports


File: 1645761390615.mp4 (255 KB, 384x240, Missile in home.mp4)

Some missile in some douches battlestation




And that’s all I have currently


Open UP Europe! Time to prove just how much you love Ukranians lmao


Let's wait for more vids to be posted here, and until they realize that there is an evident video thread


File: 1645761893617.mp4 (3.58 MB, 660x1080, Airport striked.mp4)

Airport strikes blocking off access to escape for some Ukrainians



epic dubs right there


These are just from the last 24-36h btw, plenty more if you look further back


where is this?


Ivano-Frankivsk International Airport


>Wignats think it’s good to receive Ukrainians, maybe get a blonde hair blue eye waifu
<Actually has to host refugees


File: 1645763668077-0.mp4 (9.22 MB, 720x1280, Cluster bombs.mp4)

File: 1645763668077-1.mp4 (1.08 MB, 464x848, Cluster bomb II.mp4)

Cluster bombs seen being used near kyiv
(That’s a war crime)


File: 1645763923574-0.mp4 (8.39 MB, 720x1280, Random explosion IV.mp4)

File: 1645763923574-1.mp4 (5.18 MB, 720x1280, Random explosion V.mp4)

File: 1645763923574-2.mp4 (866.68 KB, 400x704, Random explosion II.mp4)

Rest of the random explosions seen


File: 1645764009504-0.mp4 (2.24 MB, 848x464, Missile I.mp4)

File: 1645764009504-1.mp4 (9.91 MB, 720x1280, Missile II.mp4)



File: 1645764053755-0.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 231.66 KB, 432x238, Death II.mp4)

File: 1645764053755-1.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 1.18 MB, 224x432, Death III.mp4)

File: 1645764053755-2.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 530.04 KB, 432x238, Death I.mp4)

Confirmed Russian deaths
(Dead bodies warning)






File: 1645972619474.jpg (34.45 KB, 600x471, 1585705635830.jpg)

>4,300 Russian dead is four days (allegedly)
>Extrapolating the math means 400,000 dead Russians if this lasts a year




<According to Ukrainian sources
>3000 Russians dead
>4000 Russians dead
>No, no, 10,000 Russians dead!
Literally pic related


not artillery, intercepted jet or helicopter
again not artillery either, something that go shot out of the sky
not artillery for the 3rd time, you see flares and a flaming helicopter wreck going down

this was a missile strike or some advanced guided artillery

>Cluster bombs
Nope that's a massive artillery barrage, you can tell because it's keeps thumping at steady pace, cluster-bombs make irregular wrup wrup noises


Anybody got that video of some armed fags dragging people out of their car at night?
Was it ever confirmed if they were either Azov or army regulars?


File: 1645977784452.mp4 (2.33 MB, 720x1280, Vb-dyBVw2xJibJoH.mp4)

Azov is part of the military, but they are one unit among many filled with nazis. The men in the video appear to be wearing gear regulars wear, rather than plain clothes.


how do we know theyre azov or ukrainian for that matter


Anyone have a debunking of that Russian tank crushing the car video?


They're wearing ukranian gear and ukranian militants have been going around looking for "saboteurs"


It's a ukranian vehicle kid go hunt down the earliest published sources of it and you'll find it happened before the Russians reached Kiev


From the genzedong thread:




what is going on there?


>I'm having trouble swimming the sea of comments in order to fetch the videos, so I decided to make this.
Good idea, comrade. I had the same problem


Nationalist militia shot a "suspected enemy saboteur"


<apparently a unit of nationalist militants taking cover behind a school, Mariupol
<aftermath of attack on an ukranian armored column, Luhansk, Novoaidar




File: 1646124207836-0.mp4 (701.33 KB, 752x848, 1646120637242-1.mp4)

File: 1646124207836-1.mp4 (513.92 KB, 752x848, 1646120637242-0.mp4)

Old footage from Ukrainian vehicles destroyed in Donbass edited to appear as ones from the Russian invasion.


Kind of surreal watching multi-million dollar fighters terrorize third-world looking huts from the sky. But I suppose that's what they were designed for.


File: 1646126152790.mp4 (12.89 MB, 320x180, @opersvodki_u9jqwq.mp4)

<Soldiers of the 95th Aerial Assault brigade. Mobilized on the 25th, walked up to Russian forces near Kopyliv (25 km west from Kyiv) and surrendered on the 28th. In the video they talk about forced conscription, training, attitudes of the Ukrainian military command towards their staff
https://t.me/opersvodki/600 (had to run it through a converter, the board kept giving me an error about "wrong .webm")


english transcript?


File: 1646130997478.mp4 (3.73 MB, 848x576, IMG_1649.MP4)

<Ukrainian POWs visit the Alley of Angels, memorial to the 91 children killed in Donbass.


that’s just another shitty telegram propaganda video, not a transcript


>that’s just another shitty telegram propaganda video, not a transcript
It was quote by mistake.


Why is there no footage of ground combat? I get that Russia's probably just practicing good infosec but Ukraine has a bunch of militias and allegedly there's civilian guerilla fighters already going at it so it seems like we should have something. Yet to see even one video of actual fighting.






They get killed or surrender
Almost all footage is from civvies


McDonald's has fallen

(Can someone rip video, idk how)


Yeah, it's weird that Daesh could get some combat videos out but Ukrainians can't.


File: 1646188590015.mp4 (4.62 MB, 720x1278, mcdonalds.mp4)





And the strangest part is that we have quite a few videos of dead bodies. If they're filming after battles then why do we not have literally a single footage of a battle itself after a week of fighting?


Because people during a battle people are either too busy fighting or hiding to wander around shooting footage with their phones while bullets and shells are flying everywhere


You must not have been watching Syria.


Ty conr8


Thomas Friedman BTFO



Uhh… Burgerbros, did we get too cocky?


Just woke up from my 2 week cryo sleep, did Russia ever invade?


If you want to take down America you just have to take down Applebees.


File: 1646285469135.png (950.81 KB, 650x873, ClipboardImage.png)


>what they were designed for
They were designed to act as point-defense fighters for the Soviet Air Space.


File: 1646291654464.png (304.7 KB, 700x473, ClipboardImage.png)

The channel that debunks most of the Ukrainian fakes:
>"The main flow of fake news from Ukraine is coordinated by two people - the owner of the media buying company Trafic Devils Oleksandr Slobozhenko and the director of the performance agency Roman.ua Roman Rybalchenko. They and their assistants manage the actions of the fake factory in the telegram channel."

>Fake factories work in conjunction with the psychological operations center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the government of the country. For example, the Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Mykhailo Fedorov, controls the work of "creo-farms" and gives instructions. Advertising is carried out at the expense of certain "investors" - their names are hidden.



Anarchists ending up in the Azov battalion in Ukraine… lol ("Some even joined the Azov battalion and the OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists)")
Vid related is them alongside OUN UPA supporting the Belarus coup attempt months ago.


File: 1646292279170.mp4 (28.49 MB, 1100x720, no_sussy.mp4)


Какие ватники, блин? Они—ватники, потому что либерахам не дают засрать весь борд?


Already posted >>556078


Yeah, what's your source for videos?


File: 1646292902305.mp4 (10.49 MB, 1280x720, zdtqvVOsneTWntZJ.mp4)

High resolution posadist babushka. What does her sign say?


holy cringe


No Nukes in the Entire World is the poster sign, the mob is shouting "No to War"


I don't think that's a Javelin, it didn't fire like one and they didn't mention a thing about Javelins in the video, the vehicle probably got stopped and is likely disabled and abandoned/crew killed, because the tank should still be able to turn its turret or machine gun at a clear threat that it would be looking for. The engine running only confirms this.


I don't think that's a tank, the tracks are wrong for any Soviet tank, looks like an MT-LB or BMP of some kind. Might be a Ukrainian one, as it looks fairly old.


What red army


>These people are going to drag the entire red army down with them into hell
Yeah, no. The Russian military had plenty of experience against molotovs in Syria, they didn't do jack shit against any vehicles, and aren't much use in hand to hand or close-range firefights.


>No Z
>looks like a T-80 variant
Probably a Ukrainian one, looks like the tank fell in after being abandoned.


tfw you will never take part in an impromptu molotov cocktail factory in the middle of the woods


>*with nazis
I think you're good m8.


>>556141 (deleted my first reply cuz typo)
are they going to the military or for civilian self defense?


See >>815283 they're just brainwashed or just following orders at gunpoint of OUN nationalists.


Essentially the junta is trying to pull a volkesturm


>people are being brainwashed into not liking hostile artillery
>every citizen militia is volkesturm


File: 1646294753858.png (17.14 KB, 661x623, lev punch template.png)

LMAO someone make a lev punch edit



>hostile artillery
Given that the Ukrainians are the ones using said artillery on their people…
>every citizen militia is volkesturm
Pointed against Russia? Yes.


>Z isn't the symbol of the Russian Army
Nobody claimed either of that, the Z is the painted symbol on Russian vehicles in the operation to avoid friendly fire.
<the Ukrainians are spray painting it onto their own destroyed vehicles to make it seem like they are causing massive damage
Very true
>(Chechen's and Belaruskees
Neither of them are there tho
>Jeff Bezos anti Javelin Wage Cage
And the Russian army doesn't use that, they have Roof ERA.

Kek, also repost the video pls.


>Kek, also repost the video pls.
Is the soldier Ukrainian or Russian? lol


Ukrainian, the video is from Kiev if I recall correctly and I know for a fact that it's from a fight between the Dvornik (groundskeeper) and Ukrainian soldiers that have been taking over apartment complexes en masse to use as firing points with civilians as their shield.


Rusty French speaker here. I can confirm the translations as correct.
The cope from the reporters here over this women's non-mainstream Cuckraine regime opinions is absolutely hilarious to watch


Is there any sources of this video's being posted Inn 2014 tho? Can't trust nobody in this war tbh


File: 1646318393697.png (24.46 KB, 661x623, oekaki.png)


Based and Dvornik-pilledd


When times get rough you always find anarchists living true to their class interests.


File: 1646337516082.mp4 (1012.76 KB, 352x640, tanks.mp4)




source? The hell is going on in that video?


I ask this because those are 'Tunguska' short-range mobile anti-air vehicles possessed by both Russia and Ukraine. Earlier there had been a video of one supposedly Russian Tunguska abandoned on the Highwaay with light damage but there's been no information on this video I could find.



Why it felt like that someone put audio from Stalker game over the video?


Because STALKER can be pretty accurate to the locales audio?


not sure exactly, I found it on twitter where they claimed they were russian vehicles


File: 1646422676155.mp4 (5.59 MB, 576x1024, UhP6KwOQA82eytef.mp4)

ukranians apparently making off with a russian mortar


anyone know what song this is? It's stuck in my head now


Ok thanks
Sounds like rubbish, more likely it´s an abandoned Ukrainian mortar, they 'jacked

Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd


Use >>>/music/3091 for music source requests anons


File: 1646448295687.png (63.77 KB, 800x616, ClipboardImage.png)

The majority of these videos, mostly by that anti-Russian spammer has been videos of "dead russians" and shit like that, and yet suspiciously none of it has been videos from the other side. Youtube actively has been removing all videos depicting Ukrainian losses and deaths, leaving up videos about "Russian losses" (and placing no 18+ restrictions on them despite many being blatantly NSFW and horrific. Looking it up on DuckDuckGo reveals that Ukrainian deaths are photographed, some of thse videos and photographs I recognize as being played by Ukrainian and Western MSM as "Russian losses"

Obviously Russia has had losses, it's a horrific and tangled up conflict and doubtlessly the Ukrainian nazi battalions are not incompetent, or too poorly armed, so they definitely can capture or destroy/kill Russian forces, but even if I collect every single video that is a confirmed Russian loss of tech or people, it doesn't add up to the fantastical numbers of 6000-9000 killed Russians and over 270 tanks lost that have been claimed.





Azov battalion refusing to let people evacuate. Either be arrested and used as a human shield or be shot. Someone posted a video of a guy and his wife that discovered a bunch of cars and their dead passengers on a blacked out road and tried to help the critically injured, before being forced to flee, under fire from these marauders, I'll see if I can find it.





Thanks but not the right thread.



File: 1646454296874-0.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 19.89 MB, 720x1280, mariupol dead civilians - ….mp4)

File: 1646454296874-1.png (Spoiler Image, 9.56 KB, 277x501, mariupol dead civilians - ….png)

Heads up, don't open the video if you don't want to see dead bodies. Second attachment provides more information.
>Someone posted a video of a guy and his wife that discovered a bunch of cars and their dead passengers on a blacked out road and tried to help the critically injured, before being forced to flee, under fire from these marauders, I'll see if I can find it.
That was me. Thing is, I don't know for sure if it's from Mariupol or not. But it does add up.


>Thing is, I don't know for sure if it's from Mariupol or not.
I mean that I'm just repeating what I've heard from other people.




File: 1646454716762.mp4 (7.58 MB, 1024x576, 1499679482973671424_1.mp4)



File: 1646454843458.png (125.21 KB, 804x537, ClipboardImage.png)

Тебе приятно глумиться как гиена? Не чего, ухмыляйся пока можешь, не долга фашистам осталось и твои односторонние видосы не доказательства обратного.

На войне не бывает легкой прогулки, бывает лишь смерть на каждом шагу и это все понимают все участнике. Россия победит и в этом не кто кроме идиотов не сомневается.


It probably is, but it´s happening all over those areas TBH. It´s horrifying.




LMAO you do realize that half of that tech is Ukrainian right? Literally one of the first pics is a UKRAINIAN BTR-3 burnt out.


Last one is a Russian Major captured


nice google translate, I can hardly understand what the fuck youre saying retarded burger wannabe propagandist


File: 1646455775683.jpg (37.38 KB, 600x420, охуевает.jpg)

>Шизофреническая галиматья
Без шуток, найди себе терапевта ok?


File: 1646455807607-1.webm (713.09 KB, 350x640, 1645822315796.webm)


>Хохляндия похода на Афганистан
Ты че, ебанут ли?


Я не тот анон, но русскоговорящий тут индус. Хочу сказать, что даже я, простой иностранец, не понял, чего несет тот змагар (или майдаун, не знаю правильного слова)



Вам лучше подготовиться к призыву на военную службу, Владу скоро понадобится еще один 40-километровый конвой


да ты вообще лучшее на русском говоришь чем этот клоун. Он точно ЦРУшник


Знаешь ли, как ты выдал себя?


ты просто ересь несёшь, к примеру Т-72Б3 в РФ не имеют "Cage Armor" и это даже не Т-72Б3, идиот.


Это всё постит тот же тупорылый пиндос /pol/tard, который засирает хохлотред. Жаль ему моджахеды башку не прострелили в одном из его империалистических походов за пиндосию


File: 1646456646474-0.jpg (123.37 KB, 1600x900, 1645804867951.jpg)

У вас был один из самых умных союзников на мировой арене, у которого президент Си Цзиньпин мог учиться. Они строят истребители-невидимки, авианосцы, модернизируют. Вы отрезаны от мира. Зачем. Для Владимира Путина? Кто продает нефть НАТО Укрывает свои яхты в портах НАТО, Прячет украденные деньги в банках НАТО Владеет домами в городах НАТО Вы жертвуете своей нацией и народом ради этого? За то, что, черт возьми, это? Я ненавижу говорить вам, что вы отсталые, но вы попадаете в одну из самых больших ловушек в военной истории. НАТО собирается переместить все оружие в Европе в Украину и передать их фермерам-картофелеводам, которые хотят, чтобы ваши трупы удобряли их поля кровью.


Ну и спасибочки. Девушкины родители—евреи, переехали сюда в США из Украины, с детства говорит она по-русски. Мы с нею дома часто говорим, дабы не отвыкнуть.

Кстати, большинство Индии поддерживает Россию. Я сам родился, живу в США, но мои родаки поддерживают Россию. Помнят, как Брежнев помог Индии в 1971-ом.


File: 1646456718484.webm (2.34 MB, 576x1024, 1646196276050.webm)




Пусть США его шлют в Хохляндию. Если меня, вашего покорного индусского слугу, послали туда, я сразу бы сдался российским войскам, убедил бы как можно больше солдат со мной тоже сдаться.


File: 1646457003309.webm (706.79 KB, 480x720, 1646444381076.webm)

>Unique IPs: 13


Да хватит уж, учи русский, придурок. Без пизды, мне просто стыдно за тебя.


File: 1646457053643.png (889.47 KB, 640x969, ClipboardImage.png)

Клёва, у тебя очень разнообразная семья, брат.


File: 1646457127331-1.mp4 (15.01 MB, 1280x720, part 2.mp4)




Это не моя вина Google translate это такое дерьмо обвиняют Цукербурга


File: 1646457389203-0.png (712.28 KB, 2520x1680, kk.png)

File: 1646457389203-1.png (1.85 MB, 1220x1720, k.png)

File: 1646457389203-2.webm (2.62 MB, 568x320, 1645960066954.webm)

File: 1646457389203-3.mp4 (802.11 KB, 320x568, ohslbv.mp4)

You went to the wrong hood and got caught lacking no cap no cap fr fr


>Это не моя вина
Да твоя, не магёш на русском или украинском, то не пости свой сырой bait


Одобряю, нахрен. Мать мне рассказала, как раз, когда она шла в универ в Дели, приходил какой-то советский цирк, вроде культурной выставки. Она посетила. А когда Война проходила в Афгане, отец мне сказал, как советские граждане приезжали в Индии, покупали товары, которые не находились в СССР. Как были те дни, блин.



Я не носитель русского языка, а свободно владею четырьмя языком. Но ты не хоть попробуешь научиться русскому. Говори по-английски, если ты не умеешь по-русски, по крайне мере, все тут будут тебя понимать.



Хуй соси, губой тряси.
Хорошо бы, было бы кармой за тех детей, которые остались сиротами из-за имперских авантюр его режима. Единственная причина почему он так сейчас корчиться по-поводу Хохлостана, это потому что они номинально "белые", типично для полипа. На войну в Йемене или в Тиграе ему похуй. Ну и военные походы полмозга повышибали, это же надо быть настолько аутистом, чтобы постить то же самое часами каждый день на богом забытой борде. Лучше бы себе пулю в висок пустил бы.


извините друг я не хочу оскорбить русский язык


reminder that the ukrop webm spamming poltard is in the cytube daily bitching about getting banned and missing out on (you)s


>покупали товары, которые не находились в СССР
Да так было трудно иногда, но лучше так чем как было после СССР

litrally debunked fake video of a Ukrainian officer posing as a Russian. His social media debunked him LMAO. Posting it ad nauseum is laughable.


Индия-анон, ты хорошо пишешь по-русски, а редки ошибки выглядят скорее мило. :)

И да, настроения в глобальном юге кардинально отличаются от либеральной гегемонии запада. Люди в Индии, Китае, Азии, Африке или нейтрально относятся к ситуации, или поддерживают Россию.



File: 1646458466087.mp4 (10.71 MB, 1280x720, 1499862139091271685_1.mp4)


Fresh content just released
Them drones my dude


File: 1646458658729-0.mp4 (392.59 KB, 352x640, 4zpnpy.mp4)

File: 1646458658729-1.webm (2.62 MB, 568x320, 1645960066954.webm)

File: 1646458658729-2.webm (1.1 MB, 608x1080, 1646003462887.webm)

File: 1646458658729-4.jpg (192.7 KB, 1584x939, Capture.JPG)


File: 1646458903179-0.mp4 (26.67 MB, 1920x1080, Hind combat.mp4)

File: 1646458903179-4.jpg (309.12 KB, 1823x959, molotov city.JPG)


>pic 1
LMAO retarded shit
>vid 1
those are Ukrainian vehicles, I recognize the model
>vid 3
As explained prior that isn't a tank or russian, the tracks are not those of the T series tanks, it's some kind of APC and looks like a Ukrainian model judging by the look of it.


Vid3 is a Ukrainian T-80 (the ERA blocks, road wheels and cage on top are an indicator)
I think Vid4 is an older video, certainly not from the war.

Also someone already posted the result of this retarded Molotov-Cocktail party shit.



Разумеется. А никогда не было нехваток необходимых для жизни вещей во время Союза. Пусть не хватает цацек, кому нужны вообще.
Колюсь, я на самом деле америкос, а таковой индийского происхождения. Что касается моего (недо)владения русским, я давно привык к тому, что не говорю по-родному. А моим русскоговорящим знакомым, причем девушке все-таки нравится моя речь.


File: 1646459391453-0.webm (2.91 MB, 496x848, 1646075738089.webm)

File: 1646459391453-4.png (829.78 KB, 739x739, 1646074422942.png)


>Пусть не хватает цацек, кому нужны вообще
Да даже цацки можно было получить с не много трудом. Дед рассказывал как с Индии привозил вещи нам, и можно было в Германии обменяться. k


Растворимое кофе ли? Говорят, что наилучшее было в Индии.


Да ладно тебе, очень хороший у тебя русский, не нужно принижать себя так. Какие языки ещё знаешь? В другом треде ты говорил вроде бенгальский? Значит он, русский, английский, а четвертый?



Французский. Я тоже немножечко умею читать, писать по-польски, а ни говорю ни слушаю.


>Растворимое кофе coffee
Ну это тоже да, мы да сех пор трём его с сахаром.




Video 1: bitching about out of date MREs is fucking laughable in ANY army. Any AMERICAN vet can tell you about out of date MREs. And the Ukrainian army isn't in any place to talk about that given the shit I've seen them eat in their videos, literal random crap they scavenge.
Video 2 seems to be either Russian drone strikes or Ukrainians hitting their own forces, because the RF isn't using Buk-M1s or any kind of Buk in that area.


У нас тоже так пьют его, то есть с сахаром. Без сахара не обойдется


You're literally reposting the same videos already, retard.


File: 1646460521488-2.jpg (244.1 KB, 1600x1200, FMm8uTqXsAMjAfQ.jpg)

File: 1646460521488-3.jpg (244.85 KB, 1600x1200, FMm8uTpXsAIl81c.jpg)

File: 1646460521488-4.jpg (256.94 KB, 1600x1200, FMm8uToXoAQJATf.jpg)


Не не просто пьют, а растираешь смесь сухую с сахаром и капли водой а потом кипяток льёшь tak



Fug sorry will delete its all randomly organized its coming out faster than I can download and label properly anything


Круто. Я всегда очень впечатлен полиглотами, тем более владеющиими сложными языками.
У меня на курсе была девушка из Индии, она знала 6 вроде (английский, бенгальский, урду, остальные три не знаю лол). Вообще у жителей глобального юга и диаспоры знание языков хорошое. Индусы и африканцы знают по три языка часто и более, американцы только английский и то с трудом хахах.
Среднестатическому англо-американскому пиндосу стоило бы поучиться, может быть аппетит к империализму чуть умерился бы.


The 3 pics are abandoned Ukrainiana T-80s and a T-64BM


>она знала 6 вроде
Не тот анон, но не фига сибе полиглот, молодца!



Иначе во многих странах не обойдется. Будучи бывшими жителями восточной индийской провинции, родители мои говорят по-бегальский, по-английски и на хинди. А пиндосы уже владеют большим международным языком (хоть язык стал таким из-за империализма). Не могу очень комментировать о положении русского языка, а этот тоже большой, влиятельный язык, пусть в определенном пост-советском пространством. Если что, я стал изучать русский, потому что мне же понравились романы Братьев Стругацких. Русскоязычная литература—лучшая по всему миру.


Video 2 is interesting because it looks like anti-military sentiment among Ukrainians to their military/government in that area
Video 3 is a literal Volksturm moment - the Russian/DNR column stopped, not because they couldn't jut eliminate this shit, but bcause these retards are LARPing civvies that they can't afford to maim needlessly, despite their brainwashed attitude (the guy videoing it makes me think that this might be a set up like in Prague Spring; during those events many CIA provocateurs purposely set up situations to either provoke military reaction and then let the press cry "murder" or stall military forces.
Vid 4 looks like a Mi-8 or more likely a Mi-24 got taken out.


Does anyone have a twitter account they can log in to download an image and post it here? Its a satellite photo f the large 40km column but I do not have any access to a Twitter subscription to log in.
Not sure why but it is locked behind the "age verify" but I do not think it has any gore or anything like that at all.



Вправду? Мне нужно хоть разок так попробовать. Вкусненько звучит


File: 1646461704026.mp4 (15.69 MB, 1280x720, for anon.mp4)

I gotchu fam


looks CGI as fuck


Полно соглашаюсь



Да, это правда. Такие регионы изначально более гетерогенны (масса разных племен и языков), чем имперское ядро, и знание нескольких языков необходимо. Я думаю что русский в СССР был скорее близок к хинди (если я правильно понимаю его статус), то есть как lingua franca, нежели чем как французский или английский в колониях, так как отношения между советскими республиками не имели колониального характера. Проявления национального шовинизма имели место, конечно, но было и обратное (та же коренизации). На пост-советском пространстве действительно русский ещё в ходу, хотя молодые люди предпочитают английский. Я, конечно, не думаю, что знание больших "имперских" языков это что-то плохое. Бывает и ситуация как у ирландцев, когда бриты у них практически полностью язык уничтожили.


Да, мы так делали
1) Cыпиш раствор и лошку сахара
2) столовую или пол столовую ложки воды (что б мокрая была но не слишком)
3) Трёщ ложкой пока она не станет как паштет (цвет должен стать светлее)
4) Лей кипяток и если хочешь молочко
просто кайф !


Да, и изучение русского ради литературы это очень хороший повод! Молодец!


Video 1: The lady says that she had been shot at by Russian tanks and that a soldier attempted to save her. The soldier has a St.Georges ribbon a symbol of the Russian Army meaning that
A) It had been Ukrainian troops firing (there is more than enough evidence of their shelling civilians)
B) A case of accidental friendly fire, that had civilians caught in the crossfire
C) There had been a firefight between the Ukrainian and Russian forces and people got caught in the crossfire

Video 3, of the molotovs is laughable volsturm shit; they nearly lit their vehicle on fire (end of the clip the door side is on fire) and their Molotovs aren't doing shit to that vehicle, they just burned the paintjob. Moreover it's clear they Russians did not return fire on civilians despite the provocation.


Я соглашаюсь с такой характеризацией русского языка, как языка международной коммуникации.


>meaning that
meaning that *either


Списан рецепт.


File: 1646462729660-0.jpg (284.54 KB, 1904x928, vbncvbncvn.JPG)


Ok strap in for one fucking hell of an analyses, I will dump it then yall can discuss it while I dump more videos

This is not some cuck red arrow map shit. Big dick energy time.
NOT MY ANALYSES its from https://twitter.com/TrentTelenko DoD anaylst

This satellite image video is the single most important thing you can look at to understand the operational impact of the Mud season.

Pay attention to where the trucks are parked and where they are stuck in the mud trying to follow tracked vehicles. twitter.com/kamerknc/statu…

I am going to expand on this earlier tweet on the satellite photo montage.

The Rasputitsa, bad tire maintenance, vehicle overcrowding, and lack of fuel have isolated most of this Russian Army column from its rear.

No matter what kind of fuel conservation techniques they engaged in. The 1st 17km or so of that 64 km Russian Army column is out of fuel.

They planned a 3-day operation which is in its 8th day.

And given the temperatures and radio use, those vehicles have dead batteries.

This is why that Russian 41st CAA general was killed.

He showed up at the head of the column to unscrew the logistical mess, screaming at people and waving his arms in the air in visual range of a Ukrainian Army Sniper.

Trent Telenko
As for why the Ukrainians haven't rolled up those Russian troops in a 'motti' yet. They were busy.

The Russian Hostomel airbase occupation force had to be annihilated to keep fuel from being airlifted in by helicopter.

SIDE DISCUSSION Video suggests Russian advance forces at Hostomel were annihilated last night. Half of them don't appear to even have been able to dismount from their vehicles. When entire platoons get wiped out it's going to be hard for Russians to spin to families that the war is going well.

The head of this 64km column ain't going anywhere. With or without fuel. The Russians can get neither fuel trucks nor wreckers there.

And this "drop dead effect" is proceeding along the column from south to north. The ONLY way that column will move at all is backwards first

This is assuming it moves at all before the Ukrainians destroy it.

The front and middle of the column showed up with food, fuel & ammo for 3-days, & we are 8-days into the war.

The column is packed so tight that you can only refuel about 100-200 meters of column at a time

via a–holes & elbow by jerry cans. Then carefully back out those refueled trucks in order to get to the next 100 meters with the refueling truck and jerry cans.

It would take a week a month from now, when the ground dries, to unf–k this mess.

The Russian Army will not be able to move trucks off road before then.

Leaving trucks off road in mud season is tantamount to losing them.

Note also the slopes off to either side of the road.

That is engineered soil so the road won't sink under load into the spring & fall Rasputita.

Nor in a lot of cases will the Russian Army tanks in that column be able to move off road.

The Russians have formed the world's longest POW camp. And the Ukrainians don't have to feed it.

There simply hasn't been anything like this in warfare since the Anglo-American Anzio beachhead in 1944.

The Russian troops in the 40-50 km of the traffic jam closest to Kyiv will run out of food before the jam can be cleared to them.

They'll have to abandon their vehicles and walk north just to get food.

The reason the Russian column got to be so long was due to Russian Army officers “fulfilling the plan”.

They might be shot by the chain of command for disobeying orders to advance into the traffic jam, but won’t be if they obey orders to fulfill the plan.

I'm not saying Ukraine will win or even that Ukraine can prevent Kyiv from being encircled.

I am saying the Russian Army troops in the first 50 kilometers of that 64 km column will have nothing to do with it.

TL:DR that entire convoy is fucked and a general at the fuel depot got popped because he was showing rank and showing ass in a wide open potato farmers field trying to unfuck the situation. This is absolutly one of the worst military blunders in human history if true.


File: 1646462757619.mp4 (46.16 MB, 1920x1080, OSTAVLENNIE_POSICII_50.mp4)

Speaking of Ukrainian road blocks…


File: 1646462793425.png (1.11 MB, 1080x3438, ClipboardImage.png)

This is literally glowie schizo shit



He worked for the DoD as a military logistics analyst. If the Russians utilized people like this they might have foreseen this cluster fuck ahead of time and prevented it.


but /pol/ linked them and /pol/ is always right



>He worked for the DoD as a military logistics analyst
Ok and? Argument ad authority is often fallacious
>If the Russians utilized people like this they might have foreseen this cluster fuck ahead of time and prevented it.
Ah yes, the Russians that literally experience this IN RUSSIA for CENTURIES have less comprehension of the issues of truck maintenance and mud. The problem isn't about them "not taking into account" obvious fucking factors, its because they had to mobilize and send out troops rapidly and without time to prepare more than basic measures, they're still achieving their goals and that's the important part being ignored.


Sorry if I repeat any videos, I am trying to monitor about 50 things at once right now while drinking as much of the Russian vodka I have possible before the smooth brained retards pour it all down the drain in the U.S. they already stripped all the shelves bare, and I am trying to buy the last I can find anywhere. Sinful fuckers.


the last video is an obvious false-flag. Fucking marauders probably murked these old people and then came back to claim it as "de russkies"

А олухи этому вверять, блять как одурманили людей Украины


It's costing them. A lot. More than any war the have been in since WW2.
The way they supplied Vietnamese people with weapons during war against U.S. and some rag tag rice farmers and Vietcong guerillas kicked our ass out?
Some old bureaucrat in Washington waited a very long time to get their revenge here.
Democrat senator women in the U.S. are trying to pass bills right now to give combat aircraft (A-10's) to the Ukrainians. I shit you not. They are rabid. I'm just waiting to see Nancy Pelosi wearing a Mitch helmet pushing an advanced as the lead tank commander in an Abrams through the Polish border at this point.

If nothing would scare a Chechen it would be Nancy Pelosis face.


It could have just been caught in a crossfire. Or mistaken I.D. Or some crazy person in the country with access to guns everywhere. Anything. But the bottom line as soldiers, you will often times carry the blame, you will also carry the responsibility to unfuck the situation.



Russia just called for a temporary ceasefire for humanitarian aid corridor.
Has not been accepted yet.
That convoy is looking juicy and will be a bargaining chip.
Zelensky has leverage here.

Fizzle gang is on deck


Thanks king. Really appreciate what you do for this thread.


>It's costing them. A lot.
And it´s forcing Russia to reassemble its economy, Русский долго обувается, но быстро догоняет.
>Democrat senator women in the U.S. are trying to pass bills right now to give combat aircraft (A-10's) to the Ukrainians. I shit you not. They are rabid. I'm just waiting to see Nancy Pelosi wearing a Mitch helmet pushing an advanced as the lead tank commander in an Abrams through the Polish border at this point.
Not likely I think, the US military is coy with the A10, and it's capabilities are highly reduced in these kinds of battle environments. Not to mention the need to retrain pilots since no NATO pilot can officially fly them and not provoke a large-scale conflict.
>If nothing would scare a Chechen it would be Nancy Pelosis face.

Yeah it really sucks.

Vid 2 One of many examples of Ukrainian troops behaving horridly and gloating about killing soldiers, and this gets celebrated in Ukraine's social sphere, yet when Дмитрий Грицюк did the same to Ukrainian troops killed they spat and got mad, and turned a blind eye to the happenings of Donetsky and Lugansk, пиздец какие ханжи.

Laughable rubbish, The Russians are taking it slow and directly removing the one thing really stopping them - civilians that the Ukrainian military is hiding behind.


File: 1646464368896.mp4 (16.41 MB, 640x480, convoy.mp4)

This guy doesn't know what he's talking about. "They planned for a three-day operation." That's wishful thinking American bullshit. This is a U.S. ex-military guy who has studied Russian doctrine and has a better sense of things.


Cool video damn it looks cold and wet. I can feel those wet socks in my feet and bones.


For vid 3 the reason they're doing that is a warning, because at this point the experience has had a lot of Diversants filming Russian movements and directing artillery strikes.

Vid 4 i also incorrectly labeled, Russel Bentley even directly states that if you see people using The old soviet helmets (those steel ones are NOT from WW2) those are DNR or LNR forces, not Russian forces, that utilize only Kevlar/Aramid helmets


Got a youtube link for this guy, really informative.


Media outlet run by U.S. military veterans. Definitely in the tank for the Ukrainian side but they're not just making stuff up.


That video is part 2. The clippy here >>556275 is from part 3.



Also that Trent idiot claimed shit like
>Ukraine still has air superiority/drones
Then made excuses
>Why haven't they hit that convoy yet?


>vid 2
The OSCE literally announced their leaving
>vid 4
Those aren't missile strikes, that's an MLRS barrage.


File: 1646465790390-0.webm (164.65 KB, 640x350, 1646122604183.webm)


<The Russian World is burning
<It's 1 fucking Pantsir-S system
<They just set fire to the outside but it's otherwise whole


File: 1646466309061-0.mp4 (2.18 MB, 720x958, LsNfN9HxOmTHcqnY.mp4)

File: 1646466309061-1.mp4 (366.09 KB, 528x448, kf9xpKoOdgN5gH6T.mp4)


Vid 1 is from the first day of the operation, a Ukrainian SA-10 rushed flat an old man in his car, but the guy survived by a miracle. Ukrainian MSM tried to claim it as "doz ruzzkies" even though this had been bfor they had gotten close to Kiev.
Vid 2 is just hilarious. The definition is too poor to tell the missile type it is.


I wonder when we will abandon our taste for war and killing?
It isn't easy being the apex predator.
Nothing else to do as long as we are all stuck here on this world together?
Fight over a fucking line drawn on the ground.
Who gets how much of what resources for their pigmentation shade clan, religious faction, tribe, caste, accent.
Who can out smart the others to develop better more efficient killing machines.
Or clever enough to steal those designs.
Or cultist enough to convince us all to purge one another for glory, for honor, for the line in the ground and the color of the flag that occupies it.
Even our reaches into the stars have been on the backs of Nazi rocket designs forged from ghoulish imprisonment of scientists, and then we divided the spoils of war and kept their scientists as our own the same way they did and one of the first things we did with them was to build nuclear missiles.
Its never going to end is it? Vast quantities of blood and treasure towards this dance of war?
Nations worth. Pilfered treasuries worth.
All to expedite feeding the worms we will eventually be visiting anyway.


what can defeat violence except violence?
you have entered the metaphysics of the state


File: 1646467496926.jpg (12.78 KB, 960x540, i4aw5gi6gvk41.jpg)


Я не знаю

Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us.
On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of,
every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate
of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions,
ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every
hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every
king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father,
hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every
corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every
saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a
mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the
rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in
glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a
fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the
inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely
distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their
misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent
their hatreds.
Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we
have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this
point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great
enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there
is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from
The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is
nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could
migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment
the Earth is where we make our stand.
It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building
experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of
human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it
underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another,
and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've
ever known.
–Carl Sagan, _Pale Blue Dot_, 1994


if you look at evil
it is a minority who is cruel against the majority
and the vigilant are also a minority
most people practice peace but are defenceless against evil and so conform
when war arrives there are only victors and losers
and who will win?




Vid 3 these fuckers block a road and have armed themselves, the Russians fire over their heads as a waarning and they're claiming that they're being fired at directly, the fucking state of these people

Vid 1 is at least a postive one.



Hopefully this ceasefire will give the elderly, women and kids time to flee the country so the adults can get back to murdering one another over who own which lines in the potato fields without having to deal with their screams interrupting the negotiations and political discourse.


The video of 'abandoned' trucks is just trucks parked. That's normal
The second video is rubbish, none of them are Russian or Russian military
>Muh potato fields
Oh for fucks sake Ukraine's biggest crops have traditionally been grains not potatoes you tit. It's rather interesting that all you post is videos by Ukrainians that are at best neutral or mostly violently anti-Russia, despite there being plenty of video content from the other side… just an observation.


I'm reading that the ceasefire started today (March 5). To which date/time is it supposed to last?


Again Y is it only antirussian content you post? Hell the 3rd video is literally from a neo-nazi group.


indeterminate length I think (functionally maybe 2-3 days.



My dude as far as I know Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Reddit, the whole god damn world has cut off Russian peoples access to upload pictures and videos, so if you know a source to find videos of Russian troops uploading then show me please. I cant exactly get on the horn with Jack Dorsey and tell him to stop flagging accounts or dial up Elon Musk and ask him to air drop some Star Links to the front of the 40km column so they can upload tank dash cams :)


Oh shit task and purpose. Yeah this guy(s?) also did an article where he criticized the military for firing spenser rapone but keeping a neonazi soldier and even said something like "I am not a communist but communism isn't even a racist ideology" and saying it didn't make sense to him. He does interesting vids on new American military tech as well. I actually find him pretty charismatic and I suspect he may be more so naive than just a total bloodthirsty psycho. https://taskandpurpose.com/analysis/neo-nazi-marine-commie-cadet/
I would say he is worth checking out for a military persoective. I will say, actual military insider analyst types oftentimes are more focused on facts than dogma, and oftentimes dislike what they see as "politics" even though they oftentimes absorb propaganda into their worldview and end up with incorrect information that is biased towards an american bourgeois perspective. There are plenty of military instructor types I have watched on youtube that seemed like fairly normal level headed guys and not at all like far-right creeps


Are you in any telegram groups? I know there are some good ones


🇺🇦🇷🇺 Fighting in the Nikolaev region.

Sauce intel slava telegram


File: 1646472688759.mp4 (10.47 MB, 1280x720, 5_6132105514953213183.mp4)

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡️As part of a special operation, the crews of Ka-52 helicopters destroyed enemy armored vehicles with anti-tank guided missiles


File: 1646472757915.mp4 (19.63 MB, 1280x720, 5_6132105514953213179.mp4)

🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡The Russian Defense Ministry publishes footage of the advancement of Russian units in the Kiev region


I wonder why he ran all the way out into the middle of the road exposed in the open to lob that round off? That's crazy. There was like no cover out there.
At least his boy layed down some cover fire for him while he made the journey.


Based upload. Oh god that mud. So much mud.


Lady who lived through Stalingrad getting arrested is probably the worst of all the protest arrests.


File: 1646474633600.mp4 (2.48 MB, 1280x720, 1499379619723628546_1.mp4)




File: 1646475289377.mp4 (10 MB, 848x464, 2NBHaqSK9jB_bTc_.mp4)

DNR SPARTA battalion decimate UA 🇺🇦 defenders in one sided fight ,+ 🇷🇺fire support


good evening from my place


>indeterminate length I think (functionally maybe 2-3 days.
The ceasefire will actually end in just a couple of hours. It's not said to last past the day.


Ah understood, ok then.

Also for vid-1 that's a "fake" or rather a falseflag by Ukrainians - they put ammo boxes in a medical truck and claimed it as some secret diabolical plan.


They didn't really arrest her, if you can see the guys just carefully escorted her and tried to move her from the scene, becaue those protests get ugly fast and she'd get caught up in it. Also from my understanding she is generally anti-war but the signs had ben shoved into her hands by the crowd.


That (I think) is a minelayer being towed


File: 1646492676822.mp4 (31.19 MB, 1280x720, База ВСУ.mp4)

Equipment and ammunition depot seized by Russians after the Ukrainian forces abandoned it.


Morning yall coffee and time for FRESH KINO ALERTS


File: 1646493286503.png (958.59 KB, 1280x960, 1646473614001.png)

I find it kind of hilarious that the Ukrainians supporting their junta are frothing at the mouth about "the invasion" even as the Russian troops have been almost exclusively non-aggressive and unresponsive to civilian aggression, yet they still believe in the idea that "Russia is shelling them, not our brave Nationalists!"

Also in other newsUkrops rammed a microbus with orphans evacuated from Nikolaev. 4 kids with heavy injuries are in reanimation


How do you conquer a nation that has been turned into one gigantic kill zone? Push through the ambush into the awaiting babushkas ambush? Flatten it completely and then fight over the rubble with every farmer still carrying a rifle who now thinks he is Vasilly Zaitsev?


Good question - through careful suppression of actual military, there is a good quote referring to volksturm and SS extremists, На голом энтузиазме долго не протянешься


Trying to compress videos to make them fit
Hope this one uploads and works

The guy talking is Stuart Ramsey - foreign/war zone correspondent for Sky News. He also survived a car bomb in Iraq, has interviewed ISIS and Mexican cartel members, and attended Taliban training camps for suicide bombers, among other bat shit crazy stuff.


>I find it kind of hilarious that the Ukrainians supporting their junta are frothing at the mouth about "the invasion" even as the Russian troops have been almost exclusively non-aggressive and unresponsive to civilian aggression, yet they still believe in the idea that "Russia is shelling them, not our brave Nationalists!"

I know a ukrop who has gone mask off since the war and basically alternates between " russians are killing children" and " the only good moskal us a dead moskal "



Its the reason I abhor war crimes. Not because some Nazi gets gulaged, but because once you spit on your hands, hoist the flack flag and begin slitting throats then the other side raises the jolly roger yo ho ho and its no fucking quarter given. Victory is now determined by the size of your enemies corpse pile. No reason for medical supplies at that point, just send more ammo. Geneva conventions are now a furry anime get together.

Its a race to the last man standing.


First video is pure kino



The duality of non sonic air-frames…fly high and get locked on by every target painter within 20 miles and dump enough chaff and flare to make a conga line from the flight line to the target, or fly low as snakeshit and every reknob with a rifles rounds spraying at you and line up for shots like this.
Kind of hard to pop up from behind a mountain, light up a target and then drop down behind it when the only hills are the potato Vietnamese rice fields of death.


>"What are you going to do, shoot me?"


more footage pls


Реанимация=Intensive care


File: 1646507621407.webm (20.75 MB, 1280x720, 1646507209084.webm)


Czech journalist's car shot at by Russians, reversing to safety, then Ukrainian BTR engages over their heads.
Tokyo drift through the warzone. GAS GAS GAS!


Спарта, к бою!


Quote from man shot


They got caught in a crossfire and Diversants use disguises often so they probably thought it was some IED attempt and the Ukrainians took advantage of the chaos and returned fire, further provoking attacks.


File: 1646517188095.png (448.41 KB, 516x792, ClipboardImage.png)

Sparta Battalion apparently just got hit hard by a Ukrainian counter-attack while trying to cover the evacuation of civilians from Volnovakha and its commander, Vladimir Zhoga, was killed.

F to pay respects


that ending lol, that's the kind of feeling of relief you can't fake


File: 1646517556328.jpg (Spoiler Image, 263.74 KB, 1070x1919, Denis Kireev corpse.jpg)

Ukrainian feds killed their negotiator Denis Kireev (spoiler is graphic) using nazi execution methods




His death will not go unanswered


File: 1646517870085-0.jfif (Spoiler Image, 259.42 KB, 1280x850, ambush FNGvKp-X0A4h-x0.jfif)

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>Ukraine's 36th marines brigade was ambushed near the village of Kalchynivka on the border of Donetsk and Zaporizhia regions
Severe losses suffered


File: 1646518114961.mp4 (19.32 MB, 1280x720, 16465058954670.mp4)

Woman crying, says Ukrainian army had been holding her hostage, artillery striking her settlement


What a waste of a heroic soldier. DNR is going to go out swinging for the fences down to the last man just like Ukraine. What a waste. What a fucking waste.


> DNR is going to go out swinging for the fences down to the last man
<just like Ukraine
My sides


File: 1646538081755.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 4.83 MB, 714x402, 75545452.mp4)

are you ready for the goulag ?


File: 1646538113355-0.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 7.27 MB, 408x720, Y2Mate.is - 14 убитых фоль….mp4)

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Video is NSFW
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but reddit army has taken another L. It seems karma is worth more than opsec these days


>guy tries to join Ukraine defense forc
>sees a bunch of nazis
>gets spooked
>turns around at the border


https://web.telegram.org/z/#-1279747448 Майор и Генерал 🌍
https://web.telegram.org/z/#-1260622817 Readovka
https://web.telegram.org/z/#-1736895964 Война с фейками (debunks many fakes)


>Fake: Four Russian helicopters were shot down in the Mykolaiv region, according to the Ukrainian Navy.

>True: The "Russian Air Force" is written on the helicopter, despite the fact that since 2015 the Russian army does not have the Air Force, now is the "Aerospace Force", that is, the Aerospace Forces.

In addition, green grass is visible in the photo - too green for the first days of March.


Zelensky's fanatical tirades and schizo videos reflect earlier events
>In a face-to-face confrontation with militants from the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion who had launched a campaign to sabotage the peace initiative called “No to Capitulation,” Zelensky encountered a wall of obstinacy.
>With appeals for disengagement from the frontlines firmly rejected, Zelensky melted down on camera. “I’m the president of this country. I’m 41 years old. I’m not a loser. I came to you and told you: remove the weapons,” Zelensky implored the fighters.
>Once video of the stormy confrontation spread across Ukrainian social media channels, Zelensky became the target of an angry backlash.

So yeah neo-nazis are the reason things escalated to this bloodbath.



this is DPR footage right?



got a transcript for vid 3?


just let my soft uygha grill
ice cream and pet baby pigs
no more war


No, but roughly the video is the Ukrainians asking the (supposedly) Russian pilot, his name, rank and other information. Apparently he's a wing commander based in Crimea.


why you don't reply to him CIA lol


Got it, that's what I figured. He seems far more composed than most of the captured russians.


>4chan raid corresponds 100% with pro-ukronazi soyrage


File: 1646546810851.mp4 (1.34 MB, 284x432, 1646544079280.mp4)




File: 1646550435548.png (1.76 MB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

Most well armed Ukrainian army platoon possible. Mfs using guns that making used 100 years ago.


File: 1646552433062-0.webm (1.73 MB, 888x496, 1646536358103.webm)

File: 1646552433062-1.png (169 KB, 396x275, 1646549424458.png)

This is just a follow up clip of the video I posted earlier, I just want to point out some thing.
1) The FOB these guys are operating out of was getting shelled at the same time of this hit.
2) He crashes right next to the graveyard in the lower right.


Adam Something is going full on Agent Kochinski regarding the respect of fallen Russian soldiers.




File: 1646554698253.jpg (74.82 KB, 910x568, 1646530902667.jpg)

Just wait until these retards try a massive naval invasion of Odessa and begin a long slow deployment of APC's from the ships through the water to try and secure a beach head and get rips up like they were hitting Omaha.
It wont even surprise me if they never even make it to the sand.


Fund you Agent Kochinskiite


File: 1646555552827-1.png (792.21 KB, 1424x1024, donbass.png)

Tactical brain burgeroid can't conceive of operational and strategic level thinking where this shit is irrelevant
>h-hehe le bad chiynese tires
>nato totally isn't a paper tiger guise, look how cheap their tires are


You need to go back with your tiresome bullshit.



Truly a post-truth era


File: 1646583301625.webm (2.96 MB, 576x1024, 1646576914118.webm)


Artillery shelling in Irpin




File: 1646592121602-0.webm (13.84 MB, 1280x720, cringekraine.webm)

File: 1646592121602-1.webm (3.67 MB, 1272x710, ukraine.webm)


File: 1646592201541.webm (38.24 MB, 852x480, chechen sardu.webm)

my OCs from the main cyclical.


How rude it must bee to have a war going on in your back yard.


tf? context?


>tags: guro


lmao@ watermelon seller trying to work this into the marketing strategy




Real from that era. She was really popular around 1990.


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>Three installations of the Uragan MLRS trophied by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and already re-marked under the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, there are also losses among the personnel of the Ukrainian side (another 4 pictures of killed ukrainian soldiers, no need to publish them all).
>Mariupol direction.
Only pic 1 is NSFW


File: 1646605640112-0.jfif (Spoiler Image, 227.6 KB, 1280x850, defeat of the column of t….jfif)

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File: 1646605640112-3.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 75.52 KB, 510x678, defeat of the column of t….jpeg)

>The defeat of the column of the 36th Marine Brigade of the APU on the march near Mariupol.
(many ukrainian soldiers killed, too graphic, only uploading referential ones)



>- "Agat," I'm "Sova-one". Do you copy?

> - "Agat" listening.
> - Can see civies near the house #4. A lot of them. Carrying bags. They want to get out the city through the separatist corridor. Do you copy?
> - The fuck they're doing? Can you repeat?
> - Civvies want to get out. They're packing their bags and fucking right off. What shall we do with them?
> - Fucking stop them. Throw them back into their houses and have them sit there.
> - "Agat," maybe we shall let them just fuck off?
> - HAVE YOU FUVKING LOST YOUR MIND? Maybe you're going to catch arty strikes with your ass? The moment they're gone, Russians will fucking level the whole city with Grads. Shall they [civvies] start getting uppity - shoot their fucking arms and legs then. Do you copy?
> - Understood. Over.




Is this the crying czech?


>POV you invade a potato farmers land


Хватит нытья. Россия победит, нечего поделаешь.


why do you keep reposting the first image?


I don't know who you are or why you think I'm pro-Russia, I asked why you keep reposting the first image. It was a tiny bit funny the first time but now it's just cringe


said "FIND LOVE ON THE FRONT LINES" in response to that volunteer for Ukraine website that promised "Experience - Guaranteed!"

And here it is. "Volunteer in Ukraine and find a gf"


>SU-25 taken out
Ok and? Both sides are losing aircraft, Kiev has lost more, and many on the ground.



>We didn't know it at the time, but we were later told by the Ukrainians that we were being ambushed by a saboteur Russian reconnaissance squad. It was professional, the rounds kept smashing into the car - they didn't miss.

>At this stage we thought it was a Ukrainian army checkpoint firing at us and that it was a mistake, so we started screaming we were journalists, but the rounds kept coming.


Different journalists getting shot at


I kno, same situation tho


File: 1646610820918.mp4 (16.52 MB, 480x270, 2022-03-07 00.37.37.mp4)

Psychosis has taken the ukrainian army/government inventing saboteurs, fake operatives, torture people, etc, the Donbasians do a wonderful job capturing real ones. Vidrel.


First he's accused of treason:
All media hyped (some erased or 404 the notes) and then the intelligence services post it this:


<UKR Air Force Su-27 jet near Kiev was shot down by Russian S400 from Belarus — 150KM away; setting a world record. The pilot was Ukraine’s legendary Colonel Oleksandr Oksanchenko who was well known for his airshow performances.— now dead & awarded title of hero of Ukraine.
ASB News / MILITARYPart alternation mark
<This is reportedly the first ever combat use of S400


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Here's an article written about the incident, which quotes colonel cassad who had the following speculation regarding it potentially being an instantiation of psywar:
>On the one hand, Rozhin [Col. Cassad] points out that it's not as if there have been no cases of torture by the various neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine's official service (see photo above for an example–more at the link). Moreover, given the reputation of Cyber-Berkut, it seems unlikely that the organization would engage in spreading of false information. On the other hand, Rozhin acknowledges it's possible Cyber-Berkut got trolled by a pro-Kiev organization, which deliberately posted a fake clip so as to discredit CB.

>The final possibility is that the clip is genuine, and the trolling claim is intended to depict the real video as a fake spread as misinformation. Keep in mind, however, that Novorossia media have fallen for fakes spread by the UAF before. The most notable was the story of a Novorossia nurse by the name of Sasha Serova being brutally murdered by the UAF, accompanied by a photo of…US porn star Sasha Grey (which is what the name Serova can mean). Therefore one has to approach such stories with particular care.



File: 1646613600674.jpg (109.05 KB, 960x703, 17dhy9xv4ur71.jpg)

>Ukrainians forgot about the Belarus Air Defense Identification Zone
Luka just can't stop winning


File: 1646613713952.mp4 (7.13 MB, 576x1024, 1500609640593248257_1.mp4)

Is there any proof? Photo, video? Anything?


Ukrainian military literally gave him a post-humous medal


File: 1646615280116.mp4 (14.68 MB, 352x624, 16462892325300.mp4)


>Retarded kids start fucking around with an OMONovits… the guy clearly only defends and grabs, no violence.


lol this is nothing, you retard. Interesting how the Russian pigs show more restraint than their burger counterparts who would have shot those kids


Не пизди


Rudoy drops.


File: 1646619462576.png (660.72 KB, 824x1147, 1646493496517.png)

<barely a thousand people, if that.


Oh look, more glowies

I'll say it again.
>Peacenik idealism
Rudoy hasn't been good in over a year and his Tortskyist views are cancerous. Yeah Kadirov and Putin aren't good angels or anything, but his angle is just ignoring real politik and the threat of NATO.


It's less than the protests from two years ago about the constitutional amendments. And has nothing on the 2011-2013 protests lol.




File: 1646619792512.jpg (Spoiler Image, 323.13 KB, 960x1280, 1646611107680.jpg)

Imagine driving around in your moms minivan in a war zone.


File: 1646620073542.mp4 (20.96 MB, 426x238, Streamable Video.mp4)




>ironically posting more evidence of ukraine troops hiding in areas that have children


>allegedly Russian
<Ukraine literally abandoned entire bases of damaged vehicles
<could easily video this and then claim it as russkie trucks


>defend your land, families, homes and children
<defend them by hiding behind them and drawing enemy fire and prevent them from leaving the area of conflict, and if you shell the children and homes and families of other Ukrainians… they're totally traitors and not exercising their right to defend themselves, that's terrorism!
Fuck off you /pol/tard


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File: 1646620666703-2.mp4 (746.48 KB, 224x400, EeWkQcCojj_0HGel.mp4)

From few years ago, nothing 2 see here xDD


That's not a tank and that's not a Kord, fucking retards.


File: 1646620966222.mp4 (16.1 MB, 720x1280, Putin-wa-kuriminaru.mp4)


>literal feminazis
couldn't make this shit up if you tried.




Another Donbass song


>waaah de police only defends and grabs, brutality!
<US police brutality? Azov street executions? wuzzat?
fuck off


File: 1646621744852.mp4 (4.61 MB, 720x1280, 1500427513104936967_1.mp4)

Were rolling around in Hummv's and the Rooskys have this bad boy? Its a really nice tactical vehicle. Not sure if it is unarmored or not.


File: 1646621814619.mp4 (16.24 MB, 576x1024, ssstiktok_1646607218.mp4)

Remains of ukrainian armored column destroyed by Russian airstrike near Kherson, 24th of February.


It's lightly armored. the Ukrainians have an ad-hoc equivalent but not a real comparable vehicle.


Truly a sad video, brothers pitted against one another by NATO.


File: 1646622414166.mp4 (575.81 KB, 628x640, 8ourLyGKfj72aNHa.mp4)



12 year old's understanding of geopolitics


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>CNN guest Steve Hall: "This is why it's a mistake to call Russians 'Europeans.' They don't share our values." on the Anderson Cooper airtime
>Steve Hall, a former Chief of Russia Operations of the CIA
>Cooper, former CIA Intern
Fucking hell. Speaking of:
>In May 2017, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said on NBC's Meet The Press that Russians were "almost genetically driven" to act deviously.[179][180] … In June 2017 Clapper said that "[t]he Russians are not our friends", because it is in their "genes to be opposed, diametrically opposed, to the United States and western democracies.[182]"


Already posted here once and that's a cruise missile.



This is just the same video posted over and over. Cope.


What’s evil got to do with anything? Anyway, “both sides bad” is meaningless


Why are they saying this as if it would make me do anything except support the Russians even more?



There's more than one anon posting in this thread, I'm not the rabid fedposter that does anti-Russian vids.


1) Anecdote
2) Culture =/= genes Russians are not genetically predisposed to be "antiEuropean-values" or whatnot, it's the "le slav untermensch" rhetoric ripped straight from Der Untermensch.


I know, I mean liberal media being like “they don’t think like europeans” and my brown ass being like “thank god for that”
Based beyond belief


I think those are Ukrainian soldiers
A) They have been taking residential cars as they leave areas (vid related)
B) The helmet is light-tan (Ukrainian colors), Russian helmets are dark green.


>Preparing to turn the streets into a bloodbath
>fanatics keeping normal people from fleeing by threat of another Odessa Massacre
just 'great'


>this shit again
>old ass video from yesterday or more
>ignoring ceasefire
see >>556275


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Kolomoisky can blow up the plant, if the militia will take Zaporozhye

August 29, 2014 14:28

On Thursday, August 28, Igor Kolomoisky has announced that it will begin the implementation of a "plan B"without explaining what it is. But the oligarch said that now takes control and protection of Mariupol and Odessa. According to experts, Kolomoisky cannot count on the help of Kyiv, therefore, to deal with the forces of militia, he would have alone.

He is sponsoring its punitive battalions, other forces had not. All government army will remain in the South-East of the country, and under no circumstances Poroshenko now will not help Kolomoisky, said a military expert Vladimir Timoshenko.

As told by a source in Zaporozhye city administration, soon after this statement Kolomoisky, appeared in the city Boris Filatov, the right hand of the Governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region. He ordered local officials are preparing for the worst and prepare the DneproGES dam to undermining.

A retired Colonel Viktor Litovkin said that Kolomoisky, in the case of the implementation plan to undermine the dam would be "suicide".

- Broken DneproGES dam wash Ukraine and part of Russia. No war is such victims as the threat of the destruction of DGAS, - said the expert.

4.9 Special machine for radiation and chemical reconnaissance 31 units 4.10 Special laboratory control machine 11 units 4.11 Special decontamination machine 32 units 4.12 Container diving complex 5 units Means of searching for explosive objects at a depth of 0.6m 107 units 4.17 Means of searching for explosive objects at a depth of 3m 80 units 4.18 Means of searching for explosive objects at a depth of 6m 80 units 4.19 Underwater metal detector 11 units 4.20 Compressor with a working pressure of 300 bar with a set of spare parts for filling cylinders with compressed air 400 units 4.21 Motor-pump for firefighting 30 units 4.46 Protective gloves for the rescuer 22,000 pairs 4.47 Firefighter's balaclavas 22,000 units 4.48 Diving wetsuit (dry type) 60 units 4.49 Diving wetsuit (wet type) 60 units 4.50 Diving equipment with open breathing scheme type 60 sets 4.51 Hose diving equipment Kirby Morgan type 5 sets 4.72 Bio protection suits 10,000 pieces 4.73 Medical latex gloves 10,000 pairs 4.74 Medical protective mask 50,000 pieces


Old video. Piss off, shill


Баяны долой


Every single god damn ad I get right now on YouTube is "Starving Ukrainian refugee children, please help them!


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Reminder that the Kononovich brothers, one of them head of the Ukranian Komsomol have been arrested, send the news
Ukrop news report (the sauce I found apart of the telegram message)

The security service in Kyiv detained the brothers Alexander and Mikhail Kononovich. They leaked information about the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the Russian and Belarusian special services.
This was reported in the press service of the SBU.
It is known that Alexander and Mikhail lived in Lutsk and were ardent admirers of communism.
Their goal was to undermine the internal situation in Ukraine and create the "necessary information picture" for the channels of Russia and Belarus. However, the Ukrainian special services detained accomplices of the invaders, who systematically provided information to the Russian and Belarusian special services.
Both brothers are now detained and are in jail.
According to Volyn. Online, the Kononovichi brothers have long been known for their pro-Russian views. In February 2015, Alexander, on the air of the "Novorossiysk" program, declared "about neo-fascism in Volyn." Men repeatedly participated in pro-Russian rallies in Kyiv and other cities. Even now, despite the large-scale aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine against peaceful cities, hundreds of civilian casualties, they have not changed their beliefs, but, on the contrary, have increased enemy propaganda in social networks.


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Radio Free Europe says it was ‘forced’ to shutter Russia operations amid Putin crackdown on media
>Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the network that broadcast uncensored news across the Iron Curtain in Cold War-era Europe, said Saturday it will shutter its operations in Russia, citing mounting fines over its refusal to be identified as a “foreign agent” and a new law stifling freedom of the press.
>“This is not a decision that RFE/RL has taken of its own accord, but one that has been forced upon us by the Putin regime’s assault on the truth,” Jamie Fly, the network’s president and chief executive, said in a statement. “Following years of threats, intimidation and harassment of our journalists, the Kremlin, desperate to prevent Russian citizens from knowing the truth about its illegal war in Ukraine, is now branding honest journalists as traitors to the Russian state.”
>RFE said that on Friday, the tax authorities in Russia started bankruptcy proceedings against its operations there, stemming from more than $13.4 million in fines for 1,040 violations of Russia’s “unlawful demand” that RFE’s content be labeled as produced by a “foreign agent.”
>RFE added that 18 of its journalists also had been designated “foreign agents.” Nine of its Russian-language websites were blocked in the past week, it said, over its refusal to delete information about the invasion of Ukraine.


I am wondering how many of the groups and movements against fascism in Ukraine and Russia are pro-Russia and/or vaguely sympathetic to communism. There does not seem to be another significant force actually calling out the fascist elements.


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Don't let the comrades die


Putin may be creating the Ideal conditions for the popularisation of comunism in russia by accident.


File: 1646664524071.mp4 (1.7 MB, 426x240, mariupol.mp4)

Mariupol, by a Ukrainian soldier, 5th of March



File: 1646669204172.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 3.99 MB, 360x480, 82bcf6faa128c694.mp4)


File: 1646669426651.mp4 (7.05 MB, 268x480, 14db8415a4a6ccdb.mp4)

In the Kiev region, KORD special forces destroys two enemy tanks.


File: 1646669633639.mp4 (4.89 MB, 264x480, c08bd301d6d0cba2.mp4)

Conversation of a Ukrainian soldier with an attacker from the Russian Federation.


File: 1646669881242.mp4 (3.85 MB, 272x480, 5a8d4bde053ee456.mp4)

" Our friends from the counter terrorism continue to collect working Russian tanks in the fields, this time up to four! ”


what are they saying


In short, the Russian says they were supposed to be at military rehearsals. The Ukrainian says ok crawl up here.


Deteriorated artillery position of the attackers near Mykolaiv


File: 1646671013517.mp4 (4.76 MB, 268x480, 91904c8f82ea4fd1.mp4)

Drone footage of Russian MRLS -strike.


In Nizhnekamsk, workers went on strike because of "underpayments" as a result of a jump in the exchange rate


All footage from the first and second day, again, piss off shill.


File: 1646677168469.mp4 (3.31 MB, 576x1024, Kr67g4.mp4)




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>The manifesto of the Social-National Assembly, written by Biletsky, speaks of a need to create a new kind of society, functioning as a single organism. According to Holovko, the ideas stem from what he calls the classical Ukrainian nationalism of 1939. He does not cite inspiration from such well-known Ukrainian nationalist figures as Stepan Bandera or Dmytro Dontsov.

>“Bandera’s ideas were eventually transformed into socialism, so we respect him not as an ideologue but as a person,” he says.

>Instead, he refers to Ukranian nationalist Mykola Stsiborskyi (1897-1941), one of many Ukrainian leaders who rejected democracy in favour of the idea of the nation as an organic unit in the interwar era. A founding member of the underground Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), he chose to side with Bandera’s rival Andryi Melnyk when the organization experienced a schism in 1940 – a choice that might have led to his assassination by followers of Bandera in 1941. As a theoretician, Stsiborskyi was an advocate of corporatism and of what he called “nationcracy”, which he elaborated in his 1935 book Nationcracy.

>“To understand, you should read his book,” says Holovko. “Stsiborskyi analyses all types of societies, their positive and negative sides. Then, in the second part of the book, he describes nationcracy as the best solution. His idea is that in the middle of everything is the individual and that the place of the individual is in society. We have to understand that we live in a society.



>get out of the fighting zone! You'll get shelled otherwise!


>vid 3
Puts an explosive on kids' playground, goes back, remembers to photo it and comes back to do it
>Actual Antifa supersoldiers, chechenians yihadists and russian troops vs the ukrainian army, neonazi paramilitary groups and western marvel-watching redditors.




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I truly don’t know if westernoids are lying to everyone or utterly delusional by now
How do you just witness the thugs you’re riding with executing random civilians that don’t stop for them and convince yourself that, yes, these probably were “saboteurs”?
>Terrell Jermaine Starr is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center and the senior reporter at The Root, where he writes about US-Russia politics and race in America.
>Starr is also a 2018-2020 Global Strategist Association fellow, a fellowship that aims to place Black people in foreign policy discussions and positions of power. He is the founder and host of Black Diplomats, a weekly foreign policy podcast that explores the world via travel, politics, culture, and news from a Black perspective. He regularly appears on In The Thick Podcast and The Young Turks, where he provides analysis on Eastern European and US politics.
<He is currently writing the memoir of his life about how growing up with his two drug-dealing uncles helped him understand foreign policy towards Russia and understand the intersections between American white supremacy and imperialism
Ah yes, the buck-broken hood to glowie pipeline. Classic.


Piece on Ukrainian leftists' reactions
>admits that there was violence in the East
>admits that there are a lot of problems in the Ukraine government
>admits that there are fascists and far right gangs
>admits that Russia is not the sole figure to blame
<ignores how Ukraine's further rapport with NATO could strengthen capitalism and the debt trap that Ukraine could fall into
<ignores how Russia has quite literally offered a bunch of opportunities to deescalate the conflict for a while even before the war
<chases a formal ideal of democracy without considering that foreign affairs and capital dictates way more policies than votes do

I wanna be somewhat sympathetic to their thinking, but they are politically bankrupt


The thing about these people is that they will never realize how much of their americanness shields them, even if they are PoC


maybe listen to the people living their, westoid


Right sector in the hizzouse


File: 1646698395833.png (410.83 KB, 1252x862, ClipboardImage.png)

Zelensky being exposed as a saboteur and [redacted] by Azov in 3 2 1 …


Can someone explain the Name filters? Is this a Mod action from last night?


international women's day


Aaaah, ok. That's actually pretty clever, it'd be interesting to see something similar for International Mens Day and for Victory Day.


<Fake: The position of Russian artillery was completely destroyed near Nikolaev. Such information is disseminated by Ukrainian telegram channels.
>Truth: Military experts explained that the video shows the position of the 122nd D-30 howitzers of the Ukrainian army, destroyed by Russian units.
>D-30 howitzers are a Soviet system and are massively in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. You can see that all the guns are in the deployed position, trucks, on the contrary, are in the marching position. They do not have characteristic tactical signs, with the exception of KamAZ, but it could have been specially removed for the "completeness of the picture."
>The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine confirms intensive strikes on the positions of Ukrainian troops in the report for March 6. Earlier, Ukrainian sources reported about the defeat of a military convoy from Chechnya - this information also turned out to be fake.


>Fake (found by the SIGNAL channel): A Russian drone was shot down in the Nizhyn district of the Chernihiv region. This was announced by the head of the Chernihiv regional administration Vyacheslav Chaus.

>Truth: In the Chernihiv region, a Ukrainian “Furia” was shot down – a drone developed by the Kiev enterprise “Athlon-Avia” and adopted by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2020 after state tests.


>I'm sure you've all seen the Kyiv Independent online during all this. They've been one of the most prolific propaganda arms of the Ukranian state, with over a million followers and a seemingly endless stream of (almost always unconfirmed and unconfirmable) posts.
>I was doing a little legwork on one of their more odious propagandists, the admitted Azov member Illia Ponomarenko (https://twitter.com/IAPonomarenko) and I seem to have stumbled on a NATO propaganda op.
>I'll get back to Illia in a moment, but for now we must turn an eye to the paper he works for, the Kyiv Independent. While ostensibly it seems to be a normal paper, when you start to look at the "journalists" they employ, a certain pattern emerges.
>Let's start from the top.

<Olga Rudenko, Editor-in-Chief:

>According to her Linkedin she worked for three years with something called "Objective Investigative Reporting Project" as a grant coordinator for "independent Journalists"
>A little digging around finds that she is referring to this, of which no next step is necessary given as the sidebar says it all
<Launched in July 2013, Objective is a new media development project and joint venture of Niras/BBC funded by the Danish Foreign Ministry. The project will run for four years in seven countries - Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey.
>She would then go on to work for a mysterious freelancing agency (I can find nothing about their funding or ownership, and their office appears to be a small rented space in Deleware) for a while before ending up at the Kyiv post, then the Kyiv independent.

<Jakub Parusinski, CFO

>Managed a London office for McKinsey, I really don't even know how much we need to say.
>However, if we need to go deeper, we find that prior to that he worked for the International Center for Policy Studies a think tank founded by the Open Society Institute, and funded by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, which was founded by the German government and is currently funded by USAID more than any other donor (view page 20)

<Daryna Shevchenko, CEO

>Her background starts off hot working for a company called IREX, who, according to it's financial disclosure forms says the following
<IREX receives funds from the U.S. Department of State (DOS), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), other Federal agencies, and private-sector sources. Approximately 86 percent and 90 percent of the funds received in 2020 and 2019 including cost share, respectively, were through awards from the U.S. government.
>But it gets better! After that, she founded a company called the Media Development Foundation, which works with both the National Endowment for Democracy and the US Embassy in Kiev before getting together with Jakub to found jnomics media, then the Kyiv Independent.

<Oleksiy Sorokin, COO and Political Editor

>Started out with Transparency International which, according to it's own disclosures is funded by the US Department of State, UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and the Foreign offices of many other NATO/US aligned states.
>He then went straight from that into a COO and editor job after only 3 years experience, something which would be odd indeed was this a real journalism outfit.

<Illia Ponomarenko, Defense "Reporter" and Azov Member

>Now we're back to this punk.
>A man who attended a strange university, Mariupol State Humanitarian University, founded in only 1991 seemingly by Greek immigrants and ALSO funded by USAID (scroll down to the bottom it's on the front page), who's 36 year old rector, Mykola Trofymenko (appointed at 34) has the same profile as a ghost despite his meteoric rise to the head of a University.
>From there, he went straight into working as a "defense reporter" and befriending Nazi militia commanders and becoming one of the most odious propagandists in this war.
>It didn't take me long to find all of this. A little more digging and we could get even more, I think. Even with this, the line between US/NATO governments, regime change ops and intelligence and the Kyiv independent is clear and direct.


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>international mens day
isnt every day international mens day?


<Fake: On March 7, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down a Russian helicopter, according to the verified telegram channel of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
>Truth: As the Signal telegram channel informs, this photo was taken on February 24, on the first day of the special operation in Ukraine. We also found this photo in the media on the same dates.
>Such photographs, in any case, should be treated with the utmost caution, last time a photograph of a field was presented as evidence.
>Now the account of the ground forces of Ukraine has already replaced the photo, trying to justify that it was illustrative.
the need to fake victories is persistent in the ukroside.


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Don't be obtuse


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Photos of the vehicle look old, probably initial days, not current. The last 3 pics of the supposed computer is laughable - Russian military is using a computer that's still in its packaging? Give me a break.


>inkblot "explosion"
looks like CG bullshit.


reverse thermals


Reverse thermals don't make everything blot out, did they fucking hit a pile of cartoon TNT? Explosions don't work like that.


>Wrecked Russian ship


>using a Grad to hit a shit and set it on fire at bight
Using unguided rockets to hit a target that far out to sea is fucking ridiculous, it's not even like artillery that can have very predictable arcs and ranges, MLRS systems can and do 'wiggle' in air, letting them blanket an area in explosions, but making it harder to do a pinpoint strike. Systems like the Uragan are more accurate, but a Grad is unlikely.



Its a 9K317 Buk-M2 TELAR
Turkey keeps feeding the Ukrainians those cheap Bayraktar TB2 drones which are proving to be pretty effective.


All I know is what the video posted showing them shooting a GRAD at a ship in the water shows.
Also this ship video we see could be filmed from a different location than the weapon was used.

https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/BM-21_Grad state that Russian Grads can reach a pretty good range with decent accuracy.


>Its a 9K317 Buk-M2 TELAR
Then the Ukrainians hit their own troops, Russia doesn't use those.

>Russian Grads can reach a pretty good range with decent accuracy.
Decent accuracy for rocket artillery, look at a video of a barrage and you'll see the accuracy. More importantly Grad often gets used by only firing a couple rockets at a time instead of a barrage, due to ammunition shortage and the need to move position before being found.


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>azov is just 1000 people and zelensky is a jew

Reminder if you see this talking point

the interim government Nuland helped pick out had several fascist ministers


The militant part of maidan, which pushed out the anarchisrs, was led by the nazi Andriy Parubiy. That guy later became a national security leader and shaped (look up order #2) the territorial defense battalions and the national guard, ushering his militants into them. He then became *speaker of the Rada*. He also got a state visit to *Congress* where he spoke about Holodomor.

Zelensky said on the campaign trail it's okay to like Bandera. Poroshenko called azov their best fighters. Kiev's streets after maidan were patrolled by right sector.
West Ukraine held a 15k Bandera march in January 2014


Potato Ughers just drove a truck through the front gate of the Russian embassy in Dublin


Oh I thought it was going to be some attack or some shit. What a retard


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>go back to poland where there's no freedom.


>"and go back to Poland where there's no freedom"
LMAO what? Also it's obviously a small group of Ukraine-shitters, you can see them spreading out leaflets of "de russkie criemes" FFS Ireland, don't buy into the angloid narrative.


sad to see the irish believing the queen's lies


>Source: trust me bro
Russia has their own navigational system, called GLONASS. Why would they use GPS


>commercial GPS
retarded RAF idiot doesn't understand the concept of contrasting civilian and military information, FFS that HUD literally has GPS coordinates on it. Not to mention that's either
A) an inverted photo (the gunner seat on the Su-34 has a hood)
or B) It's a Su-24 seat.


Some notes from first ten minutes:
Clip of Lindsey Graham telling Ukrainians "Your fight is our fight, 2017 will be the year of offense, we in Washington will push the case against Russia."
Kamala going to Ukraine right before Russia invaded to announce that she is happy that Ukraine wants to join NATO, which was an obvious provocation.
Commentary about how America never de-escalates or withdraws from these wars.
A US military officer did a war game simulating a US/Russia war, and estimated that 1 billion people would die.


> US military officer did a war game simulating a US/Russia war, and estimated that 1 billion people would die.
Correction: he is a foreign policy person
>In the simulation we mapped out, not only does NATO get sucked in unintentionally, but Russia releases nuclear weapons in its desperation.
>In the course of what we called the NATO-Russia War of 2019, we estimated one billion people died. And if we aren’t careful, what happened in a simulation could happen if a NATO-Russia war erupts over Ukraine.


>So your saying I have a higher chance of survival than FEMA and the CDC said I would have from Covid-19?
1) stop bringing up random Covshit
2) CDC data literally demonstrates that 98.5% of people that aren't A) - 60+/5 or younger AND B) - have prior chronic health problems, survive COVID perfectly fine, so no.

Also sauce on the pic? (I mean the thread its from)


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Х, красавцы


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Based 'Stralians


It's morbidly amusing that this conflict and subsequent discussion of it here has made this classic old meme make a small comeback.


I-I need an uncensored version of that.


>waaaaah the evul policeman scraped the snow!
<wuddya mean nobody got hurt!? It hurt my feelings!
Go back


>Putin is totally in a bunker
>Zelensky finally comes out of hiding in Lvov

keep seething


You will never get to die shooting down the asiatic hordes, but instead in some nursing home you seething, impotent cuck


First the old memes, then we bring back the Union


First we nail this roof, then we nail Azov


I didn't know we had three-striper faggots on here.
Did your dad die fighting against the liberators of Vietnam?


He's been shitting in this thread for days, you see all the deleted posts? Those are his, he's also the reason Tor Nodes are fucked at the moment and even tried to post a DDOS virus link targeting Russian computers, sites and more.



Does anyone have that video of an Ukrainian soldier telling an Ukrainian women (civilian) that she can't leave and they'll shoot her otherwise? It was posted in the cyclical thread before, but can't find it here or in the cyclical anymore.

I just need all evidence I can get of Ukrainian army blocking the human corridor to counter propaganda in my country.


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Morning yall *sips coffee*


ngl the song is kinda cool


This was the video from the old couple who got killed. At least they died together side by side.


russian tank?



Ukrop artillery spotter surrendered to Russia after seeing with his own eyes that Ukrop artillery maimed his mother in his home when Ukrop artillery shot there intentionally


No, that's a BMP, and it laced a Z or anything (and given Ukrainans put Zs on falseflag vehicles it' not even an indicator either).



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>⚡️The Kiev security forces left the village of Krymskoe practically without a fight, leaving the ammunition depot located near the houses. This was announced by a serviceman of the People's Militia of the LPR Fedor Sergeev.
>🗣 "The units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that controlled the village, some of them laid down their arms and went over to the side of the LPR, the rest retreated in an organized manner in the direction of the city of Severodonetsk. You can see this by the absence of burnt or damaged equipment," Sergeyev said.
>He said that less than 200 meters from the houses in the village were the positions of the mortar battery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
>💬 "This is their favorite tactic - to place equipment and weapons near civilian infrastructure, near settlements where civilians live. Directly behind me, in one of the premises on the territory occupied by mortars of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, there is a rather impressive ammunition depot"




Demilitarization of Ukraine is in the self-preservation interests of Europe, it seems
>The Ukrainian air defense achieved the first grandiose "victory" in the air. At the request of the Romanian Defense Ministry, the Ukrainian General Staff is urgently conducting an investigation.
>The Romanian side clearly stated that the recently crashed Romanian MiG-21 fighter was shot down by the Ukrainian S-300 anti-aircraft system. The fighters found rocket elements in the wreckage.
Do you have any doubt left that it was Ukraine that shot down that Boeing? Come on now, look at how they handle their weaponry




DL the vid (and sub it), I can't even open it


>Muh Western Tankies
>muh nazis
>posting RIchard Spencer
Zeething projection


But Trump is pro Ukraine


>pro Ukraine
Haha no!


He literally said that Putin did the right thing and that the USA ought to have done the same thing if Mexico had acted like Ukraine did.


Did you see the cpac speech?


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>Russian state security officers in Kherson detained Major Alexander Fedyunin, a serviceman of the 124th Territorial Defense Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, while trying to get into a cache of weapons and explosives.


>Fake: Ukrainian military hit a Russian Aerospace Forces helicopter in the sky over the Kiev region. The moment of attack and fall was filmed by a drone.

>Truth: In the video, you can see the unusual color of the helicopter: it has a smoked tail from the operation of the screen-exhaust device that directs the engine exhaust gases back. Apparently, a Mi-24 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine got on the video - we found photographs of two identical Ukrainian aircraft with the same traces of soot. The fact that this is definitely not the Mi-35 of the Russian Aerospace Forces can be seen from the retracted landing gear: the Mi-35 has a non-retractable one. Also, the downed helicopter is painted in light green camouflage, which is more typical for the equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine than for combat vehicles of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

In addition, filming from a copter is questionable: drones are practically not used in current events in Ukraine, but they were actively used in 2014-2016 in the Donbas, from where the video can be taken.


2014 coup architect Victoria Nuland FULLY ADMITTING there’s US funded biolabs in Ukraine at a Senate hearing today. We’re going to find out what exactly was going on in there.


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>Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in a phone with President Vladimir Putin praised Russia’s military incursion into Ukraine, denouncing what he called Western “hysteria” surrounding it.
>Al-Assad told Putin on Friday what was happening in Ukraine was a “correction of history and restoration of balance which was lost in the world after the breakup of the Soviet Union”, the official SANA news agency quoted the Syrian leader as saying.
>Al-Assad added: “Syria stands with the Russian Federation based on its conviction that its position is correct and because confronting NATO expansionism is a right for Russia.”


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>Everyone at RT America in DC has been laid off.

Their on-air talents page has been removed:

>The management of RT, the international Russian government-funded television network, informed its staff of American and Russian broadcasters that it is shutting down operations of its Washington, DC-based U.S. operations, RT America, effective immediately due to the condemnation it is receiving in the United States as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The news was broken at an all-hands-on-deck staff meeting held at the network’s state-of-the-art headquarters in Washington, DC today (3/3) at 12:00 pm.


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Jesse Ventura is pretty sly.

RT's hosts were all sent home early yesterday morning to be given a big announcement the next day (an obvious mass layoff):

Jesse Ventura then makes this tweet late yesterday morning to make himself look like he valiantly got himself fired for opposing the invasion:

Of course all the mainstream progressives on Twitter like Kyle Kulinski, Krystal Ball et al. fell for it and retweeted it. Well played, Jesse.


>Odessa labour union is underground but returning


>Barely concealed social chauvinism


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>leftypol meme actually gets into the MSM


8 Mar, 2022 22:41

US comments on Ukrainian 'biolabs'
<Washington confirms it is working with Kiev to prevent Russia from accessing Ukraine’s biolaboratories

Top US diplomat has confirmed that Washington has been involved in an effort to make sure no “materials” Ukraine keeps in its biolabs end up with the Russian military.

“Ukraine has biological research facilities, which, in fact, we are now quite concerned…Russian troops, Russian forces maybe seeking to gain control of,” US State Under Secretary Victoria Nuland said on Tuesday as she testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“We’re working with Ukranians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach,” she added.

The Russian military previously claimed that the Ukrainian authorities have been hastily destroying dangerous materials, including highly pathogenic bacterial and viral agents, they allegedly kept in laboratories linked to the Pentagon.

On Monday, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov claimed that the documents seen by the Russian military suggest that some of these laboratories worked with anthrax and the plague among other infections. Kirillov also alleged that “the only reason” why Kiev had reportedly moved to destroy the materials was out of concern that Russian experts “will highly likely prove Ukraine and the US have been in violation of the Biological Weapons Convention” once they study the samples.

While Moscow has expressed concerns over the alleged development of bioweapons in Ukraine, Nuland has appeared to preemptively blame Russia for any potential release of hazardous materials amid the ongoing military conflict.
Nuland agreed with Senator Marco Rubio that if a chemical or biological “incident” or “attack” takes place in Ukraine, then Russia would be the culprit.
“There is no doubt in my mind, Senator, and it is classic Russian technique to blame on the other guy what they’re planning to do themselves,” she said.
Kiev has denied it was designing bioweapons, while the Pentagon insisted that speculations about its possible involvement in such programs in the former Soviet states was part of Russian “disinformation.”


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>literally every Ukrainian soldier has a black sun on their uniforms and all the major sites are trying to do damage control because it completely breaks the narrative. Reddit just straight up banned the getty image lmfao, liberals exist in a state of pure cope.


The Ukranian government just launched missiles at an Azov Battalion for disobeying orders.

The theory on this is since it happened hours after the SBU killed Denis Kireev that it was retaliation by the military.
There's an article on Zelensky basically getting told to fuck off from the Donbass front somewhere but search results are shit because of the sheer number of articles written recently. There is an internal conflict within the ukranian government, and the anti-azov faction is using this chaos as an opportunity


Reddit is a good example proving almost all upper middle class westoids are subhuman


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In other news


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<"Right Sector fighters that took part in the "anti-terrorist operation" become full time employees at the SBU"


In Warsaw, coal workers dump off a load in front of the Russian embassy, at least the guards managed to stop them from ramming through the gate this time, unlike in Dublin.
>Imported coal accounts for almost 20% of Poland’s consumption because it is cheaper and of higher quality than Poland’s domestic coal resources. In 2020 Poland imported 12.82 million tons of hard coal, with the top suppliers being: Russia (9.5 million tons in 2020)


>There's an article on Zelensky basically getting told to fuck off from the Donbass front somewhere but search results are shit because of the sheer number of articles written recently.


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>Fake: Ukrainians are selling tanks online
>Truth: It's a meme edit for a joke
(Even Snopes debunked this, anticommunist, Ukraine shills that they are) https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ukraine-used-tanks-ebay/


Let the psheks suffer from these sanctions. And let the less chauvinistic amongst them use them to organize meaningful resistance


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Does anyone have any other links regarding the biomass? I came across these but I haven't even really begun to look into it yet



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>Ukrainian MP Kira Rudyk: ‘We are fighting not only for Ukraine, but also for the New World Order. For the democratic countries. We know we are the shield for the EU."


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>Muh new world order



>BRITISH LION I’m one of the first Brits to join Ukraine war & was interrogated – Putin is a monster

Jason recalled: “It was a very confusing situation. No one really knew what was going on.

“As we headed into the dark I think it’s fair to say I was scared.

“Anyone who goes into that position that isn’t scared is a liar.

“When we arrived it was very quiet. But all of a sudden the gates of hell opened up on us.”

A squadron of Russian jets fired down rockets before a fleet of attack choppers joined in.

Jason and ten soldiers from the Georgian Legion took cover in woodland. Jason, who served with the Mercian Regiment, added: “We got very close to getting whacked. I’ve never experienced firepower like that, I don’t think anyone of this generation ever has.

“Iraq and Afghanistan was totally different. The Russians are a conventional modern army.”

Reinforcements then arrived with Stinger missiles to pick off the Russian choppers in a brave show of Ukrainian resistance.

However, Jason and an American pal were later arrested by Ukraine agents looking for Russian saboteurs. He said: “My mate and I had a day sack with two walkie talkies and a small pistol.

"We had them for genuine reasons such as if the comms network went down but they got suspicious.”


>'Thousands march'
<Reported figure is 'about 2,000' which is the lowest possible amount that can be called 'thousands'
This is 4 days old but according to BBC, 2000 people protested Russia in Kherson. I gotta be honest, that's not much to protest a direct occupation in a city of 300k inhabitants. 2000 participants is the weekly anti-lockdown protest here in my city
I bet the estimate of 2,000 is completely random. Just like whenever a big protest happens the organizers always claim a million people.


God I hope they light those angloids up. And I hope it hurts, too


Is it a (black) new world order they’re fighting for?


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<We will not treat Russian and Belarusian citizens.
They apologized after a backlash. Meanwhile German restaurants have pulled the same thing.

On a different note, telegram channels for videos from the war


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>lost all three of my lungs
>all three

During the kazakhstan protest in January they had arrested a famous Kyrgyzstan musician in Kazakhstan and had him fake confess on video he was paid $200 USD to go protest and take flight there to do so while he was all beaten and bruised on video.

They posted it all over Russia media calling him a pair terrorist. They thought he was some poor bum they could use for propaganda. Turned out he was a well earning famous guy who could easily make that in his country in an hour at a show performing that happens to tour to Kazakhstan to perform.

People in Kyrgyzstan Recognized him immediately. Their embassy demanded he be released even the the president of country was angry angry and made statements till it got worked out. I saw all this happening live as it was being reported and they were trying to sell the story to imply the protestors were just foreign backed and not actually angry kazaks. I'm sure others here remember this






Les manifestations de russophobie se multiplient en Suisse
>Des enfants russes harcelés à l’école, des russophones insultés et un médecin partenaire du groupe Hirslanden qui refuse de traiter un patient russe. La guerre en Ukraine a des conséquences pour les ressortissants russes, même en Suisse.


J’suis pas surprit


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>A unit from Central African Republic (#CAR) Forces released a video to state that they are ready to fight with Russia against "Ukrainian Nationalists".
Well, say what you will about Russia, but at least they can get Africans to fight for them. Meanwhile Ukraine demanded a fee equivalent to 1000$ per person from attempted mercenaries from Nigeria that wanted to go fight for them.



where does it say "lost all three of my lungs"? I have read this multiple times and can't see that.


It's a joke, because of the absurdity of the situation.


What makes it absurd?


The sheer damage he received and the reasons are farcical in how insane it is - Kazakhs bribed a pop star of Kyrgyzstan using 200$ and then beat him up - it's beyond spectacle, a bloody spectacle of absurdity.


>A woman observes a photo with inscription "Are you ready to die for NATO" in Simferopil, Crimea August 21, 2007.
>SIMFEROPIL, CRIMEA, August 21. Ukraine's Communists held a meeting dedicated to the American Imperialism Victims "Museum" opening in Simferopil, Crimea. The Crimean Communist leader Leonid Hrach headed the meeting. Communist activists branded NATO, US imperialism and Ukraine's-American relationship. The "museum" corresponds to a tent with photographs, maps, and copies of documents showing crimes against humanity in the United States.


Regarding the death of an American journalist. The character in the video says that he was killed during shelling in the area of Romanovka, which is located behind Irpen, which is controlled by Ukraine. Yet the journalist was shot in the head, which entered him right in the eye.
Given the area of death, I would have more faith in the version that the Volkssturm accidentally failed him, given several identical incidents when only by a lucky chance there were no journalists killed. Two more journalists, including one American, were injured.


>During the offensive in the Popasnyansky direction, units of the People's Militia of the LPR discovered ( https://t.me/millnr/7710) places of massacre of civilians in the area of the Popasnyanskaya railway. The retreating troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine drove people out of the basements and used them as human shields. Those who resisted or tried to escape were shot


🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡️Work with the population in the liberated territories.

— My name is Daniel, I am a colonel in the Russian army. We are not fighting against Ukraine, let alone fighting against civilians. We came on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation in order to free the people of Ukraine from the Nazis and those bandits who are in power. To be clean and calm. Soon we will deliver humanitarian aid, the Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov is already sending everything necessary here.


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🇺🇸🇺🇦 The mayor of Irpin said that from tomorrow, journalists will be denied access to the settlement. According to him, media workers are filming servicemen and revealing the location of the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The mayor's order completes the picture of today's death of ex-employee (https://t.me/rybar/28493) of The New York Times Brent Reno in Irpin. Apparently, the deceased journalist tried to take pictures from his car, but the territorial defense fighters mistook these actions for espionage and immediately opened fire on the car.


Ukraine has started using Clearview AI’s facial recognition during war

>Ukraine is receiving free access to Clearview AI’s powerful search engine for faces, letting authorities potentially vet people of interest at checkpoints, among other uses, added Lee Wolosky, an adviser to Clearview and former diplomat under U.S. presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

>The Clearview founder said his startup had more than 2 billion images from the Russian social media service VKontakte at its disposal, out of a database of over 10 billion photos total.

>The exact purpose for which Ukraine's defense ministry is using the technology is unclear, Ton-That said. Other parts of Ukraine's government are expected to deploy Clearview in the coming days, he and Wolosky said.

>At least one critic says facial recognition could misidentify people at checkpoints and in battle. A mismatch could lead to civilian deaths, just like unfair arrests have arisen from police use, said Albert Fox Cahn, executive director of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project in New York.

>“We’re going to see well-intentioned technology backfiring and harming the very people it’s supposed to help,” he said.
>Ton-That said Clearview should never be wielded as the sole source of identification and that he would not want the technology to be used in violation of the Geneva Conventions, which created legal standards for humanitarian treatment during war.


<I thought only Xidolf Jingpitler uzez dat!?

>Nah itz ok if we do eet!


Herson people’s republic when?


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Who has video of azov torturing that Ukrainian MMA fighter on the 5th of this month


There's a rumor he got executed


putin projecting, march 16


The dog resting on the bodies :C


>dropping redpills about the international bourgeoisie but refusing to name it and rebuke it



dont sign your posts


Thanks for the 3 subscribers who have subbed to my channel for more RU-UA war updates!


News of decommunization: in a village in the Astrakhan oblast, local authorities demolished a stele with imagery of Lenin and Red Army soldiers that had slogan "We upheld peace! We will preserve peace!"


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Does anyone have that clip of sergei lavrov criticizing the Western media for ignoring what was going on in the Donbass for the past eight years (after being asked the same question three times)?


I had a youtube link but the ban on Russia 24 killed it.


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Woman supposedly died
There are pictures of the actress in the AP article too, but she "gave birth"


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>Fake: Russian aircraft attacked a maternity hospital in Mariupol. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky called it an "atrocity": according to him, women and children were left under the rubble.

>Truth: Despite the fact that the information about the impact appeared yesterday in the middle of the day (not a single patient was visible in numerous videos and photos), the footage of pregnant women appeared in the information space much later, on the evening of March 9th. However, they immediately flew around all news agencies and publics, began to spread in various popular communities and among bloggers, which may be the result of a planned campaign. And this is despite the fact that the locals themselves claim that there were no women in labor or staff in the maternity hospital.

>The story raises many questions: it is logical to assume that if there really were women in labor, the rescue service officers and eyewitnesses who arrived at the scene first would immediately take a photo from the emergency site on their phones, without waiting for a famous reportage photographer. However, it so happened that the well-known Ukrainian propagandist Yevhen Maloletka was the first to prepare and publish the photographs. Having started his career at UNIAN, he is now collaborating with such media players who have been waging an anti-Russian campaign for years, such as the Guardian, The Times, The NYT. Even the personal photographer of Barack Obama is signed to it, and in 2015, Youngster even completed an internship at the prestigious Eddie Adams Workshop program in New York. It is curious that this photographer has been talking about “Russian war crimes” since 2014.
>Today (anon's note: today by the time of the TG post, 3-12-2022), we have received indisputable confirmation of the production of “shots with pregnant women”, for which Ukrainian propagandists and their Polish media instructors, whom we wrote about earlier, are responsible. The Ukrainians used the model Marianna from Mariupol for the loudest shots (there are three in total). It is curious that she plays two different pregnant women at once: she even had to change clothes and repaint, which, however, is not surprising: in fact, Marianna is a well-known beauty blogger in the region. We would like to note that the girl is really pregnant, but she just couldn’t be in the maternity hospital: the institution has been used by the Azov militants for several days as a fortified facility that does not function as a medical facility. Slava has already found the heroine of this production: on her Instagram under the last post there are already more than 500 comments from real users condemning the girl for participating in dirty information stuffing.
pic related


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A drone (old, Soviet drone, the size of 4 small cars, 14m long, wingspan of 4m) crashed onto the Croatian capital, Zagreb. It hit a parking lot next to a student home and a residential building, had it hit 100m in any direction, there would have been casualties.
>pic related, the type of drone

Croatian authorities are saying the drone could be both Russian or Ukrainian, due to it being a Soviet-made drone that was in use in both countries. HOWEVER!, there were only something like 200 of them made, and the Soviets stopped using them in the 80s, destroying their for target practice. The only army that actively uses them, is the Ukrainian army. The drone is pilotless, it flies on a preprogrammed mission, and on a full tank has a range of about 1000km.

What we know so far is that the drone flew threw Romanian and Hungarian airspace, before presumably running out of fuel over Zagreb. Based on its possible range and trajectory, it was launched from Western Ukraine. Croatian authorities are wondering why NATO did not inform them of the craft, as it was detected by Romanians, but they couldn't due anything "due to bad weather and low visibility".

Now, they are reporting that the drone may have carried a 120kg explosive, that detonated underground due to hitting the soft ground.
This report is contradicted by a military expert who says that if a 120kg bomb detonated, there wouldn't be any drone parts to find, and it would have destroyed a part of the student building. The expert claims that it could have been a small explosive to destroy the camera and sensitive internals.
>pic related, the crater from the impact/explosion and pieces of the drone itself

In my opinion, this is a Ukrainian drone, launched by Ukrainians. It ended up in Zagreb either on purpose to provoke NATO, or wrong coordinates and commands were entered. However, this wasn't a reconnaissance drone, it was a bomb carrying drone, yet it probably didn't have an explosive. It is also weird that it had a full tank of fuel, if Ukrainians wanted to hit Russians in Eastern Ukraine from Western Ukraine, they wouldn't need its maximum range.

The reports are conflicting, because NATO is. probably trying to hide the fact that it is Ukrainian. It is going to be hard to pin this on Russians, since they don't use this drone and probably don't have any left.


>information about a controversial event is delayed in being released and gets shared a lot as a result. this could possibly be a planned campaign
great stuff


Russians laughing at the Brazilian volunteers who ran to Poland earlier today. The caption on the main photo means "those 3 are real warriors!"

That group might have good material, if someone who speaks Vodka could give it a look: https://t.me/informatorz


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Translation: "I am a Kalmyk, this is a Tabassaran, this is a Russian, a Lezgin, a Lakets, a Kumyk, a Chechen is shooting us. The most important thing is that we are together! The rest is nonsense."


🇷🇺🇺🇦🇫🇷 Once upon a time there was some kind of fool in France who decided to go to war in Ukraine.
However, at the Yavoriv training ground, there was a meeting with the Caliber. Many of Mikael's pedo friends have died and now he is crying. Without even having time to wash his panties, Mikael fled to Poland, and then to Sweden. Translation of what this rooster wrote:

“Here, the base has just been destroyed, we are leaving. Among the dead are my friends, so we're running away from there. *cries* The base was destroyed. I need to get myself together. Here, the destroyed base, and they also bombed there. Just. Well, people say it's not true."

“Our base, where we signed a military contract with Ukraine, has just been destroyed. There were dozens of us, only we remained. There were hundreds of soldiers at this base, Americans. One hundred percent of someone is selling information about our base."


Artillery of the LPR fires at the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with propaganda shells, which contain leaflets with the real state of affairs and a proposal to surrender


ABCnews uses a photograph of the Tochka missile launched by the ukrainian military at Donetsk to illustrate their article about the Russian bombing of the NATO training base
>you can even see troops wearing DPR gear in the background


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>❗️18+ (photo) As a result of a clash near Kiev, soldiers of the Russian special forces unit eliminated two senior officers of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.
>Colonel Akhmedov Oleg
>Colonel Sokol Dmitry
>With them, intelligence officers had American C4 explosives, fuses, a map of the area with marked life support facilities for settlements.
>Are the captains and majors in GUR over?
>Colonel Akhmedov, by the way, was born in Potsdam in 75. That is, in the family of a Soviet officer, in the Western Group of Forces.


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It gets spicy, according to one of the TG channels:
>"Joker DPR" about Colonel of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Akhmedov, who was recruited by Turkish intelligence back in 2009.

>Turkish roots of Colonel Akhmedov

>On April 15, a group of Ukrainian spies was detained in Crimea, who acted under the leadership of the head of the Kherson division of the Ukrainian military intelligence of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Colonel Oleg Alisherovich Akhmedov, born in Feodosia in 1975.

>I became interested in this man and I decided to take him into my ranks, but he got scared and refused me. This is unforgivable!!!! Therefore, I ordered my spies to dig up dirt on him. I will publish only a small part of the data I have. I love to intrigue.
>Akhmedov got into military intelligence from the coastal defense forces of the Ukrainian Navy. In 2009, he was transferred to the intelligence department of the Ukrainian Navy, where he oversaw the activities of 73 naval special operations centers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Ochakov) and 72 centers of information and psychological special operations (at that time stationed in Sevastopol).
>In 2009, through an exchange within the framework of international cooperation, Ahmedov was sent to study at the Turkish Naval Academy (Istanbul), where he was recruited by Turkish intelligence. After training and returning to Ukraine, Akhmedov openly contacted representatives of the Turkish diplomatic corps in Ukraine (Turkish military intelligence agents undercover), and therefore came to the attention of the SBU.
>Due to suspicions of ties with the Turkish special services, in order to avoid a spy scandal with a NATO member country, in 2012 Akhmedov was transferred to the post of deputy head of the 73rd MTSSO of the Naval Forces of Ukraine (Ochakov, a training center for naval saboteurs) with a demotion. However, in the same year, with the assistance of personal connections in the leadership of the intelligence department of the Ukrainian Navy, Akhmedov was taken to the operational unit of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry in Odessa.
>In military intelligence, career advancement was given to Akhmedov with difficulty because of the suspicions that remained towards him, as well as the lack of significant success in operational activities.
>After the coup in 2014, Akhmedov's situation improved significantly. He realized that playing the role of a tough Russophobe can make a career in the new conditions of Ukrainian reality. The officer was transferred to the Crimean direction, where he headed the task force, which is deployed in the city of Kherson.
>Akhmedov actively used representatives of the Crimean Tatar diaspora. This is due to the ethnic origin of Akhmedov (father is a native of Uzbekistan, and his mother is a native of Kazakhstan). Akhmedov established useful contacts with the leaders of the Crimean Tatar diaspora structures, as well as Islamic religious centers, which he uses in intelligence activities.
>The Turkish special services have also not forgotten their ward and are effectively using him for their own purposes, the first of which is to strengthen Ankara's influence in the Black Sea region. Active work against the Russian-speaking population of Crimea, presented as an anti-Russian position, is an effective cover for his work for the Turks.
>If the clowns from the SBU carefully check all the sources of Akhmedov's income, they will easily contact Turkish patrons and I won't have to publish anything else.


Vids related: Ukrainian Tochka-U missile, launched at Donetsk center was intercepted but still ended up landing on a residential street, killing 20 people.

There were many messages being shared in Telegram chats and on Tiktok shortly prior, agitating for wives of DPR militiamen to gather at the civil administration at 12 am that day.

Last pic is major Italian newspaper La Stampa passing off an image of the Donetsk attack as Russian bombing of Kiev.


Yeah the actual footage of the strike is horrifying. Patrick Lancaster got on the scene minutes after the attack and did a video on it too in full exposure. They had a mourning the day after


The west used a pre-text of 8k Bosnian civilians killed, and called genocide, to shit over Serbia for weeks with airstrikes and artillery without any regard to civilians, in the U.N.-OSCE reports, accounts close to 90% of civilians killed were on the side of Donbas, from fucking 14k total~12,600 civies killed. Yet Russia has had very limited airstrikes, especially given that actual military targets hide in civilian areas, unlike in Serbia.

According to the OHCHR
<OHCHR estimates the total
number of conflict-related casualties in
Ukraine (from 14 April 2014 to 15
February 2020) to be 41,000–44,000:
13,000-13,200 killed (at least 3,350
civilians, an estimated 4,100 Ukrainian
forces and an estimated 5,650 members of
armed groups17); and 29,000-31,000
injured (approximately 7,000–9,000
civilians, 9,500–10,500 Ukrainian forces
and 12,500-13,500 members of armed


Fox News crew got fucked up near Kiev. Liberals celebrated their deaths on Titter.

Cameraman Pierre Zakshevski, 55, killed.
Producer Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshynova, 24, killed.
Correspondent Benjamin Hall, 39, injured - lost a leg.

If anyone has their last video please post it.


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"I know that as a journalist, I have to be objective, I have to be balanced, in order to report information to you with a cold heart, but to tell you the truth, it's very hard to hold on now, especially at a time like this, and since we are called Nazis, fascists, and so on in Russia - I will allow myself to quote Adolf Eichmann, who said that in order to destroy a nation, you must destroy, first of all, children. Because if you kill their parents, the children will grow up and take revenge.

By killing children - they will never grow up and the nation will disappear. The Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot kill Russian children because it is forbidden by the rules of war, and it is prohibited by various conventions, including the Geneva Convention. But I am not from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And when I get the chance to take out the Russians, I will definitely do it.

Since you call me a Nazi, I adhere to the doctrine of Adolf Eichmann, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that you and your children never live on this earth. So that you can feel what it is like when innocent civilians die, so that you can feel all the pain and suffering, when you say "we didn't start the war, it was Putin, we didn't want this war". We didn't want it either. But you have to understand that it's about the victory of the Ukrainian people, not about peace. We need victory. And if we have to slaughter all your families to do it - l'll be one of the first to do it.

Glory to the nation! And hope that there will never be such a nation as Russia and the Russians on this earth again. Because they are just scum who are destroying this land. If the Ukrainians have the opportunity, which they are basically doing right now, to destroy, to slaughter, to kill, to strangle the Muscovites. And I hope that everyone contributes and whacks at least one Moskal."



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Sign says “Zelensky capitulate, stop the drugs and get back on stage”.


The story of civilians about 15 days of hell in basements without electricity, water and communications.
▪️The Kiev security forces did not help civilians in any way.
▪️The Armed Forces of Ukraine deployed armored vehicles in close proximity to civilian bomb shelters.
▪️Everyone who tried to leave the city through "humanitarian corridors" was killed at the exit from Mariupol.
▪️Instead of food and water, the Ukrainian military distributed propaganda materials among the local population that the Russian army was defeated and that the war would end not today or tomorrow (photo attached).
▪️The Russian army tried to provide the refugees with everything they needed.


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<12 March
>"There was a bus leaving just for foreigners in the country. So, he had to get on that bus this morning," she said.
>One of the most painful parts is Tyler had to leave his wife and daughter behind in Ukraine.

So indeed it was the Ukranians not allowing nationals to leave and he wasn't coerced or captured, he chose to leave his wife and child behind.


A relative of one of the mercenaries who went to Ukraine complains about the attitude of the Ukrainians towards them: when he and his accomplices in horror tried to flee to Poland after a powerful blow by the Russian army on their base, they tried to return them to the front by force “against their will” at the border.


< 🇺🇦🇷🇺 "Azov, bitch! People were leaving - "Azov" shot, people! They shot columns of civilians who tried to go to Volodarsk - they shot buses!"
< Civilians who escaped from Mariupol talk about the horrors they had to endure during the city battles.
< According to them, there are many dead civilians in the city, who have no one to bury. Radicals from the Ukrainian "Azov Regiment" repeatedly disrupted the evacuation of civilians, shooting those who tried to leave the city.
Now the civilian quarters have been largely liberated, refugees are not happy with Azov. No doubt we will be seeing it on the Free Press soon. Also, ANNA News is back.


>Whenever you remind people of the fact that the armed conflict in Ukraine has been going on for 8 years, someone will say that "Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014" and that the existence of the Donbass Republics is a Russian aggression. Recently, military historian Yevgeny Norin (https://t.me/norin_ea) got into such a discussion on Facebook and took a look at the facts (translation our own, reposted with his permission):

<From RWA. Link at the end of the post.


0. Armed violence as such in Ukraine was triggered by the Euromaidan protests. This was an armed uprising and it led to the fall of the government. It is not immediately obvious that rebelling against the government is good in Kiev, but bad in Donetsk.

1. By the time the Russian army entered Donbass, the war was already in full swing - if we are talking specifically about the army, companies, and battalions made up of soldiers and officers on duty. By the time the Russian Federation started supplying weapons en masse, the war was, again, already going on. Yes, the moment when there were ill-supplied men at militia roadblocks was not very long, but it existed, and the Russian Federation brought weapons into an already ongoing conflict in which the opposing side was using firearms, including artillery and armored vehicles.

2. By the time of the first organized armed detachment, which can be called Russian (which is a stretch, by the way: Strelkov's personal status is vague, and 80% of the detachment were Ukrainian citizens, including Crimeans), the State Security Service building in Lugansk had already been captured & local armories had been opened, and in Kharkov there were already people killed in firefights. In addition, if we take for granted the thesis that Strelkov "started the war", a cartoonish picture emerges in which 50 people have taken Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Liman, Artemovsk, Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka and a number of smaller towns and cities, giving as many as 7-8 occupiers for each city. In reality, even the reason why Strelkov went to Slavyansk is known - a large local detachment was waiting for him there.

Local commanders dominated the whole first stage of the movement (the bright personality of Strelkov somehow overshadowed the less bright Zakharchenko, Khodakovsky, Mozgovoy, Bednov, Tsvyakh, Dremov, Plotnitsky, Bolotov, etc.) and locals until 2022 constituted 75-90% of the rebel groups at all phases of events, which can be easily proven by name lists of republic soldiers KIA. Even at the peak of Russian involvement until 2022, in August 2014, citizens of Russia and other countries were not more than a quarter of the dead, and soldiers and officers on duty were not more than a quarter of that quarter, the bulk of Russian citizens were just volunteers who went to fight at their own risk.

4. In those places where attempts at pro-Russian protests were suppressed, including violently, with murders, Russian direct influence was virtually undetectable. In Odessa, after the mass murder of pro-Russian activists, exactly one citizen of the Russian Federation was captured alive, who did not play any significant role there and was worthy of a separate mention only by the fact of citizenship; in Kharkov, after the defeat of the group trying to create the Kharkov People’s Republic, there were zero Russian citizens among the captured, as far as I know. Thus, the thesis that 2014 was an invasion by the Russian Federation is incorrect: both the key events, including the seizure of administrative buildings and the search for weapons, took place before the appearance of organized units from Russia, and the composition of the units opposing the government are mostly locals from start to finish. An invasion in which all the infantry are citizens of the invaded country is obviously nonsense: in Poznan or, I don't know, Székesfehérvár, Strelkov would have immediately become a General without an army.




a small info dump over at r/genzedong which I'm using


I have some other random shit from 2014 too

<Fascists in important [interim] Ukrainian goverment positions:

<Galicia doing exactly what Donbass later did but didn't get shelled for it
>Protesters, he said, had also stormed the offices of the regional governor, a Yanukovych appointee, resuming an occupation that had ended just three days earlier, and raided the local headquarters of the state prosecutor, the state security service and several district police stations. Around 140 guns were seized from a police armory.
>Beyond Lviv, antigovernment activists besieged or seized police stations and administrative buildings in Uzhgorod, Lutsk, Khmelnitsky and Poltava.
>In Ukraine, unfortunately, this did not happen. On 19 February 2014, Lviv went beyond its ‘mere’ latent separatism of November, moving towards a declaration of independence from Ukraine in a decree establishing a monopoly on sovereignty in the oblast and an alternative government to Yanukovich’s then crumbling regime in Kiev. The local legislature established itself as a “People’s Rada” or “National Rada” and declared its full sovereignty over Lviv Oblast. The document also referred to the chairman of the Lviv Oblast Executive Committee Petro Kolodiy as such but also later in the document as the “chief of staff of the national (or people’s) resistance” and “President of the National Rada.”[22] The next step would clearly be secession.
<Nazis patrol Kiev's streets after coup
<Fascist shit at Kiev city council after coup
<15k Bandera birthday march in Galicia January 2014
<media acknowledging the US is in bed with the far right in Ukraine


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>The E-6B replaced Air Force EC-135Cs in the "Looking Glass" role, providing command and control of U.S. nuclear forces should ground-based control become inoperable.
>Codenamed Looking Glass, it is United States Strategic Command's (USSTRATCOM) Airborne Command Post (ABNCP), designed to take over in case the Global Operations Center (GOC), located at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, is destroyed or incapable of communicating with strategic forces. The term "Looking Glass" is used because the ABNCP "mirrors" the abilities of the US Strategic Command GOC to control nuclear forces.
Watchu doing fam?


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Some Irish guy taking war profiteering to a different level, kek


Sigma grindset
Make money off libs.



Original Link - https://www.president.gov.ua/news/sho-bilshe-rosiya-zastosovuye-teroru-proti-ukrayini-girshi-n-73685?fbclid=IwAR37GnBsZoYLB88VspFYlZP__4mjI9J12VLXEKvRHSpjCpU1JydhZu9Sajo )

English Translation of Original Link - https://www-president-gov-ua.translate.goog/news/sho-bilshe-rosiya-zastosovuye-teroru-proti-ukrayini-girshi-n-73685?fbclid=IwAR37GnBsZoYLB88VspFYlZP__4mjI9J12VLXEKvRHSpjCpU1JydhZu9Sajo&_x_tr_sl=uk&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)

English Archive Link: https://archive.is/uZfKf

Ukrainian Archive Link: https://archive.is/VFfai

The paragraph in question:

# Ukrainian:

І тому Рада національної безпеки і оборони України вирішила… Враховуючи повномасштабну війну, розвʼязану Російською Федерацією, та звʼязки деяких політичних структур з цією державою, призупиняється будь-яка діяльність низки політичних партій на час воєнного стану. А саме: «Опозиційна платформа – За життя», «Партія Шарія», «Наші», «Опозиційний блок», «Ліва опозиція», «Союз лівих сил», «Держава», «Прогресивна соціалістична партія України», «Соціалістична партія України», партія «Соціалісти», «Блок Володимира Сальдо».

# English:

That is why the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine decided… Given the full-scale war waged by the Russian Federation and the ties of some political structures with this state, any activity of a number of political parties during the martial law is suspended. Namely: "Opposition Platform - For Life", "Sharia Party", "Nashi", "Opposition Bloc", "Left Opposition", "Union of Left Forces", "State", "State", "Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine", "Socialist Party" Of Ukraine ”, Socialist Party, Volodymyr Saldo Bloc.


⚡️"This war is not needed by anyone except Zelensky and the oligarchs."

The servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine went over to the side of the DPR and called on their colleagues to lay down their arms.

“Guys, we have been betrayed. While we are dying here, our politicians are taking their families abroad.”

“My friends and colleagues, I want to see my family. Let's end this war."


<Thread. Hundreds of civilians have been punished for diverse reasons in Ukraine by paramilitary groups and National guard. Strong footage. Tortures, abuses, humiliation, even of kids and girls.


<Volunteer: Why are you interfering?
<Man: In what way?
<Volunteer: Agitating.
<Man: How am I agitating?
>10 minutes ago, [this man] was using physical violence, trying to prevent people from receiving humanitarian aid, and was yelling out slogans for the refusal of aid.
<Volunteer: Do you have the right to forbid people [from taking aid?]
<Man: I am no– I don't
<Volunteer: Who are you warring with? With grandmas and grandpas?
<Volunteer: Be well. Do not do this anymore.
<Volunteer: Please tell me: what are you in need of?
<Woman: Detergent, soap
<Woman: There's no butter anywhere
<Man [offscreen]: I also want to listen.
<Volunteer: Sure, please do. Hello!
<Volunteer: Here you go, grandma
<Woman: May I?
<Volunteer: You may! Can you carry?
<Woman: Thank you, boys, thank you. Be well!
<Woman [offscreen]: Don't film! I won't come to you…
<Woman: All of this… Thank you very much. I took… twice. Your help. You can record this.
<Woman: But this is the truth!
<Woman: You know, what I think. We lived our lives together, as brothers. Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. We should be together. We are brothers!
>Do not give "likes" to provocateurs. Humanitarian aid is provided to all in need of it.


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A compilation of Voenkors I follow plus their latest known location.

Alexander Kots
He's on Donbass.
(First pic)

Voenkor Vesti Nedeli
He likes to wear a lot of military gear, is close to kiev and loves risks in front lines, takes visuals of Russian troops cleaning the left behind ukrainian soldiers.
Second picture.

This is Wargonzo, dunno his real name. His near Marinka, Donbas rn. Loves to be close to the front lines, but not by much.
Third picture.

Voenkor Lisitsyn
He likes to wear Donbas outfits, not too close to the front lines, and dedicates to interviewing more of the general population. He's close to Popasna, Sievierodonetsk, Luhansk.
Fourth picture.

Voenkoer Kotenok
He posts independently, but reposts a lot from TASS and other Russian media. Unknown location.
Fifth picture.


Voenkor Grigoryuk

He posts for TASS, he's is currently in Mariupol and almost got killed by artillery
First picture.

Dmitry Astrakhan.
My favorite Russian/Armenian Voenkor, posts from Donbas News and Donbas Today. He's in the northern sides of Donbas, possibly close to Kharkov.
Second picture.

Not exactly a Voenkor, but has many Voenkors working for them, and many of the ones I posted also post for them.
Third picture, their very distinctive logo.

Voenkor Medvedev
Publishes a lot for Front News, he's in Donbas. Third picture.
Fourth picture.

Voenkor A.V. Sladkov.


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Beware of "Mirotvorets" a ukrainian website that publishes names, addresses, and photos of people who "attack" Ukraine to be harassed, prosecuted, etc. Tries to impersonate the interpol style, but without being interpol, and can get people killed. It's literally a discount hit list.
Even a simple criticism is enough to put you on that list.
>in April 2015 when the website published the home addresses of Ukrainian writer Oles Buzina and former Verkhovna Rada parliamentarian Oleg Kalashnikov just days before they were assassinated.
>On 7 May 2016, the website published the personal data of 4,508 journalists and other media members from all over the world who had worked (or had received accreditation to work) on the war in the uncontrolled government territory of Donbas, and therefore were considered by the site to have cooperated with terrorists

>The website was launched in December 2014 by Ukrainian politician and activist Georgy Tuka.

It was apparently made by the current governor of the Donbass territory from the Ukraine side (as of 2019) and the ex-governor of Luhansk. Presumably as a "haha just a prank until you wind up dead" list of targets and …

>The site reflects the work of NGO ″Myrotvorets centre″, led by Roman Zaitsev, former employee of Luhansk Security Service of Ukraine office.[12] The website is allegedly curated by the government law-enforcement and intelligence agency Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and promoted by Advisor to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Herashchenko.

>[…]The website was promoted by Anton Gerashchenko, advisor to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, who publicly called himself the initiator of the creation of the project


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The commander of the "Vostok" battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR Alexander Khodakovsky explained himself to the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Delimkhanov for "careless words about Chechen fighters"

Ramzan Kadyrov shared a video with Khodakovsky's explanations, writing on his channel:

“The battalion commander explained himself for his careless words about Chechen fighters participating in a special operation in Ukraine. It turns out that he built his assumptions based on false information. But now, having seen our fighters in battle, Alexander was personally convinced of their high professionalism, courage and courage.


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Apparently they were defacing some veteran plaque or something:

>The protest in Kherson today where Russian National Guard units dispersed ~120 people with stun grenades, rubber bullets & warning shots was triggered by Russians writing "MURDERERS OF DONBASS CHILDREN" on the row of portraits of Ukrainian Donbass War veterans.


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POV: You're territorial defense in Kiev and you just found a SABOTEUR

Ukrainians just going around beating Gypsy women with dildos for pickpocketing



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More war pushing and more subtle dehumanization
>The United States and its NATO allies are engaged in a proxy war with Russia. They are supplying thousands of munitions and hopefully doing much else—sharing intelligence, for example—with the intent of killing Russian soldiers. And because fighting is, as the military theorist Carl von Clausewitz said, “a trial of moral and physical forces through the medium of the latter,” we must face a fact: To break the will of Russia and free Ukraine from conquest and subjugation, many Russian soldiers have to flee, surrender, or die, and the more and faster the better.

>Eliot A. Cohen is a contributing writer at The Atlantic, a professor at The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, and the Arleigh Burke chair in strategy at CSIS. From 2007 to 2009, he was the Counselor of the Department of State for George Bush Jr.. He is the author most recently of The Big Stick: The Limits of Soft Power and the Necessity of Military Force.

Another Jew shilling for neonazis just like Zelensky. The only surprise there is he not being an Atlantic Council ghoul.


I hope a TOS-1 round falls directly on his mother's house.


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lol what the hell did they do to him ?


Be Roma


He's a faggot LARPer using the current situation about SABOTEURS to beat minority women like his incel fantasies.


Russian leaflets in Ukraine, not sure what city.

Machine translated:

And the other side:
>Dear residents of Ukraine!

>Russia is not at war with the civilian population, and as such the security of families, a comfortable living environment, improvement of the city’s social infrastructure, freedom of speech, of opinion, and of choice, are Russia’s guaranteed priorities for native Ukrainians.

>The history of the unity of Ukraine and Russia is the history of common victories, discoveries and great achievements.

>There is a lot of work to be done on the mistakes made by the weak, incompetent and corrupt Ukrainian politicians.

>Only together, based on the foundation laid by our fathers and grandfathers, can we prevent the atrocities of armed gangs of looters, robbers and nationalists.

>To achieve these goals, we ask you to assist the servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces in identifying and transmitting information about the actions of sabotage, as well as negatively minded groups and nationalist elements.


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“Feminists” of Femen Participated in the Odessa Massacre


I hate bougie libs like this. They're so obviously fake and astroturfed by western interests.


How do we know Ukrops did it?


because only Azov has been recorded stopping vehicles and shooting them up. Russia has 0 recorded instances of it, not to mention the fact that it's a civilian vehicle and Russia has been careful to minimize civilian casualties, do the math.



>Fake: In Rostov-on-Don, on the basis of one of the military units, a center for identifying the corpses of Russian soldiers was opened. Such messages are distributed in social networks and telegram channels.

>Truth: Again, a cynical attempt to manipulate public consciousness. The picture was taken by photographer Sergei Ponomarev in Beslan in 2004, these are the consequences of a terrible terrorist attack - the bodies of children are visible.


>Fake: Animals are suffering from the actions of the Russian military in Ukraine. A photo of a burnt hedgehog in the palms of a person appeared in a Ukrainian account.

>Truth: The published photo was taken in 2021 in Omsk after the fire: the Ministry of Emergency Situations pulled the animal out of the fire, its image became the snapshot of the day and was widely distributed on Russian social networks. Separately, it is worth noting that the primary source of the photograph is the Vesti. Omsk.

>The authors of the fake message deleted the post after criticism.


Anna Ivanova Malygina, 97 years old. A Red Army veteran.
In 1942, German Nazis kidnapped her in Birkenfeld, during 3 years.
In 2022 Ukrainian Nazis from Azov kept her captive for 3 days.


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