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 No.23533[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Fall of Kabul-edition
Last thread was full.

Current situation:
- Taliban has entered Kabul officially, from all sides, meeting little or no resistance
- President and senior government and military leaders have fled the country
- Americans and their lackeys are held up at the Kabul airport in the process of evacuation
- “It’s over” say U.S. officials
- Don’t worry, Afghanistan’s only McDonalds (also at the airport) is still operating so get your last McDouble before it’s too late
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Dengoids own the taliban…


New thread pls, doesn't bump anymore


>dengists will defend this using mental gymnastics as always


Mujahedeen and Taliban are two different groups, dumbass.


new thread

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 No.488146[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

116 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Did you know there's a search function on the site? Not the catalog, a proper search function.
Not sure what happened to the threads you mention. If they were on bunkerchan then they probably dropped off the board at this point….


Ys I know there is a search function
A) it has bugs
B) I used it as well
>dropped off
No, Joker as a thread was on Page 5 o 6 right before the recent leftychan/leftypol split, and it just disappeared into thin air. The Permaculture thread is still up, but it's just missing random posts for no reason.


With those posts you reported with the missing line breaks that messed up the formatting, that appears to have been caused by posting issues back in December last year, as the posts look the same on leftychan.
Since literally hundreds of posts are like this, it will take a long time to fix.


Am I correct in assuming these threads are only on /edu/, /hobby/ and /tech/? A bump ordering issue may have placed popular posts at the end of the catalog where they were pruned when a new thread was made.
I will try and recover them today.


And /anime/ I've been spending the past day and a half recovering what content I can, but I'm not a mod, so, if you can help, that would be appreciated.

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 No.479731[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Tanks in Brasilia edition

Last one got full

Bolsonaro calls a review of troops to intimidate congress in the day of the printed ballots amendments is to be voted
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Teria um link?


New thread


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Eis o que achei sobre este senhor:
Ele é presidente e fundador da ISDS, uma empresa de segurança internacional que tem, dentre tantos clientes, Petrobrás e Santander. A empresa fez segurança dos jogos olimpicos e do pan americano no Rio. E a foto de cara é dele, e o que me estranha é que não é uma foto que achei dele no google (tem o linkedin da empresa e não tenho conta lá, talvez foi de lá que pegaram)
Eis uns links pra quem quiser saber mais dele:

Não achei nada sobre ele estar no Brasil ou não, e eis o trajeto das nóticias que vejo aqui:
-Hoje, 6:12 da manhã: a conta do twitter @ChefFmcosta posta este print que o anão mandou.
-Hoje, 12:29: @emirsader posta exatamente a mesma foto.
-16:20: correio do Brasil cita o fato por alto no final de uma matéria, sem colocar fontes.
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Is Lula our guy or some social democrat neoliberal?


socdom liberal

 No.21406[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Some changes in website management are happening. As the people who use the website, you've got a right to know. If you've been active on the IRC server you know what this is about.

Essentially for the better part of the year the mod team has been stuck in a series of personal and site management conflicts. The way our "modocracy" works incentivizes as much consent as possible but also has no leader with the final say on things. This tends to create conflicts with a mod team whose members frequently take unilateral action with the idea that after they take it they can get majority approval for it. The current problem is largely due to such unilateral action made by a member of the mod team and the resulting resurfacing of personal and site management differences.

For now the site admin and I have settled on a way to fix this mess through giving me basically the final word on everything. There's not going to be different mods starting votes to expel other mods anymore because I'm the only one who can expel anyone now. There's not going to be incessant arguing over things that are basically irrelevant t most of you and mods leaving (and consequently lowering site quality due to reduced moderation) because I get to just end discussions if they're going nowhere.

The odd mix of democratic centralism and a sort of anarchist council that we had going is going to come back in the future, maybe in an altered form, but for now the watermelon military junta is in charge. Expect to see not too many changes from the normal other than maybe a more strict implementation of the rules and more bans relating to liberal intersectionality garbage because that's what I think the mod team should be focusing on rather than personal nonsense.tankieTankie
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>this is basically the one instance in which you can be totally sure what you are getting
Yeah, no trust and i don't want him anywhere near here. not no guessing


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>I would remove anyone's face pic if they asked me to.

Exactly you retard. That is the problem.


No you.


new thread for new autismtankieTankie


>>22257 is >>434283

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 No.484498[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread ( >>210868 ) hit bump limit.

We scientific (STEM) socialism here.

For a complete reading list, see: https://paulcockshott.wordpress.com/2020/05/01/two-reading-lists/

Cockshott's Patreon

Cockshott's youtube channel

Cockshott's Blogs
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yeah I listened to it in the car
I think paul should have made clear that planning starts with the base, with the most basic goods. services is something you can bring in later. it's also almost impossible to answer a lot of those questions without actually having cybersocialism in place. he does address some presuppositions however, like a lot of what is now done by the petty bourgeoisie should become effectively salaried work


on the question of people lying to the system, this is something I expect would quickly be made illegal. there are also statistical methods to detect it, possibly even if there's only a single firm in a field, like the rocket example. but there I expect there's heavy involvement from the democratic body. in any heavy capital investment you want oversight


seems this thread has reached the bump limit. should I start a new one? if so I'll steal the OP from this one, with minor changes


Distinguishing between "services" and "le base tangible commodities" is completely irrational and arbitrary.

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 No.22269[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Tv Senado 24h Pay-per-view edition

Last one got full

Melhor compilação dos atos circenses do executivo federal: https://medoedelirioembrasilia.wordpress.com/
Não inclui eventos nos picadeiros legislativo e executivo que não envolvem o executivo.

Narração em tempo real da CPI: https://twitter.com/camarotedacpi/
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<a onclick="highlightReply('440358', event);" href="/leftypol/res/377675.html#440358">&gt;&gt;440358</a><br/>Inveja da capacidade dos movimentos comunistas de mudar por completo a cultura e governo do país, de fazer um movimento de massas com massas reais, do poder bélico e econômico da União Soviética e China, que os países comunistas tiveram governos autocráticos mil vezes mais eficientes que liberais/fascistas, dentre outras mil coisas.<br/> Fale com um reaça sobre o sistema de vigilância da China, e veja seus olhos brilharem.<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('440648', event);" href="/leftypol/res/377675.html#440648">&gt;&gt;440648</a><br/>Lol, por aí. Nietszche fala muito sobre o sangue puro e aristocrático dele, então fica bem claro que ele estava muito menos interessado em uma moralidade onde quem conquista o poder o tem, mas uma moralidade onde esse poder é distribuido sem questionamento aos descendentes de quem realmente fez alguma coisa.<br/>O cara é versão polonesa do ítalo-brasileiro.<br/><br/>P.S.: quanto aos ítalos-brasileiros: minha prima tá dizendo que é. Literalmente ninguém na *famiglia* falou sobre descendência italiana em qualquer momento e todos nossos sobrenomes são portugueses ou Silva, ninguém sabe de onde ela tirou isso; e sim, ela é bozominion.



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<a onclick="highlightReply('441988', event);" href="/leftypol/res/377675.html#441988">&gt;&gt;441988</a><br/>Mais uma pra queimar


Só pra lembrar que o circo ainda está fazendo as exatas mesmas coisas que fazia em relação à pandemia antes da CPI ser instaurada. Continuam falando que vacina não funciona, continuam sabotando a distribuição, continuam promovendo envenenamento precoce. De forma menos freqüente e mais dissimulada, mas continuam. O que eu comentei em <a onclick="highlightReply('425017', event);" href="/leftypol/res/377675.html#425017">&gt;&gt;425017</a> parece estar correto, a CPI está só debatendo o sexo dos anjos. A triste verdade é que só o Humberto Costa e <em>talvez</em> o Randolfe querem o impeachment, e todos querem usar esse palco. Estender a comissão eternamente permite que Bolsonaro continue no poder e que os parlamentares ganham popularidade.


o que voces acham do pcb?

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 No.22911[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Well they gave it their best shot. Maybe World Cup will be the one. At least they still have cricket. Hopefully a riot breaks out right nor or something.
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<a onclick="highlightReply('415035', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#415035">&gt;&gt;415035</a><br/>is this direct action


<span class="quote">&gt;The failure of these parliamentary moves led radical suffragettes to turn to violence. Many went on hunger strike in prison, demanding that their actionsbe recognized as political rather than merely criminal. By brutal force-feeding, and then by release and rearrest, the government prevented death instate custody, though some women did die outside prison as a consequence.They suffered not for all women, but for some women, for the removal of the ‘sex disability’ rather than votes for all women. </span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;The decidedly non-militant suffragist Mrs Millicent Fawcett turned to support the small Labour Party, the only one committed to votes for all women, and all men. Votes for all men was as objectionable to much of the political class as votes for some women.</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('431196', event);" href="/leftypol/res/431196.html#431196">&gt;&gt;431196</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('431196', event);" href="/leftypol/res/431196.html#431196">&gt;&gt;431196</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('431196', event);" href="/leftypol/res/431196.html#431196">&gt;&gt;431196</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('431196', event);" href="/leftypol/res/431196.html#431196">&gt;&gt;431196</a><br/>new


<a onclick="highlightReply('431457', event);" href="/leftypol/res/370918.html#431457">&gt;&gt;431457</a><br/>thanks


not coming home

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 No.20294[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The USA is trying to manufacture a happening in Cuba: https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1414328377683718148

Is this cause for concern or just a meaningless glow OP?

THREAD IS ON HIGH GUSANO ALERTislamic_communismIslamic Communism
605 posts and 145 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Cuba has been resisting on the U.S. backyard for 60 years and has not yet fallen. They know how to handle imperialism, have faith.


Most people already know this. The people still defending the actions of the USA are retarded inbred gusanos. They don't care.


>By the time the government gears are grinding towards intervention, the public is several steps behind on what to be outraged about and disoriented.
So basically China is becoming more coherent and organized while the US is becoming more disorganized and disoriented. If they want to have this great battle for power, why do they shoot them self in the foot ?
Also if you can realize all of this just by casually pondering about what is going on in the media , don't you think that this strategy isn't all that clever ?


our human rights organizations are on the case. they are concerned with human rights.


In the USA atleast 10 of them would've been killed
>the protests we are seeing in Cuba are massive
Kek, this is a massive cope. They're completely artificial and weak. Counter protests are even larger
>covid and economic conditions
Cuba handled covid extremely well. If that was the case the US government would'be been overthrown by its own people.
<we will definetly improve our economy by sanctioning and couping our country instead of giving up on sanctions
Fucking "human rights watch" faggots are drooling retards and have no clue whatsoever.


This thread is a collection of effort posts.


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Quantum physics accounts for the collapse of the wave function (and thus for the emergence of “ordinary” reality) in terms of the act of perception/registration (a single reality emerges through the act of measurement), but it then explains (or, rather, describes) this measurement in terms of the ordinary reality that only emerges through it (the measuring machine is hit by electrons, etc.), and this obviously involves a vicious circle.

What this means is that the big problem is not how we can pass from the classic universe to the universe of quantum waves, but exactly the opposite one—why and how the quantum universe itself immanently requires the collapse of the wave function, its “de-coherence” into the classic universe, i.e., why and how the collapse is inherent to the quantum universe. Instead of just standing in awe before the wonder of the quantum universe, we should turn around our perspective and perceive as the true wonder the rise of our “ordinary” spatio-temporal reality. It is not only that there is no classic reality which is not sustained by blurred quantum fluctuations; one should add that there is no quantum universe which is not always-already hooked onto a piece of classic reality. The problem of the collapse of the wave function through the act of measurement is that it has to be formulated in classic, not quantum, terms—this is why “the collapse of the wave function occupies an anomalous position within quantum mechanics. It is required by the fact that observations occur, but it is not predicted by quantum theory. It is an additional postulate, which must be made in order that quantum mechanics be consistent.” One should note this precise formulation: a measurement formulated in terms of classic reality is necessary for quantum mechanics itself to be consistent, it is an addition of the classic reality which “sutures” the quantum field. What, then, is the status of “quantum reality,” i.e., of the so-called wave function Fi which renders the panoply of superimposed states?

>Are we to regard Fi as actually representing physical reality? Or is it to be viewed as being merely a calculational tool for working out probabilities of the results of experiments that might be performed, the results of these being “real,” but not the wave function itself? … It was part of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics to take this latter viewpoint, and, according to various other schools of thought als
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Quantum physics accounts for the collapse of the wave function (and thus for the emergence of “ordinary” reality) in terms of the act of perception/registration (a single reality emerges through the act of measurement), but it then explains (or, rather, describes) this measurement in terms of the ordinary reality that only emerges through it (the measuring machine is hit by electrons, etc.), and this obviously involves a vicious circle.

What this means is that the big problem is not how we can pass from the classic universe to the universe of quantum waves, but exactly the opposite one—why and how the quantum universe itself immanently requires the collapse of the wave function, its “de-coherence” into the classic universe, i.e., why and how the collapse is inherent to the quantum universe. Instead of just standing in awe before the wonder of the quantum universe, we should turn around our perspective and perceive as the true wonder the rise of our “ordinary” spatio-temporal reality. It is not only that there is no classic reality which is not sustained by blurred quantum fluctuations; one should add that there is no quantum universe which is not always-already hooked onto a piece of classic reality. The problem of the collapse of the wave function through the act of measurement is that it has to be formulated in classic, not quantum, terms—this is why “the collapse of the wave function occupies an anomalous position within quantum mechanics. It is required by the fact that observations occur, but it is not predicted by quantum theory. It is an additional postulate, which must be made in order that quantum mechanics be consistent.” One should note this precise formulation: a measurement formulated in terms of classic reality is necessary for quantum mechanics itself to be consistent, it is an addition of the classic reality which “sutures” the quantum field. What, then, is the status of “quantum reality,” i.e., of the so-called wave function Fi which renders the panoply of superimposed states?

>Are we to regard Fi as actually representing physical reality? Or is it to be viewed as being merely a calculational tool for working out probabilities of the results of experiments that might be performed, the results of these being “real,” but not the wave function itself? … It was part of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics to take this latter viewpoint, and, according to various other schools of thought als
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