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 No.483285[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A acelerada degeneração do País continua, o que lhe dar o direito e o dever de esconder seu dinheiro em offshores edition.

Perspectivas para o futuro? Que futuro?

Último Fio: >>>/leftypol_archive/481958
600 posts and 240 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The "vaccine causes AIDS" video was banned from YT and earned his official channel a 1 week ban.

This is the closest he has come to being held responsible for genocide.


is there a new thread?





o que é atavista?

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 No.482565[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What do these people that desire land back think that will look like in the USA and what will happen?

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>if you buy land but don’t give it to a tribe you’re a modern colonizer
so you are just defending bourg land owners. i hope the 5 dollars deposited into your account was worth it


He's saying that the guy on instagram is saying that. Read more carefully.


nvm im stupid


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Real question: How would you react if you had a daughter and she came home with a white boy one day?

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 No.496326[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post the best pictures you got.

I like to see what others have and we need a thread to combine all the good materials.
Here I concentrated on the fact that Pol-Cel Nazis can literally not read more then 50 characters of text and are proud of it.

For these idiots everything must be a "meme" or have a "joke". Pol-cels are oblivious to the fact that others are giving them information and knowledge not jokes or memes.

Did anyone else observe this behavior from Pol-Cels ?
These idiots are unable to read children literature let alone anything important.

It looks like daddy Hitler hates people who can read or have attention spans greater then ADHD gold fish.
I never imagine the ability to have a attention span or read more then 50 characters of text will ever be something that I need to argue for. However here we are !
And this is no slander you cab go to /pol/ and engage these idiots yourself.
Of course it is like going to a zoo to look at the stupid animals.
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The paper basically debunked itself
>Thus the answer to the question “How often is a pair of individuals from one population genetically more dissimilar than two individuals chosen from two different populations?” depends on the number of polymorphisms used to define that dissimilarity and the populations being compared. The answer, equation M44 can be read from Figure 2. Given 10 loci, three distinct populations, and the full spectrum of polymorphisms (Figure 2E), the answer is equation M45 ≅ 0.3, or nearly one-third of the time. With 100 loci, the answer is ∼20% of the time and even using 1000 loci, equation M46 ≅ 10%. However, if genetic similarity is measured over many thousands of loci, the answer becomes “never” when individuals are sampled from geographically separated populations.


>The paper “debunked” itself
Not how it works. For someone who studies biology you don’t seem to understand how to read journals. You’re assuming a hypothesis that isn’t presented in the paper
1) Again, geographic ancestral groups =/= race and the authors are very clear about it, especially for clinical applications
2) They mention that this “thousands of loci” thing is only true if you sample only a few specific populations and not the world at large. Essentially, that’s saying that if you sample Hutus, Danes and Mongolians using thousands of Loci, and not any other groups that may possibly be in-between. More importantly, the Richards paper used only a few hundred loci to try and establish “Lewontin’s Fallacy”, Rosenberg (2002) used 377 and the Authors themselves said the minimum threshold is around 100 Loci and can determine geographic ancestry with 100% accuracy.

Saying that “a few hundred loci isn’t much” is what we scientifically call a cope. Just like how geographic ancestry is the same as race.


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>Again, geographic ancestral groups =/= race and the authors are very clear about it
Except they're not
>used 377 and the Authors themselves said the minimum threshold is around 100 Loci and can determine geographic ancestry with 100% accuracy.
Using c and not ω, ω is more accurate.
n such cases, ω becomes zero. Classification methods similarly yield high error rates with few loci and almost no errors with thousands of loci. Unlike ω, however, classification statistics make use of aggregate properties of populations, so they can approach 100% accuracy with as few as 100 loci.


>Implying you need a wife for communism

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 No.353583[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to the discussion of Australian politics and events.

Come one come all to watch this island off the coast of Asia slowly slide into a workers paradise or a live-action version of Mad Max.

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/19690
604 posts and 123 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Being the victim of an abuse of reserve powers of the GG seem like an advantage if anything.

The Australian people consistently voted for the liberals for nearly 25 years prior to Whitlam and that economy was tanking (thought this was not all of his fault) with inflation tripling while unemployment rose.


One can hope, I mean it does represent one of the youngest demographics


That's not represented in their senior leadership, it just makes it easier for them to take advantage of young workers.


The Belarusians voted for Lukashenko decisively. Does that mean you are saying we should support Lukashenko also?


>not supporting based potato stalin

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 No.478294[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Reports are coming in from Labour list and momentum that there are preparations for a showdown at the 2021 labour conference. With Labour branches putting forward a motion to re-instate Jeremy Corbyn and transferring the ability of removal of MP's to labour members. This is the biggest internal matter Kieth Starmer has faced yet, loosing this vote at confrence threatens to majorly undermine his leadership and demostrate a left majority against his leadership within the party.

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Starmer literally reminds me a leftypol mod


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The shadow strike is working.



Succ dems gonna succ

Also Bastanis always had this weird predilection to trying to force like this “the left is cool and hot and young” meme. But his uk examples of this are like ash sarkar and Owen Jones. So this is part of that

But in conclusion she does look good in that dress, even if I hate the message/imaging/aoc


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>why's he simping
they're all just extremely out of touch. I saw agent jones calling her "iconic" on twitter this morning as well
found picrel in the mark fisher facebook group, creepily accurate assessment

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 No.481958[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Fascistas anti-fascistas edition

Jair se arrependeu? Será que Ciro e PCdoB aprenderam alguma coisa?
Tantas perguntas, todas respondidas com não.

Last fio: https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/480080.html#490672
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Is that a pic for ants?



marofa centenária

larica ancestral

brisa velha

seda envelhecida

dichavador vintage

filtro relíquia

bagana mumificada


Falou maconha já sei que é bot.





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 No.479516[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Independence day is coup day edition

Last one got full

So the bolsonaristas are promising huge rally's in support of the regime, tomorrow, independesse day holiday, Bono wants to use it against the courts and the state governors
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Roberto Jefferson foi condenado a pagar 300 mil (!) em indenização por homofobia contra Eduardo Leite.



Essa foto de São Paulo não é da feira na frente do masp que rola todo domingo?

>“Não teve tanta gente, mas teve qualidade de público”
Gente, é exatamente esse o tipo de discurso que meu colega cirista usa pra defender parlamentarismo.
Nunca falha.

>PCdoB e Ciro sendo criticados por, entre todos os seres humanos possíveis, fucking Moura



Moved to >>>/leftypol_archive/478898.

 No.486317[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content
Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/216284
This is the place where you can find all /leftypol/ memes n' shit
596 posts and 363 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Reposting here for dummies not using the booru.


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i was bored


>implying Stalin would have a problem with haz
Same guy who recriminalized homosexuality kek


>>implying Stalin would have a problem with haz
<caring this much about some meme
seethe, etc.
kek. good one anon.


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capitalism is melting her

 No.582322[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This seems to be the biggest hurdle I've come across when talking to working-class conservatives. Many of them seem fairly sympathetic to the idea of socialism in an economic sense, i.e. they like the idea of workers' self-management, central planning, free healthcare, housing for all, a "government of action", etc. Yet they refuse to fall behind socialism because they believe that 1. communists want to abolish marriage, 2. communists want to abolish the nuclear family as an institution, 3. communists want to take children away and put them all in communes where they have no clue who their bio parents are, 4. communists support abortion (this is THE biggest issue for a lot of right-wingers, even trumping economics), and 5. communists want to see non-attachment relationships and polyamory (especially queer relationships) be the norm to replace marriage and family.

How do we counter this? I've thought about bringing up the fact that socialist countries that exist today are quite conservative when it comes to issues of marriage and family but I can't give any details to show how.
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If i understood you right, then it would be like picrel but with family instead of prostitution?


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I forgot the image, of course.


Not Kengor's book, but equally infuriating.


the family is a cabal of child molesters with systematic backing from the institutions of state and private property (alien invaders in disguise)


>How do we refute the right-wing claim that leftists seek to "abolish" the family and romance?
What's there to refute?

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 No.24754[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Imagine being a democrat ITT lol


You belong in the same mass grave, btw.


We need to bring all the transhumanists of afghanistan to america.


>how do you know
Hearing and seeing hardly any of them speak about how women were treated when America was there versus now, retard.


Moved to >>>/leftypol_archive/24134.

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