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 No.570806[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

While the Frenchies are rocked by mass riots, the government mulls over new legislation to implement Minimum Service Levels and prevent striker chaos. Can they save our green and pleasant fortress?

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I understand why letting agencies want references but fuck me, just to rent a single room? And a fucking minimum income requirement on top of that?

One of the reasons I can't move to a city to try and find work is because of this. I've lived in a decent accomodation before and I'd rather be earning some shite part time wage for 900 a month than living at home doing fuck all all day.

Literally what is the point in a referencing check for a fucking room. I can happily get by on 900 month. I'd need to be working a 50 hour week to meet your income requirement. For a shite little double bed with a bit of cabinet space for clothes. I don't even mind renting rooms; I like living with other people.

God forbid you try spareroom. Some absolute mental cases for homeowners letting out to lodgers with ridiculous expectations. I've lived with homeowners before and it's one of the worst situations you can be in. You are forced to see them every day. There is absolutely no let up. You cannot be yourself.


Apparently there were riots in Ely, Cardiff because the yutes said the police killed some teens after a car chase. Apparently the coopers werent even involved. We might have a spicy summer on our hands.


The British Empire never ended:



Many more articles on the extent of the imperialist reach of Britain and its Neocolonialism on declassifieduk.org

^ Or domestic issues e.g. spycops

I doubt they covered the full range of things!


Tfw I had to stop doing any organising stuff due to health reasons and I lost touch with all my commie frens :(


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 No.574483[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The older I get, the more I realize how based Khrushchev was.
>Oversaw the peak of Soviet prosperity
>Oversaw the growth of the socialist camp to its greatest extent
>Put down counter-revolutionaries
>Brought humanity into space
>Made Kennedy shit himself
What's not to love? Has there ever been a Soviet premier as successful?
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ROA fags were killed yeah


So when are you gonna make the Yeltsin appreciation thread?


Even if everything Khrushchev said about Stalin was true and all the purges were justified, I dont see how it possibly could have been a good idea to undertake an overt campaign of "de-Stalinization." Continuity and legitemacy are crucial, I personally do not agree with the Dengist direction for the PRC at all but in a purely strategic sense the way they maintained continuity while turning so decisively away from Mao was really effective.


You can't skip the brow


She lied about her age and he had no reason to believe that she was under 18. She was the one to initiate the interaction, which was in the nsfw chat section of the fbi.gov he ran where other people would RP like this. After he learned her age he expressed shame and made a public apology. You are merely slandering the guy. He made an honest mistake and owned up to it. 0 percent sexual abuser. Completely innoffensive and "normal" behaviour. If anything this is a lesson for underage kids to stop pretending to be adults and try and engage in innapropriate activities with them. People stop fucking slandering everyone you disagree with politically with the worst personal attacks and accusations you can muster. I would say lefty public political figures stop being horny in public, but I mean it's part of being a human and it is unreasonable to expect every prominent lefty to completely sanitize their lives and personality in public, which can be alienating in and of itself.

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Happy 100th birthday today to Henry Kissinger, here's to another century of diplomacy! 🇺🇸 <3 🇨🇳


Write him a birthday message to tell how much you appreciate his long years of service to the cause of international peace!
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At 100, Henry Kissinger still seen as influential ‘old friend’ in China despite ‘complicated’ legacy in US
>Xie Feng, China’s new ambassador to Washington, visited Kissinger in Kent, Connecticut on Friday to offer Beijing’s congratulations for his 100th birthday. The two sides had an “in-depth exchange of views on China-US relations and international and regional issues of common concern”, the Chinese embassy said.
>According to observers, the fact that Kissinger has remained more popular and influential in China than at home underscores the importance Beijing has attached to maintaining ties with the US, despite their ideological and geopolitical rivalry.
>They often point to the veteran statesman’s extraordinary ability to cultivate close ties with five generations of top Chinese leaders, from Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping to Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping.
>During his last China visit in November 2019, soon before the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, Chinese President Xi Jinping hailed Kissinger’s “historical contribution” to bilateral ties and his “profound historical insights and deep understanding of traditional Chinese culture”.


Wish I lived in the world where people like Kissinger were the ones killing themselves and not the people like Bourdain.


bourdain didn't kill himself

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 No.574207[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>In speaking of the capitalists who strive only for profit, only to get rich, I do not want to say that these are the most worthless people capable of doing nothing else. Many of them undoubtedly possess great organizing talent, which I would not dream of denying. The Chinese people learn a lot from the capitalists.
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You can never "disprove a charge" like that. As we can see all things contain within themselves light and darkness


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>I don't see how that disproves
Even liberals understand "burden of proof".


Absolute state.


What was the point was that the scale of damage is a whole lot less than the United States by a long shot.


i do not abide by lesser evil logic. I care about what is true and producing revolutionary theory to overthrow capitalism-imperialism in its entirety. The CPC are not revolutionary and do not aspire to be the country leading the wolrldwide revolution like the USSR at least had the facade of being.

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 No.573989[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Many people are reformist, even if they're impoverished proles, because they think revolutionary rhetoric is Vague, Amorphous, Pie-In-The-Sky, Irrelevant, Delayed (assuming they don't think it's outright bonkers).

What would be the best counter-argument to those people?
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The "ultras" are powerful enough to dictate the direction of the left now?

Do you really think most people wouldn't find Marxism-Leninism "repulsive" if it weren't for so-called ultras? It's ridiculous how you blame everyone else for the manifest mistakes and failures of your own tendency, then cry about how others are too sectarian and "ultra" to accept "actually existing socialism," but it's par for the course here.


you speak like a fucking liberal blaming ultras for everything while at the same time acting like theyre irrelevant, so which is it?


>Do you really think most people wouldn't find Marxism-Leninism "repulsive" if it weren't for [propaganda]
Oh absolutely. But the point is saying "socialism has never been tried" makes you a lying liar.
Everyone that has ever done anything has made mistakes. This is boring beyond what is tolerable.
The way you misunderstand so hard the causality makes it clear you are an unreflected ultra. It's not that ultras have any power or are responsible for anything. That is exactly the point. They are easily cowed into nothingness and doing nothing. This is their character fundamentally.
It's not that I blame them for anything but that they are of no use to anyone. That's just a simple fact. Blame doesn't factor into it.
Evil is a word used by the weak and cowardly.


I don't see how it's all the 'ultras' fault that Marxism-Leninism fucking failed


If you are hungry, eat.
If are unable to see, open your third eye.

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 No.586385[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
<Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

If your original content is good enough, it would most likely be shared on the /leftypol/ twitter account!
Make sure to follow us and feel free to leave suggestions on this thread~

previous thread: >>1209465

Leftypol memes and other undesirables:

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File to share with your friends


nice editing


new bread


Images have been restored up until >>586924
Thumbs were not backed up and will remain broken


Thumbs and OP image restored thanks to the wayback machine.
Donating to the internet archive will be considered praxis going forward!

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I recently joined a Trot org for its book club. The reason why is because it heavily advertises itself as being a "Marxist" org, engaging in a lot of basic "Marxist" education.
In actuality, the short period I have been in contact with it, it has been deadset on postponing the supposed teaching of the basics of Marxism, and instead are practically streamlining Trotskyist ideological drilling and "vetting" before anything else.
The next meeting, even before I'm allowed to begin partaking in the actual book club, they will now try to drill me on "my view on how the USSR degenerated". Like for fucks sake, we haven't even gotten into the dialectical development of history, capital, let alone imperialism, and you want me to just bend over on your sects interpretation of an incredibly complex and contended interpretation of the early USSR?


What should I expect these Trotskyists to say about "the degeneration of the USSR" and what what are they hiding / intentionally leaving out / misconstruing, in your view?
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>>>1462170 (You)
>>Just say to support the economo development of your own country.
>And writes a multi volume work on how to do that
I mean his only contribution to the global marxist movement is telling people to support the economic development of china you illiterate idiot.


Uh oh! Looks like somebody made the basic mistake of forgetting that Marxism Leninism is a continually evolving methodology and science by which we improve society, and not a static dogma! Try again!


Because China is one of the two main bastions of 21st century Marxism Leninism, no shit it makes sense to support the Shield of the Proletariat as it were through financial means


Xi onn the Governance of China translated into nearly every language possible available online for free but now I need a hardcopy of the currently released volumes Imma be scribbling in the margins and underlining bits

Fuck how did I miss this and yes he has definitely been saying support the economic development of your own country as well as support China's

Freudian slip on your part?


I just ran across a Trot table and they were trying to hustle me into buying their newspaper, had signs out supporting Ukraine, and told me that "if they can go after Trump, they can go after all of us."

So they were pro-Trump in a way, too, because when he gets convicted of using campaign money as a slush fund to pay off porn stars, *everyone* is at risk.

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Greetings comrades, and welcome to a great era of Spring Cleaning! Of course, Spring Cleaning cannot be done without janitors, so to facilitate a good and clean board, we are asking for volunteers to step forward and offer their services as jannies to help keep the board clean!

In addition, we are also asking for tech-orientated volunteers to help with development of the site's code and features, especially if you have experience with web design, common website coding languages, and/or development of mobile apps.

To Apply:

1. Log-in to your preferred email account, and compose an email directed towards [email protected]
2. Decide on a short code word or phrase to identify yourself with, using it as the first part of your email and posting it on this thread.
3. Answer a short questionnaire, outlined below:

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How much does it pay?


So straight up Tankie uprising when? Ancom uprising when?


Ancom uprising has started. We are going to dismantle this society down to its constituent pieces, starting by annihilating the historical foundations this imperialist system is built on.

Can't wait for this to drop: http://www.plutobooks.com/9780745349220/anarcho-indigenism/


Bolshevism with Stirnerite Characteristics
Heinrich-Cockshott Thought


Please be trolling
Anarcho-Tankism is real read the Platform

 No.575539[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Why has CPUSA been so mythologized in the past two years when they were a massive failure and sucked even in their “good days?”

American communists tried to follow the Bolshevik strategy and failed. They didn’t originally give a shit about Black people either, they only adopted the Black Belt thesis because Stalin told them to. They were way too close to the Comintern and that bit them in the ass later on. Foster was power-hungry and mad because his steel strike failed while Browder was a clout demon. The whole thing was a mess from the start. I’m kind of relieved the feds took them down.
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One reason to accuse them of ultraretardation


I always thought the Maoist hate boner for Cuba was really strange. Aside from the DPRK they're the AES country with the smallest degree of capitalist restoration, and probably moreso than any other have a near impeccable record of internationalism and aid to third world liberation struggles. I guess sending tends of thousands of troops to help destroy Apartheid in Africa doesn't count if its done in concern with evil Soviet KKKraKKKa social imperialist revisionists.


Dogmato-revisionism. They're so dogmatic they've become revisionists.


[citation needed][citation needed][citation needed]


Saying Cuba is not socialist is not equivalent to having a "hate boner" for Cuba. The conclusion is using sober analysis to diagnose the class conflict within Cuba. You are free to disagree with the conclusion and provide an alternative explanation or present evidence. All Maoists support Cuba as an anti-imperialist ally but still think revisionism has taken hold within the country that needs to be exposed and defeated for the socialist road to continue.

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 No.573268[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>John Fitzgerald Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963), often referred to by his initials JFK and the nickname Jack, was an American politician who served as the 35th president of the United States from 1961 until his assassination near the end of his third year in office. Kennedy was the youngest person to assume the presidency by election. He was also the youngest president at the end of his tenure. Kennedy served at the height of the Cold War, and the majority of his work as president concerned relations with the Soviet Union and Cuba. He was a Democrat who represented Massachusetts in both houses of the U.S. Congress prior to his presidency.

>On November 22, 1963, Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. His vice president, Lyndon B. Johnson, assumed the presidency upon Kennedy's death. Lee Harvey Oswald, a former U.S. Marine, was arrested for the assassination, but he was shot and killed by Jack Ruby two days later. The FBI and the Warren Commission both concluded Oswald had acted alone. After Kennedy's death, Congress enacted many of his proposals, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Revenue Act of 1964.

Who actually killed this guy? Did the CIA or rogue elements of the CIA kill him? Was there a second shooter? Or was Oswald a patsy, as he always insisted? If so, does that mean a Marxist actually assassinated a president?

After all these years and all the theories, what's /leftypol/'s take on it?
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not to mention his plan to pull out of vietnam by the end of '65


Rightoids because he was soft on Cuba.


interesting video on the topic




George H. W. Bush is a good start

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