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File: 1641379869347.jpg (1.13 MB, 1600x1107, Kazakhstan.jpg)

 No.489758[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Protests started for gas prices raise two days ago
>Rapidly became widespread
>Government resigned few hours ago
<Protestors started storming palaces of government and institutions all around the country

What is your take on this anon?
Will this lead to something positive or is it Ukraine all over?

Also how do you think China and Russia will react to this?
654 posts and 120 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>I haven't read any history, I get my politics entirely from memes
He literally met with Lenin in order to coordinate. Holy shit you're one retarded neckbeard.


Lots of derailment in the thread. Can we pls try and stay on topic?


>He literally met with Lenin in order to coordinate.
At first but then they proceeded to block bolshevik supply lines and act as bandits.
>anarkiddie calling anyone a neckbeard




Moved to >>>/leftypol_archive/488268.

 No.492034[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post predictions and or forecasts for 2022 and beyond, so we can compare it to what actually happens later on! Here are some predictions for 2021 that I screenshotted, very interesting to look back on them now.
247 posts and 51 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Bit of an outdated view. These days we now that there are many infectious and viral diseases that can trigger cancer in many cases.


That's the first place I remember ever seeing them. 4chan even made an entire spinoff board, /vg/ - Video Game Generals, to get them off the main board because they were so fucking cancerous.


Lets keep this realistic.


thankfully, pents were not wasted


Labor conscription / civil conscription / slave labor

"Those on Centrelink could be forced back to work to address supply crisis
Temporary visa holders and older Australians could also be allowed to work
Range of industries disrupted by thousands of workers affected by Covid
Job vacancies also at record highs with employers struggle to get low-paid staff

The unemployed could be forced to stack supermarket shelves to help alleviate critical supply shortages as bosses struggle to recruit low-paid workers.

Acting Small Business Minister Anne Ruston held crisis talks with industry leaders on Tuesday night as thousands of workers self isolate with Covid, causing a shortage of consumer goods."


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 No.497487[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Lula is Selling Out Again

So Lula is giving every signal it will run as a shitty liberal/centrist With his VP being a Opus Dei fanatic

Pic >Here nobody has to be revolutionary, we have to be Christians, democrats, humanists. We have to be human beings so that we can look people in the face and say, "You have the right too. I'm going to eat a turkey for Christmas and you have the right to eat it too."

previous thread:
603 posts and 361 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Rapaziada, o fio encheu.


Jones vai aparecer na Globo News daqui a pouco. Bolsonaro estava certo, Globo é comunista!

Sem querer me meter na conversa (não sou aquele com quem você estava conversando), mas uns dias atrás, um maluco duginista, ligado a Aldo Rebelo, espalhou rumores a respeito do Jones.

To com preguiça hoje, se ninguém fizer até amanhã, eu faço.


quais rumores?


foi criado outro fio?


Demorou mas aconteceu. O mais novo bostejo do Monark me deu forças para clicar no botão de criar um novo fio.



 No.499328[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Anyone interested in helping me fuck with these guys? If you don't know, they're an at least partially fed-run satanic nazi group whose deal is infiltrating organizations of all kinds (nazi, leftist, churches) in order to make them more evil. Implicated in child trafficking and cp distribution, rape, terrorism and murder.

Anything anyone knows about them would be really helpful and if anyone wants to help me report their shit that would even better (currently trying to get dreamhost to drop hosting for their main site).
607 posts and 73 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


What's ultimately so sad is that these pathetic 'sinister' fucks for all their self-imagined genius cannot even get away with their crimes, literally getting caught for pedoing, a crime with a hilarously low conviction rate.

Imagine being this pathetic you're lower than the average criminal whilst waltzing aroundin your big boy wizard boots like you're better than everyone..


You're just very clued up on it. Thought you'd be one of them since I imagine this is where they'd hang out.

ONA is founded by a narcissist mate. Are you surprised that many of those following it would be too?


why are so many anglos paedos?



>You're just very clued up on it.
Thanks. I'm just one of the few that actually took all Myatt's shit about not being able to judge O9A until you thoroughly study it seriously. Whether that makes me intellectually honest or retarded idk but I know O9A well enough to know that it's repulsive bullshit and why. You really don't have to read thousands of pages of nonsense to make that judgement though lol.

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 No.485111[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

595 posts and 150 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Anyone got a scan of "The TISM Guide To Little Aesthetics"?


Its cringe here, don't you worry.


No, but it does seem to be available at a few libraries.



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>“We’re not suggesting the US is doing something devious here – Washington is not going to tell its producers ‘please don’t take advantage of these opportunities because we want to help Australia’ – that’s a joke and it’s not going to happen, the costs are borne by Australian producers, and Australian producers alone.”

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 No.486919[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Tucanato Fiasco Edition

The traditional liberal party (less then 5% vote in 2018) had their primary's today. While only having about 40k voters their app broke and they had to cancel the vote

last thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/483891
607 posts and 298 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



Alguém cria um novo fio fazendo favor

Muito agradecido



>Para compartilhar esse conteúdo, por favor utilize o link https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/mercado/2021/12/brasil-deve-completar-16-anos-de-crescimento-abaixo-da-media-mundial.shtml ou as ferramentas oferecidas na página. Textos, fotos, artes e vídeos da Folha estão protegidos pela legislação brasileira sobre direito autoral. Não reproduza o conteúdo do jornal em qualquer meio de comunicação, eletrônico ou impresso, sem autorização da Folhapress ([email protected]). As regras têm como objetivo proteger o investimento que a Folha faz na qualidade de seu jornalismo. Se precisa copiar trecho de texto da Folha para uso privado, por favor logue-se como assinante ou cadastrado.
<O que foi o governo Temer



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 No.500569[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread >>392953 hit bump limit. Someone please archive it!

For a complete reading list, see: https://paulcockshott.wordpress.com/2020/05/01/two-reading-lists/

Cockshott's Patreon, YouTube and blogs

Videos torrent archive
Here's the torrent with all of Paul Cockshott's YouTube channel videos up to 27/10/2020 (i.e. Eliminating inequality):
Magnet link:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
623 posts and 97 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>He was not openly hostile to it
He already agreed with "Rosa Lichtenstein" on dialectical mumbojumbo back in the Revleft days (more than a decade ago). Shut the fuck up already.


Its not a strawman. Hes been making videos since 2017. Show us where Cockshott was railing on dialectics before this blog


Even if he was always against dialectics, this just means he was always a retard, and now he has decided to spread that revisionism to new people.

He was very quiet about this position because he knows it goes against everyone who isn't a splitter trot cultists. He goes out of his way to not talk about it in TANS. Instead of making empty claims to distract people with a technicality prove it. Link it.

You are still derailing from the topic to play games with my word choice and examples instead of addressing the point. Cockshott explicitly claims that consciousness does not exist. How does the proletariat achieve communism without consciousness?


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>Literally nobody here in this thread nor Cockshott is claiming that you slimy lying fuck.

>Idealism, there is objective measurable material reality and that is not socially mediated.


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 No.499941[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread >>392953 hit bump limit. Someone please archive it!

For a complete reading list, see: https://paulcockshott.wordpress.com/2020/05/01/two-reading-lists/

Cockshott's Patreon, YouTube and blogs

Videos torrent archive
Here's the torrent with all of Paul Cockshott's YouTube channel videos up to 27/10/2020 (i.e. Eliminating inequality):
Magnet link:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
622 posts and 97 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Sorry to inform you but pointing out a strawman is a strawman is an argument. And it's a strawman that is extremely common. That is, it is far more common that anybody who gets accused of this hyper-naive realism is not guilty of doing that than it actually being the case.


>He was not openly hostile to it
He already agreed with "Rosa Lichtenstein" on dialectical mumbojumbo back in the Revleft days (more than a decade ago). Shut the fuck up already.


Its not a strawman. Hes been making videos since 2017. Show us where Cockshott was railing on dialectics before this blog


Even if he was always against dialectics, this just means he was always a retard, and now he has decided to spread that revisionism to new people.

He was very quiet about this position because he knows it goes against everyone who isn't a splitter trot cultists. He goes out of his way to not talk about it in TANS. Instead of making empty claims to distract people with a technicality prove it. Link it.

You are still derailing from the topic to play games with my word choice and examples instead of addressing the point. Cockshott explicitly claims that consciousness does not exist. How does the proletariat achieve communism without consciousness?


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>Literally nobody here in this thread nor Cockshott is claiming that you slimy lying fuck.

>Idealism, there is objective measurable material reality and that is not socially mediated.


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 No.483891[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


An economic crisis started by Car Wash back in 2013 still shows no signs of abating, a don't-call-it-a-genocide, a ruling class determined to steal everything they can while there's still a braindead patsy-in-charge to catch all the blame later, an electoralist left which gave up on everything but waiting for next year's elections and 212 million people sleep furiously throughout all of the previous.

601 posts and 311 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Falando só por mim mesmo, antes de ver o vídeo, minha análise é que Lula terá uma oportunidade única de desfazer toda essa merda e recriar as instituições melhores e modernizadas sem conflito civil… mas ele não só desperdiçará essa chance como ainda vai levar mais um golpe. Sua única chance de sobrevevência política e, talvez, literal, é partir pro populismo na veia, pois popularidade é a única coisa que ainda pode coibir a pior elite do mundo. Porém, ao que tudo indica, ele já escolheu o caminho oposto, garantindo voto só pelo carisma, sem engajar o povo, e ao invés disso gasta seu tempo pedindo misericórdia pros filhos da puta que já deram 2 golpes, e afastá-lo do povo é exatamente o que eles querem. Essencialmente, está indo desarmado pra um duelo. E não será por falta de aviso.


>um sistema que está falhando em se auto-perpetuar.
Bicho, você realmente acha que esta República viciada e degenerada vai embora? Uma democracia não representativa é a melhor forma de dar a falsa ilusão à população de que a mudança ainda é possível, ao mesmo tempo de manter o oligopólio político.

Apesar de – compreensivelmente – não ser muito vista em ciclos de esquerda, a fala do peruano Mario Llosa:
>México es una dictadura perfecta. La dictadura perfecta no es el comunismo, no es la URSS, no es Fidel Castro, la dictadura perfecta es México. Porque es la dictadura camuflada. De tal modo que puede parecer no ser una dictadura, pero tiene de hecho, si le escarbas, todas las características de la dictadura; la permanencia, no de un hombre, pero sí de un partido inamovible, que concede cierto espacio para la crítica en la medida que esta crítica le sirve, pero que suprime por todos los medios, incluso los peores, aquella crítica que de alguna manera pone en peligro su permanencia.
Me parece ressoar de forma relativamente similar ao que temos aqui (com algumas modificações bem necessárias à ideia, é claro).

Viver nesse país por tempo o suficiente me ensinou que ninguém chega a algum cargo importante da República sem estar chafurdado de lama até certo nível. Lula não é diferente.

Acreditar em política partidária/eleitoralismo no Brasil é pedir pra se iludir.


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A sua consideração é muito bem vinda, anão.




>Bolsonaro censurou Karl Marx na prova do ENEM e o MEC foi lá e meteu uma questão sobre Engels kkkkkkk

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 No.481354[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for posting any form of /lefty/ videos files ranging from .webm or .mp4, or other
The last thread hit the bump limit, so post new or old videos here.
Link to the last thread here: >>201250
597 posts and 511 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Thich Quang Duc's self immolation to protest Ngo Dinh Diem.


Is there any guarantee that this thread will be archived here in the site?


probably, just like other webm threads


can mods pls archive this thread?


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