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 No.508909[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's mantain the civil discussion we were having in the last thread.
Last thread got full.
TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/

>Russian foreign Ministry comments on response: it is inappropriate to demand to withdraw troops from certain regions of Russia. Russia demands Ukraine implements Minsk agreements, the West should stop weapons delivery to Ukraine, withdraw what was delivered already, recall all instructors and advisors from Ukraine, prohibition of NATO joint exercises with Ukraine. Russia demands all U.S. troops and weapons withdrawal from Central and Eastern Europe, Baltic countries. Russia expects proposals on non-expansion of NATO. Russia highlights that questions on arms control cannot be considered separately from other points

So, these are the points for descalation:
1:Ukraine implements Minsk agreement.
2:The weapons deliveries towards Ukraine from NATO need to stop.
3:Withdraw what was already delivered to Ukraine.
4:Withdraw all NATO instructos and advisors from Ukraine.
5:Prohibit the cooperation of Ukraine in NATO joint exercises.
6:The total withdrawal of all US troops and weapons from Central and Eastern Europe (This is, Poland, The Baltic States, Slovakia, Romania, and probably even Germany and the Czech Republic
Do you think the US NATO will accept these 6 points?
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Peru is bad though, Gonzallo is just South American Pol Pot :xD


boomers just can't let go


>leninhat is a brit
finally your neverending retardation is given an explanation


if they admit it at all, it will only happen years from now, after the damage has been done, and the public will once again go 'how do we let ourselves get swayed so easily?' before pivoting to frothing at the mouth over China having the gall to exist


>Wrong, Baerbock said the NS-II is dead if Russia invades
an uppity bitch being hysterical in press briefings is not what dictates official german policy

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 No.505792[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's mantain the civil discussion we were having in the last thread.
Last thread got full.

Original post:
Is there a proxy conflict coming?
US will act ‘decisively’ if Russia deploys military to Cuba or Venezuela – White House
Are NATO and Russia on the brink of war over the Ukraine crisis? (Ex-UK ambassador to Russia)
US claims Russia preparing ‘false flag’ in Ukraine
Russia ‘fabricating a pretext for invasion’ of Ukraine – White House
Is Russia really preparing an offensive against Ukraine?
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622 posts and 161 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


How do I convince my liberal friends that Russia won't invade Ukraine? Do I just wait until the US stops claiming they will?



Over 300 confirmed kills and highly trained in gorilla warfare


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Make them put their money where their mouth is and put $20, $50, $100 on the table. Guarantee they won't want to gamble at all because they don't actually believe in anything. They're only in it for the aesthetics of concern (as commanded of them by state media), despite not investing an ounce of energy into being politically literate

idk shouldn't be that hard to tell someone who has no idea what they're talking about that they have no idea what they're talking about. Nordstream 2 alone should be enough to shut the up, Putin might not be a 'nice guy' but he's not an idiot (let alone starting a very unpopular war, justifying internal/external response that will hurt his gov, etc)


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Today's the day that Russia's totally gonna invade Ukraine guys the CIA has proof we have satellite images and shit


Then the honeytrap will be sprung and all the Russian sympathizers and agents living in western countries will be inturned , it is too late to do anything to protect yourself now, they already have your IP addresses and real world location and the odds are pretty good that you are being watched right now to see if you will run.

And all for protecting the crony capitalists who betrayed communism. Class traitors will get no sympathy.

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 No.507673[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's mantain the civil discussion we were having in the last thread.
Last thread got full.

>Russian foreign Ministry comments on response: it is inappropriate to demand to withdraw troops from certain regions of Russia. Russia demands Ukraine implements Minsk agreements, the West should stop weapons delivery to Ukraine, withdraw what was delivered already, recall all instructors and advisors from Ukraine, prohibition of NATO joint exercises with Ukraine. Russia demands all U.S. troops and weapons withdrawal from Central and Eastern Europe, Baltic countries. Russia expects proposals on non-expansion of NATO. Russia highlights that questions on arms control cannot be considered separately from other points

So, these are the points for descalation:
1:Ukraine implements Minsk agreement.
2:The weapons deliveries towards Ukraine from NATO need to stop.
3:Withdraw what was already delivered to Ukraine.
4:Withdraw all NATO instructos and advisors from Ukraine.
5:Prohibit the cooperation of Ukraine in NATO joint exercises.
6:The total withdrawal of all US troops and weapons from Central and Eastern Europe (This is, Poland, The Baltic States, Slovakia, Romania, and probably even Germany and the Czech Republic
Do you think the US NATO will accept these 6 points?

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601 posts and 154 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Us warhawks want to pull Russia off Swift. Nobody in Europe does want it though, as you pointed out.


That's what you get for killing Rosa and supporting SPD&NSDAP over KPD



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>expels diplomat for no reason
lying by omission is so fucking vile, and braindead tiktok libs are going to deepthroat this shit and ask for more.

 No.506430[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's mantain the civil discussion we were having in the last thread.
Last thread got full.

Original post:
Is there a proxy conflict coming?
US will act ‘decisively’ if Russia deploys military to Cuba or Venezuela – White House
Are NATO and Russia on the brink of war over the Ukraine crisis? (Ex-UK ambassador to Russia)
US claims Russia preparing ‘false flag’ in Ukraine
Russia ‘fabricating a pretext for invasion’ of Ukraine – White House
Is Russia really preparing an offensive against Ukraine?
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599 posts and 294 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


there are burgers with nothing on them


Haha Ikr


thread is full

someone make new thread and link it

and for the love of God stop posting the same OP again from a month ago


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This is the only explanation for US intelligence's claims on Russian invasion. They're operating on Freezer time

 No.507037[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's mantain the civil discussion we were having in the last thread.
Last thread got full.

>Russian foreign Ministry comments on response: it is inappropriate to demand to withdraw troops from certain regions of Russia. Russia demands Ukraine implements Minsk agreements, the West should stop weapons delivery to Ukraine, withdraw what was delivered already, recall all instructors and advisors from Ukraine, prohibition of NATO joint exercises with Ukraine. Russia demands all U.S. troops and weapons withdrawal from Central and Eastern Europe, Baltic countries. Russia expects proposals on non-expansion of NATO. Russia highlights that questions on arms control cannot be considered separately from other points

So, these are the points for descalation:
1:Ukraine implements Minsk agreement.
2:The weapons deliveries towards Ukraine from NATO need to stop.
3:Withdraw what was already delivered to Ukraine.
4:Withdraw all NATO instructos and advisors from Ukraine.
5:Prohibit the cooperation of Ukraine in NATO joint exercises.
6:The total withdrawal of all US troops and weapons from Central and Eastern Europe (This is, Poland, The Baltic States, Slovakia, Romania, and probably even Germany and the Czech Republic
Do you think the US NATO will accept these 6 points?

I'm gonna post my opinion about the russian matter in here as well, it's my post, you can't do nothing about it:
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630 posts and 263 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.





Firstly, siding with one or the other bourgeois state because its "antagonistic" or "defensive" is bad Marxism and fundamentally anti-revolutionary.

Two, the U.S is not being antagonistic here; Russia is. Ukraine clearly does not want to be ruled by them lol.


God what the fuck is wrong with Germans voting for these psycho neocon greens.


The US in actuality chooses to back the more reactionary and repressive forces. They say this and then back ultra-anti-women murderously homophobic and repressive fundamentalists in China & Syria.

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 No.498722[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is the thread dedicated to researching, discussing, exploring, and laughing at, that element of the far right which we have come to term "esoteric hitlerist" but more broadly a thread for documenting the extreme right.

To sum up, as it says in the title, this entire strand of thought is more or less an intelligence operation carried out mostly by pedophiles, with a strong satanic/ esoteric influence. On top of this, there are several interesting connections to these operations and operatives and Zionism.

The purpose of these operations, as are the purpose of all CIA operations, is to suppress and destroy the real movement that abolishes the present state of things, the mass movement organised workers, the socialist and communist movement.

What follows is a series of links, references and thoughts which document this feature of capitalist hegemony.

Link to last thread archive:


The thread from which it was born:

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599 posts and 216 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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who is this guy suppose to represent?


muh fertile pre pubescent aryan goddess…..evropa….



the dream language one is a good one

 No.504547[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's mantain the civil discussion we were having in the last thread.
Last thread got full.

Original post:
Is there a proxy conflict coming?
US will act ‘decisively’ if Russia deploys military to Cuba or Venezuela – White House
Are NATO and Russia on the brink of war over the Ukraine crisis? (Ex-UK ambassador to Russia)
US claims Russia preparing ‘false flag’ in Ukraine
Russia ‘fabricating a pretext for invasion’ of Ukraine – White House
Is Russia really preparing an offensive against Ukraine?
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625 posts and 172 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Because it's Russian territory, and Russia does military exercises every year there


Oh, and it needs proving that Russia is actually creating stockpiles and military fronts for an attack. Russia doesn't show any kind of logistics created for such a thing


new thread





<28. War with Russia in Ukraine, however it begins or whatever the course of its initial stages, will not be contained. It will follow an uncontrollably expansive logic. Every state in the region will be drawn into the conflict. The Black Sea, the shoreline of which laps across seven countries, will be transformed into a cauldron of escalating conflict, sweeping across Transcaucasia, the Caspian Sea region, Central Asia and beyond.

<29. China will see its own interests directly threatened and would be dragged into the war. Conflict would ensue over Taiwan. Iran and Israel would be caught up in the warfare. Japan and Australia would rapidly follow. At some point the use of nuclear weapons would be seen as a way out. And in every theater of this conflict, the United States will be centrally involved, with a devastating loss of life and massive levels of social dislocation.

<36. The way forward for the Russian and Ukrainian working class requires a global perspective. It must be stressed that opposition to Putin does not involve aligning with imperialism. Pseudo-left denunciations of Russian and Chinese “imperialism” have no relation to the historical development of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Rather, they express the alignment of petty-bourgeois forces with Washington. It is necessary to oppose imperialism without adapting to Russian nationalism, and to oppose Russian nationalism without adapting to imperialism.

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 No.555440[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm not a fascist, but… edition

Pic related, the party Bolsonaro wanted to create to be his fiefdom – and failed stupendously – telling us to learn what high school teachers don't tell us about pre-WW1 Germany and the Nazi Party.

Incidentally, this party which literally does not exist got verified by Twitter simply because Bozo's circus pays them to be exempt from the rules. All that talk about algorithm manipulation is bullshit intended to cover that fact up.

previous thread:
607 posts and 356 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Alexandre expede nova intimação e dá 24 horas para Telegram indicar representação no País e excluir publicação de Bolsonaro



no metrô de SP


que diabos tá acontecendo nesse vídeo?


Fachos arrombados importunando transeuntes.




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 No.505178[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's mantain the civil discussion we were having in the last thread.
Last thread got full.

Original post:
Is there a proxy conflict coming?
US will act ‘decisively’ if Russia deploys military to Cuba or Venezuela – White House
Are NATO and Russia on the brink of war over the Ukraine crisis? (Ex-UK ambassador to Russia)
US claims Russia preparing ‘false flag’ in Ukraine
Russia ‘fabricating a pretext for invasion’ of Ukraine – White House
Is Russia really preparing an offensive against Ukraine?
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608 posts and 183 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Automation will change completely our lives from top to bottom.
Its very possible that will end badly, but it must also be acknowledged that it provides a chance for socialists.


I hope if they do it, they have the decency to start on a weekend. I'd rather get nuked at home than at work.


Why would someone take you seriously if I gave you an extended critique in your article from LOLNOONE like http://www.massline.info/mlms/mlms.htm
His retarded takes comes in many flavors:
>The highly deficient sort of top-down socialism which was originally established in the DPRK was—if anything—a more extreme form of the bureaucratic type of socialism which existed in the Soviet Union in the Stalin era. Since—as in the USSR—the DPRK regime did not know or use the mass line in politics, industry or agriculture, this type of society tended to soon become more and more undemocratic and authoritarian. Over the years it has degenerated totally away from anything which can be remotely considered as genuine “socialism” (which, after all, must most essentially be based on the rule of the people themselves). The DPRK is now best characterized as an ultra-nationalistic form of state capitalism, directed by a tiny militarily-obsessed elite social class, and for the primary benefit of that very privileged governing class. Even more absurdly, this DPRK ruling class has turned its regime into one which is very close to a hereditary absolute monarchy, which was ruled first by Kim Il Sung, then by his son Kim Jong Il, and now by his son, Kim Jong Un.
And the silly idea that Maoists like you and him, decide to rebrand what fascism is taking in count revisionism, starting from the "social imperialism" theory that Mao brought, tells me that you suffer a severe cognitive dissonace.
In that exact theory Mao in which he says "social imperialism" also said that the USS "will end the world with nukes", 20 years later, the USSR dissolved, and the nukes never arrived. And if a huge chunk of that speech in which it is the "social imperialism" theory is utter nonsense (there were three theories together: third world theory, social imperialism theory, and the USSR nuking the world theory) what makes you believe the rest of his speech isn't also utter nonsense. And that "social imperialism" is the starting point of "Scott H." who can easily be CIA Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>>505789 (me)
This is from where he defines DPKR:
>>The highly deficient sort of top-down socialism which was originally established in the DPRK was—if anything—a more extreme form of the bureaucratic type of socialism which existed in the Soviet Union in the Stalin era. Since—as in the USSR—the DPRK regime did not know or use the mass line in politics, industry or agriculture, this type of society tended to soon become more and more undemocratic and authoritarian. Over the years it has degenerated totally away from anything which can be remotely considered as genuine “socialism” (which, after all, must most essentially be based on the rule of the people themselves). The DPRK is now best characterized as an ultra-nationalistic form of state capitalism, directed by a tiny militarily-obsessed elite social class, and for the primary benefit of that very privileged governing class. Even more absurdly, this DPRK ruling class has turned its regime into one which is very close to a hereditary absolute monarchy, which was ruled first by Kim Il Sung, then by his son Kim Jong Il, and now by his son, Kim Jong Un.
And the expel link is funny at best.


<China accuses the U.S. of fabricating and waging a crisis, manipulating Ukraine, to control Europe.

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 No.495626[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post the best pictures you got.

I like to see what others have and we need a thread to combine all the good materials.
Here I concentrated on the fact that Pol-Cel Nazis can literally not read more then 50 characters of text and are proud of it.

For these idiots everything must be a "meme" or have a "joke". Pol-cels are oblivious to the fact that others are giving them information and knowledge not jokes or memes.

Did anyone else observe this behavior from Pol-Cels ?
These idiots are unable to read children literature let alone anything important.

It looks like daddy Hitler hates people who can read or have attention spans greater then ADHD gold fish.
I never imagine the ability to have a attention span or read more then 50 characters of text will ever be something that I need to argue for. However here we are !
And this is no slander you cab go to /pol/ and engage these idiots yourself.
Of course it is like going to a zoo to look at the stupid animals.
705 posts and 222 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The paper basically debunked itself
>Thus the answer to the question “How often is a pair of individuals from one population genetically more dissimilar than two individuals chosen from two different populations?” depends on the number of polymorphisms used to define that dissimilarity and the populations being compared. The answer, equation M44 can be read from Figure 2. Given 10 loci, three distinct populations, and the full spectrum of polymorphisms (Figure 2E), the answer is equation M45 ≅ 0.3, or nearly one-third of the time. With 100 loci, the answer is ∼20% of the time and even using 1000 loci, equation M46 ≅ 10%. However, if genetic similarity is measured over many thousands of loci, the answer becomes “never” when individuals are sampled from geographically separated populations.


>The paper “debunked” itself
Not how it works. For someone who studies biology you don’t seem to understand how to read journals. You’re assuming a hypothesis that isn’t presented in the paper
1) Again, geographic ancestral groups =/= race and the authors are very clear about it, especially for clinical applications
2) They mention that this “thousands of loci” thing is only true if you sample only a few specific populations and not the world at large. Essentially, that’s saying that if you sample Hutus, Danes and Mongolians using thousands of Loci, and not any other groups that may possibly be in-between. More importantly, the Richards paper used only a few hundred loci to try and establish “Lewontin’s Fallacy”, Rosenberg (2002) used 377 and the Authors themselves said the minimum threshold is around 100 Loci and can determine geographic ancestry with 100% accuracy.

Saying that “a few hundred loci isn’t much” is what we scientifically call a cope. Just like how geographic ancestry is the same as race.


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>Again, geographic ancestral groups =/= race and the authors are very clear about it
Except they're not
>used 377 and the Authors themselves said the minimum threshold is around 100 Loci and can determine geographic ancestry with 100% accuracy.
Using c and not ω, ω is more accurate.
n such cases, ω becomes zero. Classification methods similarly yield high error rates with few loci and almost no errors with thousands of loci. Unlike ω, however, classification statistics make use of aggregate properties of populations, so they can approach 100% accuracy with as few as 100 loci.


>Implying you need a wife for communism

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