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 No.485713[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Please come back Rusanon Comrades! Save us from the polyp and lolbert raids.

Я вас категорически приветствую.

- A westoid who misses you.
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What happens for Putin internally if he attacks and gets thousands of Ukrainians and Russians dead? Hes fascist level anti-communist.


What is there for him to gain? A country full of people dead hostile to him that can't speak his language?


he won't do that


>I've read they also had a pedophile as one of its leaders.
Yeah, one of their guys got busted with naked photos of his adopted daughter.
If it was regular CP I'd suspect the cops framed him but this is pretty damning.


Does Russia really need a buffer zone to its west or is there no chance it would get invaded, thus negating the need for it?

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 No.17849[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Get in here

This thread is for discussion of the 2021 Peruvian Election. Looks like it's keeps beign a close one, and either one could win this. The Peruvian Left has gone far, however, and has united under a pretty based candidate. Let's watch

Prev. threads:
>>>/leftypol_archive/14633 #1
>>>/leftypol_archive/15250 #2
>>>/leftypol_archive/15858 #3
>>>/leftypol_archive/16499 #4
>>>/leftypol_archive/17177 #5
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We need a new one until 100.000 lead has been secured at closing


Another one for the weeklong recount


Is somebody gonna make a new thread or nah?


Ok, give me a sec


I am not sharp enough edition
New one

 No.17177[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Get in here

This thread is for discussion of the 2021 Peruvian Election. Looks like it's keeps beign a close one, and either one could win this. The Peruvian Left has gone far, however, and has united under a pretty based candidate. Let's watch

Prev. threads:
>>>/leftypol_archive/14633 #1
>>>/leftypol_archive/15250 #2
>>>/leftypol_archive/15858 #3
>>>/leftypol_archive/16499 #4
666 posts and 161 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>we could have had Peru with Japanese Characteristics and cum


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>our revolution is not communist


>denounced by the USSR
>denounced by China
>denounced by literally everyone


Gonzalo has been in jail since 1992 boy
Shining Path has been irrelevant for over 2 decades at this point
Stop being so white, you fat American cunt



>neither was the Cuban Revolution.

Initially, at least. The bay of pigs invasion blessed us with Castro going full commie.

 No.16499[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Get in here

This thread is for discussion of the 2021 Peruvian Election. Looks like it's keeps beign a close one, and either one could win this. The Peruvian Left has gone far, however, and has united under a pretty based candidate. Let's watch

Prev. threads:
672 posts and 166 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.






You guys are raiding the wrong thread


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Kek-o you have lost face for the fuji clan. you know what must be done.


What's the latest numbers?

 No.15858[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last thread hit bump limit.

This thread is for discussion of the 2021 Peruvian Election. Looks like it's keeps beign a close one, and either one could win this. The Peruvian Left has gone far, however, and has united under a pretty based candidate. Let's watch
Last thread:
635 posts and 126 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


If the chick wins by a 0.1% difference because of gusanos I hope Castillo and gang make the Shining Path look like pacifists


>ayacucho and cusco still not fully counted
It hasnt even begun







motherfucking jojo reference of Castillollo posing with Gonzalo as his stand above him, I can't come up with a name for it tho

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 No.15250[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Last thread hit bump limit.

This thread is for discussion of the 2021 Peruvian Election. Looks like it's going to be a close one, and either one could win this. The Peruvian Left has gone far, however, and has united under a pretty based candidate. Let's watch
Last thread: >>227685
602 posts and 149 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Think Fujimori will accept the results once ousted?
How many weeks do you give it until the CIA-led coup starts?


New thread


uygha Russians like Stalin, even some ex-Warsaw countries like Stalin, no one in Peru likes the Shining Path


It's a different anon than the Mautist


Discerning voters like yourself are what every democracy needs.

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 No.14633[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Pedro Castillo and Verónika Mendoza signed a joint declaration on Wednesday sealing Mendoza's support for Castillo going into the Presidential runoff election. They also agree to work together in order to "achieve a government of the people."

The left in Peru is uniting behind a Marxist candidate who is on the verge of BTFOing the Fujimoris, neoliberals all around the world seething about his friendship with Morales & Maduro.

Can we show this based Incan some love?
611 posts and 149 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>emember what Maduro is doing right now, killing communists in the Colombian border


>Ejércitos de países vecinos no son objetivos militares: FARC-EP se deslinda de hechos en Apure

Armies of neighboring countries are not military objectives: FARC-EP demarcates from events in Apure

You're sperging lies. Get banned, CIA-OperativechavismoChavismo


>Guys they said it was unfortunate so they're not counter-revolutionary
COPINGsendero_luminosoSendero Luminoso


Good ideology, absolutely autistic praxis
Peruvians don't like the SP white boy


Dilate, resorting to conspiracy theories


False information, and irrelevant, they're cornered in a single valley and largely just supply coca paste to not starve lmao, even if they are growing they'll just get pushed back, no one is going to join that organization because it's

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 No.12904[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

🇧🇷 /brg/ Brasil General 🇧🇷
Brazilian Lenin edition
Last one got full
608 posts and 274 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Zizek avistado em Londria.


Tá na hora de criar uma thread cíclica, não?


Discordo. Pq numa cíclica, arquivar o fio vira um pesadelo. Melhor deixar assim, e quando acabar, a gente arquiva e partimos pra próxima.;


New thread

 No.216284[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content
Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

This is the place where you can find all /leftypol/ memes n' shit
596 posts and 378 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


kek, was this made by any of us?


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something a siberian anon requested to make


Most of this isn't even like, a seriously negative thing. The most actually like, bad thing on this is what, people getting arrested for pronouns and a building destroyed?


Idk m8, white guilt, intersectionality, reification of made up racial categories, and hating on classics are all pretty cringe.


No idea, I think there's a few commie shitposters on the TNO dev team now. One of them posts here

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 No.11465[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Well it's another day of /pol/fags raiding. Given the increased attention our board has gotten I figured I should write up a critique of /pol/; both the "arguments" it makes on here as well as its ideology in general. Maybe some /pol/lyps read it and take it to heart, most likely they wont. This is just an open post anyone can comment on. I'm slightly hungover, so forgive me if this comes across as a bit incoherent.

/pol/'s ideological problem
/pol/ is ostensibly a "fascist" board. Though its far removed from the fascism of yesteryear. Whereas Italian Fascism at least had an intellectual and philosophical component to justify itself, whereas it could elaborate on some basic tenets (even though it would contradict all of them at some point) Nazism had no such thing: just an incoherent conspiracy.

What both Fascism in its Italian and Nazi forms had—that /pol/ certainly lacks—is collective discipline. Most of the early blackshirts were veterans of WWI. The success and organizational power of the fascist movement could be attributed to the work of these veterans who, to their credit, actually were fairly efficient at what they do.

>What was the base of classical fascism?

<Veterans and the economically devastated middle class.
>What is the base of modern fascism?
<An economically devastated middle-class.

All /pol/ is home to is the socially maladroit children of middle income earners. Well, and Boomers screaming at the world as the last synapses in their brain burn out. Of course there may be a few exceptions here and there (and its obvious /pol/ anons like to LARP as the exception to the rule) but for the most part the same people are attracted to /pol/: The children who sat alone on the playground. The incel seething at some happy couple in a coffee shop. The kind of person who thinks they're one life coach grifter away from finding real happiness.

Everything /pol/ does is directed by their class position as the children of middle income earners, as asocial loners with serious self-esteem issues. If they do have a career, its likely as a contractor or some white collar worker that is isolated from or in direct confrontation with other workers. Either way, it leads to /pol/ being collectively impotent.
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Awful lot of whining. I post on here for fun and I’m a member of a party that’s over a hundred years old. You’d have a point if I ever tried to argue that leftypol is the nexus for a revolutionary movement, which I didn’t.


Since you actually earnestly tried to respond I’ll type up a response after work tonight.


>The western left is pretty hostile to the concept of a Labour Aristocracy, simply because that would mean they would have to accept that they are useless
They've adopted not only that theory, but the settler colonial one as well
They don't accept they, the middle class, are useless because they are interested in institutions
The left is more concerned with rurals than the middle class, the labor aristocracy and settler colonialism is used to explain the gap between the latter suburban and urban types and the former.
>What I do however see is that this so called "populism" is laughed at, because it doesn't really mark a shift in power. In essence you have right-populism that is a revitalizing of old domestic industrial capital and left-populists that try to reestablish a sort keynesian social democratic concensus like in the post-war years
Pretty much, but it shouldn't be laughed at. It's challenging what the western left isn't able to
I think its anti imperialist
>Can you give specific examples. I don't think I have seen this one
Arguments over the electoral reform or surrogate democratic party reveal that position. You see it in the left and liberals after 2016, a belief that unless we vote blue colonialism will not be held at bay
>Do you think it will be better in showing the contradictions between capital and labor
I dont know if it's better at it but it's the closest thing to a force showing it
But it's more accurately a division over globalization, not capital.ssnpSSNP


Okay, back. Gonna be kind of brief because I've got some vidya gaems with buddy to get to. Your argument seems built on the naturalism fallacy (I.E. Nature = "Good") but let's not forget humans are nature's paradox. As the only form of intelligent life that we're aware of, we've taken ourselves out of nature and all the biological imperatives that come with it. You can say that our goal is to carry on our genes, but the truth is we have free will and can voluntarily choose not to.

But even accepting that logic for a minute, by its very nature it destroys Nazism. The iron law of nature is not, as some "Darwinists" misstate, the survival of "the fittest." Rather all evolutionary biology is rooted in adaptation. The creature that survives is the one most able to adapt to its environment. To, in essence, diversify itself. Throughout life, from tiny flowers to mighty dinosaurs, everything ends up changing. When a species stops changing, it becomes an evolutionary dead end.
Look at Nazism; if it were really obsessed with passing on genes to the next generation, then it wouldn't have its obsession with "racial purity." After all, even if the whitest scandinavian had a child with the darkest african, the child would still inherit genes from both of its parents, even if darker skin is the dominant gene. However, Nazism doesn't care about that. Instead it ascribes "cleanliness" and "dirtyness" to certain races and peoples. It tries its damnedest to preserve its supposed "racial purity" by ruthlessly calling diversity.
But its another evolutionary truth that homogeneity in genetics ultimately leads to sterility, just look at what happened to the Aristocrats of Europe with their obsession with "blood purity!"

Rather than enhancing the fertility of German society, Nazism sterilized it. "Degenerate" art was banned. "Dirty" races were exterminated. The end result of all of that was an ultimately sterile society; one that could produce no art, no great works, and ultimately had its genes "dirtied" by foreign soldiers when they lost the war.

Nazism isn't a philosophy based around life. Its impotent. Sterile. Much like Hitler himself. Its violently obsessed with purity which is a betrayal of biological reality. It's, if anything, a philosophy Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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> Your argument seems built on the naturalism fallacy (I.E. Nature = "Good")
Common misconception and infact a forgivably understable one.
National Socialism is based around the understanding of the function of biological organsisms being the origin of their morality; not their nature.
There are a great deal of things a human being may be predisposed to do by virtue of his genes or enviroment (such as excessive alhohal use, self harm or homosexuality) which are none the less objectivelly immoral as they undermine the survival and reproduction of ones genes.
Just because you are morn with a mental ilnnes that predisposes you to serial murder does not serial murder in your case is moral (in so far as you are capable of consious action)
>but let's not forget humans are nature's paradox. As the only form of intelligent life that we're aware of, we've taken ourselves out of nature and all the biological imperatives that come with it.
I'm honestly curious if you actually believe this how in the hell you think Marxist Socialism is ever going to arise??
As Marxist Socialism is, after all, first and foremost predicated upon the appeal to material conditions of the working class.
If the material conditions of the working class (which are necessairily biological in character given that the material the workers are made of is bio-matter, responding to stimulous over time) are not objectively important how would you be able to say that Marxist Socialism was the inevitably product of a capitalist economy?
Just through argumentation (Which will necessairily by your frame work be inherntly baseless) and emotional appeal given in hopes of calling workers to the banner of your cause???
Granted i have put the words of this response in your mouth to some extent,
But IF that is the fundimental basis of world view it seems pretty inherently idealistic my dude.
No real scientific study of history to speak of.
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