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Stalin did nothing wrong
Except possibly being so kind and benevolent as he was he didn't kill enough people
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Reminder that Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Castro were unironically history's best realization of Nietzsche€n übermensch.
Commies are life-affirmers, liberals are last men, fascoids promote slave morality, etc etc


life affirmation is when you kill everyone you don't like


Liberal detected


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>they think that that is somhow a positive thing


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How to prepare for the end of the world as we know it so we can feel fine?


>Whatever result was obtained in Satya yuga by meditating on Visnu, in Treta yuga by performing sacrifices and in Dvapara yuga by seeing the Lord's lotus feet can also be obtained in Kali yuga simply by chanting the Hare Krsna maha−mantra. – Srimad Bhagavatam 12.3.52

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Wtf pedophile dead?
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good choice




Hakim Bey.


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crakkker imperialist larping as arab


everyone was a pedo in the 70s, can't blame him
i liked Pirate Utopias

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Due to the techno-industrial city, doesn't matter the ideology, or society which possesses it; it will always need many people to keep it alive, and for this reason smaller languages cannot survive in this harsh environment. Let's assume a group of people who speak a minority language with around 300 speakers, they live in a poor small village, next to it is a city where a major language is spoken, if people want to have a industrial life, they will need to move to the city, commune, whatever is more convenient for your industrialist society, and there they will stay for better life conditions.

When this happens, there are two possible outcomes:
> 1 - They won't teach their native to their children preferring them to only speak the major language, because their native language is "useless"
> 2 - They will teach their language to their children, let's assume the best case scenario and let's say they taught the most traditional form with no loanwords, only native words, and the children speaks the minority language perfectly; here is a more case by case thing, but probably this kid will only speak this language with his family, and with no one else, so many things could happen here, loanwords enter his language when talking to their parents, they start speaking more and more of the majority language with their parents, and in the future they will spread a more majority languicized version of the original language, and with each generation the language is slowly(or maybe even faster in worse scenarios) disappearing until it is finally gone. This being the best case scenario for the language.

This is the natural process for smaller languages, which are the majority of our world's languages today on the techno-industrial system by its pure nature. But now let's make a case, how could we revive this language? A fake idea of national identity could bring up many nationalists puppets who would only speak the original language in its pure version, and would force their children and relatives to only speak it; this is a similar case to Ukrainian which is a language that I know fairly well, but it also brings all the nationalist spooks, fights, racism, class division and way more stuff(evidence for this is the state of the Ukrainian language today) that all of us know so I don't think anyone here would agree in doing this as a long term solution.

So as we can see, language Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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you could translate that anytime you want, maybe keep the loanwords. as people move over time and the language spreads it will take over if people have no reason to learn english anymore. also have you noticed the latin/french loanwords in scientific disciplines? it sounds so ugly and out of place.


The CPC at one point was seriously proposing to change the national language of China to Esperanto, as relatively neutral intermediaty between commonly spoken languagea that was adopted by many inernationalist socialists. This was before the national chauvinism shit though.


>We need languages that are artifically manufactured in a lab and enforce it upon everyone in robotic fashion.


>also have you noticed the latin/french loanwords in scientific disciplines? it sounds so ugly and out of place
True, they should have used Swahili instead. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Everyone will speak chinese, accept your new masters

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>A revolutionary movement offers to solve all problems at one stroke and create a whole new world; it provides the kind of ideal for which people will take great risks and make great sacrifices.
Have truer words ever been spoken?
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>A revolutionary movement offers to solve all problems at one stroke and create a whole new world
It aint. Revolutions don't really offer anything aside from a change of personnel at the top of any given hierarchy.
Insurrection on the other hand…


Lenin said something similar
I wanna love ted, if only he were class pilled


if u dont know where his ideas are based ur the retard objectively


fucking inusrrectos


I can really sympathize even with his primitivist spooks
idk if he was actually an ecologist but I also care deeply about nature regardless of it's impact on humanity

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Are there any drugs that are actually good for you? Like psychedelics and stuff like that, is any really therapeutic or is that just a meme?
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Is it the same deal with high cbd weed? I wouldn't mind smoking weed but THC dominant weed puts me in a paranoid schizo bad trip type of deal every single time. Way harder for me to handle than psychedelics.


different bodies react to cannabinoids differently
i’ve had schizo trips on balanced edibles


as in equal ratio of cbd and thc


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<Very large amounts of caffeine have been known to destabilize bipolars and schizophrenics inducing mania or psychotic episodes. This isn’t terribly prevalent but is known to occur.

<Caffeine is also known to interfere with some antipsychotic medication, generally first generation antipsychotics, specifically clozapine. Antipsychotic dosage generally has to be increased to account for this interference.


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wtf I love coffee now?

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"Spook," spectre" or "phantasm?" Mine is "spook" because it's pretty specific and unique to dialectical egoism. And you can also play with it by adding prefixes and postfixes (i.e. spooked, despooked, unspooked, spooky, reverse-spooked, anti-spook, spookprejudiced). I also like to say "sacred idea" or "ghost in the mind" sometimes.
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Well, I mean, Stirner did use the dialectical method. That's why I said "dialectical." But Stirner used that to pwn Hegel epic style so I don't see why that's a problem. You can also call it Stirnerian egoism, nihilist egoism or whatever the fuck. Rational egoism works too, I think. Though there are other "egoisms" that are called "rational." Like Rand's brand of egoism.


>I like calling people imbeciles.


my favourite word is dick sauce








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>mfw breaking rules becomes a rule


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anyone found with rules will be branded


damn, now i wish i had a couch i could crash on


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no… not the rules…

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As I look into it more and more, it becomes clear that this ideology makes less sense than your mom. No wonder why its proponents are not just post-civ/illegalists.

Have you ever met those oddballs online, fellow Uniques?
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yeah because that hole thing worked out so well
you cant turn back time


After a very quick search, it seems that this "Avaritionism" was "created" by some fbi.gov user of a literal meme wiki about ideologies :

The wiki has a lot of others pure meme-ideologies like :
Which is a hypothetical version of a even more authoritarian neoliberalism.

Actual ideologies, far-left to far-right seems well depicted though :


Indeed. That's why I'm saying that this is a meme ideology. Some people seem to believe in this unironically for some reason it seems. And those who do usually have those spooks I listed.


liberalism is already centred around the state what do they even think liberalism means-
oh. that, yeah


>…was "created" by some fbi.gov user…

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wuts ur fav z0r?
mine is z0r.de/17
its sooooo wunny when he goes : AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!
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is that a black caricature?
also, do all of these have endings or do others just loop forever


nah he's just charging his lazor



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