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/dead/ - Post-Left

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doin praxis like im doin your mom


bernie sanders is lib-tier my mane, get this out of my face!

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can catboys be post-left :3 ?
i mean wouldn't post-structuralists argue that terms like boy are abstract and have no real meaning?


I'll use my authority to allow them


>truely the most supreme leader

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How does it feel to know retards like stupidpol or Angela Nagle stole the term "Post-left" from you?






literally who?



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I'm not going back to work. What are some good illegalist books?
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join my shitty riot chat and talk about lockpicking with me
its time to be able to let yourself into wherever you want (results may vary)


share more please


How useful is lockpicking really? Also somebody write a decent guide on carding please


Been here for a while. I think you mean the Tor links?

http:// darkfailllnkf4vf.onion/ - Verified onion links, recommend setting this as your home page
http:// dreadytofatroptsdj6io7l3xptbet6onoyno2yv7jicoxknyazubrad.onion - Check the carding/fraud subdreads (/d/carding)
http:// torigonsn3d63cldhr76mkfdzo3tndnl2tftiek55i2vilscufer6ryd.onion/index.php - Hacking
http:// cryptbb2gezhohku.onion/ - Hacking
Sadly none of them are as big as Torum was
http:// rutorzzmfflzllk5.onion/ - For Russian speakers

Do what I did anon


cant remember if this guy is kinda retarded or pretty good
i think iirc i read some stupid jolly roger hacker or opsec text file thing that this site linked to and it was like… just bad. But thats a diff author so… i think this guy is cool if i remember right, but take it all with some salt

also to add to links, i love this place

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I open up my wallet…
and it's full of blood…


shouldnta used the money for ya cunny…


I hear donating plasma is a big business in the USA.

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A look at the continuing racial tensions in the US and its effect on the 2020 Presidential elections. Plus a look at the recent uprising in Belarus, featuring an interview with Maria, an anarchist based in Minsk.


I'm getting tired of these /pol/yps raiding our board, atleast here they won't find us.
How are you guys doing?
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It's actually leftist instead of right-wingers cosplaying as revolutionaries.


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>he thinks something being 'actually' leftist is an agrument for and not against it


I don't mind talking to social anarchists


>we need fascism
Sorry, not interested in a father-complex




hey /dead/ites, I want you to tell me about the last time you were really truely happy, the last time you had that careless positive feeling within that everything will turn out fine!
I wanna ask this because, self-analysing, I couldn't shake the feeling that me turning post-left and loosing hope in regular marxism/anarchism was at least partly due my personal situation worsening and loosing hope in general, so I wonder if others on here have similar feelings.
To me, it has been like exactly 6 months now. Back then I just radomly had the chance to meet all my old friends from highschool and it was just an all around positive experience. The whole corona bs only really came up afterwards and since then I haven't really had contact with pretty much anyone. Also I lost my former job and had to do hours in a call center. So yeah, things have been pretty shitty since then and atm I don't feel like they are getting better.
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dont be a zombie :( become an alcoholic and do violent crime against bougies and industrialists instead


cant control getting happy
getting high tho…


fuck you op
you reminded me


When as a child, I tought that I would become astronomer one day


Before I read Marx. Knowledge is a curse kids don't do it

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Now that the dust has settled… what's your opinion on him? Anything worth reading by him?


I like that essay of his where he btfos primitivists. It's called "How to Change the Course of Human History". In general, his depictions of past societies are a lot more nuanced than the images painted by people like Zerzan, since Graeber was an actual anthropologist.


anprims being shat on? that sounds like something i need to check out


Nice lampshade

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Mouffe and Laclau reject the centrality of the proletariat and the historical determinism in Marxism

-What do you think about it?
-Could you recommend me some "post-marxist" authors or books?
-Which have been the most recent developments in this "current"?


I think they have some points in their critique of Marx, but their "post-Marxism" is just liberalism with a new coat of paint. They cite Carl Schmitt a lot but ironically just end up recreating the bourgeois myth of parliamentary democracy that Schmitt critiqued so much.


What the fuck is post-marxism?


probably also stuff like Catoriadis who was a marxist first and then have his theory a post-structuralist bend.
Maybe even Adorno and Arendt but they are already to far off marxism to be considered an inverse, or post-ideology form, of it.

>-What do you think about it?
To me this is a complicated issue. I like the critique of historical determinism and the role of the broad proletariat as the revolutionary subject. But I think most post-marxist are, strangely, deterministic and structuralist while describing these qualities to the complete body of Marx's and Engels theoretical output.

>-Could you recommend me some "post-marxist" authors or books?


>–Which have been the most recent developments in this "current"?

I really don't know but from outside I would say that the post-marxist 'scene' is probably quite small and the same is probably true for the disourse.

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