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R: 53 / I: 11 (sticky)

Board description & Reulz

Welcome to /dead/, the endless magical nihilist gulag. This is not 8/grim/, but it is the continuation 8/grim/. Think of it as partly an /r9k/ for anti-capitalists, partly /dprk/ with skeltals, and otherwise whatever you make of it.

Now in amazing Techni-nocolors!

>1. Global rules apply
<2. Please keep /r9k/-tier & tfw no gf shitposts to one thread. Capitalism is only one of the many, many reasons why you don't have a gf.
>3. Meta posts belong in this thread
<4. This is a #SAFE space_ for anarkiddies and nihilists; cheka yr authoritarian privilege fam
R: 28 / I: 5

The left is too nice

I think the left is too nice, and doesn't feature enough comic sadism and spite.
I genuinely have a deep desire to be hurt and controlled, and to hurt and control others.
I think such self-defeating desires are as legitimate as any others, and cannot be reduced to madness or ideology.
I do think I should probably just pay for a dom when I save up enough neetbux.
Or maybe ERP online.
But I'm kind of a coward though.
Anyhow, that's the biggest reason why I don't like the left.
>inb4 but if you don't like the left then why are you a leftist
Easy, I don't like myself either.
R: 50 / I: 10
So now that the 'socialism' fad is petering out, what will be the next outsider ideology to that captures the attention of disaffected western youth? Fifteen years ago it was 'libertarianism,' and fifteen years before that it was alter-globalization and anti-establishment anarchism.

What will the zoomers and their progeny believe in? Esoteric fascism, a resurgent Kaczynski-inspired primitivism, or some other as yet unimaginable set of principles?
R: 30 / I: 5
Is uzumaki post-left?
R: 16 / I: 7

Never Die

If u feel alone with ur beliefs, never, you may be alone, but u are not without nothing, you may be on the ground in loneliness, but never, and I mean never, give up on life, if all you have are ur beliefs, believe in them, and tell no human that u hold differently, everyone believes in their own things, and remember, when u speak, to at least always have a heart, not in the capitalist sense, but for everything, in a sense deeper than their contradictions and falsehoods even if they end up trying to use their own intellectuals to down u, there is always something useful to resistance and forcing around, always will be

if no one will hold the line, at least u will, or at least believe u will, form friends you can, and care about others, fight for how u feel is right or what made u feel so alone in the world, ur feelings are probably not the first, hit the wall of death as much as you can believing that this is not ur first life because it isn't, it might be feeling like from the future comes a better life, and it is, along with can be from many other people

Let this fire burn in you always, don't let it melt you down to nothing, get outside, walk around, grab the nearest shovel or tool, if u must work, at least u have worked and believed with what you can, hold the line, because you are the only one, and ur only solution is to keep the fire you have, let theirs die and keep hope in all things, you are not alone, you are a piece of them, but you'll know many things, learn to know many things, and have things to share. Always write, never let anyone take this ability from you, learn to write safely, and bury urself in the best of respect. Whatever friends you have are important, tell them this, and hold them. Create a campfire of spirit, if you can not do this in real life, do so in ur mind or draw one on paper, and know at least, u are alive, you will never not be heard, if no human hears you, make them hear u, don't let urself be the fool of doubting you, being fool is a act, if no one must remind them of the suffering they have caused and that u must succumb to for pleasures? Give them hell. Suffering is worth every minute if it expels such men from the earth. You may be small, but you know a world exists

sit next to the campfire, don't give up ur life so easily, and breach all things where they may feel like they can stop u mentally, many of us barely had anything at times and in lots of areas, from all sorts of places before, you think when u are gone, everyone will forget you? Smack urself, punch something to get the pain out, don't kill urself, go outside and start taking a jog, you discard the flame, nothing will happen much of good for you, even if u feel like it is time to become warlord as final resort, at least you fought for whatever u are or believed, ur a unique thing anon, it's not worth to give up what might have driven you to drink or give in on life, if they may wipe us all out and u are one of the dead, I will remember you, we may be wiped to nothing, but someone will pick us up and read us again in all phrases or words, in this you will always be immortal
R: 21 / I: 4

If humans can't achieve communism then we deserve extinction

I'm fully black pilled, even just talking to fucking Western normies has me begging Putin to unleash his entire nuclear arsenal yesterday. I think I finally realize why I hate our species. Because humans are servile. People are like cattle in a way, real go along to get along fucking faggots. Almost all humans bask in slave morality and their only purpose for existence is to toil for their masters, almost no westerner can think outside the confines of capital, the only ways they can envision bettering their lives is by serving the market better or simply becoming capitalists, which is what 90% of people aspire to. Unlike past generations, no amount of suffering or poverty can make modern normies change, they are fundamentally different from the labor movement of the previous century, normies cannot rebel, mentally or emotionally, if you try critiquing capitalism, even subtly, they will call you a filthy Marxist communist and reject whatever you have to say.

Normies are infinitely more retarded than they were in the late 2010s, because like animals they have decided they want to be ruled so long as they're fed pig slop, they hate politics now, they hate communists explicitly because communists think about society deeply and want to change the world for better, normies do not think the world can be improved and don't want it to be.

Nuclear war is the most revolutionary act that can be taken in modern society.
R: 13 / I: 1

Why do you believe what you believe?

Genuine question from a none communist/anarchist.
first, I sympathaise with those two ideas, I really do. I have a burning passionate hatred for all the negative aspects of humanity, from greed to sadism.
I'm not very well read on anarchism or communism (the likes of marx and even hegel never interested me), so I'm mostly going by personal observation. from what I understand communists believe that money (capitalism) corrupts the human being and that by removing the cultural meme of capitalism, communism would florish. at least in simple terms, correct?

whenever I engage in chatter about this topic, eventually it comes down to human nature. almost all far leftists believe some form of the blank-slate. I don't. I never understood why this idea is taken seriously at all. isn't it obvious that a lot of human bias is hardwired into us from birth rather than influnced by enviornent?
especially the more basal desires and behaviours like greed? do you really believe that money is what corrupts people rather than that they're born greedy? and if you're a communist/anarchist that doesn't blieve in the blankslate, how do justify what you believe?
R: 25 / I: 1
i just checked /lit/ and half the threads and posts are off topic nazi stuff
R: 40 / I: 2

Aesthetics and Materialism

Communism is dead and died in 1922. The USSR basically became another imperialist bloc and then died, there is no relevant Marxist power on Earth, and the revolution hasn't happened after +150 years. Trade unions are pretty dead (not that they're progressive in the first world) and people join them for workers' rights without caring about internationalism or communism at all or because the industry itself is already unionised; hustle culture, part-time jobs, reverse army of labour, etc, means it's harder to unionise jobs. There isn't a righteous bloc between the first world or third world/BRICS/China, it's which favelas and former colonies are exploited by economic imbalance, colonial infrastructure, and the USD. I'm not sure how unequal exchange could be stopped without communism and it seems like a form of intersectionality so I'm not going to talk about it too much.

I feel like most people here have tacitly accepted that communism is dead and it's just band kids, or intellectuals, or nostalgia-boos. Endlessly regurgitating the same talking points and having literal near-zero impact. It's a glorified history club with some "happenings" about sectarian moralist garbage. Can anyone agree what communism is or what they want after le revolution? And why anyone would listen to Marx' and Bukharin's schizo-ramblings from over a century ago instead of doing something immediately useful like studying for something, or jerking off and playing video-games. I don't think you could scientifically prove Marx and Stirner (lol) btfod him anyways. Communists or Anarchists can't even take over a small island or a city or something. How many people have read Marx in full and how would you distil it without turning it into dogma or agitprop.

Anybody who is sort of successful and is absorbed by western media (which is 90% of the world) will be a liberal by default. Then alt-right/neo-nazis or religion captures other people because they're provocative and lean on perceived real life experiences and spirituality. There is no logistical reason why you couldn't implement communism tomorrow if you wiped every other ideology off the Earth, it's that aesthetics matter way more than "materialism" (Yes, I'm using the human nature argument.)

My point is I'm bored and I don't have anything to do or any meaning in my life.
R: 1 / I: 1
Anarchism (true socialism) is simply a conclusion of the dialectic of technology. Before the development of efficient technologies, the conclusion must be class domination. Once human efficiency can be outpaced though, the domination must be a joint leadership of collective and technic. This is why the true revolution is against Feudalism- the highest stage of pre-technology- and why Marxism has never taken hold in a fully capitalist nation. They have replicated a new feudalism with technology, but as that develops it only hastens its downfall. Capitalism is a midpoint of bureaucratic dictatorships (not unlike Marxist states) between two feudalisms.
R: 1 / I: 1
Nihilism will have to manifest itself as a psychological condition, first when we have sought in all that has happened a purpose which is not there: so that the seeker will ultimately lose courage. Nihilism is therefore the coming into consciousness of the long waste of strength, the pain of "futility," uncertainty, the lack of an opportunity to recover in some way, or to attain to a state of peace concerning anything—shame in one's own presence, as if one had cheated oneself too long…. The purpose above-mentioned might have been achieved: in the form of a "realisation" of a most high canon of morality in all worldly phenomena, the moral order of the universe; or in the form of the increase of love and harmony in the traffic of humanity; or in the nearer approach to a general condition of happiness; or even in the march towards general nonentity—any sort of goal always constitutes a purpose. The common factor to all these appearances is that something will be attained, through the process itself: and now we perceive that Becoming has been aiming at nothing, and has achieved nothing. Hence the disillusionment in regard to a so-called purpose in existence, as a cause of Nihilism; whether this [Pg 13]be in respect of a very definite purpose, or generalised into the recognition that all the hypotheses are false which have hitherto been offered as to the object of life, and which relate to the whole of "Evolution" (man no longer an assistant in, let alone the culmination of, the evolutionary process).

Nihilism will manifest itself as a psychological condition, in the second place, when man has fixed a totality, a systematisation, even an organisation in and behind all phenomena, so that the soul thirsting for respect and admiration will wallow in the general idea of a highest ruling and administrative power (if it be the soul of a logician, the sequence of consequences and perfect reasoning will suffice to conciliate everything). A kind of unity, some form of "monism":' and as a result of this belief man becomes obsessed by a feeling of profound relativity and dependence in the presence of an All which is infinitely superior to him, a sort of divinity. "The general good exacts the surrender of the individual …" but lo, there is no such general good! At bottom, man loses the belief in his own worth when no infinitely precious entity manifests itself through him—that is to say, he conceived such an All, in order to be able to believe in his own worth.

Nihilism, as a psychological condition, has yet a third and last form. Admitting these two points of view: that no purpose can be assigned to Becoming, and that no great entity rules behind all Becoming, in which the individual may completely lose himself as in an element of superior value; there still remains the subterfuge which would consist [Pg 14]in condemning this whole world of Becoming as an illusion, and in discovering a world which would lie beyond it, and would be a real world. The moment, however, that man perceives that this world has been devised only for the purpose of meeting certain psychological needs, and that he has no right whatsoever to it, the final form of Nihilism comes into being, which comprises a denial of a metaphysical world, and which forbids itself all belief in a real world. From this standpoint, the reality of Becoming is the only reality that is admitted: all bypaths to back-worlds and false godheads are abandoned—but this world is no longer endured, although no one wishes to disown it.

What has actually happened? The feeling of worthlessness was realised when it was understood that neither the notion of "Purpose" nor that of "Unity" nor that of "Truth" could be made to interpret the general character of existence. Nothing is achieved or obtained thereby; the unity which intervenes in the multiplicity of events is entirely lacking: the character of existence is not "true," it is false; there is certainly no longer any reason to believe in a real world. In short, the categories, "Purpose," "Unity," "Being," by means of which we had lent some worth to life, we have once more divorced from it—and the world now appears worthless to us….
R: 15 / I: 3 (sage)


Should I swallow the hyperreality-pill? Is it really that important, to differentiate between reality and fiction? Isn't this differentiation just pure ideology? I always thought, escapism is somehow "bad", but maybe it's actually the solution. Instead of rejecting escapism, I should dive in completely into the fictional world. Maybe Neetzsche was right and truth™ is just a fucking meme. Dugin once said:
>Truth is matter of belief. I believe it and that's why it is the truth.
R: 2 / I: 0
Ur all sick
R: 3 / I: 0
theres no hope for the future of leftism. People have gravitated towards the right because they're retards and the left in general has been overtaken by neoliberals, sakaioids, and Maoist turd worldists. I've become apolitical at this point.
R: 50 / I: 12

Any imageboards for Anarchism? Nihilism?

See title
Leftypol sucks. Leftypol is a Leninist trap that wants to subvert Anarchists to ML and its variants.
R: 12 / I: 1
The world is going to shit and capitalism will destroy humanity. There is nothing that we can individually do, and I highly doubt that the normies masses will ever accept anti capitalism. Is suicide the solution?
R: 5 / I: 0

Stop givin shits if u do

Like who shits giv bout history who did what and trillions? Bitch please they be stealin shit from you all the time n lyin to get u to be shit stealin tool 3000 for some bitchass guy whos above u and u be aint shit cuz he be greedy from above and shit.

Who fuck was Stalling and Lean-in what they did done aint shit to me. they mad I aint licking theyz balls n shit.
Argumentin augmentin history n shit like
Ain't shit mean nothing to me bro.
OR da common motherfucking motherfuckery
>YESS he did do it loser, we be killin u u reactionary shitty shit
Bitchass fucks wants do me gay? Like what? Yo stfu I dont care all talk shit lol. Aint see u outside, don't give a fuckk YO!
R: 29 / I: 7
Sick of RW politics
>nooo you MUST become a puritan to protect the children!!!
>you MUST support dictatorships and corrupt regimes because they're "based"
>you MUST care all the time about culture war issues
But leftist politics is basically the same isn't it? You just trade tradlarp puritanism for LGBTQABC+123 puritanism, and you're still expected to support dictatorship. What do?
R: 34 / I: 6

Left is a bourgeois meme and it has always been like that

Leftism (including Marxism) has been the B team of bourgeoisie since the day 1.

And this is now hilarious on such a gigantic scale that it has become very difficult indeed to differentiate between left and the ruling class of today. There is going to be no revolution ever, so all the idealist lefties can do themselves a great favor if they stop doing these mental gymnastics about theory on internet.

Academia specially is the biggest fraud institution of bourgeoisie which is apparent to all but the marxists and leftsits. Why does that happens? are these marxists and leftists so naive? The answer is that it happens because they are the lapdogs of bourgeoisie.
R: 40 / I: 11

quitting society

is it possible to go balls off the walls and just quit?

leave everything behind, not care anymore, and just travel around in one's own truths till they rot. This feels possible and I feel like I am uncaring for where I go, but it is a better journey along with life than this. I want to carry my banner even through my chest into hell and back

In my time in existence, I prefer chaos to knowing if I will eat or not than living such as this to ways which kill children, I can not escape, take me to hell and back, I'm going to quit and give up on this life for something better, I don't care where I go, but I'll always love you all and this world. I just want to live in love of this life with sitting right next to the fire with you all eventually in a grand dance of rejoice, it's alright to feel alive and be alive. Being subjugated to this society is something I never asked for, and as I further grow older, the more I grow into my nomadic ways, I am human, I am not a people-eater, at least more than most of the rightoids eating on the flesh of children, I seek peace, not war, ur war is ur war, and ur life is war, what a terrible way to live, in the end I feel bad for you, but I will seek my own peace. I love you all, and thank this society for giving me somethings, but I am quitting. Defecting, running away, and well, don't try to find me, I'd prefer it never happening at all.

The only way out of this world is to let our old ways die and create new, otherwise we are not even living, we have no idea where to even pull around, we can not allow greed, violence, and to live in peace throughout this world. I am sick all the time, I struggle all the time with just existing, and well, it's not fully societal my issues, but, i feel like i would be ok with letting myself die next to somewhere if my hands were wiped of blood this life time even if I am eaten by some type of wolf brutally. I would not allow this to happen and protect myself, but I think I should escape badly this world. If I don't, well I'm unsure. I'm possibly schizophrenic and believe in previous life times I have had blood on my hands already, this one, I would want a more dignified life than repeat the last one of spilling others blood in anger, hatred, and fury. There is a difference between brutality and war, what is happening is in fact brutality, war can be respectable, but this war is not at all, none of these wars have been respectable for hundreds of years. If I could wipe my hands free of at least that many years, imagine what more I could imagine possibly in happiness or peace in my next life along with understanding i could just apply to others if i ever can so better worlds can come about.

Stab my banner through my chest and just have fun till the end, ain't nothing to worry about except what comes tomorrow for food wise, uncaring and detracting

You'll say "ok just go to prison", hahahaha, and I say, I am wildmen once again, u men have birthed me and made me in a wild society, I care little for ur language, I will be making grunts as u beat me aside, I don't care. I want to go back to when life was simple and I never had blood on my hand from such a world on such a massive scale. I want to escape.
R: 16 / I: 1
can someone explain this to me?
R: 263 / I: 25

Im a bit tired

How to not get demoralized and tired as an Anarchist when you constantly have to deal with Marxists? I have this horrible feeling whenever I look at Neo-Nazi imageboards and online spaces and see actual useful (for them of course) and constructive discussion based on what should be done to actually further their movement. Compared to, for example, leftypol where Anarchists are constantly weighed down by Marxists seemingly obsessive desire to pull down the Socialist movement at every opportunity, to alienate it from the general public and argue about useless semantics and "dialectics" instead of anything that actually matters IRL. A movement isnt attractive if you have to constantly argue the validity of your given sect of the "movement" at all times from your supposed comrades.

"A house divided cannot do shit" or whatever Lincoln said, it is just better for us to just separate, for both parties. I would create an Anarchist-only imageboard if it werent for me being retarded when it comes to technology.
R: 10 / I: 4

I hate leftism

What is the actual point of being a leftist in 2024? Basically everyone on this forum is a LARPer and has no irl effect on anything apart from evangelising on the internet — even trade unionists are fairly irrelevant in the modern day and are just social imperialism and/or making concessions to capitalism.

Mass-movement and organising is absolutely dead in the 21st century and liberalism has hegemony basically everywhere. Normal people aren’t going to read or have the time for 400hrs of Marx, then 400hrs of Hegel, then 400hrs of Kant, then 400hrs of Althusser, Sartre, and Foucault just to understand theory that has no immediate practical use and is very dry, analytical, and several decades or centuries old. A vanguard, which is meant to help nullify that, will probably still fall into either revisionism or dogmatism. Something like Christianity and Islam which is bigger and more unified still has these issues and relies on dogma more instead of being a “science”. There is literally +20 versions of tiny sects of communists and anarchists still arguing about sh*t from the 20th century (i.e. Trotskyites).

I’m not trying to disprove the law of value or historical materialism — I’m saying they are pretty irrelevant to the subjective human experience although absolute truths can still exist and is still relevant in economics and political science. Most things people do are done with irrational — a priori reasoning, and instinct. The “end goal” of Marx is an egalitarian society where humans don’t toil and unleash their infinite creativity so they can work on things they find meaningful. But even existing itself is toil and profound boredom and discontent (not like pain from the homeless and paycheck-to-paycheck though). Even billionaires and sports players just get lifestyle creep instead so the problem is genetic and how people are predisposed to their environment

The only way to truly and permanently cure suffering is either suicide or some form of experience machine, wireheading, progressive hedonistic reward system which sets a minimum base line for human suffering, etc.

Also, sidenote but people on this board talk about l*li or something like that and the “Marxist solution” to it which is just funny. Like /pol/acks arguing for the white man’s video game or music or x y z. I think people tend to substitute actual hobbies with politics a lot of the time.
R: 2 / I: 0
What are some writings similar to "blessed is the flame"? Stuff that posits that, no matter how hard the repression, resistance is remains possibke?
R: 2 / I: 1

Why are esoteric religious cults so obsessed with ego death?

I don't get it, they all seem to insist that once the ego is destroyed you are enlightened or one with divinity or whatever.
What is the historical reason for this and has anyone actually experienced ego death or achieved nirvana ? What's it like?
There has to be a reason why ego death is so valued amongst these traditions
R: 18 / I: 1
Lets say you start an anarchist commune, and the neighboring capitalist society would attack you with tanks and soldiers, how would you defend your commune?
R: 10 / I: 2
R: 39 / I: 0
I've lost it. I have nowhere to go anymore, noone to talk to. It seems like many modern post-leftists are just leftists with a fancier vocabulary. Communism ("But it's in my self-interest")? Check. Gender essentialism? Check. Ideological orthodoxy? Heck, most post-leftists I see think exactly the same, all the same ideas of anti-civ/anti-work/anti-whatever. And all of them still cling to this utopian project of a better future. Not to mention that some post-leftists are trying to reconstruct morality using a different vocab ("You shouldn't violate others 'cause that's an insult to their uniqueness" or gibberish like that).

The label of "post-leftism" is kinda useless. It pretty much denotes any non-leftist anarchist, it's vague as fuck. Like, what do we really have in common? Absolutely nothing, it's "left unity" for black-flag anarchists.

I'm done, I can't take it anymore. You can call me whatever you want, I don't care. You don't recognize a postie in me? Fine, this is not what I started reading Stirner and post-left literature anyway, it was always about me sitting in solitude and reading political and philosophical literature to understand the nature of the Universe and everything. I guess I'm destined to die alone without a company of like-minded people. Then so be it.

P.S.: Your constant suicide threads are boring af, really makes me want to kill myself.
R: 11 / I: 0
I wish I could stop being a socialist and just be apolitical. I wish I could just be a mindless wagie going through my life unaware and then dying.
R: 28 / I: 2

Proletariat is totally incapable of leading any revolution

If we will look at the world history we will find that as the proletariat class kept on increasing in numbers and become the majority, world started to become less and less revolutionary with chance of revolution becoming less and less likely. And this was often repeated by western bourgeois think tanks that with "development" the insurgency will go down, which happened. One can deny that if one is dishonest but honestly look at the world the violent blowback that capitalism received in 20th century and continues to receive in 21st century is all from places which are not advance capitalist countries.

Now the question rises, why so? This question is not too tough to answer and lies in the character of the proletarian when compared to all the other subject classes in the history. And that is the characteristic of "uncertainty" for the proletariat. All the subject classes in past had some degree of certainty which ensured their existence and the work they were supposed to do was defined. One may argue (as leftist idealists often do) that the conditions were grim and tough but regardless of that there was a degree of certainty about life. Look at the condition of proletariat, I mean they don't even have the certainty to be the proletariat ( a thing which we don't find in historic subject classes).

Does it matters? Yes it does matter as in case of past subject classes there was the certainty of existence and they were focused on their struggle against the ruling class. What did a slave had as a goal? To overthrow slavery! Same for peasants they had their existence defined and more or less they had to do a defined thing so that gave them the opening for revolution. But with proletariat they have the sole goal in life of survival, they can't think much beyond survival.

Picture: It is of Hindalco Union leader Ramdev Singh. He died a pauper.
R: 8 / I: 1
>tfw humanity‘s greatest and last chance to have socialism was in the 20th century and died with the Soviet Union and now only a process into fascism followed by collapse is left
R: 80 / I: 17
>ctrl+f music
&lt0 results.
ITT We post music.

Old Trees - Violent Resistance
R: 3 / I: 0

The Strait

This shit is grim as fuck. It left me with a great sadness. I wonder what the second book would have been like if Fredy lived long enough to finish it.
R: 1 / I: 0

Alfredo Maria Bonanno (4 March 1937 – 6 December 2023)

He's gone.
R: 20 / I: 5
this board is looking like /stirner/ right now and not /dead/
what is this? haven't you read your novatore yet anon?
R: 69 / I: 21
Do you do drugs?Do you have autism?Or sexual kinks?How has alienation from living in capitalism fucked you up?———I drink so often it can't be healthy anymore and frequently do some drugs, but am also very happy with my life so far (even when I'm sober).
R: 12 / I: 4
feel that the extent of the glorification and martyrdom of Ted Kaczynski by left-anarchists, despite his glaring flaws and outright hostilites to the left as a whole, is primarily due to the deep yearning for action that has been absent since the 20th century. In truth, there is almost no Anarchist militant for the past 160 years that is less deserving of the current utter praise afforded to Kaczynski, who uses most of his now iconic manifesto to ruthlessly deride a twisted liberalized strawman of leftism, barely crawling out of his absurdly reactionary tirade to off-handedly proclaim himself an Anarchist in just 2 paragraphs.

With all the flaws of Kaczynski, I cannot bring myself to cast his figure out of left-anarchist martyrdom and distance him from the left-anarchist movement as a whole, nor can many others. Put simply, there is no alternative, there is no example of revolutionary violence or direct action by someone not long dead or utterly obscure, someone to look toward in awe in that most popular, most potent, most irresistible form of propaganda. In truth I, despite the dissonance of the statement when put against my devout leftism, respect Kaczynski, not for the minutiae of his political program but for the simple fact that he was an Anarchist, and he was violent.

The left is weak, but craves to be strong, and through the cooling ashes of Marxism a fire is growing which will ignite docility to action.
R: 98 / I: 25

The Anarchist Library

ITT: we discuss the Anarchist Library, good texts found on it and ways we can help the library.https://theanarchistlibrary.org/For example, did you know that you can easily edit the texts on the site? It's the pencil icon in the infobox. While reading I take notes of the obvious scanning errors and correct the text when I am finished.
R: 86 / I: 11

let's say, hypothetically, 0chan was brought back

would you use it, or is /dead/ a sufficient space

>pic unrelated
R: 2 / I: 0

Direct Action

Why do I keep seeing mainstream meadia talk about "direct action"? It's usually used for slightly illegal climate protests, and never for actual direct action. Did some NGO start calling their publicity stunts "direct action" or what happened?
R: 36 / I: 3
how do you cope with the fact that the revolution has died long before we came along and that there is utterly no hope for any kind of worker's paradise
[Spoiler]the answer is crime[/Spoiler]
R: 17 / I: 1
Is it possible to be a Marxist and an anarchist at the same time?
R: 36 / I: 9

Anarchist media??

Give me some good shit to watch.
R: 127 / I: 92
R: 23 / I: 5
Are you scared of death?

I'm not afraid of it since its inevitable, I'm more just sad that it happens. Lots of people in my life have misinterpreted this as being suicidial, when that's not the case, I don't want to die but It's not something I worry about. But I do find it difficult to understand risks and I've been in hospital 11 times in the last decade from doing dangerous stuff like climbing up cliffs with no climbing experience (resulting in a broken ankle and hairline skull crack) and going mountain biking up the hill near where I used to live with my mum's road bike because mountain biking looked cool on Youtube (resulting in me being knocked out for hours and then walking down the hill like nothing had happened, only getting an ambulance sent when I found some people to ask where my town was since I was heavily concussed and they saw how messed up my face was). I only realised that doing this shit over and over again wasn't normal when I talked to other people about it. And I am very sad about death, I think its awful but its inevitable, you could live trillions of years so you would seem immortal to us today, but as we understand the universe they will die eventually so even if you aim for a longer life it's still something that will come and therefore its like being scared of day turning into night. I'm much more afraid of failing to do anything with my life. I don't necessarily care about succeeding but I need to try, otherwise there's not really any reason for me to live.
R: 41 / I: 4

/dead/ reads

what are you reading right now?
R: 107 / I: 12

is delluze post left ?

i like the way delluze and early land write in that they write in ways that are intriguing to read i guess idk

dark deluze is what im always reccomended for people new to deluze
R: 20 / I: 6
What are some contemporary anarchist literature that's actually worth reading?
R: 54 / I: 2
Can we talk about how transhumanism is basically trash?
Like fam, why you wanna improve everything's capabilities? Sounds like market logic to me. Things and especially ppl are fine not being more than they are.
R: 1 / I: 0
i wish we'd move on from bakunin already
R: 7 / I: 0

Agriculture and Urbanization are the ultimate reaction

Continuing with my occult Marxism series, the occult Marxist has return
My new take is this, settlement, agriculture, and urbanization are all reactionary. Agriculture caused famine and war and patriarchy, animal husbandry caused zoonotic diseases, urbanization caused plagues, they are satanic

R: 49 / I: 5

The existence is unstable

16. There are still harmless self-observers who believe that there are "immediate certainties"; for instance, "I think," or as the superstition of Schopenhauer puts it, "I will"; as though cognition here got hold of its object purely and simply as "the thing in itself," without any falsification taking place either on the part of the subject or the object. I would repeat it, however, a hundred times, that "immediate certainty," as well as "absolute knowledge" and the "thing in itself," involve a CONTRADICTIO IN ADJECTO; we really ought to free ourselves from the misleading significance of words! The people on their part may think that cognition is knowing all about things, but the philosopher must say to himself: "When I analyze the process that is expressed in the sentence, 'I think,' I find a whole series of daring assertions, the argumentative proof of which would be difficult, perhaps impossible: for instance, that it is I who think, that there must necessarily be something that thinks, that thinking is an activity and operation on the part of a being who is thought of as a cause, that there is an 'ego,' and finally, that it is already determined what is to be designated by thinking—that I KNOW what thinking is. For if I had not already decided within myself what it is, by what standard could I determine whether that which is just happening is not perhaps 'willing' or 'feeling'? In short, the assertion 'I think,' assumes that I COMPARE my state at the present moment with other states of myself which I know, in order to determine what it is; on account of this retrospective connection with further 'knowledge,' it has, at any rate, no immediate certainty for me."—In place of the "immediate certainty" in which the people may believe in the special case, the philosopher thus finds a series of metaphysical questions presented to him, veritable conscience questions of the intellect, to wit: "Whence did I get the notion of 'thinking'? Why do I believe in cause and effect? What gives me the right to speak of an 'ego,' and even of an 'ego' as cause, and finally of an 'ego' as cause of thought?" He who ventures to answer these metaphysical questions at once by an appeal to a sort of INTUITIVE perception, like the person who says, "I think, and know that this, at least, is true, actual, and certain"—will encounter a smile and two notes of interrogation in a philosopher nowadays. "Sir," the philosopher will perhaps give him to understand, "it is improbable that you are not mistaken, but why should it be the truth?"

— Nietzsche,Beyond Good and Evil

Nietzsche, in a very complex text, tries to negate the "I think therefore I am" , yet it becomes appreciable that the concepts of "existence" "truth" … are empty, ornate abstractions—because I don't think the word of "to exist" has any objective meaning anywhere. So, how pointless it looks to say "I exist." Instead of acknowledging the absurdè moment we are in.

So, anons, do u know any arguments against Nietzschean Nihilism , cuz at this stage , nearly all philosophy looks like they have dogmatic foundations. I just wanna die, since my current state of body feels broken and aches, how can I live in an illusionary form where there are landlords!?! It's way too cruel!
R: 2 / I: 2

I don't know

I don't know and it's killing me. When I want to know I dig, and the only thing I find is corpses, cadavers, ossuaries.
I am surrounded by commodities, and when I investigate I only find dead labour. The living one is better left far away.
I want to know, I claw at any knowledge, I grip whatever life can give to me… bad, good, I don't care; If it's something, I can study it, and I can learn, but in the end I still don't fucking know, and it's fucking killing me, and I will go on a stretch and say it's killing all of us.
R: 30 / I: 2

what's the easiest and most painless way to kill myself?

I live in Canada and don't have a gun
Getting one would be pretty difficult and honestly I don't have the energy to go through the process to do that
I just want to kill myself quickly and painlessly (and ideally, cheaply.)
I've looked into inert gas suicide, maybe I could do that? Maybe I should use carbon monoxide? Idk
R: 22 / I: 2

Is there no future for leftism?

Capitalism managed to weather out even a crisis like covid pandemic.
almost all third world countries are controlled indirectly by the first world institutions. You'll get coup'd if you don't toe the line anyway.
Leftist parties either don't exist or are completely unpopular or subverted in the first world.
R: 27 / I: 22

Royal Tomb 1.0

Anarcho-Monarchy Edition
Shhhh. Secret Grace-chan Thread.
R: 5 / I: 1

Ancient relics from pre-2010s internet

Since I'm perpetually stuck in the past, post some cool old websites I can waste my time on.
R: 7 / I: 0


you may have my notes on Either Kierkegaard/Or Nietzsche
R: 1 / I: 0

"egoistic critique"

Hello, I've just finished Stirner's Critics and am planning on going through the rest of his articles, but I'm curious if there are any more contemporary writers/thinkers that have engaged in 'egoistic critique' the same way Stirner describes it. They don't necessarily need to be egoists, but people that have engaged with his work and seem to be smart would be nice to have a little read into. Debord has been interesting, as has Landstreicher (not that the former is an egoist by any means), but I'm looking for particularly younger writers ie ones that have grown up with contemporary capitalism, cyberspace etc.

or just any and all egoist writers is fine too i guess
R: 11 / I: 3
How I’m tryna be
R: 6 / I: 2

Never Engage in no Spooks

I engage in no spooks, and I gotta say lulz is vital to space travel.
I try to be a retard consistently, dab on solipsists, and so on but
I found myself unable retard
retard not work
does not function correctly
I fucked up
I searched for leftism in my life
and I found nothing
I am sad. but, well not happy but yeah, I can handle it.
R: 11 / I: 2


R: 7 / I: 1

Into Illegalism

Please provide me one illegalism starter pack tyvm.
R: 15 / I: 0
> I can’t resist mentioning once again the moronic theory that depicts productive forces “ripening” until they “give rise to” or “make possible” the “transition to a new social form.” Such “productive forces” do not exist apart from the “social form.” The artifices are integral parts of the artificial worm, they are nothing but its attributes. The technologies are the claws and fangs of the Leviathan. Silver mines and later water wheels do not give rise to the Islamic Leviathan; It gives rise to them. The types of technologies developed by a Leviathan depend primarily on the type of Leviathan in question, not on the “state of developmednt of global productive forces” cited by artifice fetishists. The Phoenicians developed, near the very dawn of Civilization, a maritime technology that would be unmatched until the appearance of a Leviathan with similarly extended tentacles.
Is Fredy right about this? It seems evident, that the social form does influence technology, and its progress. But is he right about it not happening the other way around? New technology cannot change the social form?
R: 2 / I: 2
come by the fire, friends
R: 12 / I: 8
Hi dead. Particularly the anarcho-nihilists. I generally consider myself a post-modernist and want to know more about your ideology. I have read the basics and understand the gist of the ideology. But I’m interested in learning more, especially would like to read or watch anything that can practically aid of the destruction of society or that can help with at least clearing my own local space and voiding it of meta-narratives. Love u, thanks.
R: 4 / I: 1

Being friends is communism

> Therefore we say that the central political fact of the last thirty years went unnoticed. Because it took place at such a deep level of reality that it cannot be called political without bringing about a revolution in the very notion of the political. Because this level of reality is also the one where the division is elaborated between what is taken for reality and what is not. This central fact is the triumph of Existential Liberalism. The fact that it is now considered natural for everyone to have a rapport with the world based on the idea that each person has her own life. That such a life consists in a series of choices, good or bad. That each person can define herself by an ensemble of qualities, of properties, that make her, through her continual balancing of those properties, a unique and irreplaceable being. That the contract adequately epitomizes relations between individuals, and that respect epitomizes all virtue. That language is nothing but a means of arriving at an agreement. That, in reality, the world is composed on one side of things to manage, and on the other of an ocean of self-absorbed individuals, who in turn have a regrettable tendency to turn themselves into things, letting themselves become managed.> [..]> We have been sold this lie: that what is most particular to us is what distinguishes us from the common. We experience the contrary: every singularity is felt in the manner and in the intensity with which a being brings into existence something common.> At root it is here that we begin, where we find each other. What is most singular in us calls to be shared. > [..]> So communism starts from the experience of sharing. First, from the sharing of our needs. Needs are not what capitalist rule has accustomed us to. Needs are never about needing things without at the same time needing worlds. Each of our needs links us, beyond all shame, to everyone who experiences that link. Need is just the name of the relationship through which a particular perceiving being gives meaning to such or such an element of its world. That is why those who have no worlds — metropolitan subjectivities for instance — have nothing but whims. And that is why capitalism, although it satisfies the need for things like nothing else, only spreads universal dissatisfaction: in order for it to do so it has to destroy worlds. > […]> In the final analysis, capitalism consists of nothing more than a reduction of all relations into relations of production. From business to the family, consumption itself appears as another episode in the general production, the production of society.> The overthrowing of capitalism will come from those who are able to create the conditions for other types of relations.> Therefore the communism we are talking about is the exact opposite of what has been historically termed “communism,” which was mostly nothing but socialism, a form of monopolist state capitalism.> Communism is not made throught the expansion of new relations of production, but rather in their abolition.https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anonymous-call
R: 6 / I: 1
feeling bored, might kill some presidents later idk
R: 1 / I: 0
What symbol is on the back of the jacket of the punk guy with t the mohawk?
R: 5 / I: 0
Tips for slacking off at work without getting caught and fired?
R: 18 / I: 4
What is its purpose?
Is this purgatory
R: 14 / I: 5
R: 2 / I: 0

Hatred has become a political taboo

>We need to acknowledge that many forms of hatred can be a positive social force: hatred for work, hatred for wealth, hatred for bureaucracy, hatred for militarism, nationalism, cynicism, and the arrogance of power. And that in many circumstances, this will also mean hatred for individual bosses, tycoons, bureaucrats, generals, and politicians, and a rich feeling of accomplishment when one knows one has earned their hatred.
R: 81 / I: 27

Anti-Work General /AWG/

Thread dedicated to the discussion of anti-work theory/praxis and sharing of further reading material. Shitposting obviously allowed and expected. Share your personal experiences if you want, just don't dox yourself by accident.
R: 21 / I: 1

The Dawn of Everything

Graeber's new book dropped, it is said to really change what we know about early human history, so I thought it would be of interest here.

Post about it here. I'll try to read it in the next weeks (months? It's pretty long).
R: 5 / I: 0

Post anti-spook songs

>Get all those ghosts out of my sight, they devour all of my might
R: 38 / I: 4


How should we relate to history? Is there any point to studying it? If yes, how should we go about it?
R: 14 / I: 4

shutcho ass and up read this shit

R: 4 / I: 0
How come that "green politics" two decades ago was much more radical than today even though the situation today is so much more obviously very dire? You would think that now that more people are interested in "green politics" there would be proportionally more direct action and whatnot but it seems that people's interest is limited to being scared shitless of the/no future.
R: 10 / I: 3

Stalin did nothing wrong

Stalin did nothing wrong
Except possibly being so kind and benevolent as he was he didn't kill enough people
R: 1 / I: 0
How to prepare for the end of the world as we know it so we can feel fine?
R: 6 / I: 1

Rest in shit bey

Wtf pedophile dead?
R: 26 / I: 7

Today languages are doomed to extinction

Due to the techno-industrial city, doesn't matter the ideology, or society which possesses it; it will always need many people to keep it alive, and for this reason smaller languages cannot survive in this harsh environment. Let's assume a group of people who speak a minority language with around 300 speakers, they live in a poor small village, next to it is a city where a major language is spoken, if people want to have a industrial life, they will need to move to the city, commune, whatever is more convenient for your industrialist society, and there they will stay for better life conditions.

When this happens, there are two possible outcomes:
> 1 - They won't teach their native to their children preferring them to only speak the major language, because their native language is "useless"
> 2 - They will teach their language to their children, let's assume the best case scenario and let's say they taught the most traditional form with no loanwords, only native words, and the children speaks the minority language perfectly; here is a more case by case thing, but probably this kid will only speak this language with his family, and with no one else, so many things could happen here, loanwords enter his language when talking to their parents, they start speaking more and more of the majority language with their parents, and in the future they will spread a more majority languicized version of the original language, and with each generation the language is slowly(or maybe even faster in worse scenarios) disappearing until it is finally gone. This being the best case scenario for the language.

This is the natural process for smaller languages, which are the majority of our world's languages today on the techno-industrial system by its pure nature. But now let's make a case, how could we revive this language? A fake idea of national identity could bring up many nationalists puppets who would only speak the original language in its pure version, and would force their children and relatives to only speak it; this is a similar case to Ukrainian which is a language that I know fairly well, but it also brings all the nationalist spooks, fights, racism, class division and way more stuff(evidence for this is the state of the Ukrainian language today) that all of us know so I don't think anyone here would agree in doing this as a long term solution.

So as we can see, language diversity in the techno-industrial system is impossible, maybe it can last some generations, we can even write books, make documents and such for its possible revival, but as we now have come to see, the only proper language revival that we've was for hebrew, which almost changed all the classical language, and it needed a extremely fucked up nationalist group to make it happen. Other languages revivals tries like irish, cornish, gaelic we can only see some nationalists people the effort to even try to speak it, or in some other cases nationalists organizations can bring the language to a better spot.

Here I am not saying that this is bad or good, nor saying nationalists organizations are doing a favor reviving those languages, I actually think nationalist revivals of languages have to destroy a language or a dialect for the success; let's take Ukraine as an example again, we have surzhyk, which is a mix of Ukrainian with Russian, in some cases have some really interesting vocabulary and phonology that you could argue if it was left alone maybe it could turn into a new language, who knows, but now, due to the Ukrainian nationalists, surzhyk has got a image of bad language, rural language of dumb and uneducated people; which is actually creating more divide, some surzhyk speakers are now with a strong russian identity and only speaking russian and starting to hate ukrainians, and the reverse is true with people that are stopping to speak surzhyk and only ukrainian.

So do I offer any solution? If you ask me, the only sustainable way for smaller languages to survive is through de-industrialization and de-urbanization, that's where language flourishes and develops best. This is obviously just a really personal thing, language does not have any intrinsic value, I just like it and I think the industrial system takes the freedom of personal language, and that's it.

&lt I didn't post on /leftypol/ because I don't want the kind of discussion that they would bring about this topic
R: 9 / I: 1
>A revolutionary movement offers to solve all problems at one stroke and create a whole new world; it provides the kind of ideal for which people will take great risks and make great sacrifices.
Have truer words ever been spoken?
R: 29 / I: 4
Are there any drugs that are actually good for you? Like psychedelics and stuff like that, is any really therapeutic or is that just a meme?
R: 9 / I: 2

What's your favorite word?

"Spook," spectre" or "phantasm?" Mine is "spook" because it's pretty specific and unique to dialectical egoism. And you can also play with it by adding prefixes and postfixes (i.e. spooked, despooked, unspooked, spooky, reverse-spooked, anti-spook, spookprejudiced). I also like to say "sacred idea" or "ghost in the mind" sometimes.
R: 4 / I: 3
R: 19 / I: 1

This freaking meme ideology…

As I look into it more and more, it becomes clear that this ideology makes less sense than your mom. No wonder why its proponents are not just post-civ/illegalists.

Have you ever met those oddballs online, fellow Uniques?
R: 13 / I: 0


wuts ur fav z0r?
mine is z0r.de/17
its sooooo wunny when he goes : AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!
R: 21 / I: 8
Why do tankies shill for the government that destroyed the USSR?
Do they not see the contradiction?
R: 4 / I: 1

I hope you all are having a great day

R: 7 / I: 0
Why do the fags on leftypol suck so fucking much?
Why do tankie fags in general describe socialism as an actual dystopia even shittier than the world we already have and still not comprehend why normies despise them?
R: 20 / I: 1

How do you "make it"?

>i need to fit in into the normie "grind" culture to have a chance at a well paying job and a gf
>pretend to hide my power level at all times just to have a shot at this
>contribute to the same society's growth that you hate in the first place
wait i know the game was rigged, but this is worrying me… should've just lucked out on rich parents and good looks to not worry about life, now i'm depressed all the time, how do i cope?
R: 27 / I: 8
how do u deal with loneliness and poverty and no friends and depression and no future and nothing to look forward to
R: 11 / I: 1
I have nothing to live for but I don't have the willpower to kill myself.
wat do?
R: 31 / I: 1
Why anarchists don't have a coherent body of theory like Marxists do?
R: 6 / I: 3

Getting new ID cards

Both my driver's license and passport are expired. I'd like for my new cards to not be helpful as far as facial recognition software goes. What are some ways I can alter my face aside going in full drag? I've heard slicking back my hair and being clean-shaven are good examples. Should I wear glasses or not? Should I pluck my brow and if so what part of it? Thanks
R: 63 / I: 5
anyone else want to create alternative spaces outside of the established left but too lazy so they harm themselves with what's already there?
i really need my own initiative
R: 2 / I: 0
Well /dead/, are you a seething Tiqqunist who isn't down with the optimistic globohomo left vision of the Multitude, or are you a tender human piece of intelligence?
R: 3 / I: 0
when's /dead/chan?
R: 20 / I: 2
why do commies always act like cops, when its them whose most invested in totally overturning society and overthrowing the government? wtf??
R: 10 / I: 1
what does /dead/ think about ted kaczynski
I found his theory of self propagating systems and oversocialization interesting, but i wanted to know what this place thinks of his theory
R: 2 / I: 2
alive but barely
R: 20 / I: 2
slowly dawning on me that p much every modern day leftist does not like marx, let alone has read him
R: 26 / I: 7
who was this n1x I hear about so often?
R: 0 / I: 0

Invisible Committee - NOW (2017)

There is a social use of language. No one still
believes in it. Its exchange value has fallen to zero.
Hence this inflationist bubble of idle talk.
Everything social is mendacious, and everyone
knows that now. It's no longer just the governing
authorities, the publicists and public personalities
who "do communication," it's every self-entrepreneur
that this society wants to turn us into who prac­
tices the art of "public relations." Having become
an instrument of communication, language is no
longer its own reality but a tool for operating on
the real, for obtaining effects in accordance with
more or less conscious strategies. Words are no
longer put into circulation except in order to dis­
tort things. Everything sails under false flags. This
usurpation has become universal. One doesn't
shrink from any paradox. The state of emergency is
the rule of law. War is made in the name of peace.
The bosses "offer jobs." The surveillance cameras
are "video-protection devices." The executioners
complain that they're being persecuted. The trai­
tors profess their sincerity and their allegiance. The
mediocre are everywhere cited as examples. There
is actual practice on the one hand, and on the
other, discourse, which is its relentless counter­
point, the perversion of every concept, the universal
deception of oneself and of others. In all quarters
it's only a question of preserving or extending one's
interests. In return, the world is filling up with
silent people. Certain ones of these explode into
crazy acts of a sort that we've seen at briefer and
briefer intervals. What is surprising about this? We
should stop saying, "Young people don't believe in
anything any more." And say instead: "Damn!
They're not swallowing our lies any more." No
longer say, "Young people are nihilistic," but "My
lord, if this continues they're going to survive the
collapse of our world."
R: 46 / I: 5
things stay as they always are
domination and hierarchy are our curses
capitalism will never be overcome

why even live?
R: 3 / I: 2
Feeling grateful today,
R: 7 / I: 1

I'm probably not going to live another decade if I keep drinking like this

Oh well
R: 7 / I: 1

When was the last time I genuinely enjoyed something?

When was the last time you genuinely enjoyed something?
R: 35 / I: 8
What "is" (anarchist) nihilism?
Sort of related, but I've been reading desert and I understand some of the themes, but I'm lost at a couple of ideas. I'll have to reread through my notes later, but I want to ask if someone could explain what makes civilization inherently harmful.
R: 20 / I: 2
Leftypol is honestly convincing me that Marxists are just dogmatic morons that cling to 19th Century writings like a surrogate Bible
R: 11 / I: 3

What is to be Done?

So I've read Stirner. I've read a lot of works from the anarchistlibrary. I a a full-blown post-leftist.

Now what?

I don't know what to do. Continuing to wageslave feels very wrong, but what the fuck is the alternative? Pull a Kazynzski and innawoods? Be like Novatore? Kill myself? What the fuck was the point in reading Stirner if I can do nothing with egoism except feel ever so much more depressed at the conformist life I'm leading?
R: 7 / I: 3
I want to abandon my identity but it hurts so much to part with it.
Despite my idenity having me and not the inverse, it still feels so painful and terrifying to imagine my life without it.
I wish I could live a life of complete rejection - rejection of capitalism and the self-cannibalizing nature it encourages.
I wish I was happy.

I want to stop merely wishing, but everything is so difficult.

>inb4 babby's first existential crisis xd
R: 3 / I: 0
Why are tankies so deranged?
R: 5 / I: 1
Why are the tankies on leftypol so aggressively retarded? Or is retardation just a typical trait of tankies?
R: 8 / I: 1

Omnicidal existential rage

I don't see why any organisation should be done except for incredibly destructive praxis.

My mental existence, caused by America has been constant existential agony. It is an ocean of depression with the occasional island of hope but they sink too.

So if I organise, omnicide will always be on my heart. The largest uranium deposits in the world, all weaponized into an arsenal. Nuke and invade everything that has ever irritated me. Maybe write an autobiography. Then challenge any survivors to solve the existential problem that would drive someone to this edge.

It won't be a chimpout like Hitler, as well. Going to be realpolitik about it. Invade countries left and right, kill everything, but get skilled second coming of Molotov to fix it up. Rinse and repeat. Only nuke and invade when victory is certain.

Fucking go for a billion death count high score
Victims of Communism want a number, they can get it.

This world forbade me from being the hero a long time ago. I can only be the villain.

It won't stop with me to. I plan to have a family and give my existential hatred to them as well, hypocrite scum I am. Only the possibility of my genes destroying America keeps me going.
R: 8 / I: 6


R: 0 / I: 0
"Existence. Cruel joke." – Quigley the gorilla
R: 14 / I: 8
what are some nihilist anime?
R: 6 / I: 2
Im gonna do it
R: 11 / I: 2


Can equality be salvaged?

I know that it has a bad reputation. Everyone loves to shit on it. They build strawmen that it actually means that everyone is exactly identical or add bullshit qualifiers to it. But can anarchists abandon equality? Isn't the lack of hierarchy a form of equality? And when people talk about meeting others as their equals, I don't think they think about those people and themselves as abstract human beings like Stirner claims. I certainly don't. Even the anarcho-individualist nihilist CCF say that they are anarchists because they create "the conspiracy of the equals". But when I look at the library there's only nine texts under the "equality" tag.
R: 9 / I: 0
I feel like shit, /dead/.
R: 29 / I: 3


Why does everyone always make fun of anarcho-primitivism? Is it actually as bad as people make it to be?
R: 9 / I: 3

I finally found a wage job

I remember a few months back(probably a qhole year by now) I made a thread here with some autistic pepe img, asking why it's so hard to find a job and asked for your help.

Non of you retarded revolutionaries gave me anyworth while advice. can't really blame you tho, there's not much you can do besides keep applying.

After months of rejections, I've finally found some warehouse job, so please congratulate me.

I decided to listen to those old union songs again now with extra immersion, besides work is hard and those songs really motivate me and I can feel some pride for working half the day, don't worry tho, my revolutionary spirit is still strong. so now that I have become a true proletariat, how do I unionize and start my revolutionary actions without losing the job? I doubt I have any charisma to persuade my coworkers to unionize, we have a pretty epic union in town but is it wprth joining? Keep in mind, while I've not been diagnosed with anything I do believe that I am severely mentally ill.
R: 12 / I: 2
What does /dead/ make of Agamben's new book? It is a collection of his recent articles written about the pandemic.
R: 15 / I: 0
Why does civilization take so long to collapse?
R: 42 / I: 7


Can you be an anarchist and a buiness owner?

Or am i approching Anarchism the wrong way but asking about what dosen't make an anarchist? I haven't done that much theory reading, but i've run into anarchist who disregard theory all together.
R: 15 / I: 2
its up.
R: 3 / I: 0

medium article on Julian Jaynes's book


What does /dead/ think about this article by an anarchist?

Are we approaching a new state of consciousness? or is it just bullshit?
I think the writer doesnt really understand the book that well, since they seem to not get that the idea of non-conscious volition is thought to be itself a form of authoritarian repetition of outside will, which is basically what they say we're turning into with technology and modern epistemological fears.
R: 17 / I: 2
Why are the people on leftypol such utter porkified faggots? All these people literally think in the confines set by capitalists, they all suffer from capitalist realism, I think the reason so many worship the USSR is largely because it wasn’t that far from regular porky society
R: 8 / I: 0

Anarchism is more fun?

Why is reading anarchist texts so much more enjoyable than leftist texts? Leftist theory is such a snoozefest while anarchist writers—Stirner, Novatorre, Goldman, for example—are actually enjoyable to read. It carries over to the modern age as well; leftist bloggers are complete autists arguing in their ivory toweries about obscure theory with zero IRL applications while anarchist writers write stuff that actually has some relevancy. For example, Desert, with all its faults, has lessons that are applicable to IRL All leftism has to offer are autistic bloggers like Jehu who argue the semantics of what Marx said ad nauseum.
R: 3 / I: 0

Who are you streaming for?

Short zine about how cops use livestream footage and why is it okay to smash the smartphones of live streamers.
R: 16 / I: 2

Is anyone dead here?

Hello? Ded?
R: 37 / I: 12

/dead/ masquot

Why doesnt /dead/ have a masquot/catgirl?
We should have a catgirl!
Any ideas?
R: 0 / I: 0
Eighty eight years of the day Trotsky directed the suppression of the anarchist uprising in Krondstadt, a group of bandits scaled the walls of his former house in Mexico City during the late hours at night. We broke the lock on his mausoleum and we expropriate the content inside it: a silver large vase that bears the inscription of his name, wrapped in the red scarf that he carried around the neck, containing the ashes of the corpse inside. We replace with care the lock in the monument with a reproduction that was similar in the appearance and escaped into the night.

The vase along with its content then was taken far away to a place where the vase was discarded and the content (a combination of ash and bone) were baked in cookies. These cookies then were sent, along with a letter that explains our actions, to newspapers, to organizations of Trotskyists, and to the groups of anarchist around the world.

While we will not repeat everything of our full letter, briefly we propose to give new light to the idea that history does not end with the past and still a small group of bandits can give new direction to fights thought long to be frozen in the time. We want to expand the fight to include dead objects of the past that hold hostage us in the present.

Nevertheless, if Trotsky is right about the history, we do not determine anything, but we are only characters whose actions were written in the revolution of October. As was his destiny, coincidentally, to come to be a cookie.

The ones that receive these cookies have a decision. Through time, the act to consume enemies have been seen as a way to absorb their powers. On the other hand, consuming the body and the blood of the dead person as a sacrament have also been a form of worship. We would want to indicate that, at any rate, the result is always shit.

For those a little delicate, we have tried them, and although they be a little sandy, they are delicious. The green dots, by the way, they are just candies.
R: 19 / I: 4

Reading Stirner

Is the punctuation in The Unique and Its Property typical for German texts from its era? It makes me feel like it was written to be read aloud.
R: 5 / I: 0

"You will stop being a commie when you get a job!!!"

NO! I'm working on a 9-to-5 job and it's fucking awful. I barely get time for my own life.
R: 27 / I: 6
How do I get rid of the spooks in my head that tell me that I am worthless and the world would be better off if every trace of my existence was erased?
R: 0 / I: 0
test poast
R: 16 / I: 1

Underrated thinkers

Who are some underrated thinkers that gets ignored because they don't fit into the Marxist canon?
R: 4 / I: 0
Was Diogenes our Greek?
R: 1 / I: 0
So this is it
I found /dead/
R: 25 / I: 6
>wake up
>eat commodity
R: 33 / I: 6

Anarchy and Christianity

<Some weird version of Anarchy and Christianity by Jecques Ellul
>The anarchists’ attacks on God, the Church and religion are strictly correct, on condition that the God in question was the God remodeled by this very particular theology of Church-became-Power. and by the peculiar and capricious association of Church and social and political power following the sixteenth century. This theology to support this Church-State relationship is in no way an expression of biblical Christianity: indeed it is a contradiction. The roots are, rather, time after time in the theological heresy of a God conceived exclusively as the All-Powerful. The error of the anarchists and of Marx was to believe that they were face to face with Christianity itself, whereas they encountered merely its bourgeois metamorphosis. By adhering to this judgment they have overvalued those very features-be they in the early Church or during the Middle Ages-which confirm their point of view, instead of considering them only one among many other possibilities. For example, the death of Ananias and Sapphira are evidence that the apostles were terrible dictators. The Inquisition became the symbol for the medieval church. The construction of cathedrals was seen as the symbol for the enslavement of poor people crushed by the clergy.

>Everything that was real regarding love and joy and Christian freedom the anarchists overlooked, joyfully. In other words, the anarchists-justly fighting against the Christian totalitarianism and authoritarianism of the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries-had a totally false view of the fundamental reality of Christianity and the God of Jesus Christ

Do you agree?

Picture not related.
R: 12 / I: 3


I don't get the hype over Desert. I think it's an important read for people drunk on copium that think that "revolution" or succdem shit will save us, but a lot of the book seems like common sense presented in a pompous and medoicrely written way. Plus, it's all just a bunch of speculation—speculation that I mostly agree with, but speculation nonetheless. Also, the author keeps metioning the "ethics" of anarchism—pretty lame, Milhouse.

What does /dead/ think of Desert? Overhyped or hyped correctly?
R: 7 / I: 6

Dora Marsden General

Thread dedicated to the discussion, reading and shitposting surrounding this forgotten and deeply tragic figure of the early feminist movement in England, later turned Egoist, and in her own words, Archist rather than Anarchist.

Here I'll attach to the OP ,as well as further posts, secondary and tertiary sources, first as complementary to her work, second due to the limitations in filesize for Vichan.

For Primary sources, I'll give you some MEGA links with her collected Journals in which she was Editor/Contributor these will only work for 30 days.

The Freewoman(1911 — 1912):https://mega.nz/file/CbxglRjK#qP70f25AjqFPxcKrTc66GIkyG6uYftwWXv4MCbkMrrk
The New Freewoman(1913):https://mega.nz/file/XeRknbAB#drlmEd32Fv449wTtvGlLdCsxlIBwqS2jt724fbxweZs
The Egoist(1914 — 1919):https://mega.nz/file/6K50wZ7B#elVYbkMV0PMthD3xiTGDg4SDIc2stV-mf3MrK3ZttVE

In 1900 began teaching at Owens College, where she met Christabel Pankhurst and other suffragists. Dora joined and became a leader in the Women’s Social and Political Union (WPSU) by 1908. The following year she resigned as a teacher and became a full time agitator for the WSPU, graduating from suffragist to suffragette. She was sentenced to two months in prison for vandalism in 1909: she refused to wear prison clothes and served her time in the nude, even wriggling out of a straightjacket that had been forced on her. After a hunger strike she was released and continued to agitate. She disrupted political meetings (including a speech by a young Winston Churchill). The WSPU ‘promoted’ her to a clerical position to temper her agitation. Dora, meanwhile, had grown tired of the ‘skirt movement’ and sought a liberty beyond feminism.

In 1911, Dora founded The Freewoman (1911 – 1912), a periodical described by one forgotten nobody as “a disgusting publication… indecent, immoral and filthy.” Financial troubles led to a re-launch as The New Freewoman (1914). And an ever more keen search for liberty led to a re-launch as The Egoist (1914 – 1919).

In the 1920s – 1930s Dora wrote three books: The Definition of the Godhead (1928), The Mysteries of Christianity (1930) and The Philosophy of Time (published only in 1955). During the writing of these books she went from a self-imposed isolation to confinement in a mental hospital, where she spent the remainder of her life.

According to Les Garner: "Apart from the frequent and crucial visits of Harriet Shaw Weaver, Dora's life was indeed isolated." Marsden, funded by Weaver, spent her time writing a proposed seven volume series on philosophy.In 1928 Marsden sent the manuscript for The Definition of the Godhead to Harriet Shaw Weaver, the novelist, Margaret Storm Jameson and the philosopher, Samuel Alexander. Weaver was critical but Jameson believed it to be a very important work. Alexander replied that he was "astonished by the mass of knowledge you have acquired… yet I do not think you should try to publish it in its present form. Marsden wrote in the introduction: "This work is the first volume of a philosophy which claims to affect the intellectual rehabilitation of the dogmas of Christian theology in terms of the characters of the first principles of physics, i.e. Space and Time… (It is an attempt ) to solve the riddle of the first principles solutions are required to those age old problems of philosophy and theology which impart into human culture its heavily tangled undergrowth.Copies were sent to George Bernard Shaw, Bertrand Russell and a large number of university professors. The book was also sent to journals and newspapers but it received only negative reviews. The Definition of the Godhead sold only six copies, one of these was to her friend, Rona Robinson. Her biographer, Les Garner, pointed out that her book was unpopular with those who had been involved in The Freewoman and The New Freewoman: "Dora's views on sex and the need for abstinence for those seeking the truth of the universe were, yet again, a thinly disguised justification of her own life since at least 1921." The Mysteries of Christianity was published by the Egoist Press in 1930. After the poor sales of The Definition of the Godhead, Harriet only printed 500 copies and of these, only 100 were bound.Soon after the book was published, Dora Marsden suffered a mental breakdown. Les Garner pointed out that by 1931 "Dora's physical and mental health was poor. Her moods fluctuated between delusive optimism about further volumes and a rational acceptance that her work was over." In 1932 Dora told Harriet that she planned to begin work on a third volume. "Harriet, who had abandoned any plans to back and publish Dora again, knew her friend's hopes were delusory."On 26th November 1935 Marsden became a patient at the Crichton Royal Hospital in Dumfries. The hospital commented that she "was not able to communicate rationally, was severely depressed and was diagnosed as suffering from deep melancholia.For the last twelve years she has lived the life of a recluse alone with her books and her studies. She felt she has found something of great importance in the world of thought - a criticism of philosophy from the earliest days onwards - this work did not create the impression she wanted and she became depressed. In summer 1934 the patient denied herself sufficient food, cut herself off from others and pulled down her blinds to prevent anyone seeing her…. Since the end of June 1935 she has become more and more depressed."Dora Marsden remained in Crichton Royal Hospital for the rest of her life. Occasionally she talked about returning to her planned seven volume series of books on philosophy, but most of the time she "settled into her routine of sewing, reading and silence". In 1955 she even arranged for some of her early unpublished writings to appear under the title of The Philosophy of Time .Dora Marsden died of a heart attack in the hospital on 13th December 1960

For more of her Biography: https://spartacus-educational.com/WmarsdenD.htm
R: 12 / I: 4

Towards the Creative Nothing

Our epoch is an epoch of decadence. Bourgeois-christian-plebeian civilization arrived at the dead end of its evolution a long time ago.

Democracy has arrived!

But under the false splendor of democratic civilization, higher spiritual values have fallen, shattered.

Willful strength, barbarous individuality, free art, heroism, genius, poetry have been scorned, mocked, slandered.

And not in the name of “I”, but of the “collective”. Not in the name of “the unique one”, but of society.

Thus christianity — condemning the primitive and wild force of the virgin instinct — killed the vigorously pagan “concept” of the joy of the earth. Democracy — its offspring — glorified itself making the justification for this crime and reveling in its grim and vulgar enormity.

Already we knew it!

Christianity had brutally planted the poisoned blade in the healthy, quivering flesh of all humanity; it had goaded a cold wave of darkness with mystically brutal fury to dim the serene and festive exultation of the dionysian spirit of our pagan ancestors.

In one cold evening, winter fatally fell upon a warm midday of summer. It was christianity that, substituting the phantasm of “god” for the vibrant reality of “I”, declared itself the fierce enemy of the joy of living and avenged itself knavishly on earthly life.

With christianity Life was sent to mourn in the frightful abysses of the most bitter renunciations; she was pushed toward the glacier of disavowal and death. And from this glacier of disavowal and death, democracy was born.

Thus democracy — the mother of socialism — is the daughter of christianity.
R: 6 / I: 1

ok faggots i yield

Okay, I'm gonna read it. What's the best English translation? Alternatively, is the original text hard to read? My German is shitty but/and I could certainly use some training.

Should I ask on /edu/ instead?
R: 6 / I: 3

Is Stirner Illegalist gang?

>"The unrestrained I—and this we originally are, and always remain in our secret inner self—is the never-ending criminal in the state…You do not know that a self-owning I cannot desist from being a criminal, that crime is his life"

To be a true egoist, does that mean embracing illegalist gang? What does /dead/ think?
R: 11 / I: 4

How to 'get over' existential dread?

I can't stop thinking about death. My own death, specifically. No, I'm not suicidal. Just that we have this short time on Earth and spend it suffering before getting blinked out of existence entirely.

And eventually, forgotten. Think of all the people who have lived, ever since caveman times. Most of them have been forgotten. Eventually even Caesar will be forgotten and he has a fucking month named after him.

Is life just a sick joke? Just some pointless temporary misery?
R: 3 / I: 1
>tankies are so tired of losing that they're actually coping by calling the talibans based now
shit will never not be hilarious
R: 5 / I: 1


>rejected from every university I applied to
I understand how bourgois that statement is, but honestly, I don't even give a fuck anymore.
Every since I was a little kid, this was something I was looking forward to. It was honestly my identity.
I mean, it's not too bad. It could be worse. One school offered me an alternative program (environmental sciences stuff), but its a far departure from what I had originally wanted to do, engineering (yeah I'm a STEMfag, blow me).
I guess the part that scares me most is wondering if I'll be happy with my decision to accept the alternative offer. Of course I'm going to try to get into engineering again, but I'm scared with what I'll do if I like my current program. It would be abandoning my identity that I've had for most of my life. I'm not sure if it's something I can let go of so easily. Doesn't help how my dad reminds me that I'm not in engineering every time I bring up my acceptance into the alternate program.
Part of me knows that I'll enjoy this program, I've always been interested in the environmental sciences.
Working my shit-tier wage job only makes me feel like even more shit. I dream of a utopian post-revolution world where I'm free to live as I please and do whatever piques my interest.
I think I'm just scared of making decisions.
R: 9 / I: 0
Is there a spanish translation of Desert? If not, I could make one.
R: 6 / I: 1
Just got this in the mail, what am I in for, lads?
R: 4 / I: 1
/r9k/ is death but now we have a new meme board
R: 22 / I: 4

Growing Out of Marx

When did you grow out of your Marxist phase? 24 for me. I can't believe I fell for such blantant ideological spooks propped up material dialetics. Imagine being an idealist in 2021, LMAO.
R: 2 / I: 0
I'm a 28 year old living in Corpus Christi, a very nice town in Texas, but it is plagued with homeless people. As a form of direct action, I have taken matters into my own hands to help the city.
Last week I found a hobo walking through the grocery store parking lot in the morning, I strike up a conversation with him and befriend him. Then I offer $200 if he helps me move furniture out of my house in Austin. He agrees, so we go to Austin, like a 4 hour drive. I pull up near a gas station in some random uygha ghetto and offer a chance to use the bathroom.
I leave him and drive back to Corpus. Is relocating the homeless to shit cities the answer we've been looking for? I think next weekend I'm gonna pick up 3 hobos and leave them in Dallas.
R: 15 / I: 4
Is Stirnirite egoism and Marxism incompatible? What if I agree with both Marx's critique of capitalism and Stirner's egoism? What does that make me?
R: 2 / I: 1
Uh oh.
R: 25 / I: 3
What is the egoist view on infidelity? I have a LDR gf that I love and would like to marry, but I'd like to fuck sluts on the side. Am I a piece of shit?
R: 1 / I: 0
The time for our revenge shall come!
R: 3 / I: 0
Shall I buy?
R: 6 / I: 3
So true!!
R: 5 / I: 0
Flag check
R: 2 / I: 0
>write book dedicated to your wife
>wife reads it
>wife furious about being called an egoist, doesn't let me explain
>gets divorce
>wife also leaves Die Freien and converts to catholicism
R: 6 / I: 1
Max Stirner was Fredrich Engels's pseudonym. Karl Marx learned of Stirner only through Engels. Engels was a closet egoist but didn't want to come to blows with Marx so he created this character to show Marx his ideas. Marx hated it and wrote The German Ideology. The rest is history.
R: 10 / I: 3
Sorry for the shitpost, but what's the point of this board? I didn't even know it existed. I'll delete this shitpost after my question is answered.
R: 4 / I: 1

Max Stirner

Greetings /dead/, I wanted to ask your thoughts on Max Stirner and was pointed here from /edu/. His ideas somehow appeal to me. As I understood he basically says that morality and religious and social norms are void "spooks". By freeing oneself of these concepts, one can follow one's own will. By cooperation and mutual interest one can then happily coexist and live with other individuals. Did I get that right? E.g. knowingly not caring about the suffering of others kind of feels bad, not sure if that is a "spook", too. What would Stirner say to solidarity?
R: 61 / I: 14

official rule 2 thread

official rule 2 thread>2. Please keep /r9k/-tier >tfw no gf shitposts to one thread. Capitalism is only one of the many, many reasons why you don't have a gf.
R: 8 / I: 1
>he who does not work shall not eat
R: 11 / I: 0
Capitalism has stolen from us the ability to be our best selves. That much is for certain within the framework of bourgeois society. What I've been pondering is the endgame or tactile convictions of individual reclamation. To me action for the sake of it seems to be a conscious suicide mission. Is this a misinterpretation or am i correct in assuming? I say this as somebody who has become disillusioned with the abilities of agitation in the context of neoliberal society. Never before been a namefag on any iteration of /leftypol/ but thought it'd be worth starting to if i'm now /dead/ inside.
R: 7 / I: 4
Hello /dead/, do you have any plans for staying here or are you making your own site?
If you do plan on staying, do you wish to be displayed on the overboard?
R: 7 / I: 0
R: 15 / I: 2

jump ship, fuck the jannies, join the Matrix chat/community


fuck this place if the jannies want to delete our board, we're talking about alternatives, making a new site. n1x is there but not talking right now, would be nice if they wanna take head of the project for a new /dead/site of some kind, come talk alternatives with us
R: 6 / I: 1

Dead is still alive

Oh God oh Fuck I genuinely thought we were going to get stuck on bunker, glad we are back here
R: 15 / I: 3
…Hello? Is anyone here?
R: 10 / I: 3

Are non-depressives by and large sociopathic?

How can you not be depressed in this world?
Everyone I’ve seen, known, or interacted with that was “positive” came off as a true fucking psychopath
Like, just utterly disconnected from the rest of mankind and all human empathy
I think non-depressives are sociopaths
Especially communists that are positive
Positive “communists” are the very worst, sociopathic pricks more obsessed with LARPing the past and little else, the world is fucking hellish and sanity is a disease
R: 5 / I: 1
R: 3 / I: 0
what the FUCK was his problem?
R: 5 / I: 2

Post-modernism? Degeneracy?

>be fascist
>complain about post modernism and degeneracy
>appropriate vaporwave which is a satire of late capitalist society
>create second grade edits using the same aesthetics and rebrand it as 'fashwave'
&ltlefties hates art
&lthere's more rune coon shit over another vhs filter
&ltmuh culture has been saved

How does one reach this level of shamelessness? Do they have zero self awareness at this point? What exactly is the deal with post-modernism and people who cry about it? Everyone seems to hate it but I can't help but laugh at the irony that everything these same people derive from falls under that e very window itself. From the looks of it, art itself (especially avant-garde) has always been a very leftist concept, something that challenges the status quo. Pretty much everything that Right wingers appropriate has always been historically driven forward by progressive groups of the society relative to that era.
R: 5 / I: 0

LSR project?

What do you think of the LSR project? It's got Stirner and Reich so I assume it would be of interest to us, but it's mostly in German and I don't speak that language so I can't tell what it really is about.
R: 11 / I: 0
Is voting really as big of an inconsequential meme as many people on the far left make it out to be? Wouldn't it be better to vote for someone who is better for my self interests as compared to doing nothing at all? If it doesn't matter then why do people chimp out over who wins or loses anyways?
R: 63 / I: 5
why is /leftypol/ so retarded?
R: 6 / I: 1

Abolish Life - Lives don't matter

So you know how everyone accuses us of conspiring to cause the collapse of all civilization and destroy humanity? I wish this was true, I actually want to achieve this. Eradicate every single living being from this planet. Wipe the slate clean.

Zero 'consciousness' that exists in this 'world' for eternity makes me feel like I will not be cheated after I die, it is a weird form of sour grapes/crab mentality. If I can't live a good life, I'll make sure that no-one else can, it's the only thing that will bring me the closest to peace. After knowing the fact that the only true way to solve all of humanity's problems is by getting rid of humanity itself, I look forward to climate change destroying the planet.

Power structures will never dissolve, newer ones will take hold over the old ones. For the posterity, it will be no better for them than it used to be. This is a cycle of eternal suffering that will never end, repeating on ad infinitum. Mortal consciousness is the true evil that no ideology or other bullshit human construct will ever tackle.
R: 22 / I: 4

Random Chaos edits

So /dead/ let's see what've you got as edits
R: 3 / I: 0


calling all anarchists - especially leftcom, postoid, and illegalist types but this homeserver and /dead/ community are open to all (grand opening :p, i.e. i spent all day setting this up and it works now yay)
I'd really like to talk theory more with the few camatte nerds and illegalists here

R: 40 / I: 5


Anyone on here trans?
R: 5 / I: 2

Kropotkin Now! 2021 A Black Rose Books Conference

Hello comrades! Black Rose Books, a small anarchist publishing house based in Montreal, is hosting a conference onsite and online celebrating life of Peter Kropotkin. It will take place from February 5th-7th. A commemorative will take place on the 8th, the 100th anniversary of Kropotkin's death. If you would like to submit a presentation for the conference a working title, abstract, and a short description of yourself (preferred but not mandatory) is due November 22nd. We have allocated approx. 1 1/2 hours which would include group activities and discussion periods in addition to the presentation. Current submissions include university professors, independent authors, and activists from a wide variety of countries around the world.
R: 13 / I: 1

How bout them dialectics thos?

What's your opinion on dialectics /dead/?
Like do you think it's usefull to analyse processes using a dialectical scheme or is that outdated to you? And what would be a post-strucuralist approach to the questions of developement and motion?
I don't agree with the hard line hegelian notion that the universe already exists in an dielectical form, but I do thing dialectics are overall still a valid conception.
R: 13 / I: 0

Online Business

I'm out of a job cause my employer got bought out by a bigger company, and that company is background checking.

I'm sick of this shit. Does anybody have guides on how to make money online? Legitimate, illegitimate, doesn't matter. Would not mind talking to somebody one on one either, so long as proper OPSEC is in place.
R: 8 / I: 0
hello friends
R: 3 / I: 0

to: that an-nil who hates Tiqqun/IC/Appelistas

First of all I hope you are well. I take it that you're a euro who has second-hand knowledge of the events at the ZAD. I was very surprised because as a burger there are many things I'm not privy to, but I recall your complaint was basically that anarchists got the boot from the ZAD because the Appelists decided to go a legal route with the state, doing their 'petit-bourgeois goat cheese' farming or something. I don't think this makes them Marxists as you say, but it rings of Lenin at Brest-Litovsk, trading space for time. I just wanted to hear more about the Appelists actions at the ZAD, the different factions (I've read a little about them on English websites like autonomies and ill-will), and what you think of the following. The Appelists say this;

>There is no “other economy,” there’s just another relationship with the economy. A relationship of distance and hostility, to be exact. The mistake of the social and solidarity economy is to believe in the structures it adopts. It’s to insist that what occurs inside it conforms to the statutes, to the official modes of operation. The only relationship one can have with the structures adopted is to use them as umbrellas for doing something altogether different than what the economy authorizes. So it is to be complicit in that use and that distance. . . We should make use of economic structures only on condition that we tear a hole in them. . .

>As for the structure with holes in it, it draws its meaning not from what it communicates but from what it keeps secret: its clandestine participation in a political scheme immeasurably larger than it, its use for ends that are economically neutral, not to say senseless, but politically judicious, and for means that as an economic structure it is designed to accumulate without end. Organizing in a revolutionary way via a whole resistance network of legal structures exchanging between themselves is possible, but risky. Among other things, this could furnish an ideal cover for international conspiratorial relations. There’s always the threat, however, of falling back into the economic rut, of losing the thread of what we’re doing, of no longer seeing the sense of the conspiracy. The fact remains that we must organize ourselves, organize on the basis of what we love to do, and provide ourselves the means to do it.

as someone who is more of a Marxist, I admire the shift towards the politics of conspiracy (the bourgeoisie's greatest weapon) and existentialism implicit in the last sentence. Do you think that this is a veritable path of revolutionary activity or not and why?
R: 23 / I: 2
What the fuck is gender nihilism/abolitionism/etc.?
R: 57 / I: 4

why should i be post left?

hi /death, as a ancom i have just been getting into post left theory, and i would like to ask for reasons why i should be a post leftist rather then a regular one. so i would like problems with the left being addressed here and alternative positions being given to reconsider my own

>just read x book on the topic

i am busy with that right now and i have a whole reading list, i would also just like discourse in the meantime
R: 5 / I: 2
We are living in an age of turbulence. The paradigm of our existence is shifting, the society is standing on the brink of something that would drastically change or destroy the existing world order. Destabilization, polarization (political and otherwise) and intrinsic danger surround us at every step. Europe is the core of our existence, and multiculturalism caused by mass foreign invasion, with all its consequences, is the danger.

Throughout our lands, crime rates are rising rapidly, economy is suffering due to wrongly distributed welfare benefits, culture and ethnicity are being subverted and led into degeneracy with a clearly visible intent; and throughout our lands, backlash is evident and harsh. Riots among indigenous population, protest growing into true resistance against the criminal, anti-European, anti-White regimes.

We have waited and waited; for three generations we have waited. We have asked ourselves: What can we do? How can any change be possible when the proclaimed democracy is a lie? How can any change at all be possible when everything has been decided for us; when our nations are degraded, when our blood has no social/biological value anymore?

All traditional higher values of our society, of or past, our culture, our history, have been subverted and overturned. The tradition is no longer there. The value of having European descent is no longer there.

And we are in a race against time to avoid cultural replacement through a new Islamic invasion; and our hands are tied by the legislation, and our mouths are tied by tolerance and political correctness, and our people’s minds are clouded by the lies from the ruling elites and the media they govern.

So what CAN we do, what can we do right now, to avert a total catastrophe, to revert the process of annihilation enforced upon the Western culture, upon the White race?

The world is changing rapidly; the age is shifting. And what we CAN do is accelerate the backlash. What we CAN do is unite the youngest generations of Europe under on flag of White European resistance, traditionalism, ethnic nationalism; what we CAN do is bring about the true civil war by counter-acting the current invasion and its supporters at the top of our states: The EU. This backlash, this answer by actions to the danger we are facing is necessary and inevitable to sweep away the ethnically foreign elements and to restore monoculture.

Further polarization of society is necessary to enact the scenario of a full-scale, both-sided civil war (finally providing an answer to all the war crimes by the invaders and halting the tide of mass immigration that threatens to consume us.) Acceleration of these political processes is necessary to prevent our extinction which is in its latter phases already.

Both can be achieved through multiple acts of resistance and direct engagement with the enemy
R: 5 / I: 1
What's the hot new torture from post-late stage capitalism?
R: 3 / I: 0
Do any of you guys feel like you are just going through the motions of life because it's all you know how to do?
R: 1 / I: 0
doin praxis like im doin your mom
R: 2 / I: 0
can catboys be post-left :3 ?
i mean wouldn't post-structuralists argue that terms like boy are abstract and have no real meaning?
R: 4 / I: 0
How does it feel to know retards like stupidpol or Angela Nagle stole the term "Post-left" from you?
R: 29 / I: 6
I'm not going back to work. What are some good illegalist books?
R: 2 / I: 0
I open up my wallet…
and it's full of blood…
R: 0 / I: 0

System Fail #3: The Ballot &amp; The Bullet

A look at the continuing racial tensions in the US and its effect on the 2020 Presidential elections. Plus a look at the recent uprising in Belarus, featuring an interview with Maria, an anarchist based in Minsk.
R: 23 / I: 6

Take a breather

I'm getting tired of these /pol/yps raiding our board, atleast here they won't find us.
How are you guys doing?
R: 11 / I: 2

When was the last time you felt truely happy?

hey /dead/ites, I want you to tell me about the last time you were really truely happy, the last time you had that careless positive feeling within that everything will turn out fine!
I wanna ask this because, self-analysing, I couldn't shake the feeling that me turning post-left and loosing hope in regular marxism/anarchism was at least partly due my personal situation worsening and loosing hope in general, so I wonder if others on here have similar feelings.
To me, it has been like exactly 6 months now. Back then I just radomly had the chance to meet all my old friends from highschool and it was just an all around positive experience. The whole corona bs only really came up afterwards and since then I haven't really had contact with pretty much anyone. Also I lost my former job and had to do hours in a call center. So yeah, things have been pretty shitty since then and atm I don't feel like they are getting better.
R: 3 / I: 0

David Graeber

Now that the dust has settled… what's your opinion on him? Anything worth reading by him?
R: 3 / I: 0


Mouffe and Laclau reject the centrality of the proletariat and the historical determinism in Marxism

-What do you think about it?
-Could you recommend me some "post-marxist" authors or books?
-Which have been the most recent developments in this "current"?
R: 2 / I: 0


A very nice voice recommending that you use Mastodon instead of Facebook.

R: 36 / I: 1

How do I find a job with extreme social anxiety and no experience?

pls help
R: 6 / I: 0

What anarchy will look like

I know that anarchy is just a state, it is not an ideology; it just means people solving their matters by themselves in an egalitarian manner(as seen by the community). The question is more about what the beginning would be like. I think it would go somewhat along these lines:

> A city of 100.000 people

> Affiliation groups of anarchists dethrone the local state power of their regions of operation
> Anarchists by some means(Public discourse, pamphlets) spread the news that the area was liberated
> In the means which they've chosen, they explain that people can organize their life as it fits them
> Lots of harsh debates will happen between people deciding on what to do
> People start contacting people around the city to organize what to do
> The situation with time will stabilize(not completely, because it cannot always exist because of individual needs) with time, because solutions to general problems of society will be met according to the people
> Many types of community could form from these, bourgeois without the state power to secure their private property, would in places where people wish to abolish it would be completely gone, while in other places if the community wishes to maintain it by their own will, it will remain.
> Some more communist communities, other extremely individualist because of some anarchist influences. It would be probably be a big mass of many different points of view, and probably conflict would hardly stabilize.
> Anarchy successful
R: 7 / I: 0
Just what the fuck anarchism is? What does it mean to you?
R: 29 / I: 3

Fuck communists and anarchists

When you browse /leftypol/, you often see threads titled something like "Your former ideologies" or "Your history as a leftist", in which anons don't get tired describing their past with spooky shit like 'Leninist', 'ML', 'ANcom', completly abstract words without any meaning, any material force, behind them. Because what really is the material difference between being a leninist and a syndicalist when both have the same amount of revolutionary force behind them: none.
Tankie parties as well as syindicalist unions have failed to organise the working class fo the last half century. Neither have any impact on national politics or the economy. Calling yourself one or the other is mere play-pretend. Anyone with eyes in their heads sees that the modern working class has no interest fighting capitalism through strike and organisation - and that's probably for the best. If any of these modern cults calling themselves leftist parties actually got popular, it would sooner result in another century of authoritarian rule than working class emancipation simply because these revolutionary possessed don't even fight for latter. Their goal is the realisation of a spook, an ideal, like communism or anarchism. It's all meaningless. Neither anarchism nor communism has ever existed - even anarchists and communists will attest this. What they don't understand is that the root of the circumstance is the idea-form of concepts like communism themselves.
Matter and ideas mutually exclusive. They can never be the same. Our view of reality is always subjective, the reality as we experience it isn't the same that materially exists. Our concept of reality doesn't and can't have the same content as reality because if they had, matter and idea were equal. The quality of matter IS it not being ideal, therefore this is impossible.
Leftists think themselves communism or anarchism like this or that, imagine themselves solutions to fictional problems of how to run economies that will never exist. Not because conditions that can be described as communism or anarchism will never exist, but because if they exist, they will exist materially and therefore have no connection to how their believers imagine them. Marx's analysis of many aspects of capitalism are quite good, but they don't describe the material existence of capitalism, not in the 19th century and even less now. It works with ideas, abstractions of the material conditions, and it has to because you literally can't grasp the material.
Another problem with the left is believing in the revolutionary character of the proletariat. Let's be real: the working class is not revolutionary - and I mean this in 2 ways. First, as I described before, they don't care about communism. Mostly they don't care about politics, at least not in the sense that they wanna get active within in, more in a spectacle kind of way. What they care about is their live as they experience it, so to most in the west, they kinda feel like their work sucks but it could be worse. Revolution is not on their minds, and 40 years of agitation by communists and anarchists hasn't changed that. Second, most workers today simply CAN'T be revolutionary, even if they wanted to. The proletariat is supposed to be the revolutionary subject due to their relation to production, that they are necessary for and and thus through strike have the power to hold capitalism. Obviously, with todays western working class consisting mostly of service rather than industrial work, only a minority is even in a position to force anything by strike, let alone make the system collapse.
But even though the working class has consistently ignored communists and anachists, there have consistently been communists and anarchists organising in their small clubs talking about the coming revolution that never came. But how is that? Why are they still investing their energy in this ineffective task? Because it gives some weirdos, who are nobodies in every other relation, power over a group of other weirdos. Leftist parties have long started to reproduce capitalism: people who are socio-economicly off well enough to invest alot of their time into revolutionary larping command workers and minorities (the few that show up) to protest, distribute leaflets or knock on doors, which are all acts with the goal of further accumulation.

If capitalism will be abolished, itll happen in the centres of industrial production through the people working there acting in their savage self interest, not because political hobbyists try to realise some fantasy of theirs. You are better of investing your time and energy in yourself dealing with capitalist relations than wasting your time on those nerds.
R: 46 / I: 2

Communism is nothing if not Reactionary.

The Marxist analysis of Capitalism and post-Capitalism is fairly straightforward in its understanding of why Capitalism will not last.

The productive forces of Capitalism will be developed, until a certain point where Capitalism will come to inhibit their further growth. At this point, the proletariat must rise up and destroy the Capitalist mode of production to free the forces of production imprisoned within them.

What Marx does, is essentially agree with the "mission" of Capital, the growth of productive forces, but does not think Capitalism will be able to complete this mission due to its internal contradictions.

This is where the problem of Marxism comes in. Marx does not understand, as later thinkers who developed upon his ideas, Jaques Camatte and Nick Land, that the mission of Capital, the growth of productive forces, schizophrenic revolutionizing of society, etc, this is the problem humanity has with Capital, because these goals are on a fundamental level, anti-human. They are the goals of the market God, in its "progressive" quest to mechanize human life down to the second, not the goals of humanity. Post-Capitalism, or rather Capitalism that has broken through the wall of its own contradiction in order to further presue its mission, will not be for humans. It will be a continuation of the mission of Capital, and that missions end is the complete domestication and annihilation of the human race. Nick Land and Camatte made this very clear.

Marx attempts to divorce Capitalism and its technology, not realizing that Capitalism itself, the blind idiot god, is the most important part of this technology. No consciously organized system of humans can match the speed, versatility and growth of the dispersed dead brain of Capital itself.

The growth in productive forces do not exist for the benefit of humanity. They exist for the benefit of Capital. Capital itself is the motor of technological change and modernity. Nothing can replace it.

We do not want "Post-Capitalism". A post-Capitalism that contains the drive for progress of Capitalism will not be liberation. It will be the death of the human species and the planet earth. Industrial society, and Capital's mission of its expansion into all aspects of the human life and subjectivity, itself requires repression. We cannot progress "past" Capitalism, because progress is merely a measure of how completely Capital has subordinated the human community to its cold will.

Communism is nothing if not REACTIONARY.

What we struggle for is not to complete Capital’s mission when Capitalism cannot, not to "progress" further down Capital's road, but to throw out the whole thing. Understand that it would mean our annihilation, and take back the wheel of society as humans, consciously organizing production according to our will instead of the impersonal whims of the market God.

We should accept that this sort of “Communism”, not Post-Capitalism but human self determination, will not nearly measure up to Capitalism if measured by Capital’s metrics. It will doubtlessly not be as wildly innovative, nor as productive and will not “revolutionize” society constantly as Capital does. There is no other motor for this kind of “progress” but Capitalism, and this dynamistic acceleration exists for Capital’s benefit, not ours. The only characteristic that I can say for certain about this “Communism” is that it will be a process that is not ruled by the market, but rather by some form of conscious human will directed towards some sort of conscious human need. Either that, or it would mean the end of "society" as a whole.
R: 3 / I: 2
anyone got a link to the "post-left theory generator"? it was a script hosted on github i think that generates the kind of purple prose typical of post-left/insurrectionary anarchist pamphlets
R: 3 / I: 0
It's never happening, is it? I lost all hope today.
R: 44 / I: 13
I am a marxist that became nazbol after reading most of marxes works

Do I fit in here? I am not just a nationalist tankie, I consider myself post left.
R: 7 / I: 2
Me and the rest of the black community are protesting because the police are a colonialist occupying force. I don't give a FUCK about white people who get killed by their own police. They can take that up with white colonialist power, after all, they are citizens, servants and benefices of the colonialist system. You cannot ask black people to care about white people shot by the police anymore than you can ask us to care about white rape "victims". They already have white power backing them up. They are the oppressor class and I don't give a fuck about the the internal conflict in the white oppressor class. Its strictly secondary to the anti-colonialist class war between the two real classes, white people and black people.
R: 17 / I: 7
Do anarchists still exist? It seems like every time I talk to someone who claims to be anarchist online they turn out to be a Marxist who is just too ashamed of tankies to call themselves a Marxist. Do actual anarchists still exist?
R: 6 / I: 1

How did the Belarusians come to rebellion against the dictatorship

An anarchist account of what lead to the current protests in Belarus: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/08/11/how-did-the-belarusians-come-to-rebellion-against-the-dictatorship/
R: 11 / I: 3

Traduções Anarquistas

I think some people here maybe already know, about this project of mine with some anarchists friends of my region. So who we are and what are our goals for those who don't know us:
> We are anarchists working on translating some basic anarchist and post-left anarchy works into Portuguese for better accessibility and study.
> We are also thinking in creating a website for sharing our translations and where other anarchists can submit theirs so these works can be freely distributed around.
> If the project succeeds and we gain some attention, we are planning in creating after the quarantine anarchist reading clubs so maybe some anarchist action starts to grow here

Some of the works that we are prioritizing to translate before the Corona-virus epidemic ends:
> Anarchy by Errico Malatesta (Draft for almost all chapters are already done, our estimates for completing it are in about 2 weeks or less)
> Anarchy after Leftism
> The abolition of work
> Toward the creative nothing
> Illegalism why pay for a revolution on the installment plan when you can steal on
> Desert
> Against organizationalism anarchism as both theory and critique of organization
> Post-left anarchy, leaving the left behind

So these are our main ideas and projects, any thoughts on our work?
R: 2 / I: 0

System Fail #2: An Airborne Virus Called Freedom

A look at the social and economic devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, with a specific focus on the incompetent state responses of the UK, Brazil and the United States.

Featuring an interview with anarchist writer Peter Gelderloos, author of Diagostic of the Future: Between the Crisis of Capitalism and the Crisis of Democracy.
R: 8 / I: 3

coping with disability

I have become disabled due to antibiotics side effects and can no longer perform any of my previous hobbies/jobs (music and programming)
How do you cope with permanently losing certain bodily functions?
R: 1 / I: 0

Better Never To Have Been by David Benatar

Discuss. He has other interesting stuff too.
R: 14 / I: 3

philip mainlander general

a tread meant for questions, discussion and praise for this fascinating figure

i have a question myself

so i am reading mutual aid right now, and in the section talking about mutual aid by "barbarians" i noticed it seems that communal behavior used to be more common back then, communal behavior seems to be even more common by "savage" societies, it seems society is more isolated then ever before, Philip mainlander talked about how universe was killing itself by splitting more and more, beginning as a singularity (god) until it realized it needed to die, for non existence is better then existence, but because it was god it was unable to kill himself, so it started splitting itself, becoming more and more isolated and divided, so that way it could die, so our universe is essentially the rotting corpse of god, if we accept mainlander's theory could the increasing isolation of our society be seen as a side effect of god's suicide? are there more ways of combining mainlander's and anarchist theory?
R: 3 / I: 0

R: 9 / I: 1

missed connections

New to the post-left here. If you are one of the two galaxy-brain post-left illegalists that I bonded with during the riots, you have my info, or I have contacted you, so get in touch because I want to escape.
R: 4 / I: 2
Be Gay Do Crime
R: 26 / I: 11
Schizonihilist anon from /leftypol/ here. The board has finally banned all Tor exit nodes, so I am unable to reply to anyone there anymore and can no longer even alert anyone there of this post. If you wish to continue conversation with me, or want me to respond to something from /leftypol/, post or cross-link it here and I will do my best to oblige. Alternatively, if you are reading and care to inform /leftypol/ of my departure, please do. I no longer can. Then again, given I am universally hated on /leftypol/, maybe no one will even notice and it is better they never know.

I feel sorry for those who genuinely wanted a response from me and asked for theory recommendations, but who will now never get any unless they see this post. There's nothing more I can do about it now, though.
R: 8 / I: 0

Foucault and sexual liberation

Was Foucault right when he critiqued the "repressive hypothesis" and claimed that sexual liberation was just a different form of power's "deployment of sexuality"? This seems to me a step back from the Situationists and their fight against the colonisation of life by the commodity. Or was the Situationists' idea of an un-alienated life and sexuality an illusion all along? And if yes, is there really no way out of power? Is power even real anymore or just another part of the simulacrum like Baudrillard claimed? I'm having difficulties wrapping my head around all these levels of critique and meta-critique.
R: 6 / I: 2
woaaaaaaah im so edgy xdddd im depressed and have austinsim uhhhhhhh im so edgy i jack off to hentai to cope with my depression uhhh oh god im so horny im horny all the time and my parents dont like me i spend all my time wallowing in my own misery with muh dark edgy vibes xd and jack off to hentai cuz im depressed lmao i also like to call popel faggots and niggers because yelling racial slurs online fill the gap in my soul cuz im so edgy im like those goth kids even though i really hate them woah im so sad and depressed and edgy i use it as an online person to get my dick really going after jacking off to hentai for the 18th time today i have depression and am so edgy uhh im empty inside i just wanna die i lay on my bed crying tears of blood because im so edgy im like those edgy anime boys who wear all that tech gear and shit lol lmao dude im horny lmao im empty inside i feel nothing but pain and misery every day when i wake up i feel immense pain everywhere because i am an autistic edgelord who lives with my parents and doesnt have a gf because im so fucking whiny but thats ok because i
love manipulating my depression to get that edgy depressed vibe lmao od im alone empty sad and dead i just want to die please end it the pain is unbearable xddddddddddddddddddd nigger lol i said the n word plz dont delete oh god no mods plz dont delete get your hands away from me please dont rape me please
R: 8 / I: 3
to the comrade who is currently fighting the tankies in the pomo thread over on /leftypol/, i just wanted to say your efforts are appreciated
i personally just don't have the patience or eloquence to have a serious discussion in the ideological morass of what /leftypol/ has become
i'm sure others feel the same way
R: 2 / I: 0

System Fail #01: Riots Across America

The pilot episode of subMedia’s brand new show, System Fail, looks at the incendiary riots that have swept across the United States in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, and the state’s desperate attempts to bring things back under control.

Featuring an interview with Oluchi Omeoga, co-founder and core organizer of the Black Visions Collective and Reclaim the Block.
R: 8 / I: 1


Just want to know what /dead/ thinks of the Bonnot Gang
R: 3 / I: 1

Is n1x even dead alive or dead dead?

> subject
R: 5 / I: 1

Anarchist news?

Do people still read anarchistnews or how do they keep up with the international happenings concerning anarchists?
R: 34 / I: 3

Ecological collapse

Is there still any point to green politics or should we just prepare for the worst?
R: 1 / I: 1

Civil war?

Someone tell me what's the deal with Tiqqun/Agamben and civil war.
R: 4 / I: 2
fuck mods
R: 10 / I: 1

Is the self a spook?

This has been my understanding for the longest time, not long after I really engaged with Stirner's works, after it was pointed out to me that the ego itself is a spook. This was reinforced by the fact that the old English translations of Stirner were poor and gave readers the impression that he was an egoist who advocated for egoism and cared only for the ego rather than the unique / creative nothing. Wolfi Landstreicher's translation of The Unique and Its Property redressed these historical failures somewhat, but the translation is only 3 years old. When I read Stirner's Critics (again Wolfi's translation), I felt vindicated on this by how Stirner seemed to coyly agree with his critics that the ego is "the spook of all spooks", yet disputed that he didn't mean this all along.

After revisiting Stirner's Critics again, however, I find that Stirner always attributed "the spook of all spooks" in quotes and never seemed to explicitly agree, even though he describes the unique as an "empty phrase" and a name for what cannot be named. His first mention of "the spook of all spooks" is in a paragraph immediately recounting Moses Hess' critical review of Stirner's The Unique and Its Property, and seems to attribute this phrasing to Hess—though the paragraph break gives me a different impression, as if he is both attributing it to Hess and affirming the description of "the pale boaster". There was no need for that break and it was inconsistent with how he treated his summaries of Szeliga's and Feuerbach's critiques.

Yet what Stirner then affirms about the unique is basically that it is an empty signifier, that it is a form without content, since you are the content. (Isn't that what a spook is, a form without content?) He then proceeds to describe the content of the unique, which is beyond the boundaries of language altogether. His clarifications in Stirner's Critics corroborates with his original work of describing the "self" as ultimately transient, contingent, ephemeral, and always created in the moment from the void of the creative nothing. This coheres with the conception of the unique as a nomination for identifying some ego-form for the creative nothing, and for this notion of "I" to be a mistake of misplaced concreteness about one's own reality.

This seems to be the reading of Wolfi, as well, along with many of the other more intellectual Stirnerians, such as Castanea Dentata in Some Thoughts on the Creative Nothing and some of the unique ones I have met over the years; they seem to overwhelmingly conclude that Stirner's "egoism" was a polemical parody and that Stirner was never seriously an egoist, at least not in the usual sense of the word, having rejected in so many words the ego itself as just another phantasm of the mind. Yet Stirner attributes this notion of the ego as "the spook of all spooks" to Hess and never directly affirms this critique of the self. Even when the florid satire of the original work is toned down and Stirner speaks more directly in Stirner's Critics, he seems to be critiquing his critics by indirectly agreeing with their critiques of the unique and pointing to his original work as proof of that agreement.

But I still meet "egoists" who idolize Stirner but vulgarize his critiques, as if they read Stirner through Ayn Rand, lauding selfishness while condemning any enlightenment of their self-interest. And it makes me wonder if this seemingly heterodox reading of Stirner attributes more to him than is due.

Ultimately, I do not care so much whether Stirner believed the self / ego to be a spook. I do not need his endorsement to believe that myself. I would just like to think Stirner had that depth and self-critical capacity, and that his early critics were wrong to critique Stirner for believing that the ego itself was not slain by his own critique. If I am wrong, then so be it; I have then taken Stirner's own critique radically further than even he had. But I do not think I am.

How do you read Stirner? Do you really think he was so naïve as to have been this vulnerable to immanent critique? Or was he just being his usual coy, circumlocutory self even on the spookiness of the self? Or do you even defend a reading of Stirner that affirms the self / ego as somehow not spooky?
R: 11 / I: 0

Alternate reading of Mayan calendar suggests end of the world is next week

According to experts, the Gregorian calendar was introduced to better reflect the time it takes Earth to orbit the Sun. But it is believed by many that as many as 11 days were lost from the year that was once determined by the Julian calendar.

Over time these lost days add up and now a conspiracy theory has cropped up which claims that we should actually be in the year 2012, not 2020.

In a since deleted tweet, scientist Paolo Tagaloguin reportedly said: “Following the Julian Calendar, we are technically in 2012. The number of days lost in a year due to the shift into Gregorian Calendar is 11 days. For 268 years using the Gregorian Calendar (1752-2020) times 11 days = 2,948 days. 2,948 days / 365 days (per year) = 8 years”.

Following this theory, June 21, 2020 would actually be December 21, 2012.

It may be recalled that in 2012, December 21 was proposed by some as the end of the world by conspiracy theorists.
R: 5 / I: 2
tell me about your everyday life
R: 3 / I: 1

Let. Me. Die.

The cult of living – which is by paradox a cult of living death, must be destroyed.https://downandoutdistro.noblogs.org/files/2019/10/letmedie.pdf
R: 5 / I: 1
soul-crushing depression reminds me that I'm alive, but it doesn't make me happy to be alive. Why is life so fucking depressing?
R: 7 / I: 1

The biggest spook of them all.

> it's for the good of the economy> you can't do that, it would hurt the economy> you should study what the economy needs> you don't want to live in poverty? too bad the economy is in a downturn> sorry we have to fire you because of the economy> don't worry, the economy will save us once it is nationalised/socialised/democratized/cybernetic/liberated/sexualisedWhy do people put up with this shit?
R: 2 / I: 0

When you so dead that you won't even react to the board actually becoming dead now

Bottom text
R: 2 / I: 0
What's the best board on bunkerchan and why is it /dead/?
R: 22 / I: 8

defend /dead/

They want to shut this place down. I don't post here as often as I should maybe but that doesn't mean I don't want this place to exist.Who here wants to see this place stay?
R: 0 / I: 0

Proposal for merger of /dead/, /tech/, and /e/ into single /hobby/ or /leftyhobby/ board

Hello all, I am proposing a vote that might affect the future of this board, please let your thoughts me known in this topic https://bunkerchan.xyz/gulag/res/2299.htmland not in replies to this post. Thank you, have a nice day.
R: 25 / I: 0
is anyone here actually post-left?
R: 12 / I: 1

Anne Frank

Anne Frank is cute
R: 1 / I: 0
What would be my… how should I call it, spontaneous attitude towards the universe? It’s a very dark one. The first thesis would have been a kind of total vanity: there is nothing, basically. I mean it quite literally,like… ultimately…there are just some fragments, some vanishing things. If you look at the universe, it’s one big void. But then how do things emerge? Here, I feel a kind of spontaneous affinity with quantum physics, where, you know,the idea there is that universe is a void,but a kind of a positively charged void. And then particular things appear when the balance of the void is disturbed. And I like this idea of spontaneous very much that the fact that it’s just not nothing… Things are out there. It means something went terribly wrong… that what we call creation is a kind of a cosmic imbalance, cosmic catastrophe, that things exist by mistake. And I’m even ready to go to the end and to claim that the only way to counteract it is to assume the mistake and go to the end. And we have a name for this. It’s called love. Isn’t love precisely this kind of a cosmic imbalance?I was always disgusted with this notion of “I love the world,” universal love. I don’t like the world. I don’t know how… Basically, I’m somewhere in between “I hate the world” or “I’m indifferent towards it.” But the whole of reality, it’s just it. It’s stupid. It is out there. I don’t care about it.
R: 0 / I: 0
always remember to renew your berliner coupon
R: 1 / I: 0

RIP Magdalen Berns, 1983-2019

>Magdalen was a great fighter for the rights of women in general and lesbian women in particular, a defender of science and rationalism and someone who hated social injustice and had an anti-capitalist consciousness. She also hated fakery and hypocrisy – and was a staunch opponent of these across the left.https://rdln.wordpress.com/2019/09/14/magdalen-burns-1983-2019-fighter-for-womens-liberation/
R: 4 / I: 0

Dog Problem

So my neighbors got a dog again. Don't get me wrong, I like dogs, but my neighbors really shouldnt have any to begin.I said again because a few years ago they already had one. A big golden retriever. They never were able to get the dog under control. But what's even worse, once they got a child, they lost all interest in dog in put him in a small cage in the back of their garden. He stayed there all day except for like 2 30 minute walks a day. That's not a life for such a big dog. Not that I really cared or did anything about it, but it irritated me when I heard him barking for hours on end. After living a long life in captivity, the dog died however some 3 years ago. (The children also never gave a fuck about him btw.)Some 3 weeks I'm sitting in my small garden, enjoying the sun and the feeling of just having quit a job, while a white puppy runs into my garden and violates my N.A.P. Of course this was the first time, not really a problem, but that kept happening over the next few days. But then the most outrages aggression imaginable took place.I share my home withy my best comrade, Maxchen. He is a now about 18 yo (I guess, dont really know since I found him) grizzled cat. Needless to say, he doesnt need the stress of some punk ass bitch dog running around, chasing him and eating his food, because THATS WHAT HAPPENED.It should be obvious that dogs, blindly following authority, are inherently anti-revolutionay while cats are mutualists, making the cat more valuable than dog (even without considering that the cat is my property while the dog isnt and therefore also not for me to care for). So the dog got to go.I don't wanna hurt him, but I'm thinking of putting something into my cats footbowl outside (wile taking my cat in) that tasted disgusting to dogs or is maybe hard to digest? That way he would learn the correct behaviour and if not, start shitting waterfalls, giving my neighbors good reason to give him away and sparring him the cage.Now, any idea what could work in this direction and how I could acquire it?
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 5 / I: 1
I hate "I grew in a communist country and I hate communism" fags. GRAHHHHHHH
R: 1 / I: 1


On the inside and on the outside and any thing around me is dead.
R: 4 / I: 0

BPA causes autism

It's transgenerational, too. How fucked are we?
R: 2 / I: 2
'People': *just want to exist*'Royalty and clergy': Hey you people, you're going to now work for us, you'll give us most of your crop and every time we want to go to war you'll give us your able-bodied men. In return we won't slaughter you like pigs where you stand.'Landed elite and the bourgeoisie': Enough! *kill the royalty*'People': We're free!'Landed elite and the bourgeoisie': Yes, you're free to continue your obligations to the crown, except we'll be the recipients.'People': Huh?'Landed elite and the bourgeoisie': But don't worry, here's some wool over your eyes.]'People': Wow thanks! We truly are free.Rosseau: iT's ThE sOcIaL cOnTrAcT !
R: 2 / I: 0
N1x aka nyxland is a massive nigger and/or faggot
R: 6 / I: 0
why live?
R: 1 / I: 0
Space give me back board ownership you massive faggot
R: 2 / I: 1

Why is dead, dead?

No really, what is a point of this board?
R: 1 / I: 1
Do you think that humanity will ever get communism before we fuck ourselves to death? Capitalism leads to communism the more and more the technological conditions of communism are built by capitalism. It also leads to catastrophic climate change and greatly increased ability of the bourgeoisie to completely suck the value and life of the worker in the most vampire-like fashion. What do you we think we get to first, the end or communism.
R: 0 / I: 0
finally, an anarchist board.
R: 0 / I: 0
Give a non-moralist criticism of moralism.Give me a non-spooky criticism of anti-solipsism and anti-egoism.Protip: You can't.Self-interest, egoism, anti-realism and consecuentialism are inherently moralist and spooky, try harder
R: 4 / I: 2
>'It is a law of pride in this world>To believe in the creatures, to forget God, >Overthrow by diseases, and old age,>Destruction of the soul through deception.
R: 1 / I: 0
Whats your opinion on bonano and his insurectionarry anarchism??
R: 0 / I: 0
Whats your opinion on bonano and his insurectionarry anarchism??
R: 7 / I: 2
how do you beat the demiurge?
R: 1 / I: 0
Is this the anarchist board of bunkerchan? Can it be? If not is thos anarchist friendly?
R: 0 / I: 0


Piracy is praxis
R: 0 / I: 0
What do you think of Friendship as a Form of Life? It is very post-left, I find.https://friendship-as-a-form-of-life.tumblr.com/
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 18 / I: 2
What brings you here today?
R: 0 / I: 0
happy halloween /dead/
R: 7 / I: 1
i wanna die
R: 2 / I: 2
hahahaahahahahahajskadshahwhahhashhahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshadhajskhdakhfoqewhfahkshfkahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahI'M POSTING ON YOUR BOARD NERD WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT NOW NERDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ? xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddxdalso >no tank flag
R: 9 / I: 0
Is Anarcha-Feminism post-left? I see it on a lot of (the few) post-left boards but don't see how it's post left. Is this a joke?
R: 5 / I: 1
Is misantrophy left-wing or right-wing?
R: 0 / I: 0

DonKim apocaplyptic totalitarian communism

Trump likes the idea of a big state but under the control of big business this is non-to-far from kimean korea so what do you reckon will come of these meetings??
R: 2 / I: 0
Why does this board CSS look like my depressive episodes?It's a bit triggering.
R: 6 / I: 0
The cancer has been resected and lives at 0ch. Delete this human waste.
R: 31 / I: 3
asked this on /leftypol/ and naturally i got no discussionare there any non-moralist arguments against pedophilia?
R: 0 / I: 0
It seems that /leftypol/ has finally found it's way to the board it deserves.If only you weren't too late to witness /dead/.
R: 1 / I: 0
This board is comfy. It warms my aching bones.Why is a board like /dead/ the only thing that made me feel today?
R: 2 / I: 0
make /dead/ great again
R: 4 / I: 2
make /dead/ great again
R: 3 / I: 0
Is /dead/… dead?
R: 4 / I: 1
I'll just leave this here to be quite honest family.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HSusGdNUgk
R: 6 / I: 3
I claim this board in the name of the great wizard, Hegel. I dare you skeletons and spooks to stop us! Death? We live in and through death eternally!
R: 17 / I: 2
If the universe is materialistic, why don't we feel at home here?
R: 5 / I: 2
Words cannot express my angush rn.
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 0 / I: 0
What do you guys think of the supreme skeleton, Skull Knight?
R: 5 / I: 3
If global capitalism is ever destroyed by the proletariat(which with the rate we're making our own world uninhabitable we'll probably go extinct before that happens) I'd be fine with being put up against the wall or getting guillotined.I get told this a lot, that since I've been born into economic privilege I shouldn't support gommunism because I'd be killed for no other reason than having a petty bourgoise family. But assuming this is true I'd be just fine with that. Life feels like torture,insomnia,manic episodes, depression,trying to avoid obligations, feeling like shit every day no matter what I do,social isolation, watching our natural world be destroyed. And I know that life isn't going to get any better, so I see very little reason to even bother with going on. In my head I was going to write something much better than that, but when your thought process is an incoherent fog it's hard to actually communicate your thoughts into anything of quality. Thread theme song: Mantits - Let Me Fucking Die https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJ60al8xXoA&nohtml5=False
R: 2 / I: 0


I'm gone for two weeks and suddenly this board exists and we're at war with wheelchan.I've never even heard of "post-leftism". What the fuck are you people?
R: 5 / I: 3

Alain Badiou: Down with Death!

>So we could say that nihilism is the negative subjectivation of finitude; it is fundamentally the organised or anarchic (either is possible) consciousness that because we die, nothing is important. The most classic figure of nihilism is the statement that everything is devalued, de-symbolised and untenable in the face of death. It is an equalisation of the totality of everything that could be valued, faced with the radical ontological finitude that death represents. This question of the relation between nihilism and values is, as you know, a central question in Nietzsche’s philosophy, which takes up this theme of nihilism in order to make a very important diagnostic and critical use of it.http://mariborchan.si/text/articles/alain-badiou/down-with-death/
R: 7 / I: 1
ITT we talk about how petty-bourgeois or full on capitalist we used to be.syndicalism will allow us to continue our consumption and continue the spectacle (me a few years ago)
R: 11 / I: 4
Does Post Left Anarchism have any direct relation with Anarcho-Nihilism?
R: 26 / I: 21
post you irl
R: 6 / I: 0

Serious thread for Serious Theory

Lets get Serious.What do you fags think of this work of Bob Fat Black?https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/bob-black-debunking-democracyIt was allready a bit discussed on /left/ but i like to know other opinions of fellow capitalist enabling degenerates.
R: 26 / I: 18
ITT: how you imagine /dead/ BO looks IRL
R: 8 / I: 2
>when your ego is so inflated it needs its own board that still can't contain itwew
R: 28 / I: 19

Banners n 'shit

Post yr banners for the board, and also flags if you have any suggestions. I'm going to be stealing more flags from /leftypol/ but if you have any requests post them here.Banner size is 300x100 and must be under 200KB
R: 11 / I: 5
What is the purpose of this board anyway?