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How I’m tryna be
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I do


look at em go


Use it on yourself, weeb


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How I'm tryna be

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I engage in no spooks, and I gotta say lulz is vital to space travel.
I try to be a retard consistently, dab on solipsists, and so on but
I found myself unable retard
retard not work
does not function correctly
I fucked up
I searched for leftism in my life
and I found nothing
I am sad. but, well not happy but yeah, I can handle it.(not politics)
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Powell needs to raise rates faster. The NEETS must be driven to the streets.




elaborate and so on


is philosophy related to science


hmm what do I with this?

have gay sex with it?

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*reads panphlet*
*lockpick increased by 20*



What direct action can be done from the comfort of my home? I can't go out because of the virus.


learn programming and create viruses that attack the digital communication of capitalist corporations and bourgeoi states


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Please provide me one illegalism starter pack tyvm.
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We never stop This music makes your eyes pop
It helps you dodge a cop, whether you believe or not


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does anybody have resources on lock picking?


there are a ton of hobbyists on youtube who give detailed deconstructions of locks and how to pick them, lockpickinglawyer showed up on my recommended the other day


It's not hard. Buy a transparent lock and a pick/tension wrench set for 15 USD off amazon or alibaba etc so you can learn how pins work. Some you can do with just a bit of aluminum can around a lock handle or rake the pins chaotically until they all pop into place. Some locks are harder than others to pick. Another option is if you get literally 1 photo of the key used for the lock, you can take that and trace it then import it into a CAD design software and place that over a key template. Then you just upload that to a cnc router and you can cut out a nearly exact copy of the original.


download tor
engage in black market activities

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> I can’t resist mentioning once again the moronic theory that depicts productive forces “ripening” until they “give rise to” or “make possible” the “transition to a new social form.” Such “productive forces” do not exist apart from the “social form.” The artifices are integral parts of the artificial worm, they are nothing but its attributes. The technologies are the claws and fangs of the Leviathan. Silver mines and later water wheels do not give rise to the Islamic Leviathan; It gives rise to them. The types of technologies developed by a Leviathan depend primarily on the type of Leviathan in question, not on the “state of developmednt of global productive forces” cited by artifice fetishists. The Phoenicians developed, near the very dawn of Civilization, a maritime technology that would be unmatched until the appearance of a Leviathan with similarly extended tentacles.
Is Fredy right about this? It seems evident, that the social form does influence technology, and its progress. But is he right about it not happening the other way around? New technology cannot change the social form?
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of course it's true. take a look at science today. science has moved away from being 'natural philosophy' into a realm of non-reflexivity. it's excellent at producing weapons of war, but sucks at most other things.


fredy was only half-right. Technology on its own does not create social production. the social body , the socius , is defined by the technology of its time. this was proven by d&g thought a la primitive, asiatic, moderno-capital. perlman was right in respect to this aspect. what perlman misses however is as the socius expands and contracts its tensions create new social relations and greases the techno-productive gears. large jumps in Technolyzation can force social relations further too, when they are lacking. it is a laxadayzical process, jolting, jilting etc. too the two are simultaneous but also concurrent. they can happen in big jumps.
Perlman missed as such then that Civilization thus produced Capital who became its own Being in its own right.
>fangs and nails
these are tools, and thus remain the same throughout, but evolving as so too we do.


Perlman lacked vision and presight. the fore and the for. He fell into the pseudo-reactionary trap as much as he attempted to go further - there can be no RETVRN. there can only be forward momentum, through progress and through collapse. ultimately we are not in control of the process, but the sentient We of which no one is in awareness of. Perlman idealizes a truly idyllic life insofar as he maintained some belief that it could be returned to. His realization that it could not be so sent him insane, alone, and he secluded himself.
cyberspace has truly proven the worst fears of Perlman, Situationists, and all others who grasped at It but couldnt quite get it.


There is nothing more to do my friends. We will all enter oblivion together. I shall try and do so contented


you cant not have a civilization

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come by the fire, friends


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Anyone wants a marshmallow?


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Hi dead. Particularly the anarcho-nihilists. I generally consider myself a post-modernist and want to know more about your ideology. I have read the basics and understand the gist of the ideology. But I’m interested in learning more, especially would like to read or watch anything that can practically aid of the destruction of society or that can help with at least clearing my own local space and voiding it of meta-narratives. Love u, thanks.
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"but the ideological supermarket — like any supermarket — is fit only for looting"

This is a classic leftypol quote


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nostalgic af


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> Therefore we say that the central political fact of the last thirty years went unnoticed. Because it took place at such a deep level of reality that it cannot be called political without bringing about a revolution in the very notion of the political. Because this level of reality is also the one where the division is elaborated between what is taken for reality and what is not. This central fact is the triumph of Existential Liberalism. The fact that it is now considered natural for everyone to have a rapport with the world based on the idea that each person has her own life. That such a life consists in a series of choices, good or bad. That each person can define herself by an ensemble of qualities, of properties, that make her, through her continual balancing of those properties, a unique and irreplaceable being. That the contract adequately epitomizes relations between individuals, and that respect epitomizes all virtue. That language is nothing but a means of arriving at an agreement. That, in reality, the world is composed on one side of things to manage, and on the other of an ocean of self-absorbed individuals, who in turn have a regrettable tendency to turn themselves into things, letting themselves become managed.> [..]> We have been sold this lie: that what is most particular to us is what distinguishes us from the common. We experience the contrary: every singularity is felt in the manner and in the intensity with which a being brings into existence something common.> At root it is here that we begin, where we find each other. What is most singular in us calls to be shared. > [..]> So communism starts from the experience of sharing. First, from the sharing of our needs. Needs are not what capitalist rule has accustomed us to. Needs are never about needing things without at the same time needing worlds. Each of our needs links us, beyond all shame, to everyone who experiences that link. Need is just the name of the relationship through which a particular perceiving being gives meaning to such or such an element of its world. That is why those who have no worlds — metropolitan subjectivities for instance — have nothing but whims. And that is why capitalism, although it satisfies the need for things like nothing else, only spreads universal dissatisfaction: in order for it to do so it has to destroy worlds. > […]> In the final analysis, capitalism consists of nothing more than a reduction of all relaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.




Friendship is communism: my little comrade.


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Real friendship has never been tried. At least by me ;~;


“My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” is an anarcho-monarchist text

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feeling bored, might kill some presidents later idk
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death of a president (DIY)


What symbol is on the back of the jacket of the punk guy with t the mohawk?


Squatter's symbol

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