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what are some nihilist anime?
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thanks anon


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came here to post this, the other 2 ABe animes give this feel too


Im gonna do it
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> until my toughts reset
How to achieve this?




have fun, don't forget to bring food


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Can equality be salvaged?

I know that it has a bad reputation. Everyone loves to shit on it. They build strawmen that it actually means that everyone is exactly identical or add bullshit qualifiers to it. But can anarchists abandon equality? Isn't the lack of hierarchy a form of equality? And when people talk about meeting others as their equals, I don't think they think about those people and themselves as abstract human beings like Stirner claims. I certainly don't. Even the anarcho-individualist nihilist CCF say that they are anarchists because they create "the conspiracy of the equals". But when I look at the library there's only nine texts under the "equality" tag.
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Well, if you consider yourself unique, then equality would mean recognizing others as unique too. Inequality would be holding them as your superiors or inferiors.


>Well, if you consider yourself unique, then equality would mean recognizing others as unique too.
In a literal sense, I would have to agree. My unique I exists, as far as I can tell, alongside other I's who are unique. But there is no equality here other than Me and You fitting into the same ontological category.
What I mean is that the Unique famously describes the (creative) nothing, so the equality between them also describes nothing. In other words: their relation could be any. That I am unique and the other I is equally unique is true wether or not I am slave in Rome and they are an patrician, I am peasant and they are a feudal lord, or if I am antifa activist smashing a fashist with a stone. In every case I act upon them and they act upon me as equally unique beings. That is the reason I was curious how you would describe the content of equality without describing characteristics or identity, because if you use it through a stirnerite lense, it becomes meaningless.
So if this was you point all along, I agree: bring about the absolute euqality by declaring everyone equally unique and thusly kill the content of equality once and for all! But the second part of your post leaves me to believe you intended another interpretation.
>Inequality would be holding them as your superiors or inferiors.
You see this doesnt follow: if someone is my superior, be that in a hierarchy or in ability of mastering a certain field or whatever relation you could come up if, he would still be unique. Being unique doesn't have any conditions. Superiority or inferiority aren't disqualifiers when it comes it wether or not You are an unique being. In fact it could be argued that comparing My and Your properties, the set of things that our uniqueness contains, is a better way of identifying the me as an I than the insistence onour equality. Not holding someone as superior or inferior, because you recognise them as an equally unique individual, seems to me to imply that you shouldn't act maliciously towards them or at least in a way that befits a unique I. But this is peak spook territory, because you essentialise oneof their properties, their uniqueness, as their real existence. Stirner describes this with libPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


But if you see someone as your superior, and yourself as their inferior, how is that different from seeing both yourself and some other as Man (human being)?


First off, somebody being in a superior or inferior position in a hierarchy is not really a matter of opinion - the individual on the top can enfroce their desire and the individual on the bottom has to give their desires up in favor of the others.
This describes a power dynamic which can be observed in the concrete world.
Seeing both yourself and others as Man (human beings) is a moral judgement. It means that you have a concept of what it means to be human (the essence of humanity) and judge people according to it. Since these concepts are only abstract copies of concrete things, you put up an abstraction of humans, something that doesnt describe any one individual but some vague, general human, as their real essence.
Abstractions are ideas and therefore can't be observed in the concrete world.
That's the difference.


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Looked up equality in A Little Philosophical Lexicon of Anarchism from Proudhon to Deleuze, what do you think?

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I feel like shit, /dead/.
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I like that, thanks for the song recommendation!


how about funeral doom?


Never heard of it until now. I listened to some songs just now but it didn't really fit with me. I'll try to listen to more later and get a feel for it but yeah, doesn't feel like my thing. I don't really listen to much dark-sounding metal. I think I prefer faster, sloppier music, if that makes sense. Thank you for the music recommendation!


Divtech is amazing

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Why does everyone always make fun of anarcho-primitivism? Is it actually as bad as people make it to be?
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I am not the one who has been preaching this whole thread how everyone will be magically saved if we subscribe to the correct ideology even through the facts make it absolutely clear that it is impossible. You are deluded.


And what ideology was that exactly?


t. Capitalist Realist


You can scratch the "capitalist" out. Capitalists still believe that large scale agriculture is sustainable and happily keep on destroying the ecosystem for government subsidies.


Sure, we might see ecological collapse, mass starvations and millions of refugees, but none of that is gonna stop the capitalist machiene from running if you ask me.

>reality of the situation
nice spook

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I remember a few months back(probably a qhole year by now) I made a thread here with some autistic pepe img, asking why it's so hard to find a job and asked for your help.

Non of you retarded revolutionaries gave me anyworth while advice. can't really blame you tho, there's not much you can do besides keep applying.

After months of rejections, I've finally found some warehouse job, so please congratulate me.

I decided to listen to those old union songs again now with extra immersion, besides work is hard and those songs really motivate me and I can feel some pride for working half the day, don't worry tho, my revolutionary spirit is still strong. so now that I have become a true proletariat, how do I unionize and start my revolutionary actions without losing the job? I doubt I have any charisma to persuade my coworkers to unionize, we have a pretty epic union in town but is it wprth joining? Keep in mind, while I've not been diagnosed with anything I do believe that I am severely mentally ill.
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>how do I unionize and start my revolutionary actions without losing the job?
you don't
good for you, you have a job now. Now you can spend all your time and energy for porkie, but hey at least you can eat. Rock the boat at you're expense. Not saying don't try, but be careful and think about why. Do you personally have grievences yet? Have you tried to resolve them?
Personally, I havent found that anyone gives a shit enough to make thier job better, and mangagement knows they can be narcsisistic shits so they dont care about you. All you can do is try to be equally selfish and retarded.
Which is coincidentally the whole goal of pushing this individualized, liberal, gentrified mindset on us. So it's bad to beleive this… but also this is the truth. They want you to think you can't fight them or organize. But also you can't fight them or organize (successfully).

Have a good week waging. I hope you make good money compared to your rent, and don't waste it all on videogames and weed and soda (or anything unhealthy for you).

For real… good luck and stay in good heath anon comrade,and try and make some friends


from my experience, there are two types of people:
-the ones who really hate their work
-the ones who have convinced themselves they love their work because they think having a job you like is a condition of success and they wanna see themselves as successful

neither one of them is very easily persuaded into unionising. the first type wants nothing to do with his job, and unionising would usually mean spending extra time and energy on your job, so he doesnt like it. also, these people usually have already reignated any hope of improving their shitty job.
the second type would obviously oppose unionising because they wanna think they love their job, and improving the work situation would be the same as admitting that its not grat. they would probably infrom higher-ups too and try to frustrate your attemps.

gotta be honest: the leftist narrative of 'organise your workplace' is kinda unrealistic. in my country ate least there only exist those unions that have a history dating back to the 20th century. For example, the railroad workers have just started striking again, but their millieu is one that is typically associated with striking and unionising. People already percieve them that way and the railroad workers iudentify with it.
But other than that, there is basically no relevant union work going on. I think it's very hard to establish union culture in 21st century work spaces that just really arent associated with it.


Agreed 100% with this post.
Congrats anon. I hope you keep your job.


Henlo Anon. Congratulations on your position. I just wanted to add to the cynical perspecive regarding unionization. No matter what sorts of friendships you cultivate at your work place, your coworkers own up to the boss and their job first of all. I think it would be better praxis to agitate in the agora irl and online but it's best to form relationships, share a perspective, work towards small material goals. Self-organize for mutual aid.


>the first type wants nothing to do with his job, and unionising would usually mean spending extra time and energy on your job, so he doesnt like it. also, these people usually have already reignated any hope of improving their shitty job.
I'm that guy.

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First 0ch and now this. Someone really does not want us to waste our time online.


Good news friends! >>>/music/2863


When will it come back? I miss talking to someone intelligent.


never ever


What does /dead/ make of Agamben's new book? It is a collection of his recent articles written about the pandemic.
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Is supporting the Green Pass a post-left position?


idk, ask a post-leftist


>/dead/ - Post-Left


you think everybody here is required to hold a certain ideology to post?


Yes. I had to send the admin my certificate. I thought that was standard procedure.

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Why does civilization take so long to collapse?
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americans arent white


es ist gut, deutscher zu sein


Ist sehr premium


what does that have to do with anything?
ppl who were under roman rule ended up under langobard or frankish rule or whatever. in these new conditions their way of life changed and was no longer roman.


> civilisation and mode of production arent the same thing.
Doesn't even matter, after the collapse of Rome their "productive forces" were left to rot. The only continuity is through the Church and that's dogshit.

They stopped living under Roman rule, and they liked it. This is not the first time this happened. Civilizations used to collapse all the time and the people living under their rule usually rejoiced. When "barbarians" invaded their civilizations, they welcomed them. That people living under someone's rule should like and defend their rulers was an innovation of the European liberals and nationalists centuries later.


Can you be an anarchist and a buiness owner?

Or am i approching Anarchism the wrong way but asking about what dosen't make an anarchist? I haven't done that much theory reading, but i've run into anarchist who disregard theory all together.
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Sorry it is written in the big book
> Ass is all perfect! Because, in each moment, ass is all it can be, and never need to be more.


Sewerage systems how build?


Tankies don't understand this because their small pseudointellectual brains can't comprehend recursion in a social solution:
throw it next door.


quoting the meme line thats always taken out of context by ego-liberals


tf is a ego-liberal?
and from what perspective is this written, ego-conservative?

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