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Tips for slacking off at work without getting caught and fired?


have sex with your boss.problem solved


Get a 'useless job'.
Get a type of job where you failing has little/no visible effect. Think like insurance, where if nothing happens, it means it's working.


be a labour aristocrat or something.
if you work in a factory you have to constantly work or you make it worse for everyone else. Which is why it's absurd that unskilled labour is often paid in roughly the same ballpark


Fake giving 120%
Everytime I start at a new place I first do everything that is asked of me and even more. I give my "superiors" the feeling that they can rely on me, I use every free second to tidy something up, or ask for tasks or whatever. While I keep up that charade I make sure to listen to what my boss complains about as far as work being neglected or avoided goes. Slowly I then start shifting my focus from general things towards just that area and after a while I can put in alot less energy and it still looks like I overachieve because the things that stands out to the pigs is the one thing I do orderly - which dominates their image of me.
At my current job I started just assisting in sale with shitty shifts in the morning, but cause I simulated being a docile slave and found out what makes my bosses tick I now work the chill evenings shifts on my own - meaning I got no supervision and can basically do what I want. Today I spend like 5 h of my shift browsing twitter and looking at tiddies.


Be availalbe. Reply quickly. Carefully meter your actual output to establish a baseline.
This is my method for working 1-2hr a day programming.


What is its purpose?
Is this purgatory
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Well yeah that's why I said "other than"


The cure for séx


i can't believe it's been 2 years… waiting for it all to end soon


2 years since what?


imagine not taking them so you don't trigger some dipshit on the internet

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>Doesn't even know who ATR is.


>death grips cover band
More like the other way around buddy.

>Atari Teenage Riot - Speed (1996)


Not anymore :(


Does /dead/ have any thoughts on the phenomenon/theory of hyperreality, regarding the late USSR and it's potential reapplication to modern 'post-truth' society/.?


What the late USSR has anything to do with modern "post-truth" society?

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>We need to acknowledge that many forms of hatred can be a positive social force: hatred for work, hatred for wealth, hatred for bureaucracy, hatred for militarism, nationalism, cynicism, and the arrogance of power. And that in many circumstances, this will also mean hatred for individual bosses, tycoons, bureaucrats, generals, and politicians, and a rich feeling of accomplishment when one knows one has earned their hatred.


>and a rich feeling of accomplishment when one knows one has earned their hatred.
ew, cronge
I'll vibe with the seething anarchists n shit, but reall, "earning their hatred"? I hope whoever wrote this realizes how mad the most entitled people are when they're mildly inconvenienced - like constantly mad. You don't earn hatred and it's so lame to wear it as a badge of honor. It's taboo, sure, but that doesn't make it good. Give space to people's emotions, be down with the angry peeps, but it's way better to be cold to your enemies, and loving to your friends, comrades, family, and others. Hatred means you feel bad, because they are triumphing over u. Well, suck it up and realize it's not personal. Both sides fight dirty and for selfish reasons. If you take it personally you're a shmuck. Get woke, stop fuming, and aim for the heart.


> it's not personal
it is tho


Thread dedicated to the discussion of anti-work theory/praxis and sharing of further reading material. Shitposting obviously allowed and expected. Share your personal experiences if you want, just don't dox yourself by accident.
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so basically a virtual security guard for porky?


Well I disagree with those


So you would show you up at work the next day?
"Hey Anon, there was a burglary last night at the restaurant, someone has cut the video surveillance system, where the fuck where you? You're supposed the security guard."


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all I can is that somebody who isn't me steals regurlarly at their job and nobody even notices


Graeber's new book dropped, it is said to really change what we know about early human history, so I thought it would be of interest here.

Post about it here. I'll try to read it in the next weeks (months? It's pretty long).
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I finished this book.


so, what did you think?


I am still thinking about it. It was a bit overwhelming with the seemingly endless descriptions of the practices of past societies, but I guess that's what makes it a book of anthropology. The subtitle of the book says it is a "new history" but it did not feel like it, it's more like an attack on the current understanding of history. Well, I guess history is a lot more complicated than we were told in school. It's probably too long and dry to achieve mainstream success but hopefully it will at least make a dent or inspire people to do more research in these ways.


Plus it's kind of funny that they start from criticising Rousseau but end up pointing at the concept of property in Roman law as the possible reason for why we are stuck with the current social form.


just read one, don;t let it pile up comrade

hw do i go back to hunter gatherer mode?
maybe i'll go out tommorrow and get lost buying vegetables

or i'll pick a day and just woooolk everywhere


>Get all those ghosts out of my sight, they devour all of my might


you want racist songs?





this entire record kicks ass


How should we relate to history? Is there any point to studying it? If yes, how should we go about it?
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it's kind of a meme. so how can communism work in such a scenario where people act for their own interests?


I'm afraid that the established narrative runs too deep in the general public (i mean the one about the emergence of the state) and mentioning the scott and graeber theories gets you the weird stares


what was graeber's theory again? i don't remember him addressing this issue in the debt book


Bumping for this.


Civilization and Capitalism by Fernand Braudel deals with population. It's a relatively limited time period, but goes into detail on specific abstracted elements like population, among others. I reccomend it unless you're specifically looking for work on early states (which, Graeber and James C. Scott are basically my go-to for that so if they haven't said more then all the worse for the rest of us! But there's not a ton that can be said confidently, since it was so long ago and the evidence still existing is limited. I'm surprised they've been able to milk what evidence they do have for the the mileage they get out of it.)


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Unlikely. Stirner didnt really mention marx in the unique. he talked about communism, but it reads more like a saint-simon-type conception of communism rather than a marxist one. Like we have to keep in mind that in the times Stirner wrote the Unique Marx was not a well known theorist. If at all, he was known as a journalist. Proudhon, Feuerbach and Bauer were just much more relevant before the 1848 revolution, which is why they are mentioned directly.
Of course I agree that Stirner definetly used irony or provocation in the Unique, but even then the goal wasn't to mess with Marx specificly. Imo Stirner probably didn't know Marx or only as part of the rheinische, his journal.


I was referring to the meme above, not to the book. Like, imagine Stirner saying that to a pissed-off Marx. I mean, in Philosophical Reactionaries we had this paragraph of Stirner making fun of his contemporaries:
>Do you philosophers actually have an inkling that you have been beaten with your own weapons? Nothing but an inkling. What retort can you hearty fellows make against it, when I again dialectically demolish what you have just dialectically put up? You have shown me with what “eloquence” one can make all into nothing and nothing into all, black into white and white into black. What do you have against it, when I turn your neat trick back on you? But with the dialectical trick of a philosophy of nature, neither you nor I will cancel the great facts of modern natural research, no more than Schelling and Hegel did. Precisely here the philosopher has revealed himself as the “clumsy” subject; because he is as ignorant in a “clumsified” sphere in which he has no power, as a witless Gulliver among the giants.

I would imagine that if he read The German Ideology he would mock the hell out of Marx's ass.


this is the stupidest thing. If marx really had that in mind it only would serve to prove his total intellectual ineffectiveness against stirner's ideas.


I would kill for a time machine so I could go back, hand Stirner a copy of "The German Ideology", and get a snap shot of his massive forhead. I've always wondered how he would respond to his critique of his use of lumpenproletariat. Something tells me it would be a bit more nuanced than Marx anticipated.


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How come that "green politics" two decades ago was much more radical than today even though the situation today is so much more obviously very dire? You would think that now that more people are interested in "green politics" there would be proportionally more direct action and whatnot but it seems that people's interest is limited to being scared shitless of the/no future.


because green politics got intergrated into the neoliberal status quo since then. same thing that happened to socdem and everything that tries to take part in parliamentarian politics.


because it was tied to the alter mondialisme movement and died with it


All political movements were much more radical a century ago. Nothing that good ol' political persecution, police violence, a couple of assassinations and decades of nonstop propaganda couldn't fix, though.


What's that

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