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i wish we'd move on from bakunin already


I wish people would actually move on to Bakunin, it seems that people only read God and the State if anything, everything else they know about him is from Marxist slander.


Continuing with my occult Marxism series, the occult Marxist has return
My new take is this, settlement, agriculture, and urbanization are all reactionary. Agriculture caused famine and war and patriarchy, animal husbandry caused zoonotic diseases, urbanization caused plagues, they are satanic

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I guess you could argue that agriculture, and resultantly civilization, are a response to hostile climate and natural alienation (Mesopatamia). I don't know if that makes it necessarily 'reactionary'. Urbanization is just a natural development of increased resource concentration.
just read Perlman lol this is that


Even /dead/ doesn't deserve to be the dumping ground for every mildly incoherent post


Everything I don't like is reactionary. Because… it just is, bro, okay?


It's /leftypol/'s vengeance.


Anti-civ is reactionary.

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16. There are still harmless self-observers who believe that there are "immediate certainties"; for instance, "I think," or as the superstition of Schopenhauer puts it, "I will"; as though cognition here got hold of its object purely and simply as "the thing in itself," without any falsification taking place either on the part of the subject or the object. I would repeat it, however, a hundred times, that "immediate certainty," as well as "absolute knowledge" and the "thing in itself," involve a CONTRADICTIO IN ADJECTO; we really ought to free ourselves from the misleading significance of words! The people on their part may think that cognition is knowing all about things, but the philosopher must say to himself: "When I analyze the process that is expressed in the sentence, 'I think,' I find a whole series of daring assertions, the argumentative proof of which would be difficult, perhaps impossible: for instance, that it is I who think, that there must necessarily be something that thinks, that thinking is an activity and operation on the part of a being who is thought of as a cause, that there is an 'ego,' and finally, that it is already determined what is to be designated by thinking—that I KNOW what thinking is. For if I had not already decided within myself what it is, by what standard could I determine whether that which is just happening is not perhaps 'willing' or 'feeling'? In short, the assertion 'I think,' assumes that I COMPARE my state at the present moment with other states of myself which I know, in order to determine what it is; on account of this retrospective connection with further 'knowledge,' it has, at any rate, no immediate certainty for me."—In place of the "immediate certainty" in which the people may believe in the special case, the philosopher thus finds a series of metaphysical questions presented to him, veritable conscience questions of the intellect, to wit: "Whence did I get the notion of 'thinking'? Why do I believe in cause and effect? What gives me the right to speak of an 'ego,' and even of an 'ego' as cause, and finally of an 'ego' as cause of thought?" He who ventures to answer these metaphysical questions at once by an appeal to a sort of INTUITIVE perception, like the person who says, "I think, and know that this, at least, is true, actual, and certain"—will encounter a smile and two notes of interrogation in a philosopher nowadays. "Sir," the philosopher will perhaps give him to understand, "it is improbable that yoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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just look up a guide on how to buy drugs online, im not going to feed it too you; getting drugs via the post is safe, they vaccuum seal the packages and put decoys so it

1) doesnt smell
2) doesnt feel like drugs
3) when opened looks like something else

domestic mail doesnt get searched unless someone rats you out.


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I mean how do you think this guy got away for so long, think about how much mail goes through the system on a single day, they dont care about your $50 worth of weed


>I mean how do you think this guy got away for so long
Well, he didn't send mailboxes to his house now did he?


do you think the feds tear open every single piece of mail or something, how do you think they operate when it comes to mail?

The literal only way they will ever catch you is if you draw attention to yourself, ordering smelless drugs in the mail with no visible profile or way to clock them from the outside, with personal amounts that would give you a small petty fine is not worth there time.


>how can I live in an illusionary form where there are landlords!?! It's way too cruel!
Would you feel better if the landlord instition was permanent? The instability of existence is indeed a nightmare to the established order as they try to replicate their mode of being infinately. They curse the outside realms, the clashing of forces, becuase it beats upon their stable forms that they cling to until they are eventually washed away. The human subject must learn to change or else they torn apart.

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I don't know and it's killing me. When I want to know I dig, and the only thing I find is corpses, cadavers, ossuaries.
I am surrounded by commodities, and when I investigate I only find dead labour. The living one is better left far away.
I want to know, I claw at any knowledge, I grip whatever life can give to me… bad, good, I don't care; If it's something, I can study it, and I can learn, but in the end I still don't fucking know, and it's fucking killing me, and I will go on a stretch and say it's killing all of us.


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I like to learn about things in my free time, it's fun!

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I live in Canada and don't have a gun
Getting one would be pretty difficult and honestly I don't have the energy to go through the process to do that
I just want to kill myself quickly and painlessly (and ideally, cheaply.)
I've looked into inert gas suicide, maybe I could do that? Maybe I should use carbon monoxide? Idk
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Dude most of leftist educational videos are easily available on YouTube nowadays. If he wants to go, let him go in peace.


*Sodium Nitrite sorry


Don't you fucking dare you absolute legend.


You're looking at this with nostalgia glasses

We're in a golden age that surpasses that of 上公HOOCHIEMINH


Sorry Jason that was meant for >>>/leftypol/1508931
Please Roo do some hardcore geo-political analysis again
Like you used to do on PressTV

We really do need you on board right now

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Capitalism managed to weather out even a crisis like covid pandemic.
almost all third world countries are controlled indirectly by the first world institutions. You'll get coup'd if you don't toe the line anyway.
Leftist parties either don't exist or are completely unpopular or subverted in the first world.
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No I understand it entirely, I've read Deleuze and know enough about deleuzian jargon to know when it's being used intelligently, and when it's being used maliciously to obfsucate pseudo-analysis.

>Maybe we can work on your comprehension and vocabulary

lol. https://youtube.com/watch?v=8ii0mOA64sQ


Very funny video. Thank you, friend.


i was with you until the end.


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This has nothing to do with >>>/dead/. Maybe >>>/siberia/ ?


I hate this defeatism
if you want a party, make one. if nobody wants to join another communist party, maybe ask yourself why.
what do you even want a party for? probably for political power. but why a party? there are other vehicles for political power.
freaking tankies dream of their mass party all day. all they need is the right party. there are no good parties around, only sects, revisionists and traitors. so they found a new party. but nobody joins. cause nobody gives a fuck. nobody wants to turn the clock back to the twentieth century. at least nobody who isnt weird. or terminally online. or weird and terminally online.
so the party only holds the real weirdos and it becomes a sect. or they try to reinvent themselves, becoming revisionists. or they decide they do want political power, making them traitors. this pattern has been repeating itself in the west practically since the 30's. for some reason this insistence on the party is an irreparabel fixation.
screw the party. learn useful skills and connect with other useful individuals and coordinate your actions in small groups to uptain feasible goals, instead of waiting for a party to come down from heaven and save you.

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Anarcho-Monarchy Edition
Shhhh. Secret Grace-chan Thread.
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omg Grace-chan smiled at me!


Say something.


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Woof, woof.
You may suggest Grace pic ideas, if you want.
Shall I get more Alunya Grace OC?
I am a loss on what to say, anon.
If you wish to correspond more, I will.


The time has come to post again.


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Hi anon.

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Since I'm perpetually stuck in the past, post some cool old websites I can waste my time on.



Poptropica 10000%


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Gaia online is a great time capsule for early-mid 2000s profile pages




hey look club penguin
brings back memories


you may have my notes on Either Kierkegaard/Or Nietzsche
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hes not anarchist hes weird


no hes a filthy christcuck


he was a complicated guy but i guess he was anti-political or a neo-reactionary of some kind


junko please


Those fucking neo-reactionaries from the 19th century!


Hello, I've just finished Stirner's Critics and am planning on going through the rest of his articles, but I'm curious if there are any more contemporary writers/thinkers that have engaged in 'egoistic critique' the same way Stirner describes it. They don't necessarily need to be egoists, but people that have engaged with his work and seem to be smart would be nice to have a little read into. Debord has been interesting, as has Landstreicher (not that the former is an egoist by any means), but I'm looking for particularly younger writers ie ones that have grown up with contemporary capitalism, cyberspace etc.

or just any and all egoist writers is fine too i guess


As far as "egoist critique" goes, there is of course always the output of politically active egoists like Benjamin Tucker and Renzo Novatore, both self described egoists who published articles.
However Tucker is a libertarian basically and Novatore his hard to find in English aside from his work Towards the creative nothing. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/renzo-novatore-toward-the-creative-nothing
Tucker: http://fair-use.org/benjamin-tucker/
There is also Emma Goldman who didn't label herself an egoist but did read and like stirner and her critique often involves spook busting. Also everybody should read some Goldman in their life.
As far as contemporary stuff goes, you can just type egoist into the anarchist library search and read hundreds of articles of bad quality by lazy authors. Because thing is - I don't think there is much more to add to egoist critique beyond what Stirner already wrote. There is only so many times you can show something to be abstract essence divided from it's concrete being without repeating yourself.

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