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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Thread for watching rocket launches and shit.
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I somewhat want to agree with you but the data doesn't. In a way it reflects the behavior AES countries in regard to economy, it's clear you need states and governments to organize and pay upfront for the beginning of a space program, because technological and manufacture knowledge are commodities that need to be accumulated in a coherent manner for a full fledged economy to develop and opportunities to appear. For example a cryogenic engine is twenty years of development for a big country, no business can pay for that development… but they can refine and exploit it.
But that's it, planned economies crunched or collapsed, pure state owned space programs ossified or are repeating missions that "only" have scientific value and we are here now, so even an AES country like China is pursuing market based strategy because they chase what works, and anyone looking to the future expects humanity to spread out in the solar system.
Maybe it's just time to not put space industry in a special place full of that cold war glitter and human accomplishment and consider it's now just infrastructure building and commercial enterprise that obeys to market conditions in a capitalist mode of production. We built railroads and locomotives in the past, we're building rockets and satellites now, with capitalism.


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Awesome plasma filmed during Starship's rentry


>when you put your spacefaggotry ahead of all else
t. spacefag


When the American space program was based on merit and not on personality cult, like in the Eisenhower and Kennedy years, failure was named as failure and success as success – and were followed by actions appropriate for each.
Indeed, when the Navy's Vanguard rocket exploded after takeoff on December 6, 1957, it was named as failure and was followed by giving the chance, without delay, to the competing Redstone rocket team to complete and test their rocket. Of which success on January 31, 1958, is now history.
Thus, only naming this latest Starship explosion – after at least 7 previous explosions of this basic design at the costs of about $3B – as failure can lead to understand the related engineering and managerial problems. You may remember that the launch of this spacecraft was postponed on April 17 due to the discovery of an engineering error. Yet, Space X proceeded with the launch just 3 days later. Sure, their machine exploded again.
Thus, the question remains: Should an intelligent and moral society place the fate of starting Moon and Mars settlements into the hands of a leadership that doesn't fully understand the difficulty, complexity and dangers of this mission, partly, because it spends time with selling cars, digging tunnels for trains, implanting brain devices, buying social media companies and acting in the entertainment industry almost daily?


>CTRL+F "edu"
>Not a single link to the board
Here, the space thread related to this one >>>/edu/1460

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All nitter instances are rate limited now
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It's been that way for about a decade. As always, for "security" purposes.


no point in accessing this shithole anymore
it's just bots and chvddies now


>nitter.poast.org now displays without full nitter style formatting
>somewhat unreadable
what do


B-but my hentai…


their style and media arent loading and almost always show a 403 error because their blacklist is super aggressive to deter crawlers


/leftypol/ was instrumental in helping me make my personal site. An eternal thank you.

I've added a guestbook and would be honored if someone from here would sign it.

Here's the URL: darigo.su

To access the guestbook, click the pokeball in the bottom right, then walk to the computer and open Netscape.

Love you leftypol


I made the guestbook in the style of an imageboard in honor of this site helping me reach my goals


Very Cool website OP 👍. Bookmarked



aw thanks. don't forget to sign the guestbook with an interesting image!


>/leftypol/ was instrumental in helping me make my personal site



So you have this technology that is effectively electronic cash, you get to send any amount of money with all the benefits of cash and without all the problems of a centralized middle man service. but still after about a decade not enough people believe in crypto as a currency. the hate from the left is especially strange.
>muh energy crisis
YouTube alone is more of an energy blackhole than all of crypto combined. you think streaming 4K@60fps video 24/7 world wide is sustainable? or even 1080p?
instead of fighting the banks, normalfags keep voting for laws that restrict crypto, because of muh think of the children!
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>high transaction fees
>price completely unstable
You'd be better off using shells as money.


>every transaction you ever make is on a public blockchain


crypto are crappy "currencies", but only because they lack persistent value. Currency has two functions, 1) as wealth, and 2) as circulation medium. These function exceedingly well as circulation medium (other than that getting your hands on crypto is difficult for people who don't know how, and dealing with cypto especially when you have your own wallet and not a scam exchange "wallet" is annoying for tech-averse people which is most people) because the past alternative was, 1) mail cash or a check depending on level of shadiness, and then later 2) shady techno means like putting in your whole credit card details into an http site that may or may not steal your identity (or have your traffic sniffed), and later paypal which will freeze your account and steal your money if it thinks you engaged in moral wrongs (as defined by billionaires).

The only unique thing they do is restricted to anonymous cryptocurrencies like XMR. They are only useful when you want to buy things without it being tied to your legal identity. There are many reasons you might want to do this, and honestly, knowing the extent of the surveillance and preparedness for mass repression, commies should be supporting this. Lets start a petition for Verso to take monero 🤪

also: it will never be non-volatile, it's just not a great store of value. Gold doesn't age. Your ability to prove ownership of crypto ages as fast as you lose your passwords ;P And its value relies exclusively on collective belief. Metals e.g. have use value, but beyond that, they are more universal, they are turned to again and again as sources of value, whereas anyone can make a shitcoin and it will be forgotten in a week. Besides ones supported by real moneyed interests like big finance, the illicit drug industry, and computer criminals, their fungibility is not guaranteed at all. Demand for dense stores of wealth may come and go, but never leaves permanently (so far). But history will forget nearly all cryptocurrencies, making them horrible stores of wealth.


Kill yourself


Despite me supporting crypto, I pretty much agree with everything you just said. Wow.

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 No.24100[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Pirate thread, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

Post about pirates and and piracy be it on the high seas or the internet!
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I only see exes and bins…


clone the repo because the file is huge, there's a few .sh entries there


Yeah, only 30, when their native Linux games are much more. Thanks anyway, I guess I'm fucked because this is the official list lol.


if you're worried about the files just get them from rutracker or torrminatorr, they're trustworthy


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me torrenting a movie i already own fully legally because i can't be bothered to walk over to where the dvd is and get it

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Real or hysterical? Things have already been quite bad for decades now, so…


don't Google and AT&T already give the government all their data? but sure things can always be worse


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Here's the bill that was proposed. It looks concerning, but that's just from these spooky scary headlines I found from searching it. I'll start to read it now and share my thoughts.


>expand the number of businesses that the US government can force to eavesdrop on Americans without a warrant
they already had this for years in the bush era on the patriot act, warrentless wiretaps were fully legal, and not indirectly forcing businesses to hand over data but actually doing it directly.

I guess this is just a return to form.

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With most phones not having a microSD slot or even an audio jack these days you'd think projects like Rockbox would be more popular but it's almost abandoned.
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works on my machine


it's because music streaming completely killed dedicated audio players obviously. not only that but phones carry like 1TB ootb that's a lot more than the 256GB we were used to back in the day, so it's completely irrelevant technology. if you have specific audiofile needs and an aversion to spotify, you'd be spending your cash on a plex box and plexamp on your phone.


>phones carry like 1TB ootb
fucking which ones? all the phones with good specs have like 128-256 gigs with absolutely no room for extra storage to force you to rely on streaming and cloud garbage

>an aversion to spotify

i have an aversion to paying for stuff that can be free, thanks


like every flagship lol wdym. even dirt cheap chinese phones have 256gb storage wtf lol, i use a fucking rooted poco as a dedicated media player it was a hundred bucks and that has 256gb, it's too bad that flagships dont have additional sd card storage like that one does, i'll give you that


im not in the "first world" tbf

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 No.19825[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

New Apple product: Apple Vision Pro. What's your opinion? Does Augmented Reality has a future? Does it has an USEFUL future? Apple is betting hard on this.
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*Even play


Apple fanboys probably


Not only is Linus a shill, he's had a series of employees blow the whistle on various forms of abuses up to and including human trafficking.


> human trafficking


They lied to at least one prospective hire about the job to get them to relocate for it. Once they moved and found out the actual pay and benefits, they realized they were stuck because they weren't paid enough to cover expenses and to save money to leave. This is a common tactic to bait poor people into a situation they can't escape, although it's typically done to people from like Eastern Europe who aren't as aware of the costs of living in the west.


I just have come across some money and I want to build a new gaming PC, my old pc is starting to show its age. Where do I start? I have a 3000 dollar budget. Looking for a high end gpu, The best cpu and and can carry a blueray player.


3000 is an insane amount lol. I recently upgraded and the most difficult thing to choose was the mobo actually. Huge differences in price and hard to discern for what reason.

Why don't you consult reddit?

I guess first choice to make would be if you are gonna go with Amd or intel and amd or nvidia. Thrn when you figure that out just get whatever the newest flagship is. Then pick mobo that works for the chipset. Whatever the best ssd is for your main drive. Ram highest clock speed. Probably want to go ddr5 but I hear there isn't much of an advantage currently. That's about it. Case doesn't matter just get one you think looks kewl.


>look it up
>top of the line geforce costs 1800 now
Damn. Well splurge on the graphics card more than the proccessor for gaming. Gaming doesn't need a super cpu. Also splurge on the ssd if you want better loading times.


if you want an internal blu ray drive, then you need a compatible SATA connector on the motherboard and a properly sized optical drive bay (5.25", half height) on the case, i think

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tech operations thread

Includes Sysadmins, Devops, Cloud Engineers, SREs, application support, DBAs, and any other primarily ops roles or ops 'technologies' i.e. docker/podman/kubernetes.
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>any recommendations for networking related things
You want to read Computer Networking: a Top Down Approach (or Computer Networks by Andrew Tanenbaum). Try to get CCNA cert if you want sysadmin/network admin type of work. For DevOps, you want to learn how to use Docker and basic usage of Ubuntu and Alpine Linux (these 2 distros are often used for Docker). Learning GNU/Linux skills is important if you want to work in anything that's related to computer networking or DevOps. I recommend that you install GNU/Linux (dual-boot Xubuntu or something) if you don't use it already, and read this free book https://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php


>Computer Networking: a Top Down Approach (or Computer Networks by Andrew Tanenbaum)
those are more of a theoretical approach to networking you would have in a CS degree, not a practical guide for network engineers. Its fine to read those but something like Net+/CCNA or other cert.
>For DevOps, you want to learn how to use Docker and basic usage of Ubuntu and Alpine Linux
Devops/SRE certs are mostly about AWS Architect, Kubernetes, and maybe some IAC tool like terraform. Most places are replacing docker with podman. If you learn linux for employability id recommend RHEL or equivalent distro since that covers podman and also most big businesses use it including AWS/oracle/etc. which are just RHEL clones anyway. Ubuntu is mainly for desktops and hobbyists.


Whats /tech/'s opinion on linux certs?

LFCS (linux foundation) vs LPIC-* (linux institute) versus Redhat versus suse/oracle/etc. ??


Based and tech-pilled, but what are you getting certified in Linux for? Networking? Get certified in networking first, I've learned more about the Linux kernel from trying to run Lutris than any textbook I've read. As with other certs, it's only worth as much as you can get out of it. If it can promise you the job, go ahead, but I wouldn't vouch on it.


>Linux for?
sysadmin cert probably. Just expanding my ops knowledge

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