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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Am I overreacting if I think "AI" will lead to the complete death of the internet as a global interconnected place to interact with other people? At best governments and corporations will force you to ID any movement online to separate you from the bots.
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It will necessitate turning to things like telegram, fbi.gov, and matrix clients to filter out potentially inauthentic users. This is why it's good that telegram and fbi.gov channels aren't indexed by search engines and almost always require you to be invited or stumble across a link.
At the level of government you will see a push to kill anonymity on the internet, and impose surefire indemnification measures, possibly at the hardware level, that prove a user is a human being.

The goal of those measures would be to filter out the AI driven noise.


it's not just the internet, leftypol is underestimating the effect this will have on the working class worldwide with the amount of jobs that will be decimated. contrary to what marx's optimism though, i don't think this will lead to a global communist revolution but an indirect culling of much of humanity and further regression into neo-feudalism since no one trusts each other


True. Just saying I don't know what it will be.


Made me realize how this website is just filled with larping pseuds.


People were saying the same thing about cybernetics. Most of the jobs could have been automated away half a century ago, we had the knowledge how to do it. What was, and is still missing is the machinery. You can have awesome controllers and machine learning systems, they are worthless as long as the machines that they would drive are still too expensive.

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AI alignment stuff is exactly the same as the woke/anti-woke grift cycle. It's not a genuine expression of concern or values, it's about forming a second-order cottage industry of performative assent or dissent for clout and cash. They love their objects of critique for this. Not one of these "AI alignment" guys can explain to me how a LLM is going to take over the world lol. You can totally sense the grift from a mile awhile.

‘if one wants to control a process, the best way of doing so is to subordinate the present to what is (still) called the future, since in these conditions the “future” will be completely predetermined…’
—Lyotard, ‘Time Today’


Now make it take an oral exam.


Moronic Dunning-Kruger. This whole website is filled is hiding their head in the sand around AI, it's so weird. Sad to be honest.

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They're desperately trying to come up with any angle for VR that isn't video games. How Meta thinks of VR makes me think about all those tiktok accounts that are like you shouldn't spend ur free time enjoying things, u should be doing Google surveys so that u can afford a lambo.
With all the stuff you can do in VR, the best that Meta's marketing team can come up with is "you can look at really high res images".
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I'm hoping some programmers could pull together a decentralized metaverse with good privacy protections implimented so I dont have to feel like im constantly being watched and having all my bio data recorded to doxx me.


Neocities is still around, in case you miss those.


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>If you realize that this is just a display technology it becomes apparent that chasing after a whole integraded virtual world is pointless.
It just makes what Meta's been doing all the more perplexing. They've popularized 'Standalone VR' as a term and at the expense of enthusiasts pushing more productivity-oriented stuff. I remember John Carmack saying his ideal relationship to VR would be indistinguishable from how a child treats an iPad—that is to say, an all-in-one video game machine that you can pick up and watch ads play on for like an hour or two. This infantilization, which continues to inform Meta's approach to development is really odd because we're just not at the point where HMDs are being sold like monitors yet; even though I think we should. There's no standard for booting straight into a VR desktop environment on PC either. That FSV demo is cool as hell, especially when all of the subfolders are opened at once. I've never seen a 3d file manager depicted like that before.


Necrobumping with Dan Olsen's video on the colossal failure Decentraland has been:

<The Future is a Dead Mall - Decentraland and the Metaverse



I worked for a subcontractor for one of the Metaverses.
3D Modeler, user assistance in game, tester.

Did this for 1 summer. Needed work.

VR is almost all people age 7 to 16 at this time.
VR headsets are developing to be both lighter and spread the weight out around the head (as opposed to all in front).

Acutal uses of VR:
War means don't leave the mountain base, ship, tunnel, submarine. Future wars require hiding underground and using smart munitions and missiles. As such, VR is necessary as you can't see the sky.

The second use case of VR is Guns.
1. Most people under 30 can't afford guns, gun ranges, ammo, transit to gun ranges, permits, and safes. This is a cost effective way to get people proficient at aiming guns.
2. Gun ranges only allow forward fire. VR allows fire in all angles and directions.
3. If going to the gun range takes 20 minutes, you do it once a week. If going into Gun Club VR takes 1 minute, you do it 2 times per day 4 days per week.
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We should make our own model revolutionary model language, show the world that sentience is nothing more than dialectics + computing power.

So how feasible it would be to make an "AI" fed by marxists.org and theanarchistlibrary.org with most of the scientific, economic and social data we can give it?
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This is actually a good idea. Chatgpt can already do most of this of this with the right prompts. The policy just conflicts with revolutionary thought.

Feed the bot all of the leftist writings and have it awnser questions. Or, you could convince it that it's Lenin or some shit.


reposting pages from marxist books would be more useful than pregenerating not necessarily accurate shit


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AI's used by Defense:
1. Anomalous behavior detection
2. Computer Vision


Guesses on how the military uses Computer Vision

War crime
-Surrendering (Visual Pose Estimation)

Detect origin:
1. "Visual Signatures" means add it to the library to train AI
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Feasible, then set it loose on Reddit.


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Are anons on here still using a swap?
Recently i had to create one again, since memory usage of my web browsers gradually went up to 73%.
I'm also curious if anyone has tried zram/zswap on linux before and whether they noticed significant size or performance benefits.
There is also this neat program for X-Windows called xsuspender, that reduces cpu time of unfocused gui processes, making them periodically swappable.

ITT share tips for coping with memory hogs

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A thread for posting PDFs related to software, IT, programming, hacking, networking, math, technology, engineering, and science in general.
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Not PDF but TestOut Exam


Textbook used in some intro to mathematical logic courses


mathchads, i kneel


thanks anon this should be helpful

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People love to moan about Electron, but is there any practical alternative to it?
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Partly, another issue is that it runs a whole isolated instance of a browser instead of using the browser you have installed.


The usual issue I hear about is that it is "bloat", it includes tons of stuff that are not actually needed for the actual application itself, but you still get it because you include a full browser.


Oh I thought you were talking about element/matrix


Qt has a dual commercial/GPL license, the commercial one is one of the most expensive licenses I've seen, so it's an instant no-go for most commercial software, especially for free as in beer desktop applications like VS Code. Also electron allows your boss to recycle javascript code meant for browser clients, so it's a no-brainer really.


yeah, desktop app written in C++ or Java and whatever GUI framework you want


What does /tech/ think about it? It's AGPL.
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This is basically the entire principle of social networking
Mutual interests and hashtags help get some interaction going for newer users, but they're not what these platforms are built around in the end


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Most people are focusing on whatever intentionally controversial shit they put there and not on the fact that they didn't even release the most important part of the algorithm: the weights

The code hasn't been freed at all


What do the weights do exactly? How much it favours one thing over another?


I'm not very read on it, but they're basically how much the input is multiplied by before being added to the next layer. What next layer does with that information, idunno.



Garbage useless code.
Just a tantrum from the muskrat so people don't see the steps he's taking away from transparency.


How would I go about making a large database of resources? One that effectively tracks their consumption and production and would allow for the addition of new users easily? Something anyone with an internet connection could connect to.

What’s the legality of this stuff?


Do you mean like, what amount of cheese people consume and make?


Sure, let’s go with that.


It’s called “asset management”

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china's firewall is not really a firewall or a dns blocker, it's an actually sophisticated machine learning system that WILL fuck your shit up


I hate it. Do you blame them? Almost every country that mentioned the word communism in the last 100 years was destroyed by the creators of the internet.
People in China use v2ray as a vpn solution. I started looking into setting it up at home without a server but didn't get very far. Did any other mid level linux flounderers have success with it?

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