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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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 No.6401[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

We're on a new board, so why not a new desktop thread? Let's keep this board active. Hopefully a fresh thread will draw some activity.

You know the drill: post your desktops, talk rice, etc etc.gentooGentoo
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The closest analogue to activities i know of are cwm groups. In cwm they replace virtual desktops though:
By default windows spawn in the group 1. Windows may be moved to other groups based on the numbers 0-9. Any group besides group 0 can be toggled and there are settings to automatically assign new windows to the last toggled group or a specific group based on their name. Most cwm keybindings are keyboard-focused, so you might need to adjust key/mouse-bindings. It accomodates other desktop ui programs well with group 0 and an option to restrict the area where windows spawn. It requires you to edit a text configuration file, that is fairly self-explanatory.

tl;dr If you have 9 or less KDE activities without virtual desktops or KDE widgets, cwm might be for you.

You might also want a standalone session manager. It sounds like it does exactly what activities do, but i'm unsure having never used one.
The KDE wiki has no indication that activities do sandboxing. An open forum thread from 2019 has a brief discussion on integrating applications sandboxing into Plasma and an r/kde comment section from 2021 recommends bubblewrap or firejail.
I made separate user accounts for my browsers and share files in /tmp.


Does OpenSUSE package codecs in their repositories? Fedora doesn't and you need to add RPM Fusion to get them.

I think Kubuntu would be more stable but still easy to use. If you don't mind reading the wiki, you could also try Void Linux.


no time for love


Hi, this is me: >>19614
I have been trying out opensuse for a week now.

It's alright.
The performance of it is weirdly janky sometimes, but I am using btrfs for the first time.
My favorite part is the dedication of doing everything with a gui.

I originally used linux mint, but I switched since of crashes and bluetooth issues – but now in setting up this install, I realized the issue for both could've been low swap space (which linux mint made 2gb when I use 16gb of ram), and tlp being responsible for the bluetoother fuckery respectifully.

I was originally going to install Fedora, but the installation deeply pissed me off since I was trying to set it up so /home/ was a seperate partition, and Fedora was either refusing to cooperate, or is insanely un-intuitive.
Maybe I'll try it again down the line, or maybe >>19615 .
My philosphy of what distro I want to use (at the moment) is I want something that I can recommend to anyone.

>Does OpenSUSE package codecs in their repositories
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Anyone have a setup to play downloaded content on the TV?

My current top goal would be to have:
>VPN torrent downloads + easy web interface to add torrents or easy way to upload content via local network
>reasonably cheap

I was reading online and I'm thinking of getting a cheap raspberry pi, installing something nice, and getting an external HDD which are now very cheap.

Interested in learning what setup you have if any.
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>need to find the correct dvd in collection
>back start hurting
nah fam i prefer automating my movie experience it, my pi can stream in 4k + download the correct format and movie while a busy taking care of your aging mom.


I haven't seriously pirated shit in like 10 years but it's gotten so annoying. Please help me piracy chads in establishing a flow.

I have a Google Shield (just a device that has Android TV, capable of installing apps), a television and an external HDD.

I would love to simply add a torrent and have that downloaded/available on my device somehow. I remember their used to be this solution where you could add series names and they would be automatically downloaded/extracted/placed on your device.


My set-up used to be the tv which has a usb input and my harddrive

i watched so many seinfelds and thor movies on it


You can rip your own Blu-Rays and DVDs and watch them on Kodi instead


If you have space on a PC or spare laptop or whatever, you can set up a Jellyfin streaming server that can be accessed by a Kodi client on a Pi

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OpenAI chief goes to US congress to propose licenses for building AI.
>"I am nervous about it," CEO Sam Altman said about elections and AI, adding rules and guidelines are needed.

"Ethics in AI" is so liberal easily co-opted to promote:
- monopoly capitalism (hinder competitors)
- state power (prevent democratization, prevent ordinary people developing AI)
- imperial power (sanctions to prevent non-compliant nation states developing AI).
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Morons ITT actually think AI isn't a pyramid scheme that only benefits a small pool of capitalists lmfao
Yeah, turns out the technology that at best regurgitates Wikipedia articles and turns Hitler into an anime girl doesn't have that much use


>all this is is OpenAI and similar companies being afraid of competition and seeking regulatory capture


Now the question is: can one generate this art with an AI…


Even if they succeed in passing laws that will help porky control this tech, the barrier to entry is so low they won't be able to prevent rogue development.

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Do I really need to have a github repo showing a bunch of projects that would make executives wet when applying for a programming job now?
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Not necessarily. However, you should work on projects outside of work to increase your skills, regardless of where you keep the source code.


Why? Cashiers don't practice giving back change in their free time why should I waste my time with this shit?


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How did you even get into coding if you didn't already have personal projects that drive you to learn it? Your workplace isn't going to teach you from scratch and courses are just to certify you understand the bare minimum of a language.
Coding is art, if you don't come into it seeing yourself as an artist then you probably aren't cut out for it. You have to have a portfolio like any other art job.


> Coding is art

PB mindset


gatekeeping art is apex "pb" though

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The best method for extracting Blu-Ray source files is through VLC with libaacs installed. CTRL + D in VLC, select Blu-Ray and the mounted Blu-Ray drive, select "Convert" from the drop-down menu, select "Dump raw input" and the destination, then "Start".
Web rips are complicated and depend on the platform

To turn source files into something that most people can automatically run on their media players, you can use FFmpeg on the command line, or settle for its restricted GUI frontend, Handbrake
https://ffmpeg.org/ (https://ffmpeg.org/documentation.html)
For a container, MKV and MP4 are obviously the standards
For a video codec, HEVC (x265) and AV1 (libaom/SVT-AV1/rav1e) are currently the most efficient at compression
For audio, opus is roughly 2x more efficient than mp3, with 64kbps being subjectively CD-quality in most cases. FLAC is a solid lossless format. Both formats support 5.1/7.1 channels although mapping them can be tricky and broken in FFmpeg
The trick is to find a compromise between file size (smaller bitrate) and quality. It's better to start off by encoding at the lowest possible bitrate and then moving up incrementally until you find the right one
Subtitles can be taken from the ripped source, done yourself, or imported from a website like Subscene
Extras from the source can be transcoded into their own files
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> For audio, opus is roughly 2x more efficient than mp3
Why is it not more widespread?


SoundCloud switched to it in 2016, and I think it’s used by other big streaming platforms more and more lately
Some rippers are experimenting with it (search for it in qBittorrent’s search engine)


>In late 2014 and 2015, Google's video platform YouTube started offering Opus audio along with VP9 video in the WebM file format, through DASH streaming.
>Since 2016, WhatsApp has been using Opus as its audio file format.
>Signal switched from Speex to Opus audio codec for better audio quality in the beginning of 2017.
>In 2018, SoundCloud switched from MP3 to Opus, reducing half of its required bandwidth for music streaming.


Bumping for rarbg 9/11


alternative guide to ripping and compressing blu-rays that uses makemkv instead of vlc https://archive.is/9aqzF


Who wants to do some infosec crash courses, anon? Where I, or others, help you learn information security for either attack or defence or both.
I would like to gauge interest for this, and would teach even only one person if that all who is interested.

Lesons will be short and hands on, users will be expected to understand how to use tor.


Hell, I'm down if you say it only takes one person. I'm fairly novice if it's relevent.
Sage to not bump a potentially dead thread, but hoping you deliver, OP


>sage not to bump necro thread
>one month
You are like little baby. Watch this


infosec is by far the most overrated field in IT


yet probably the most useful in everyday life


If by infosec you mean "not falling for phishing" and not "staring for endless hours at disassembly hoping to make sense of it", sure.

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Rendition 1.0
post everything related to reverse engineering here, including but not limited to guides, resources, personal projects, news about RE

here's a handy guide to get you started: https://rentry.co/ReverseEngineering
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I want to contribute more to reversing but it is so fucking boring like goddamn


How does one contribute to it?



looking at the rockbox project you really need to be into it


Is there a debugger like ollydbg for Linux? I know that gdb is good but I need a graphical interface.

Read Programming from the Ground Up to learn the basics of x86 assembly.

Then learn how to use Ghidra. Personally, I would run it in a virtual machine even if it's open-source. A good way to practice is to do CrackMes. https://crackmes.one/

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I keep seeing news about tech companies having huge layoffs and doing salary cuts. Is it going to collapse? Are software engineers going to paid how much their work really is worth (i.e., next to nothing)? Should I start looking for a new job?
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Hopefully it will put a damper on the stemlord dick wagging.


Workers from the hard-hit tech sector find stability in traditional industries
>Laid-off tech workers are increasingly moving into mainstream industries such as banking as they trade the excitement of startups for the stability of long-established companies in traditional sectors.
>While tech companies scramble to cut staff to reduce costs, after swelling by as much as a third during the first years of the pandemic, many tech workers are now looking for opportunities outside the industry, despite its reputation for high compensation, fast-paced projects and intense work culture.
>The result: Some of Canada’s largest companies are reaping the benefits in scooping up talented tech workers.
FAANG is definitely an endangered species, but the demand for tech workers in the general economy is still there


FAANG are long-established companies, not startups.


They're different, though. Their business is specifically built on disruptive tech services, which is why they're constantly absorbing newer tech companies and investing into research and development, even if they have some more or less reliable flagship services.


FAANG is just short for Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google. They are pretty much all mono- or duopolies. They are not disrupting shit, they are buying up potential competition.

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They've already ruined news and articles since you can't search anything up without all of the top results being confidently incorrect AI-generated shit that doesn't even answer your question. What happens when they start generating videos or break down captcha so that even forums get run over?
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>search anything up without all of the top results being confidently incorrect AI-generated shit
Even before AI started worsening this issue this was bad enough I started learning to use my bookmarks and RSS feeds for sites I already know are reliable. Then just use forums like the one you're on right now to curate them to expand your library.
You never *needed* search engines, and you not missing out on something integral now that they aren't an option.
>What happens when they start generating videos
They already do, have you not used YouTube in the last 5 years? Curation and RSS fixes this.
>break down captcha so that even forums get run over?
Legitimate but manageable concern. use robots.txt and ip blocking to prevent search engines from scraping the site, create more obtuse forms of capcha, and foster in-site culture to make the tonal difference between bots and users more appearent, i.e. encouraging non-standard grammar and banning algorithmthings like wojaks.


>60 or 70 years old they'll be using AI to fake the voices of my loved ones in order to trick me into doing all sorts of insane shit.
already happening


Bots are already used by political operators and I'm pretty sure they can already beat captchas. Reddit and 4chan already have obvious bots and shills there.


Yes. This is why porky wants to regulate it with not only Porky's Policy, but law. It's not a real problem until Porky Starts Replacing Us and things like the video are more common. When robots start replacing us, people WILL die off because they are no longer needed for the Economy.

AI can get around that by studying inputs from users and copying them. Say, people don't capitalize the first letter of words or use periods, ai can be configured for this. There really is no way to tell who is real and who isn't, if it's done properly.


>There really is no way to tell who is real and who isn't
What if reality is a spook?

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Linux Desktop Environment: tde, also known as trinity desktop is something i used 2 years ago and its like a old fork of kde 3.5 from around 2005 or so that is still being maintained today. it was an interesting experience and every now and again i wanted to reinstall the de but i sometimes decide against it. so i decided to make a thread on it because i checked that nobody had mentioned anything about it here.

also i find it kind of cool that we are almost on kde 6 and this de is kde 3.5. it's almost like the halfway point



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Never tried it, seems like it isn't in any distro package repo, is there a reason for that? does it conflict with qt5 or qt6?

Have you tried enlightenment DR16 (https://www.enlightenment.org/e16)? It is also an old fork and has many themes, it even has a version of a theme you posted.


i don't know why exactly but i just assumed it wasn't popular enough or used enough to be added but i might be wrong

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