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FYI libreddit no longer suffers from rate limit errors, you can now ethically browse reddit again.
Public Instances: https://github.com/libreddit/libreddit-instances/blob/master/instances.md
Repo: https://github.com/libreddit/libreddit
8 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


You're misinterpreting Stallman's ethics, they're mainly concerned about development, not use. If you use proprietary software you're not "evil," at max Stallman will view you as some kind of a masochist who denies themself their freedom, it's the people who made profit off of that software who are to blame.

That said, I don't care about ethics so I simply support that development model which it is in my interest to support. And since I hate the glowies and the Big Tech and like to tweak my software to my liking it's only natural that I would support libre software. Because there's nothing else to support.


What? No. It is about use. And being used.
> With free software, the users control the program, both individually and collectively. So they control what their computers do (assuming those computers are loyal and do what the users' programs tell them to do).
> With proprietary software, the program controls the users, and some other entity (the developer or “owner”) controls the program. So the proprietary program gives its developer power over its users. That is unjust in itself; moreover, it tempts the developer to mistreat the users in other ways.

> If the users don't control the program, the program controls the users. With proprietary software, there is always some entity, the developer or “owner” of the program, that controls the program—and through it, exercises power over its users. A nonfree program is a yoke, an instrument of unjust power.


It's about the development model which ensures that the users control the program. There is nothing in this text that contradicts my point. Unlike the Open Source enthusiasts, the software freedom advocates stress the importance of ethical development instead of merely practical one, that's the only difference. Privacy, modifiability and trust are secondary goals to the Open Source enthusiasts, they always prioritize COLLABORATION, as if it's the most important thing about libre software.

The goal of libre software development is for you to not be used, yes. But if you're used you aren't "evil," the ones who use you are.


>they always prioritize COLLABORATION
Which is development. I am not sure what you are trying to say. Privacy, modifiability and trust are secondary to Free Software, too, they are not included in the four freedoms.


>Which is development.
Not necessarily an ethical one. You can collaborate on developing proprietary software too. But proprietary software is unethical according to the FSF.
>Privacy, modifiability and trust are secondary to Free Software, too, they are not included in the four freedoms
They are derived directly from the four freedoms and from the user's control over their software. Without this control, all the privacy is basically "Trust us, bro" and all the modifiability is whatever toolkits the devs provide (which are in many cases none at all). Remember that Stallman started it all because he couldn't modify a printer's firmware which annoyed him a lot.

The only reason why OSS even has privacy, modifiability and trust is because most OSS is also libre, not the other way around.

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Woah bro, check it out, I'm drinking beer using my phone, LOL!
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>drink real libre bear instead
Why should I even drink real beer? Like I don't have something else to spend my money on. And why does this even exist? Don't people already know how to brew beer?


Write one.


>Write one.
My programming skills bad.


This is a good opportunity to practice is.

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Is there any point in using a libre router? Or changing your ISP-provided router at all?
These seem very overpriced for what they provide.
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OpenWrt - FOSS Firmware For Your Router


OpenWrt One - celebrating 20 years of OpenWrt
>OpenWrt One will be a wireless networking device designed for free and open source software enthusiasts, encouraging people to tinker with and learn about embedded development and Linux networking.

1. As open as possible and fully compliant with all copyleft and other FOSS licenses it uses
2. An educational platform for tinkering with/learning about open hardware and Linux
3. A way to donate to the OpenWrt project while receiving a nice gadget in return
4. Provide expansibility through mikroBUS, GPIOs and PCI/e M.2
5. Software unbrickable and easily recoverable without additional means
6. The satisfaction of achieving an overdue personal objective


Router side protection is your main defense. You can run shitty outdated software on your device under a good router and that router will do most security for you but bad ones potentially leave your whole network vulnerable. Especially with the amount of automated port scanning going on. I would say it's worth it to ditch ISP provided router if possible and/or find some kind of foss up to date firmware for your new one. Many older routers are supported though if you find the model on a list of supported devices a used one shouldn't be much, that's what i did, was like maybe 30$.

Think freshtomato, OpenWRT, DD-wrt something and then keep on new updates for it. Of all the things to ignore and run unpatched/outdated versions of, router firmware is the worst one.


Also here's a good site that is doing exactly what you should be worried about, mass scanning and searching for vulnerable routers/devices. You can search by manufacturer, OS, IP, etc and see how many open devices are sitting around. No wonder botnets are so common now.



Why does it need so much RAM?


Why tf not? It's cool to have all the code auditable and to support the development of more libre software projects… if you have the money of course.



TL:DR the class of people given standing to sue for GPL violations has just been expanded beyond the copyright holders


That's cool, but my view of the SFC will always be tainted by the fact that they supported the ousting of RMS

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Suppose you live in a country that has adopted a planned economy. The transfer of production data and consumption data from various workers' enterprises (factories, offices, stores, etc.) to a central planning office is necessary for the planned economy to function. These data transfers must be kept secure against threats such as sabotage form imperialist countries. How would you design your society's OGAS to be resilient to attacks? The goal is to prevent the transfer of malicious/false economic data from the worker's enterprises to the central planning office and vice versa.

For the sake of this exercise, assume that there is only 1 central planning office and that all enterprises report to this central office. Also assume that there are around 10 million enterprises making reports to the planning office. Don't worry about keeping the physical infrastructure safe, the NKVD has it covered.
32 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>since this does nothing but weakly enforce open source
Encrypting the chip architecture makes it much harder to put backdoors into hardware, and you can scale down microchip-fab security from ultra paranoid to regular paranoid. If you combine this with virtualization and make it so that the virt-host and virt-guest system run on processor cores with different hardware encryption keys , it will become next to impossible for malware to break through virtualization layers.

Security patching will also become more economical and faster when malware has to distribute it self as source-code, because the step of reverse engineering binaries can be omitted.

The only real downside to this is that each piece of software gets compiled billions of times, and that's wasting a lot of compute cycles, and energy for battery powered devices. Adding something like a hardware accelerator feature for compiling software is necessary.

Current Computer security designs are getting better at preventing weaknesses in memory allocation , so the next target is going to be weaknesses in software logic, and this architecture encryption might be good at mitigating that.




why did you bump this shit? how is this even a thread? is everyone here retarded?
only >>16396 mentioned pki and tls and he got ignored. why does everyone here like writing and talking about shit they are completely uninformed about

wtf is this, it is embarrassing. mods please delete this thread


Blah, SSH and PKI are obvious for encrypting a computer network
Don't blame anons for trying to spin something interesting out of a boring prompt



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Imma do it. Gonna switch to FreeBaSeD on my servers. ZFS goodness, raidz2, stability, pkg, serious people.

It's no wonder that the most staunch anti-linux pro-unix/BSD person I ever met was a staunch Communist.

Thread for all BSD variants, OpenIndiana, Illumos, Haiku, plan9 and other unix-based OSs welcome too.
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FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE is out. I installed it on my dekstop, it just works.


The fact that FreeBSD is a complete system has a drawback in that it does not go beyond the old UNIX conventions which, as any Lisp enthusiast would tell you, are TERRIBLE AND NEED TO DIE!! Without GNU/Linux's modularity we wouldn't have stuff like NixOS or Gentoo (though admittedly security by design is even shittier on NixOS, they still can't manage to get SELinux or even Firejail to work). Also, both FreeBSD and GNU/Linux pretty much require hardening, something that OpenBSD does not need as much (congrats, OpenBSD chads, take a cookie). So it's more complicated than it seems. All-in-all I think the BSDs are better than GNU/Linux overall but GNU/Linux's modularity is one of its biggest strengths and weaknesses.


>>22995 (me)
Also, the fact that GNU/Linux does not have one distribution mitigates the power distro maintainers have over the users. If distro maintainers become corrupt or start doing some decisions you do not like you can just go use another distro. How many usable BSDs are there? FreeBSD… OpenBSD… The end.

Also, it's not entirely true that GNU/Linux isn't developed as a complete OS, it's just that people like to replace some components they do not like in it (looking at you, Alpine), something that you simply don't do in the BSDs. The whole system core is basically developed by GNU with Linux borrowed as a kernel because they still can't finish GNU Hurd. But if by GNU/Linux being incomplete you mean that it doesn't use its own in-house kernel then you'd be correct.

I'm not saying that GNU/Linux is better than BSDs, I just disagree that the fact that the development of the BSDs is so centralized is entirely a good thing.


>It's no wonder that the most staunch anti-linux pro-unix/BSD person I ever met was a staunch Communist
How is communism connected to hating on GNU/Linux? If anything, GNU/Linux haters are often lolberts or liberals who think copyleft is communist and authoritarian and who are way more class collaborationist than copyleft enjoyers ever will be. I think those BSD users who don't just blindly hate GNU/Linux and who support copyleft are more likely to be communists.


Yeah, most copyleft haters hate it because you can't combine it with permissive licenses. And why would you use permissive licenses? So corpos could use your code in their proprietary product, of course.

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>right click image
>there's no "copy image" option
>open image in new tab
>it's a blob link that doesn't work
execute order 66 on silicon valley. the whole point of digital entities is that they can be copied and pasted easily and infinitely without any kind of interference. But more and more web developers, in defense of "intellectual property" specifically and "private property" more generally are trying to reverse the economic development of computing to more closely resemble the era of print, when, if you wanted some text, you had to copy it by hand, or type it out on a typewriter, or God forbid, buy the damn book, or drive to the library.

How much more are they going to encroach on us with this parasitic, rent-seeking bullshit? Will they start manufacturing keyboards without a printscreen button? Are they going to start charging you for each character you type? Are they going to stop letting you copy text that's in your web browser? Will they equip every OS with a keylogger to make sure you aren't violating copyright law when you ctrl+c and ctrl+v? Are they going to start wrapping every single fucking thing that used to be easy to rightclick->copy in seven layers of javascript nonsense so that you can no longer access it?

And increasingly every web application's bloated and unoptimized front end is written to pander to mouth breathing phone and tablet users who never knew you could do this stuff in the first place. Soon you won't even be able to right click stuff at all, because that's obscure. That's a privilege only developers should have. End users are too stupid everything should be done through left click only.

We're building a web app for an engineering firm at my job and our client asked us to remove all keyboard shortcuts because they're too confusing for users.

The kind Vladimir Ilyich would have shot everyone here.
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this will work until they turn everything into a blob link. just the other day this was working for me and now it's a blob link.


Can't you download blobs?


No. you can't.


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The blobs are by definition already on your computer.

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BOSTON (AP) — Online retailer eBay is criminally charged and will pay $3M over employees who sent couple live spiders and cockroaches. eBay Inc., will pay a $3 million fine to resolve criminal charges over a harassment campaign waged by employees who sent live spiders, cockroaches and other disturbing items to the home of a Massachusetts couple, according to court papers.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


That is absolutely crazy, glad justice was sort of done at least


> employees
I thought it was the rank and file but reading the article it seems it was actually executives? How embarrassing.


A convenient excuse to make layoffs while keeping executives in place.


I'd be scared shitless if a massive corporation decided to fuck with me tbh.


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Is the FSF going to die with him? That's sad to think about.
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linux is the flagship FOSS project and has for a long time been increasingly exploited by tech companies who not only get to profit of the labor of FOSS development but also force themselves into positions of influence within projects like linux so that they can secure positions of entrenched authority. as much as people meme about this for the wrong reasons, systemd is a good example of this: it's become increasingly difficult for linux distributions to work without systemd because so much of the linux desktop has become reliant on it, and this is a project that is explicitly controlled by vested corporate interests. I don't like systemd very much personally, but I understand the value it can provide, but the problem is that there are corporate entities who get involved in FOSS projects and astroturf it by "giving" them "free" development with the intent of sliding projects towards being dependent on their technologies.

it doesn't matter what software is licensed under, corporations will find a way to subvert these licenses and retain control over things they're using and have a financial incentive to have control over. it's otherwise pretty risky to take advantage of all this free labor but be at the whims of unpaid hobbyist developers just making cool shit for themselves. this is fundamentally a problem with the free software movement, especially under rms's leadership, is that the threat of corporate subversion has never been within its scope. as much as leftists want to cope about how FOSS is communism-esque, it's more like history repeating itself with the enclosure of the commons.

there is not, and never has been, any significantly radical politics behind the free software movement, and the blame for this can be placed squarely on rms's leadership, who is at best kind of a weird libertarian or Green Party guy with some demsoc sympathies. this is why, as I said, I don't have any ill-will towards him personally. it's not like he's a lolbert or a nazi or something like a lot of tech people, but he's always been kind of misguided and naive about certain things because he has the autistic tunnel vision. which like, I get it, but it doesn't change the fact that the free software movement is failing to succeed at its own aims. it continues to work on its projects like linux, GCC, and the coreutils, and their labor is taken advantage of byPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>I'm pretty sure Luke Smith is a fascist
He's just a Christian conservative boomer. He's still annoying, I don't watch him.


>his autistic nitpicking that doesn't actually do anything to advance free software. under his leadership
>we've seen FOSS get totally co-opted by corpo software through "open source" shit
Pick one. The "open source shit" exists precisely because Stallman cannot actually force everyone to promote software freedom, the OSI was basically an external initiative by people unaffiliated wich RMS. RMS has denounced the OSI from the beginning but what do you expect him to do really? Threaten the OSI leadership with suicide bombings?
>I say this as someone who is relatively critical of stallmanist autism that leads to shit like people saying that the *BSDs aren't free software because of firmware that is provided in the repos despite the linux kernel literally having binary blobs in it
It's not contradictory. If a *BSD or a GNU/Linux installation has no proprietary blobs then they're 100% libre software. If not then they're not, it's just the reality of life (still better than Windows certainly). The FSDG exists purely to promote libre software and the FSF, it doesn't actually tell you what distro is libre and what isn't. Debian is libre and so is Gentoo.
>there is not, and never has been, any significantly radical politics behind the free software movement
It was always a single-issue movement, what did you expect? Its main benefit is providing radicals with the tools to hide from surveillance capitalism and resist the expansion of the Big Tech's proprietary spyware, I never viewed it as actually "revolutionary."
>their labor is taken advantage of by tech companies who don't just "steal" it without contributing anything back (which would be a far preferable option since it's not like there's any scarcity with the products of programming labor) but also try to essentially put themselves into managerial positions
>the more hardline FOSS gets, the less it's able to get anything done that matters
Again, pick one. FOSS becoming more hardline is precisely the response to this corporate influence, it's dialectical, Watson.



What he stands for in the public eye (what remains of it) and in IT culture these days is basically equivalent to
a) personally not owning slaves
b) not eating meat
c) etc.

Not doing the bad thing won't amount to the replacement of the old system. On the other hand, the nitpicking about what are basically lifestyle choices are exclusionary and deter action. Fits into the "pick your identity" lifestylism of the era.

This is expected, capitalism hijacks movements to the best of its ability, and free software was capitalism-friendly from the start.


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>what do you expect him to do really? Threaten the OSI leadership with suicide bombings?

 No.1280[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for questions that don't deserve their own thread.
I wanna buy some headphones to go outside i don't want to spend more than 100€ on them. I want them to be mostly durable and secondly to have good sound quality, also i don't want to look like a jackass while wearing them, any suggestions?
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cock.li, they opened registrations for everyone
you can register through tor and they let you use an email client like thunderbird instead of some javascript web bullshit like protonmail


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How do you block this site, and leftychan in the /etc/hosts/ file?

Just temporary – except for leftychan – since I procrastinate too much, plus I prefer phone posting so I can associate my computer for work.
Though I don't know what device would handle the convertion and of the femboydom videos, nor what device will get the probably now 100 of book marks for porn tag combinations and stuff.

Every other site I tried has worked – with the exception of amazon but that needed the cache to be wiped – but this site for some reason gets around it.

You could go on those website that have a list of public emails, the email you're looking for is a code so it can't do any harm if someone else sees the code.
Or alternatively you can get a different email that doesn't need an email like >>22390 , >>23011 , or any email service that you can close that which also doesn't permantly store that data.


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Other than privacy and no java script, what do these engines offer?
Not a gotcha or anything, I'm just interested in finding a search engine, or a combination with an extension – that doesn't do googles approach of having an ai give inflated website that are
optimized to be picked by the ai.

"Inflated website" – for those who don't know what I'm talking about – websites that have the answer or not, but also have extra paragraphs of information that you don't care about.
>Search: "re:zero season 3"
>Site: https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/fantasy/anime/re-zero-season-3-release-date/
<Answer is half way in the artcile, most of it is infromation about the show which you already know about.
Least worst example, but this is what you will see more commonly at the top of results.


I'm blocking javascript by default. LibreX seems nice though. I hope the instances get added to SearXRNG or something similar.
I don't like the redirection to privacy frontends some meta-searches are doing, they interfere with my own filters. I've seen some sites redirect to cuckflared services.
>I'm just interested in finding a search engine, or a combination with an extension – that doesn't do googles approach of having an ai give inflated website that are
optimized to be picked by the ai.
There is a twofold problem of all successfull general search engines thus far having bootstraped off the google index in some way and SEO methods gaming even the simplest web crawlers.
There are a few curated search engines (see >>22715), but i often don't get great results from them. See the discussion under >>20783 on how to make using the other general searches bearable.


Nothing special

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