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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Why is everything so big now? Even laptops and smartphones just keep getting bigger.
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Apples users don't tell on yourself challenge (impossile)

This. You should be able to hold the phone in one hand and reach any part of the screen with the thumb of that hand. And not just a general average consumer hand, but also smaller adult hands within like 2 standard deviations.


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I'm not an apple user, I genuinely want a phone with ports and other amenities that devices used to have and that's why I posted that image.


Laptops have GPUs and shit now, they're becoming more portable (in the RIP to your back way) workstations than actual computers to put on your lap


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I was talking about the people who created the image to own the apple critics.


Ah okay, my appologies.

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Is adding the wine binary to a user with no internet access enough to securely use Windows programs under Linux? It seems using the
winetricks sandbox
command also removes all links to $HOME.
Is this enough if I want to not worry about running stuff under Wine or should I opt for sandboxing with Firejail, Flatpak+Flatseal, etc?
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>Flatpak would be really cool if it was a sandbox/permission system integrated into the system package manager.
And if Flatpak packages actually had good sandbox (some of them don't have any sandboxing at all). There is a site that has collected criticism on Flatpak; https://flatkill.org


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>>it wants to install its own separate Gnome
yeah, flatpaks are literally hell
just use this instead: https://github.com/Kron4ek/Conty
it's made by one of the mods on rutracker who packages a bunch of wine and native games for linux
it bundles EVERYTHING (wine, amd/nvidia drivers, steam, lutris, emulators, obs, legendary, etc) you need to play vidya gaems into a single appimage that requires no root access/install and need no extra dependencies
just create another user, download this appimage and run your games inside that environment


>>22626 (me)
>single appimage
meant package since it's actually a shell script + squashfs inside a .sh file


Thanks, this looks very good. You can also run wine under a separate user with no privileges but this alternative also won't ruin my packages, it seems.



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>middle-click link
>"javascript:;" tab gets opened
Fuck web design, holy shit.
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No. You can try middle-clicking the File/Embed/Oekaki links here.


GNUlag all webshits


it absolutely is. did you know most javascript software out there is impossible to compile completely from source?


>not blocking JavaScript
You're insane.


>middle-click link
>nothing opens
>have to left-click link and then middle-click back to keep the previous page open

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Since US tech embargo on China is still in effect and US plans to squeeze Chinese tech companies by restricting their access to computer chips. China's reaction to this was to make one of their goals to have a home-grown alternative for Intel, AMD, TSMC and the like to decrease dependence on the US. So I was wondering what kind of progress have they been making lately and what are their prospects of ever having a viable alternative to Intel and AMD?

There is all this talk about SMIC, Loongson and Zhaoxin and that in early 2020 Zhaoxin allegedly published a chip comparable to 2017 level intel and AMD tech and they are planning to have parity with Intel in a few years. Then there are Some sources are saying that China is failing horribly at acquiring manufacturing tech for more advanced processors. And I really can't make any real sense out of it.

So when will I be able to buy a computer that uses a hardware that dunks on burger made tech and sends my personal data to Beijing instead of Washington, if ever?
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there's a cool project under development that's basically a combination of a CPU and GPU (which is useful because mobile GPUs are proprietary as hell)


>cool project under development that's basically a combination of a CPU and GPU
Why not just say SOC? It literally is that.


it's different than that, normal SOCs have multiple devices side by side in the same package, this is literally a CPU that you can run GPU calculations on. it's implemented through the instruction set instead of device drivers and MMIO

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Hi I'm looking to make my own website to host articles and stories I've written. I wanted to do Wordpress but like I found out its going to put ads on my screen. I've got no money and no time to learn programming skills. Is there an open source version of Wordpress where it doesn't monetize everything and where I can change my font?
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Yeah I think I did an HTML website at school, I'm just worried it'll be vulnerable to hax or something


Nah it just serves a document. As secure as you can get as long as you don't add any complex javascript. Just make sure you set a good password for your neocities account, which I imagine the same to be the case for wordpress.


>I've got no money and no time to learn programming skills.
If you're going the html route, i recommend learning at least a little about shell scripting.
You can use a very easy form of templating by writing a head.html and tail.html file, that contain your theme and sitewide navigation bar, and writing a simple script to concatenate it with an html formatted article, for example:
for i in *.htcontent; do # all files in current directory ending with .htcontent
  new=`echo $i | sed 's/.......$/ml/` # replace last 6 letters with ml
  cat head.html $i tail.html > $new # concatenate into html


write.as federates on the fediverse


>Is there an open source version of Wordpress
yeah, Wordpress

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< 2011: DARPA announced that the team "All Your Shreds Are Belong to U.S." won DARPA's Shredder Challenge and $50k. The team used computer-vision algorithms to suggest fragment pairings to human assemblers for verification, piecing together documents shredded into over 10k pieces.
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They don't usually have adversaries that are desperate enough to put them together. You always have to consider the threat model they are working with.


ok but this doesn't eliminate the problem of having to exhume a bunch of wet shit-covered shreds from a landfill before reassembling them.


Shred and then burn.
Or shred and then compost.

The latter is probably the best method, but it requires paper that isn't chemically treated in a way that would prevent it.


shred, burn and then snort the ashes


should be used for archeology. will probably be used for spying on political dissidents

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>(partly) proprietary, buggy, auto updates out the ass and is absolutely garbage
>still the best download manager available in 2023
using DDL is hell, we will colonize mars before we get a decent alternative to jdownloader
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Wouldn't know, I don't use UEFI and never will.
>I'm too lazy to make backups
rsync and cron.


I suppose one needs something to do with all that free time


>best download manager


>rsync and cron
Different Anon, that's how I do it and I'm not nearly as (delightfully) geeky as the other posters. Rsync is so fucking well written too, hot damn.


yeah well downloading from mediafire or, god fucking forbid, mega has become a very niche use case now. if anything each day we're further away from an alternative.

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If you thought managing several layers of complexity was a pain enough, we added even more layers of complexity just so we can deploy infrastructure in a few commands.
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Yeah I wish I got paid more instead of having the company funds go to fucking Amazon or Google.


I used to work for Microsoft. The servers had to run in some fucking obscure cobbled together cluster protocol, maintained by a myriad of undocumented scripts, software and platforms, running some godforsaken windows NT to run C# .NET servers.

Count your blessing lol. AWS, ec2/ecr, docker, terraform are a breeze in comparison.


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*mogs all your cloud-native bullshit*


"I can break the cycle of abstraction and encapsulation with one final act of abstraction. It's never worked before, but it's going to work this time."


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Having a dark theme is optional.

I'm tired of duckduckgo's retard results and searx's confusing and non-related results (being a pain to use it private windows since all configuration is cleaned etc.)

Sorry for not elaborating much, I'm too tired and have a test tomorrow, see ya comrades.
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People used to be proud of being banned.


I've been thinking about the idea of a US government run search engine. Free, no ads, no sponsored results, and no bias towards mainstream searches. It would be more specific like old Google. It would still clean out obviously illegal results like CP/etc.
Let's say there was a federal agency kind of like the Post Office but dedicated to running public internet services such as a search engine, map service, e-mail, and even a social media platform.
Let's also say that it wasn't immediately undermined by political interference and it was actually allowed to work properly (which is obviously unlikely).
How well would it go? Would it be more functional than the competition? Would it be possible for them to continuously adjust their search algorithm to counteract SEO bot spam?
Also are there any actual things like this in real life in other countries?


Search engines exercise a lot of power over user behavior, demostrated by how they currently exist.
If a government run search engine were to be established, intelligence would heavily lobby for the right to siphon user data, politicians would regularly try to impose their agenda under the pretext of public morals and after a while the public entity could be spun of into a profitable public company.
I cannot see search engines being important enough as infrastructure to counteract these developement. Hell despite the importance of broadband in the US and the regulations surrounding it, ISPs are notoriously unreliable and predatory. Some people even use cell phone networks at home because of how bad things are.


There used to be a very solid search engine called Gigablast.com, programmed and operated by a single guy (you would not ever guess that from the product!), but I stopped using it because it required cookies and javascript. Went looking for it because of this thread, but it vanished in April.

There are two good passion projects now, both with usually very good results if they have anything to show for your query: https://wiby.org/ and https://search.marginalia.nu/ (source: https://github.com/MarginaliaSearch/MarginaliaSearch)

The government of each country should have at least a search engine for the texts on its own websites.


muh freeze peach
good luck having your post ignored or flamed because it doesn't have the obligatory tie-in to how hecking tr*nnies are ruining Western Civilization with immigrants
if you fill your website with a bunch of 14-year-old neo-Nazis and Fox News watchers, it doesn't matter what rules, or lack of rules, there are at that point

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Uploaded it here: https://harmy.link/

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