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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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>host server
>train shitty language algorithm on /pol/
>algorithmically generate fedposts
>plaster it with the lowest tier of fetish porn ads and cryptojacking
>monetize the police


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>algorithmically generate fedposts


>making profit out of /pol/'s idiocy
Bourgeoisie, I kneel.


>algorithmically generate fedposts
this doesn't even need generative AI to know about
Whenever you point it out to a /pol/tard they'll just call you a troon/transhumanist and spam wojak folders

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Tachiyomi and all of its forks have stopped development due to Kakao. Manhwas killed the manga star. This thread could be used for finding alternatives.


Imagine paying for manga or comics, you pay $20 for something that will take like an hour to read??


aren't manga readers basically zip/pdf readers? did it have a function to download content from third parties or something?


>"legitimate" open-source development
Translation: "Open-source development that we approve of."


Was it scraping the images from their site? Or what was the issue?

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This could've easily been a shortcut but they had to add a whole fucking separate key because marketing, baby.
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i have the unicomp version
it's very satisfying to type on, but heavy and can't play games with it


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they're really trying to force the AI meme, huh?


all that investment needs some kind of return. you need AI even though you don't want it.


Fuck Windows 11. All my homies hate Windows 11.


Still no leap keys like the Canon Cat had :/

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>it's been exactly one (1) year since ChatGPT and most "generative AI" products/software were released
Has it lived up to the hype or is it still too early to tell?
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Oh! Glad we're in agreement, comrade.


Why isn't there anything on the board on the hype around local models since the beginning of this month? The hardware requirements and costs of running a local model have plummeted. It feels like a paradigm shift. Mixtral is very interesting.


Anybody experimenting with those transformer things? Can you do this:

1. Compute (outside the AI program) long number X made of repeating digit minus some long number Y without consecutive repeats to make long number Z with very few repeating consecutive digits or none.

2. Ask the AI what Z plus Y makes.


Too many of my words are slanted in the above because of alcohol.


>in practice whatever ends up getting adoption is whatever makes it easier to extract short-term profits
"So we've made this new model of our phone. Yes, we've cut out many features but LOOK AT THIS, IT FOLDS!! IT FUCKING FOLDS!! AND IT'S AS THIN AS PAPER!! WHY AREN'T YOU EXCITED, GET EXCITED, YOU ASSHOLES!!!"

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restrictions for thee but not for me
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true leftists are only in favor of copyleft and public domain


class struggle.
copyright for proles/artisans=good
copyright for capitalists=bad
to say otherwise would be like one of those people who says burgling some wageslave's house is leftist praxis because property should be abolished


the hbomberguy video probably


I'm pro-OpenAI-getting-fucked.


>copyright for proles/artisans=good
1. Artisans are capitalists.
2. Proletarians cannot own private intellectual property. If they do, then they become bourgeoisie.
>to say otherwise would be like one of those people who says burgling some wageslave's house is leftist praxis because property should be abolished
The proletariat's ultimate goal is to abolish private property, ie., capital.


capitalist innovation: DRM in trains!!


Didn't the company responsible for this deny all wrongdoing? Lol


They claim so in the video.


> Copy Link Without Site Tracking
Firefoxchads just can't stop winning!
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Isn't Google one of their biggest funders? Lmao. Those fat checks for Mozilla's CEO don't pay themselves.


Google's slave labour.


It isn't
You can block with uBlock Origin or the built-in tracking protection feature
Too much FUD




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Why are proprietary software allowed to use Github to distribute their malware?
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Goose game is cool though


Ok, I take it back.


this sounds like a kinky dom thing


>please drink verification soylent to continue

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 No.19110[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

All of my software exists to destroy capital.

Quite literally. That is the true purpose of free software to me.

To eliminate capitalist control over my computing.

And for that matter corporate control of the same.

Thus saith the Preacher:

> If the users don't control the program, the program controls the users. With proprietary software, there is always some entity, the “owner” of the program, that controls the program and through it, exercises power over its users. A nonfree program is a yoke, an instrument of unjust power.

> Richard M. Stallman

It also literally destroys capital; consider the case of Blender. Whole proprietary software industries have died in its wake, replaced by a world where 3D artists collaboratively contribute to Blender, either with code, or with money to pay for code.

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You can make Jazz music on Linux perfectly easily. DAWs like Ardour and Reaper exist which can record a band. Audio interfaces which don't require special software can work with JACK and ALSA out of the box.


They should rename it to "Ardor" because fuck Bri'ish "spellings".


>people don't use Linux precisely because its impracticable and an obstacle to community collaboration
it's not about linux at all. artfags simply won't give away their stuff even if it's made on a mac or windows, unlike programmers who have a culture of sharing code and contributing just because they enjoy programming.
artists will always use copyright to restrict sharing even as they themselves rip off other artists when they make remixes or copy other authors based on industry trends, etc.


More valid than American ones


Bri'ish "spellings" are inferior because they make less logical sense than American spellings. American spellings are the more valid spellings.

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Xfce was supposed to be THE lightweight fully-featured desktop manager but it seems fucking KDE has around the same memory footprint and performance?!
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>we cannot use gtk2 forever
>even if it's better and we don't need any gtk3 "feature"
software engineering


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First as a tragedy, then as a farce.


GTK2 has no Wayland support.


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I have an idea of how to make XFCE more popular.


>female anthropomorphic mouse

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