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 No.19825[View All]

New Apple product: Apple Vision Pro. What's your opinion? Does Augmented Reality has a future? Does it has an USEFUL future? Apple is betting hard on this.
124 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>The thing lasts 2 hours PLUGGED IN into the pocket battery
Wow, this shit lasts less than Steam Deck running demanding AAA titles. This is a certified garbage, they must be either scamming people or retarded.


Don't worry, once someone builds a battery pack that looks and feels like a weighted vest you should be able to get 10 hours.


>Oldest trick in the book.
I guarantee he's a member of some kind of guild, association, local chamber of commerce, landlords union or local small business group.


The Quest 2 has 2 hours on its internal battery, 4 hours when you also use the official external battery pack.




>What you describe sucks but we are already there, since the information gain relative to the scanner in your hand that is already tracking your movement is tiny IMHO.
Yes but the control is less tight. AR could potentially be the second coming of the assembly line, by turning every manual job, from retail to construction into an AI supervised instruction following activity that puts to shame dehumanizing warehouse protocols and micromanaging bosses. You don't have to drill the workers and keep them alienated. You just have them follow the instructions on display and have the computer make up productivity quotas automatically.

<Oops that crate is 10º off here, you see the outline is red because you did it wrong move it right or face a deduction in productivity points.

Says the AI voice in your ear with no face, which also decides your salary.


This shit is so cringe



Why not?


its a simple question


It’s a simple retort


It's fun actually.


I don’t believe you.


He’s like the mr. Beast of consumer tech reviews. I kind of hate it.


>I feel that if our staff felt like they needed a union l would (…) see that personal failiure
I know I’d never cut it as a cappy because I would feel the opposite.


Dunno, the only things MR reviews is mobile devices. Which is worse because the market is seriously overcrowded with overpriced mobile devices with useless features nobody asked for. Mobile device reviewers are the worst kind of tech reviewers, they're basically the equivalent of Raid Shadow Legends ads.


>4 hours when you also use the official external battery pack
So that's where the wire in the ad is coming from, huh.

You used to call me on my cellphone listen to the iPod with your wired headphones? Forget it, you're watching iCarly in VR with an external battery cable now.


it doesn't even have games yet. maybe so tech demo, but that's about it.


A $3500 device created by a company that is known for its love of proprietary, walled gardens. A "professional" level price tag without the features and resources to make it viable and everything demonstrated is the most basic, consumer focused "we may as well blew up an iPhone into your field of vision" kind of crap? Yeah…no. I have no doubt it will sell to the Apple faithful but the only potential benefit is inspiring other companies to answer with something comparable and better likely at a lesser price and ideally an open platform. Right now the only VR platform worth a damn in this regard is Valve's open source SteamVR/OpenVR with nearly everyone else with a platform trying to lock things down, like Meta-Facebockulous, or making hardware that works on/piggybacks upon other platform.

As far as "Augmented Reality" is concerned it does have a possible future but it will not be really widespread until it can be contained in something similar to eyeglasses as opposed to a full on headset. Outside of that it will be somewhat niche or very specific circumstances, especially with "professional tier" hardware. The other issue with AR is that of privacy, data mining, and for whom and what benefit is all that information on the screen ; much like VR itself it can be measuring YOU as well, but in theory AR is a focus outside the digital world making it even more of a concern.


i think you are underestimating the consoomer impulse of the average gadgetfag.
this shit will sell because applecucks will literally sell their own family to keep apple profitable. the company was about to go bankrupt in the 90s, the products were way behind those of competitors, but their fans still kept buying.


opinion dutifully ignored


its not going to sell because they didnt call it the iVision


Apple in the 90s almost went bankrupt because they developed two advanced Operating Systems (Taligent and Copland) both ending up getting scrapped along with Be Inc being formed of Apple software engineers that left to make their own OS, taking Apple's best talent. Then you have Apple cannibalizing their own sales with too many models on the market at the same time that confused the potential buyer.


>I know I’d never cut it as a cappy because I would feel the opposite.
If I ever somehow ended up a porky I would go out of my way to make my employees unionize and I would even act adversarial a bit to help them learn the ropes.


*goes bankrupt*


I like VR, I like the Quest, I was an early adopter and have used it for years, but nothing has made me more filled with instant rejection and revulsion towards the future of the technology than being introduced to that Casey Neistat guy.


AR headsets are going to become ubiquitous, but this particular device isn't going to be the one that does it (which is good, because it's an unfixable proprietary POS like all apple products)


>but nothing has made me more filled with instant rejection and revulsion towards the future of the technology than being introduced to that Casey Neistat guy.
QRD? He just seems like a weird looking jew that runs around new york and films it


no porn = failure


all AR helmets are going to be unfixable proprietary garbage, anon.

apple just seems to misunderstand their core audience. they should've invested their money into making a foldable phone instead, it would sell like pancakes.


>apple just seems to misunderstand their core audience.

IDK I think they understand them okay, they love useless status symbols like this


>they love useless status symbols
this looks like a kick me sign rather than a status symbol tbh. would iphone-loving stacy use this shit in public


It's for their techbro cultist fans more than Stacy imo


>all AR helmets are going to be unfixable proprietary garbage, anon.
no, deckard will save us.


Has it taken off actually or is it meme grade? I haven't seen anyone wear it IRL but maybe I will?


>weight at least 600g without batteries
I wouldn't even use this device if it were a gift and fully open-source. Never been a fan of Steve Jobs, but I think he would have done the right thing here and prevented this from being shipped. Why isn't all computing stuff offloaded to something on your belt?

As poster >>23352 noted, they have an anti-porn policy.

Maybe a second version will take off.


>I wouldn't even use this device if it were a gift and fully open-source. Never been a fan of Steve Jobs, but I think he would have done the right thing here and prevented this from being shipped. Why isn't all computing stuff offloaded to something on your belt?
I think the best solution for "standalone" vr is going to be something like a bigscreen beyond on you face plugged into a steam deck in your backpack


>I wouldn't even use this device if it were a gift and fully open-source
I would unironically. That would actually be rather based.


anon you should mention the custom de they made for the simula. Last I checked, it could be compatible with practically any VR system, assuming that the displays have a high enough dpi for clear text. I do have a few more bits of knowledge that might help, but I can't be bothered to info dump unless someone actually wants it


it is an open-source devkit for vr development, although you'd have to fidget around a bit so it can fit your usecase. does have a dependancy on steamvr if you're planning to play vidya


He even does that stupid open mouth reaction for every thumbnail to his videos


>announced 2021
>still in preorder


"Westerners" aren't worried, the people who use this for porn will mostly be flyover proles like you. Too expensive? other companies will make cheaper, knock-off versions of Apple products like they always have.


Apple reportedly cuts Vision Pro production due to low demand
>Apple is reportedly cutting its Vision Pro headset shipment forecast for the rest of the year due to cooling demand.
>Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo writes that Apple cut orders for the Vision Pro even before it launched outside of the US. His sources claim that Apple now expects to sell only around 400,000 to 450,000 units in 2024, compared to what Kuo says was a “market consensus” of 700,000 to 800,000. Demand for the $3,500 Vision Pro dropped much lower than the company was expecting.


God damn it's still crazy they sold 500k though, who buys this shit. You can't sneakt play games on it


*Even play


Apple fanboys probably


Not only is Linus a shill, he's had a series of employees blow the whistle on various forms of abuses up to and including human trafficking.


> human trafficking


They lied to at least one prospective hire about the job to get them to relocate for it. Once they moved and found out the actual pay and benefits, they realized they were stuck because they weren't paid enough to cover expenses and to save money to leave. This is a common tactic to bait poor people into a situation they can't escape, although it's typically done to people from like Eastern Europe who aren't as aware of the costs of living in the west.

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