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this is sad 😔😔
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pro-lifers must hate abortion because it means they have less children to abuse and molest


To be fair, if men treated their seed as sacred they’d be a lot more careful as to whom they’re nutting inside.


I've seen porno films with better acting. Sheesh.


I hope those did not have child actors tho


That's probably because the AI that made it was probably trained on Overwatch fetish porn

 No.508684[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

They’ve been confirmed for astroturf, right?
175 posts and 50 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>le Abortion Industry wants to kill babies to make profit.
>We will do everything to save babies!
<Ok lets make it free, massively expand sexual education and make contraception free and everywhere, like in Holland where those policies mean abortion rates are among the lowest in the west.
>No! Not like that


Abortions aren’t even profitable to the medical establishment and childbirth is way, way more lucrative.


>and childbirth is way, way more lucrative.
If you want an example of this, look at how the number of C-sections has exploded in the past 30 years. C-sections used to be incredibly rare. Now they're every other birth in America. The reason is profit for the hospitals.


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PAAU are now beefing with a Black feminist group.


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Incest is actually occasionally beneficial to the genetics of the human species. It's a phenomenon called Genetic Purging and it is done through inbreeding. What this essentially entails is that when two related individual create a defective offspring, that offspring has very expressive and apparent side-effects created by recessive genes. If then this individual gets along with another completely unrelated individual, the offspring will be 90% clear of any bad and recessive genes. This is what genetic purging entails and it is something that is frequently observed in ecosystems with coyotes and mice.


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There are downsides, however. Generational inbreeding actually is very bad, it actively makes the expressive recessive genes be permanent. Inbreeding should only be done when there's a need to clear out recessive genes with another unrelated individual and not make it a tradition to marry your cousin.
Likewise, only marrying a unrelated individual has the side-effect of piling recessive genes slowly. Like shorter, thinner, dumber, more prone to illness and allergies offspring in each generation. Optimally, there has to be at least some form of incest in the family at least every four to five generations.


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>recessive genes = bad


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So in policy, scientists that find during testing that they have deleterious recessive genes could recieve a medal or something for knocking up / getting knocked up by a relative?
I think the point is you don't know if they're bad until they're expressed. (or they're like, discovered and documented is such or not as such.)


You severely misunderstand purging. It works by making bad recessive genes show up phenotypically so that they can then be exposed to selective pressures and die instead of being "stealthy" and hiding in heterozygotic genomes. Interbreeding with people who don't have bad recessive genes doesn't make them go away.

Also, keep in mind that purging isn't a process but an outcome of inbreeding and it's one of the rarer ones. When a species is going down an inbreeding spiral, it always lowers their numbers and their fitness during it, then it either goes extinct (most common) or purges bad genes from its members and then shoots up in population and mean fitness (uncommon).
It's unknown why species usually go extinct, but one hypothesis is that most species have a statistically significant amount of recessive bad genes in all of their members so inbreeding is always worse for them compared to staying heterozygotic.


Is uzumaki post-left?
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>If you would like to join us, send an email to xenofemme [at] riseup [dot] net and introduce yourself.


Yea riseup is a known glowie service, but anarkiddies will still continue to use it because it has LE WHOLESOME ANCOM STAR BRO!!!


I honestly installed it just because of the "ANCOM STAR BRO!!!", and that was literally the only reason. Never used it though


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I have been summoned

this description reminds me a lot of the movie Pulse (Kairo), which is another piece of Japanese media that came out at around the same time as Uzumaki. it's also very cybergoffick and has the same sort of Y2K apocalypticism of everyone succumbing to depression and madness and killing themselves. highly recommend if you haven't seen it. one of my favorite movies of all time.

anyways I haven't actually read Uzumaki (I don't read very many comics/mangas) but I've been convinced. been wanting to read more Junji Ito anyways and also watch the movie Long Dream (another Junji Ito movie adaptation) because I've had it downloaded for an extremely long time.

>Overall the Uzumaki series deserves a strong rating of 8 hello kitty zombie corpses out of 10


I mostly use riseup because email is a thing that everyone has and can be reasonably secure if you care about it by using GPG (I have my public key on my site but I should probably link it on xenofemme too actually), and because unlike Protonmail, riseup just uses standard IMAP/SMTP, so you can use your own email client instead of being forced to use some shitty bloated web client with a bunch of snake oil security theater bullshit that is probably backdoored anyways. I could host my own email server, but it's a huge pain in the ass to do that and even if I jumped through all the hoops to try to make it compliant I would be pretty much ensuring that my emails would get filtered by most peoples' email hosts, because email is a completely pozzed protocol and it's fucking stupid that this is what everyone's identity on the internet is tied to. it's all a big op by google and the CIA to monitor your communications.

really though I don't know what your threat model is here. fedi is a public channel for shitposting, not a place to organize, and I would tell anyone who was trying to use it for that to fuck off and get on Briar, Cwtch, or hell even Signal if you must.


Moved to >>>/dead/5123.

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For all my life, I've been motivated to do things under the threat of violence. I chose not to run away from my abusive home because the fear of getting kidnapped, trafficked and raped as a child scared the shit out of me. I worked hard, studied and moved cities. Now that I'm in a relatively stable position, I feel purposeless and depressed. I never had the time, energy or self-confidence to build lasting relationships with anyone. Up until now, I just explained things away with "it could be worse", at least I'm not starving to death or being forced to debase myself for a living. But now I feel like I need some positive affirmation in life, like my life beyond just being a corporate drone is worth living. Any tips are appreciated.
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Are the people of Vietnam accepting of foreigners? I plan on making enough cash and retiring in a socialist nation to promote socialist propaganda and organize anonymously. I don't have any aspirations of becoming a senior leader or intellectual, I prefer being anonymous as it paints a smaller target on my back.


Vietnam isn't socialist


I disagree


You disagree with Marxism then.


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what's the deal with this trio?
why is it that these anons are everywhere at all times?
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hey guys it's me, Jewish-queer-neurodivergent-black-wheelchairbound leftypol user Anonymous. 100% based totally agree


It's the fbi.gov fags who mod the site you dummy. Bloodgasm does the same circlejerking over how peripheral countries are imperialists and epic Hasan Piker leftism is waiting to sweep NATO country polls


I had to filter the nazi flag. Not even thing noticer managed to make me do it


Three faggots in one space is enough concentrated AIDS to make even Reagan blush


probably inter/pol/ers trying to do some kind of cringe forum slide


I forgot to take them and now I'm going insane


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You probably just achieved normal levels of testosterone for the first time in years. Don't panic and keep eating healthy. Don't be sedentary throughout the day.


jerk off then



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Would Eric Cartman be pro or anti Israel?
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Idk he might figure like Israels genocidal policies.


He'd be jelous that it isn't non-jewish whites doing it.


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he'd be whatever pisses off Kyle the most
I have a feeling Saint Cartman might have some mixed feelings about it


Idea, Kyle just doesn't know what to think of Israel because one hand it's the Jewish homeland on the other hand he might thinks what Israel is doing is awful, and that pisses of Cartman who tries for a whole episode to push Kyle to take a stand and stop being a spineless fencesitter (actually he only wants Kyle to pick a side just to give him shit over it, whatever that side may be)


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oh yeah Cartman calling Kyle a coward for not picking a side checks out
>they're killing civilians kyyyle. tens of thousands of children
>what about october 7, kyyyle. that was basically another holocaust and you know it kyle

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In the heart of Daojing Oil Field No. 1205, there lived a humble worker named Comrade Wang. For over twenty years, he toiled with calloused hands, but beneath his weathered exterior lay a secret—a practice that set him apart from his comrades.

Comrade Wang was a practitioner of semen retention, a discipline he had embraced since his youth. Through years of rigorous training and unwavering discipline by the Communist Party of China, he channeled all his vital energy into becoming a force of immense power.

One fateful day in September, 1966, as he labored beneath the scorching sun of Xijang, Comrade Wang experienced a profound awakening. In a flash of insight, he had a vision of Chairman Mao Zedong floating in a beam of light. He had reached a state of transcendence that lifted him beyond the confines of corporeal existence.

Comrade Wang discovered that he possessed new abilities. He could traverse hills and mountains in a matter of minutes. He could soar through the air like a bird in flight, and when he laid hands on the sick, they were healed.

Comrade Wang's mind had become a vessel of immense power, capable of harnessing the forces of nature itself. With a mere thought, he could spew flames from his mouth, engulfing his adversaries in a blazing inferno. His vision, sharpened by years of meditation, could penetrate the veil of distance, allowing him to see with clarity from hundreds of miles away.

Word of Comrade Wang's extraordinary feats spread far and wide, earning him the admiration and respect of his comrades. He became a symbol of hope and inspiration to the proletariat, a living testament to the transformative power of Maoism.


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Is it real?
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the 2 paths you can go as a fetal alcohol syndrome sufferer


chapo check


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chapo check confirmed


the desperate trying to get some "gotcha" from the interviewer is pretty obvious and embarrassing, and on the contrary Id say dasha is doing pretty well
somehow im pretty sure you would have embarrassed socialists much more were you in her place. Responding to aggressive bad faith argumentation like this unprompted and in front of a camera isnt easy.


Historic Meeting Between Dasha Nekrasova and Kim Jong Un Marks New Era of Diplomacy

In a landmark event, Dasha Nekrasova, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), met with Kim Jong Un, Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). This high-profile encounter signifies a significant step towards bolstering diplomatic relations between the two nations.

The meeting, held in Pyongyang, DPRK's capital, was characterized by an atmosphere of mutual respect and diplomatic camaraderie. Both leaders engaged in discussions aimed at enhancing bilateral cooperation and fostering greater understanding between their respective nations.

Nekrasova's visit to Pyongyang underscores the growing importance of diplomatic engagement in today's global landscape. As the head of one of the world's prominent communist parties, her presence symbolizes the commitment to dialogue and cooperation in pursuit of peace and stability.

This historic encounter holds the promise of ushering in a new era of collaboration between the CPSU and the WPK, laying the groundwork for future diplomatic endeavors aimed at advancing common interests and promoting regional stability.

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