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Anyone feel iffy about Gattsu(a Georgian youtuber whose associated with yugopink and hakim)
a few weeks back I watched a video of his films on soviet films and I thought he was based and so I subscribed to him but watching some other stuff of his, it seems obvious he hates communism(also he seems like one of those porn addicts who hides it behind a layer of irony)
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Dafuq?!Boom! is the superior Georgian slav memer.


skibidism with stalinist characteristics.


I think he was embarrassing, but I wouldn't call that guy a reactionary though,


Hes jocular though?
Like a chav or gangsta?

Reactionary culture does tend to swing jocular


he's a guy who grew upper middle class(though he comes from a non-dominant cultural family) but instead of learning about how own culture and heritage(he can't even speak his ancestral tongue) he's started trying to be a some rapper.

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I’m so glad they were killed
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Cope and seethe


>there's one guy who satirizes the "real" leninhat
There's more than one. Anybody can do it.


t. impostor


> I want to ally with the petit-bourgeois and the labour aristocracy, if I can
Marx spoke against alliances with the petit-bourgeoisie


What episode is this from?


Dr. House truly lived longer on Vicodin. Venusian genetic relays have given me some knowledge that our biology is a dimension of mutagens. My religion does not exceed Dr. House as the spirit he is inspired from.

The only war is health. The elite can't keep it for themselves. My ill will and ill intent can only be profiled as the legacy of the Reich Research Council. The only thing those beings of light teach is health and genetics at foundations. Only "The Wretch" of Doom offers an alternative. And I have no Argent yet in reality. I am not allowed to fight in dishonor.


i understand you don't want to rely on medicine but anon you unironically need to take your meds

 No.518153[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

if you type before:2010-01-01 preceding your search term in youtube you can limit your search to videos from the 2000s, the first four years of youtube. I'll be ripping gems I find during my archaeological dig with yt-dlp and posting them here. I'll be focusing on things that interest me but I hope others join me. I'll avoid posting memes with high views like chocolate rain, etc. that people already know about. This is more for niche content that gets buried under the current search algorithm. A lot of this content will be "cringe" but nevertheless… there might be gems in the muck. Perhaps even some low video/audio quality content that might be worth revisiting with up-to-date editing software
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Wasn't this fucker at the Jan 6th riots?





Time for another one of these. ITT: we ask if things are leftist or what X will be like under leftism?

Will there be Tendies under socialism?
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Not a real thing


Yes but only for 1 hour a day.


Is amateur consenting adult pornography leftist?


Ok but it is. Maybe you should go to /pol/, reddit, or >>>/dead/


Yes as long as it's not made for profit

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>ramadan each year starts, gooning stops for 30 days, people search for things related to the quran, ramadan ends, they go on as usual

nuff said


Why is porno gay more searched than porno femme kek


Why are religious people such funs




Critical support for Chiang Kai-shek?


> In the West and in the Soviet Union, Chiang Kai-shek was known as the "Red General".

And tukachevsky was also labeled "Red General", that doesn't mean tukachevsky should be given "critical support"


>Be post-1950's individual
>Life bad.
>Me not know why life like dis
>Therefore it is "meaningless"
>Me sadder.
>Why i be alive?
<Ahem good sir, life has no meaning because you have to create your OWN meaning.
>What dat?
<Coffee or something, idk. You do you!!!
>Me drink coffee
>Life still bad
<My good sir, don't listen to this gibberish nonsense! Life has no meaning indeed, so what? You surely don't need some sort of "meaning" to life.
>Me accept no meaning
>Life still bad

How the fuck is this considered philosophy instead of alienation to human nature?!
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Understanding Humanity's Pursuit of Immortality: An Analysis of "The Denial of Death" by Ernest Becker

Ernest Becker's seminal work, "The Denial of Death," published in 1973, remains a cornerstone in existential psychology and cultural studies. In this groundbreaking book, Becker delves into the intricate relationship between human awareness of mortality and the pursuit of immortality projects. This essay explores the key concepts presented by Becker and their implications for our understanding of human behavior and society.

Becker introduces the concept of "the terror of death," highlighting how humans, unlike other animals, grapple with the awareness of their own mortality. This existential fear serves as a profound motivator, shaping individual and collective behavior.

Central to Becker's thesis is the notion of "immortality projects." These projects are symbolic endeavors undertaken by individuals and societies to transcend death and attain a sense of lasting significance. Immortality projects manifest in various forms, including cultural achievements, religious beliefs, and personal ambitions.

Becker elucidates the role of the "cultural hero system" in facilitating the pursuit of immortality projects. These systems provide individuals with frameworks for participation, offering models of heroism and virtue to emulate. Through identification with cultural heroes, individuals find meaning and purpose in their lives.

Despite the inevitability of death, Becker observes that humans often engage in denial as a coping mechanism. This denial manifests in the pursuit of fame, wealth, or religious beliefs promising an afterlife. By investing in these endeavors, individuals seek to transcend their mortality and achieve a sense of immortality.

While physical immortality is unattainable, Becker posits that humans seek symbolic forms of immortality. Through contributions to society, alignment with enduring values, or creation of legacies, individuals strive to leave a lasting impact beyond their earthly existence.

In conclusion, "The Denial of Death" offers profound insights into the human condition and the existential dilemmas we face. Becker's analysis prompts reflection on the nature of mortality, the pursuit of meaning, and the ways in


Thanks for the book suggestion. I might give it a try, if i find a break.




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op are you john cena?


tbh this has been philosophy since the mid-nineteenth century

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he converted in 2022


>it's real
i heard of sneako but this guy too? no wonder he went all for palestine in that debate


Boring test. Obvious "good" and "bad" qualities


>PragerU is distancing themselves from Tate.
I swear this timeline is getting weird.

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>inb4 Twitter

I want to discuss how Xtwitter post-Elon has become nothing but regurgitated, stolen content from the same large meme accounts, India/Vietnam/Africa based bot accounts that spam every tweet with unrelated content, porn bots that post unsolicited content, Nazis that can openly praise Hitler, Zionists and Hindutvas who flood any post they can find to disparage Palestinians, Muslims and anyone else they hate. Twitter might be at the bottom of the totem pole for social media content, but it’s convenient and has a massive base of anti-imperialist MLs who now have to deal with seeing the sheer insanity that place has become.

I fear that this will be true of all nuinternet going forward. Forums and IBs have been obsolete for years now and everywhere else is going to be the same toxicity psyop unleashed by dead internet theory. The future feels bleak.
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https://nitter.poast.org this instance works

Anyway, what accounts did you follow? My go to are viperwave, twinkmoder, newposter, lots of cool posts from other accounts on their feed.


>now we have nothing
You know this isn't true.


You shouldn't have told me that or I'd be more helpful. Honestly the only people I regularly check are Erallover, Pataramesh, and a guy posting funny videos I steal


Why, whats the issue with him(?)?


That's literally just archival. You need to develop a worldview that isn't solely comprised of soyjak memes.

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