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were they the biggest far left influence on american culture in recent memory ?
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people who think ratm are communists because of the hammer and sickle on their guitar are like people who think china is communist because…


>if you were a game console, you'd be neogeo, cus nobody plays with u



its more because of their praise of the shining path and the chippas rebels


least deranged tor poster


I may have caused a misunderstanding here, I meant that the RATM-listening podcaster voted Democrat/blue no matter who. I do not know if or who RATM voted or not. My mistake.

fuck u

at least i can say i made oc, what are u doing with that super old reaction image


check out Lowkey's Obama Nation, oldie but goodie


you used to be able to poopy, but now you can't, cuz woke


leftoids are all for "bodily autonomy" until it comes to suicide at which point they become the most annoying dickheads trying to "talk you out if it". fuck off. i choose what to do to my own body
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because i dont like it when people kill themselves


You wouldn't know if they did.


i would, because i know everything


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roast some pork on your way out


>billions must become sociopaths

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ITT: We pretend we're from 2012 reddit and that today is our first day on leftypol
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collapse can be a bit silly at times but the weekly observation threads are one of my favorite places on the whole site


It's bot that creates the site index for yandex search. As for the lack of google, bing and duckduckgo bots, i would assume they put leftypol on a list where it's polled less often or their crawlers work differently.


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> Bot: spider
It's urlxray.com, a site I used to check where the link redirects without having to click it.



did nazi that coming


I'll take a double triple socialist patriotism deluxe, on a purge, denied and falsified modernizer style, extra revisionism with a state and capitalism, light genocide, make it bourgeois, burn the international, and let it win.
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no im not putting a 3d printed anime girl holding a hammer and sickle in your happy meal or a little soviet flag on your burger


Make mine le hecking real socialism but without dictatorship of proletariat or worker ownership


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on it sir


>slandering Joseph "Stainless" Steel
you're not that guy, pal

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 No.522223[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>"Umm, why are there no female authors in your book shelf?"
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judith butler literally contributed money to Kamala Harris's presidential bid

she's utter trash


damn i think we have to execute her now wtf


What, reading this:
>The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power.
wasn't enough verbal waterboarding to make you despise her?


all she's saying if i get this passage correctly is that we reproduce hierarchy and ruling class ideology through several kinds of social feedback loops in our relations creating an ideological 'hivemind' hegemony rather than a linear hierarchical structure we navigate. it makes sense


Correct. Now ask yourself why she didn't just phrase it in your direct way instead rather than trying to pretentiously word vomit her way into an insight that's not even unique.

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siberia is this true? i need this fact checked by real leftypol patriots


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North corea attacked "south korea" after it wiped out the peoples' republic of korea, the legitimate socialist government of the southern korean peninsula, and implemented a fascist dictatorship under the park dynasty. The war was an attempt to liberate south korea from its new puppet government.


exactly, that and when nk attacked the dprk and sk were already engaged in skirmishes and hostile action against each other. it was a matter of whoever struck first at that point, and north korea simply didn't wait to get attacked first


After discovering theory I think my ability to relate to people (and by extension socialize) has gone down the shitter. It's been about I would say 6 years since that day I discovered theory.

Now, I'm not saying theory fucked my brain up necessarily, but there's definitely something there. Matrix analogies are lame but I feel like the guy eating the fake meat and knowing it's fake.

How do I put it. Theory didn't give me the full picture. But what it did give me, made me deeply unhappy. There are certain things that after learning them, you can't go back to being your old carefree self. What is the self? That is something that could have a whole thread on its own. When you live like an "NPC" at no point do you ruminate on the socio-political, psycho-sexual, implications of your daily life. I do that practically every day and the mental burden wrecks my brain. People stop being "people", they start being political actors or players in a game of sorts. Reality doesn't feel real yet you know it to be real. Can't even go off the deep end and schizomaxx because theory has molded your brain to think dialectically with emphasis on being critical. The worldviews of conspiratorial thinking are simply no longer compatible with your mind. Chaos, uncertainty, the fragility of everything we care about, that is the only constant.

Maybe the solution would be to make communist friends, right? But I fear I can no longer even relate to communists. I'm just totally disconnected from the human experience.

And it wasn't always like this.
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Just surround yourself with people that have also read theory / get people to read it so they relate to you and visa versa.


this is less theory and more just extreme cynicism, maybe a vulgar form of diamat
also the awareness of all of our political possibilities being crushed in favor of monolithic surveillance capitalism at all cost, with all other options or demands resulting in masses of people getting brutalized by the state


I never had this issue because I‘ve always thought critically and reflected on everything and could barely ever relate to other people because they are like animals to me


>Maybe the solution would be to make communist friends, right?
It helps to get your thoughts out of your system to someone that can relate but I wouldn't surround myself with communists. Too much politics is bad for you.

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Is it meant literally when people say kill nazis? Will I look like a nazi apologist if I say going out on the street and killing a person with nazi-like beliefs is likely gonna get you arrested and many years in prison. It makes a lot of sense in the context of war or maybe in self defense of nazis who are organized into a group and are trying to forcefully force their ideology in the world. I regularly have had debates with nazis online and prefer to see them as human. Human monsters. They may be monsters, but they are still humans and used human thought processes and human logic to become who they are. Their propaganda may not make sense when put under scrutiny (or I'm even being too charitable there as well) but dehumanizing them too much hurts our ability to deradicalize these people. They may want to exterminate everyone who doesn't fit their mold, but those are beliefs. Beliefs not built upon a foundation of solid fact, and thus easily able to poke holes into. If you can get them questioning their worldview, you have one less nazi in the world, no killing required, and possibly a future ally. Of course I think doing this would be much harder if you're a minority.
Yeah you people are marxists and I'm not so what's the marxist perspective on this. Have I become an accidental nazi-apologist? If so, how can I rectify this. I just have less popular opinions on this subject I believe. Pic rel is just to establish that I am heavily against all forms of fascism and think in our world, it's the closest thing possible to pure evil. It's like a mental virus that through dissemination of misinformation online multiplies itself and infects more people in the process. Nazi Germany proved that even ordinary everyday people, under the right circumstances, can become total monsters and do horrible things. Or were the people who lived in the country just inherently evil? I don't believe that. It's not a pretty thing to believe, but I honestly think that it's the truth. People need to have an understanding of what Fascism is, besides just it being cartoonishly evil, in order to effectively combat it.
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Remember to sage and report nazi threads.


I'm not a federal agent, just a person who's confused about whether this turn of phrase is meant to be taken literally. I saw a fascist outside recently, and got out of the vicinity pretty quickly at that time because I was scared. What was I supposed to do, kill them? Or is it intended for a different context? If you mean soldiers in a war, then I fully agree. Kill Nazis and kill them all. If I am misguided and accidentally supporting them, tell me how and why.
How am I a Nazi, I strongly oppose fascism and all of its varieties. I regularly debate with Nazis and use a document filled with articles to disprove their talking points. It's not exactly difficult to debunk Nazi talking points.


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>going out on the street and killing
They're the ones doing that, if you want to go out on the street in peace then killing them before they kill you or someone in your community is necessary.
"Don't get caught" is a given.
>It makes a lot of sense in the context of […] self defense
It is self defense / community defense.
>They're human
And an immediate mortal threat. You can combat the thinktanks that keep making more humans into nazis any day of the week, but self defense / community defense situations are urgent.

Please learn to write in smaller chunks, paragraphs have similar rules to sentences, especially now that the text is on a reusable medium–a digital screen.)


And we’re just gonna kill ‘em.
And we’re just gonna kill ‘em.

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im tired of talking to fucking dumbass incels on the internet
i just want to be normal
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It's Sunday, it's lovely outside. Go to the pub at 2pm, have a pint and chat to the landlord and fellow punters


>watching porn while having sex
reddit alert


Yeah but that sucks. I'd rather be a weird loner than concern myself with ecelebs on tiktok


couples who watch porn are incels (whitepilled fakecels to be exact)


Who are you quoting?

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