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this is sad 😔😔


>tfw abortcel


Aborted BF was written by a man.


The child porn has not been deleted





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ay tone, what's dis frickin moulinyan making fun of us italians for? we created pizza for these ungrateful fucks?


Lol funny but it needs a few more sentences


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>wish i had been there for ya when those wiseasses bullied ya

>coulda let ya into tha family and everythin' , made ya a made man… but mama had otha plans

>wow, you lookin' real cute buryin' that stiff haha

>maron! you woulda stolen all ma Prujoot..

>hey kid, i may not had grown up to become a

500 pound capo but i still couda protected ya, i always wanted to look after tha family

>we woulda had all da bookyak in dis town

>i woulda taught ya how to break a mick's balls with a bat for fookin ya sistah haha

>fuggedaboudid, fuggedaboud me, i ain't alive kid


Frank Peretti is such a douchebag.


>woman is visited by the ghost of her dead fetus
The bullshit Evangelicals will give to us.


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hory shet now i know where the ai art and memes come from, unoriginal af



She's hot


This looks like overwatch fetish porn


Do sperms have souls? If not why not?


Why would they?



He’s also the de facto godfather of Qanon.


pro-lifers must hate abortion because it means they have less children to abuse and molest


To be fair, if men treated their seed as sacred they’d be a lot more careful as to whom they’re nutting inside.


I've seen porno films with better acting. Sheesh.


I hope those did not have child actors tho


That's probably because the AI that made it was probably trained on Overwatch fetish porn


I dont know why people obsess over abortion when kids are socially neglected and actively barred from interacting with the real world for moral convenience.

Kids whom are seen playing without a care in the world are looked down upon as leeches.


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she is just like me fr


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This is how I act when I see a beautful anime boy.
I feel left out

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