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 No.508684[View All]

They’ve been confirmed for astroturf, right?
163 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



This is psychotic.


What an absolute tool.


This has to be some ultra rage-bait nonsense.


I should post it to plebbit so the hipsters can rip it to shreds.




>expand abortion


At this point I believe they're just stupid.



The fact Whittaker Chambers and Louis Budenz both died from natural causes is proof CPUSA were pussies.


Why do they act like the “abortion industry” is deliberately keeping pregnant people poor? Abortion providers are the most woke socdems you will ever meet in your life and they’re far more likely to be on board with shit like making maternity care free.


>le Abortion Industry wants to kill babies to make profit.
>We will do everything to save babies!
<Ok lets make it free, massively expand sexual education and make contraception free and everywhere, like in Holland where those policies mean abortion rates are among the lowest in the west.
>No! Not like that


Abortions aren’t even profitable to the medical establishment and childbirth is way, way more lucrative.


>and childbirth is way, way more lucrative.
If you want an example of this, look at how the number of C-sections has exploded in the past 30 years. C-sections used to be incredibly rare. Now they're every other birth in America. The reason is profit for the hospitals.


File: 1713251759536.png (778.46 KB, 646x874, bukovinac-vs-blackbloc.png)


PAAU are now beefing with a Black feminist group.



The pro-life movement is almost dead and it destroyed itself.

When I look at the contemporary pro-life movement in the US, I see a movement that couldn't bend so it broke. It's not the 90s anymore when nearly half the country was pro-life. American attitudes towards abortion have changed a lot in the past 20-30 years with abortion becoming more socially acceptable than ever. How does the pro-life movement respond to this? They don't, they merely keep pushing for bans despite bans becoming more and more unpopular with the public. There doesn't seem to be much attempt at regaining support or winning over public trust.

The anti-abortion movement was started by Catholic Democrats who were fairly economically progressive, yet they willingly abandoned that progressivism to side with the GOP when the GOP embraced the pro-life movement in the late 1970s. Since then, they've been joined at the hip with the GOP even as the party keeps sabotaging itself. On the other side, there were many American conservatives who were largely hyper-fixated on this one issue. So many conservative judges, lobbyists, and talking heads I remember from the 2000s were specifically trained only on the subject of why Roe was an illegitimate court decision. Now that Roe has been overturned after 50 years, these same people have no idea what to do or how to rule on other cases, nor do they have solutions to any other major political issue. (As an analogy, imagine you and your friends spent weeks planning for a party, and by the time you show up the party ends a short time later; you're all dressed up for a grand event that abruptly stopped.) Again, the movement couldn't adapt.

And on the same token, I'm noticing how the movement seems to be splitting when it comes to related policy solutions. There are some in the pro-life movement who are advocating some kind of social safety net for parents, like paying people to have babies. Others will keep pushing the free market neoliberal narrative and say paying people to have babies incentivizes people to have babies they can't afford. There's debate over whether or not the pro-life movement should keep supporting Trump given Trump's lukewarm attitude on the issue. There's debates over supporting gestational limits as a short-term "compromise". There's debates over feminism vs. traditional patriarchy. There's even pro-lifers debating whether or not socialism is more pro-baby than capitalism and whatnot. The thing is, these aren't minor political differences when put into practice. "We can't make maternity care free because that will lead to undocumented immigrants abusing the system" will ultimately be something pro-lifers fight each other over, for example.

To sum up my impression, the pro-life movement seems largely stuck in the past and can't account for its own shortcomings. American Zillennials and Gen Z (basically anyone born after 1993) weren't exposed to the same amount of pro-life talking points in mainstream media and culture of the Bush II era. The vast majority of Americans under 30 are pro-choice for a reason, and refusal to understand this reason is why the pro-life movement isn't doing so hot right now.


photos taken seconds before disaster


I mean TBH it's not like pro-life ever had a chance no matter what they did with religious morality dying out. I guess you could argue they contributed to tarring the name of xtianity though


The younger generations in America are the least religious. Last time I checked something like 40% of zoomers were atheist or agnostic.


Gonna be honest this entire thread is full of stupid, edgy contrarianism wanking about a burger anti-abortion movement. Posts like >>508688 and videos like >>508835 are proof that abortions are necessary, because these people would be the sort of parents that abuse their kids, not physically, but mentally, making them feel worthless, all because deep inside, THEY feel worthless and project that toxicity onto whatever, and whoever is closest, in this case their potential children.

I only posted ITT because someone decided to necrobump it from the bottom of catalog.
Abortion isn't a "good thing" or something to "celebrate" or "joke about", and I guarantee that 90% of people ITT thread have never had to suffer the loss and psychological trauma of a miscarriage or abortion, or be close to someone who has. It's sometimes a necessity, but it should NEVER be trivialized as Western liberalism does. This retarded politicization of "Prolife" and "Proabortion" is disgusting to anyone that isn't a First-Worldist. Russia has abortions as part of its laws inherited from the USSR. There are no real debates on this because it's a medical right, with appropriate social attitudes; it's a private affair that isn't to be taken lightly.


I’d add that the anti-abortion movement is entirely bourgeois. Lila Rose and Kristan Hawkins are both millionaires. Pro-lifers don’t even make an attempt to organize within the working-class and are far more interested in lobbying Washington and getting big donations from porkies. Even PAAU and Rehumanize are made up of rich kids from rich white suburbs like NoVA.


My two abortions caused me zero trauma.


This is why parenthood should not be a sovereign right. it should be a privikiege.

Society promotes parental infallibility and the objectification of children as pets.

People treat familyhood as their personal dynasty.
Kids are not aloowed to have any social ties to the outisde world.

Teachers,doctors, recreational officers (NOT CORRECTIONAL) and other third party adults are made out to be sinister agents trying to sabotage parents.



>Pendulum swinging in the other extreme direction
Блять я нинавижу шизу Западников, Боже прошу, верните меня в CCCP!


<Sources linked to include Meduza, a literal CIA glowop similar to Radio Free Europe
3/10 glow-bait


What’s wrong with al-Jazeera?


>What’s wrong with al-Jazeera?
Besides it being a yellow-news rag that has promoted literal fake news and rumors as truth numerous times? How about the fact that it was the tool used to spread "Arab Spring" (a CIA color revolution) in the media and popularize it among people to encourage the US-backed coup? Or any other number of propaganda pieces it did for the US State Department.
<proceeds to ignore the source of the article claims is another literal glow-op group
Try harder, glowie.


Any time someone says shit like this they should be required to provide examples of what they consider trusty reliable source on the topic.


Deflection. Al Jazeera is directly linked with Arab Spring, a CIA Coup operation and was praised for it by Hillary Clinton. Furthermore that particular article cites, as a source, a supposed interview conducted by Meduza, ANOTHER CIA operated media source that is dedicated to promoting Russophobic hysteria and bad-faith narratives.
Any time someone tries to post shit links like this and then deflect, they ought to be banned, for unironically posting glowie narratives.


>arab spring was CIA


>arab spring was CIA
<A Color Revolution is CIA


Just as an aside, Al Jazeera English is the exemplification of US uncontrolled assets. Like Al Qaeda and ISIS it serves a specific purpose in the Middle East and a controlled "opposition" that can throw wild-cards but is otherwise exactly what the state department wants.

This is far from the only time this has been done by glowies, and your implied denial of this means you're either a glowie or their useful idiot and a liberal.
For example: The CIA overthrew Mohammad Mossadegh in Iran by using Kermit Roosevelt. He paid a bunch of random people and bad-faith actors to pretend to be Communists (who were very popular in Iran in the 1950s) and then those fake Communists went through real Communist neighborhoods chanting Communist slogans, got them out of their houses marching with them, and then the fake Communists led the real Communists to go overthrow Mossadegh on the Shah's behalf. Basically if you get some well paid glowie minions chanting the right slogans, they can march a bunch of sincere people into doing stupid shit.


No its not deflection, I am asking you what source is reliable, if I wanted to read up on topic of abortion in Russia, because if you dont have any, the "3/10 glow-bait" would still be the most reliable source of information, and as such for all practical purposes considered trustworthy until better alternative is presented.


>I am asking you what source is reliable
<Spoonfeed me!
How about Russian law or statistical data instead of a rag with no sources.
>2011 review of Russian Reproductive Health

>Statistical analysis of Russian attitudes towards abortion and the Government's role in it as of 2022
Don't be a retard and actually do research, the internet is at your fingertips.

>the "3/10 glow-bait" would still be the most reliable source of information, and as such for all practical purposes considered trustworthy

So instead of not knowing something you'll trust in a LIE? It's better to be uninformed, than misinformed, since the latter taints your view and understanding of things.

Also consciously believing in a literal glowie rag despite knowing it's probably bunk is genuinely worse than the religious zealots this threads 'dunks' on since at least they genuinely believe what they say and do is the truth, and don't just accept it because "oh it's the only thing I know lol"


Happy May Day from PAAU!


And this paper from 2011 and an opinion poll debunks article about Russian governments recent anti-abortion policies how exactly?


Fuck the prison system but I can’t feel bad when the opps (potentially) die.


>Not actually addressing the papers
>just a poll!
LOL Not an argument, embarrassing that a Tor post is better than your cope.


Another gem from these sickos.



>four years


Do your worst, /siberia/


File: 1715708127827.mp4 (393.65 KB, 640x360, Shut the fuck up gurl.mp4)

>More EDrama posting
I hate /isg/ and how badly it leaks into /siberia/


Not a pro-lifer or some shit like that but seeing this cheering for abortions and wanking off online drama-stirring is just pathetic. Like if you're this invested in abortions, how about you just retroactively abort yourself.


I wish I was aborted.


>I wish I never experienced life
I wanna say get help, but honestly the only way you'd value your life is to suddenly be plunged into the worst shit possible, so you can realize that until then your problems weren't all that bad after all.


LOL, no. You’re just petit-bourgeois gangsters/


Even if you're anti-abortion you have to know that stealing (dead) fetuses is just deranged and pointless.


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