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Do you like planes?
Good. Post pictures of planes. Post interesting stuff about planes. Discuss Post Soviet planes. Post Post Soviet Planes, discuss American, British, Chinese, Brazillian, Canadian, Spanish, Japanese, Indonesian, Australian or anywhere else that makes planes planes. Post military planes, post civilian planes, WW2 planes, 60s planes, contemporary planes. Post air battles, post trip reports, If you are feeling daring, even go so far as to post helicopters. Post cockpits, post passenger cabins, post timetables, post airports, post liveries, post about airlines that exist and that no longer exist. If it's plane related, I want to see it.

And most importantly:
Post your favorite plane.
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Why the heck was the photo deleted? It was demonstrative of helicopter rotor fatality and posted before the NSFW spoiler requirements were changed and enforced on /hobby/. Mods should have just spoilered. Pic rel was the deleted image for demonstrative purposes.


why the fuck is posting that photo on this board even needed? like ok we can get the point that rotor blades can smash your head in


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Read the post it was relevant to, retard.
>like ok we can get the point that rotor blades can smash your head in
That's not what happened or is discussed, and the very fact that you said that demonstrates the need for the photo to illustrate what's going on… an in general since humans are by nature of being hominids, visual learners.

It's not spam, it's clearly relevant to the post and thread and so obviously not gratuitous violence. Spoilers weren't really enforced in /hobby/ at the time of posting, which is why older posts have unspoilered nsfw, and nsfw is posted here in general since this is an imageboard/chan/anonymous-forum. Hell the policy on gorey content only got harsh because /pol/ began spamming it as a raid tactic, which is why the spoiler rules were enforced across the site rather than just the main board as it was before.


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Under socialism, everyone has the time to build a kitplane. I want to build a Rutan Defiant because they're cool, they're even cooler covered in anime girls.

 No.4772[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I love you guys lol
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I saw you post this on leftychan >:^(

love you anyways


Lol thats pretty uncanny.
I seldom crosspost on that place, but someone seemed to kinda like these. Artist is sinsquest btw.


Does anyone remember the name of the e621 mirror but with no art removed?



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This furry manga knows the proletarian has no race or nation.

 No.3333[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since Star Wars got a thread why can’t this? Discuss anything you like of the universe. lore, art, diy modeling or even Marxist critique of the setting and gw parasitic relationship with it.

To start of the part 5 of Astartes fan film and the promise for more.
226 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


people do that usually when female space marines are mentioned.


>femboy sisters of battle
yes please


Now I want to see that just to witness the trainwreck that would be GW way of handling it.


1) The chinlets first started getting mad at GW because they released a statement saying that fascism was bad and the Imperium is supposed to be villainous.

2) Custodes aren't space marines. They're not even related to them, they're an entirely different thing. There has never been any lore that contradicts the possibility of female Custodes because the Custodes are created by mysterious and highly secretive achaeotech from the Dark Age of Technology and *don't* use the emperor's geneseed.

3) Le jungle meme wasn't about Warhammer orcs, but LotR orcs, due to bad early Eastern European translations of Lord of the Rings actively attempting to turn the novel into a Cold War allegory.


>chinlets first started getting mad at GW because they released a statement saying that fascism was bad and the Imperium is supposed to be villainous.
<implying that everyone that liked or played as the Imperium is a chinlet and not just someone roleplaying a tabletop game.
<implying people only got mad at GW for changes to the Imperium
They said fascism is bad, but they didn't just say "it was villainous" because that's redundant; EVERY side of WH40K is villainous in some regard, there is not a single faction of actual good guys because every race or faction is some sort of fucked up,. That's the ENTIRE point, it's ALWAYS been the point. Also /pol/ literally did not care, they embraced the "bad guy" narrative because it's the narrative they get anyway, so it changed very little for them.

People have been getting mad at GW for a long time and for many more reasons than "muh Imperium", I later give the specific example of the Necrons, and that change being wildly unpopular, along with other changes in the 5th Edition that had nothing to do with inclusivity or political 'goodness' of the Imperium.

>Le jungle meme wasn't about Warhammer orcs

Actually yes it is, idiot. Also it's ORK's if you're going to be playing at semantics.
>LotR orcs, due to bad early Eastern European translations of Lord of the Rings actively attempting to turn the novel into a Cold War allegory.
That's not why at all, and you're wrong about the translations too, muddling The Last Ringbearer and actual translations. The Jungle Gang meme comes from Josep Borrell's statement about "Europe is a Garden" and that the (evil) third/second world countries are the untamed jungle savages trying to invade it. The orc part of it comes from memes about liberals claiming LOTR orcs are black people (which is retarded, see the LOTR thread) and an earlier /pol/ post on 8ch/leftypol/ about how the Alt-Right sees its fight with communists and 'subhumans' as "humans vs orcs" which wasn't LOTR specific and actually has massive WH40K influence, there's LITERALLY a screencap of that post on the booru and in the fantasy thread.

>Custodes aren't space marines.

WhPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.36889[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post what you're wearing today, pieces you want to wear, recent cops, thrifting, inspo, concepts, runways, designers, questions, etc.

Previous thread: >>29827
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why do you wanna get fat?


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There's a lot more to suiting than the modern trend of clothes that stick to your body. Shout out to Edwardian suiting.


Some days I want to dress like a billowy mass of old-timer fabrics and other days I want to dress like a post-gender android from the future…


I'm here to find extremely toxic ways to express my masculinity, stop trying to make fashion gay


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It's been fruity since day 1 and will only get fruitier.

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 No.37939[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Even though the fandom is pretty dead. I wanted to see what a brony thread on here would look like since I’m a newbie

What does /leftypol/ think about this franchise and the online subculture it spawned? I feel like now that the little girls who made up the target audience are young adults I’ve been seeing more zoomers tell stories about how they were “traumatized” by the adult fandom and it’s becoming more in vogue to decry the whole “brony” phenomenon as “problematic”.

On the other hand though what’s the sociological explanation for millions of grown men becoming obsessed with a little girls cartoon in spite of hegemonic Western gender norms? I’ve read a lot of conflicting theories from academics and culture critics regarding this. Is it autism? Post-Irony? Or is there something about it that just makes it genuinely appealing?
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I have a hard time seeing any Pie sister except Maud as autistic


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>uhm Izzy, I'm going to need a lot of these
>and I mean a lot!
>like how many can you make in a day?
>I mean it. how many?


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Obligatory /mcg/ post
>Warning: futa content


>big spoon reference
I think the author of the EaW/DE crossover might actually be a communist


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 No.3012[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's make a thread to discuss, review and analyze tv shows. Everybody is binging something these days.
Argue about dvd commentaries, Post your thesis on King of the Hill, Reminisce about a tv show you used to watch but don't quite remember it's title. Just about anything related to shows. Post your highscore on those Ben 10 CN flash games. Anything goes.
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>And what was that another show where literal kids interviewed adults, asking them shit like "will you survive the revolution?"
Like >>41471 said, although the interview segments were called "Beat Kids" so that half-counts.


I finally finished watching Schitt's Creek. I could've swear that show finished after the pandemic

Well, the thread's about to be over too :)
What a bombulating experience


Wow. How did they train these kids to say that stuff

Was the entire show just kids


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Was expecting some comedy in this but it just a drama with incessant fourth wall breaking. All the "comedy" boils down to lady doing funny face.


every annoying woman online loves this show

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 No.3558[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for those who like to read and write including fanfiction. Share drafts, look for beta-readers, ask for writing advice, give recommendations and do all that other cool jazz. Just remember to not bully anyone else no matter how shit their taste might be.
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This goes beyond merely writing, but what do you do when you have two or more similar ideas for a project that at the same time can't really be combined? Normally I'd say to just create both but sometimes it' hard to justify it.


Make the character only exist in subtext, like W.D. Gaster Undertale


Write the outlines for both in more detail and analyze what elements work best and see if you can either combine them into one by removing the excess, OR if you can differentiate one of the stories significantly enough to matter. Otherwise the only other idea I have would be to write one story as a mainline, and another as occurring within the same universe but otherwise being a separate story.


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is an archive of all fanfiction.net fanfics as of 2016 prior to a set of purges, so it's a good archive for stuff up until that point.

These are helpful in finding more recently deleted fanfics

Some fanfiction can be found in archive.is but that was a while ago.


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Repost of an AU someone posted on /siberia/ months back:

I feel like if General Plan Ost somehow was a real thing, we would see a manifest destiny happening in Russia in the 70s, I can just imagine how niche it would be.
>Germans looking for a quick fortune start colonizing the Eastern Lebensraum
>People start building the Berlin-Kazan train track and massacre the locals for their scalps
>Small German homesteads surrounded by white-washed stone walls, Siberian horses, vegetables, imported Holstein cows and Latvian slaves starts popping up everywhere in the Eastern European marshland being attacked by the natives. whom they try to fight by making a circle fort out of their wagons and using their kar89 against their mosin
>Dirlewanger Bandito brigade (10000 Reichsmarks reward alive or dead) ties a whole Belarusian village onto a single piece of a train track and gains an official pardon by the new corrupt marshal of the new town of Moscowein and becomes its sheriff.
>Today's retarded Reichsburger movement, believing the nazi federal government to be authoritarian and bad, start immigrating to the East in droves to escape its rule and become today's nazi cowboys
>Saloon brawls happen all the time but everyone even the women drink German lager and carry ww2 pistols
>Rumors that a tribe of Polish winged hussars, central Asian Mongol raiders, Kazakh kipchacks and Russian horse riders with face paint, armed with PPS are starting to pillage the German colonizer's train tracks yelling AYAYAYAYAYYAYAYYA and taking everyone captives to be sacrificed to big chief man of steel in Yekaterinburg socialist khanate
>the local natives of Tatarstan use all their farm animals to pull a disabled IS-3 tank onto the train tracks so they can rob the German supertrain when it has to slow down.
>former gang member on that specific train who came from greater Finlandia called John Marston (Jan Manstein) survives the attack by asking the tribe's leader to do a luger standoff at high noon behind the old burned Belarusian barn. he loses an ear but is spared by tribe leader for bravery
>he continues his mission given by the Gestapo to hunt down the laPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

 No.5447[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How do you feel about it (and its creator)?
also please spam Charlie pics
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SÉX with Asma Al-Assad


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Is Hazbin Hotel legitimately good or is it essentially the next Steven Universe where its only "good" for ticking off check boxes for a particular community?


Kinda both, some of it is actually good and some of it is what you describe for /sug/

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 No.9852[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Dune discussion general.

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Like Paul in the book is clossr to his surrogate daddies than "the duke." His relationship to his father is more formal than personal. His father serves as a role model for the sacrifice he must make of putting his duty before his feelingss and familyl


"Orient" just means "east." "Oriental" just means "eastern."

Dune takes place on a desert planet, not somewhere east of Europe.


I think Chalamet did a good job as "Paul" in the first movie.

I think he just struggled to be "Muad'Dib."

It reminded me of that one Pirates of the Caribbean movie where Keira Knightley suddenly has to be the leader of a crew of pirates and she just doesn't have the presence for it.


I thought Timmy did a good job.


>I think he just struggled to be "Muad'Dib."
that fits though

 No.5237[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Comrades let's have a thread for martial arts, combat sports and self defense. Striking, grappling, all styles welcome (except fake ass shit). Let's talk about training, techniques, fights, fighters, etc. Here's a fun fact: One of the many achievements of the soviets was founding their own combat system, sambo, which proved to be extremely effective and is still widely practiced today. Also, Judo orange belt here (AMA if you want)
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By face side I meant blade side and there are upword slashes and reverse grips ofc. With the nunchucks. Start with corded chucks then switch to the ball bearing chain cucks. With corded chucks you will just rap your knuckles, eitch the chain chucks you are going to hit yourself in the head.


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Thanks a bunch man, I remember making knock-off nunchucks with sticks and rope and trying to imitation Bruce Lee, and failing completely lol. You may be interested in the HEMA thread BTW >>3859


I'll look around the KB and Muay Thai gyms then, thanks. I don't know the sauce for that pic, but I think I found it on Facebook


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No problem. Another tip: to resheath hold the sheath at the very top then run the back of the blade along your thumb until yhe tip gets to the hole. Sure you probably have seen it in movies.

I also learned a little on tonfas and sais. Shotokan they basically teach you all the ninja turtle weapons + tonfas. Intersting truvia, but the reason that collection of weapons came into being is because they were all originally farming tools and peasants weren't allowed to own swords so they came up with farmingjutsu.


well I looked up a club that does Shotokan and K1 so I can do both of those, there's no kyokushin nearby, I'd like to move somewhere to do it someday

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