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How do you take your baths /hobby/?
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ngl i kinda like body odor as a smell. not sexually or anything but its kinda just a reassuring smell for the most part. i wish more people were accepting of it.

that said i shower daily because social pressure so whatever




smelly girl :3
let me sniff you


Do you have any statistics to back that up?


You really only need to shower like once every two or three days anyway. It's well documented. Only exception is if you have been sweating or live in a humid climate.

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ITT we learn each other to build house.

Discuss woodworking, framing, fastening, tools, share pdf's and resources so we can all build a home from scratch with comrades when capitalism collapses.


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Gonna build wooden commie blocks?
>so we can all build a home from scratch with comrades when capitalism collapses
What a weird way to start a thread, go find a prepper circlejerk elsewhere


>Gonna build wooden commie blocks?
Literally would.
Also use local materials for texture, like rammed earth.


time to post about mass timber again


Thanks masstimber anon. Ever since I watched ur video on it, Im noticing it crop up everywhere. There are a few apartment buildings in my city being built with it and they are typically on the market much faster


what is this? making buildings out of large monolithic wooden pieces? is it like the similar thing with metal poles etc? like a pole barn?

disclaimer: I have no idea if this vid is any good

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Each one teach one! Request or teach people some new hobbies/skills, some pro tips, how to do your job, anything you're experienced at with your insider knowledge and experience. If you learn something good from other anons, reciprocate and let this be a leftypol secret academy
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no. edu is dead and hobby is comfierest


Seconding this! btw have you been watching Better Call Saul too? dirty lawyering seems pretty rad ngl


Dirty commiegang lawyering would be dope, I donno how easy it would be to setup a communist indie lawfirm group that just crowdsources knowledge and info to help proles. Something like a red NAACP but better and even more of a PITA for the booj. Anyways gonna post the little I know, I just have a rough idea on how to build a case not the details.

So you can find legal codes on some kind of law search website like this, https://codes.findlaw.com/LCsearch.html#?cludoquery=drug%20trafficking%20in%20ca&cludoCategory=Codes&cludopage=1&cludorefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcodes.findlaw.com%2F&cludorefpt=U.S.%20Codes%20and%20State%20Codes%20-%20FindLaw&cludoinputtype=standard

Then I assume when you have a bunch of codes relevant to your case put together, you find ambiguities in the wording to build a case, or any other contradictions to other laws cases etc.

Then there are also legal court form websites to find forms you can file with the local courts. I assume the goal is to flood the court with documentation and evidence to make your case look stronger

Also legal letterheads is good to have for sending threatening emails in the likes of something like these

And then for filing case documents specifically there's like a legal format with correct line spacing and all. I guess this is where you put everything together and explain it in word form.

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sounds based but also sounds like speedrunning getting merc'd by feds


similar thread on edu >>>/edu/975

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General Discussion for Twin Peaks and all things Lynch related.
Should there be a season 4?
Where the fuck is Cooper and Laura?
What the fuck happened to Diane?
What did Laura whisper in Cooper's ear in the final shot during the credits?
Why am I still obsessing over this shit?
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On season two right now; is it bad if I want to skip any scene with James?


No, it means you're sane. If you didn't know, Lynch didn't participate in most of S2 (if you can't tell) and only came back to direct the S2 finale. The middle block of S2 (James, etc.) is universally agreed to be hot garbage. Power through, get to the end, and enjoy S3.


I liked James on my rewatch. Hes kind of based.


It's not so much the character as it is a complete break from the tone and pacing already established in the series. Besides, if you know it's coming it will never be as bad as the first time when you have to double take like "am I watching the right show or is this a mixup"?


>It's not so much the character as it is a complete break from the tone and pacing already established in the series
Isn't that like a theme of the show though?

>Why am I still obsessing over this shit?
Because of how bad and unsatisfying season 3 was after how good everything else was, paired with the cliffhanger ending that there is not indication will ever be explored further

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Not sure which board is the most appropriate here, but I wrote an article (with a little Marxist theory) about the recent edits to the Roald Dahl books.

Basically my take is that the edits are bad but not because they tamper with a sacred text but because the property is owned by one company, and that the more edits the merrier.

Would appreciate any feedback, comrades!

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Belittling media for children is a trojan horse for all kinds of bullshit. A good example of this being implemented recently is the War on Drugs propaganda being inserted into kids' shows and doing a lot to shape attitudes about drugs and drug use.


All "media for children" is inherently harmful authoritarian propaganda


posthumously changing a writer's writing is really ooky.


>There’s a certain whiff here of not just social justice, but corporate-induced blandness, the type that took the word philosopher out of the original Harry Potter US edition, because publishers were worried kids wouldn’t understand it.
stupid Americans don't know the hermetic goals of alchemy huehuehue


*blocks your path*

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 No.15233[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Old /co/ thread is dead and buried.
Let's have a new thread to talk about comics and animation.
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Idc about it but damn the name goes hard also copyright is cringe

what was the context of this, he was accused of being one by some evil wizard?



That's anime tho

I heard that Thor is basically a shounen protagonist

Is that true?


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Ive taken to comic bad girls lately. Can any recommend some good comics/manga with hot nude/semi-nude vulgar women doing raunchy and bad shit?


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 No.13032[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How did these clearly left wing books become a symbol for ancaps?
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Is he a self-insert? Like is he Orwell's way of saying "I'm sorry bros I know I am a piece of shit but they made rats nibble on my earlobes"?


Orwell didn't get coerced into working for British Intelligence he got honey-potted like the sex pest he is.

His contact/handler was a very attractive British woman whom he desperately wanted to get it on with.


wow women are truly evil


>anglo serves anglo intelligence and lusts for anglo women


Simp farm.


tortoise TTS is too slow and making good AI models takes time

websites like elevenlabs and fakeyou are too expensive for mass production of audio. You can get away with shorter stuff for free, however.

for TTS i still use festival scripts piped through libreoffice writer TTS plugin. I can get Linux or Windows to generate an 10 hour audiobook from a pile of text ripped out of a PDF in about a half an hour. Not bad. problem is, it sounds like shit. MP3 attached is an example of the kind of output you get from that.

I previously made this thread:


I often listen to audiobooks because I'm too busy with kids and work these days to really commit with a hard cover book. I can listen to an audiobook when changing a diaper or doing laundry or at work. I can't do that with a regular book. Problem is, not everything I want to listen to has a professionally made audiobook ready for it, and even if it does, I can't always find a good torrent. I still explore TTS pretty often because I think it has a lot of potential for helping people who don't have time to read a regular book. Also visually impaired and blind people.

Do any of you mess around with TTS? If so, what's your approach?



what comedian do you like /leftypol/ ?
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The little bit of Clarke and Dawe that I've seen is quite funny. I take it these guys are the Aussie equivalent of Monty Python


Bong Hit Transplant


Whats everyones take on John Oliver? Recently he's had some good takes against landlords and all. His pieces are pretty good and I watch em sometimes


His writers room is aging millennials from college humor who make “like x if it y with x” jokes forced into every other line of what equates to a capstone 10 page paper riddled with neoliberal sensibilities with an ideological underpinning that harps only on impossible soft changes and “just vote”. It’s sometimes interesting as far as content if it’s a topic I know little about, but it’s the kind of smug Reddit tier “did you know that coffee beans came from little goofy goats that ate the beans and the shepherd said ‘golly Ms molly the Goat, you shake that rump you bad bitch!’ And then all of societal progress happened.”


Liberal Tucker Carlson rehashes last week's Twitter controversies mediated through mock incredulity

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Are there any kinds of online communities that are exclusive to amateurs and dilettantes in a certain topic anymore? My patience is pretty thin for people that expect others to be their DDG or that pontificate on something that they clearly don't understand.


Why did you ask this on /hobby/?


I find subreddits usually fine. YouTube usually has nice videos. Where are these "expert" communities you refer to?

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