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 No.1782[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are some good dystopian sic-di movies.

(mod edit: cyberpunk goes in here too)
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It's more just a different sort of film. Either works by itself really, but they also add to each other. The sequel isn't supposed to be a continuation of the same story or a retread but something else in the same world at a different time.


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Recently read this article about the planned new Judge Dredd-esque prison complex in New York City. Considering the increasing violent and drug crime levels, rent and food price inflation, recent deployment of the National Guard and now this 2.0 version of The Tombs, it feels like NYC is genuinely becoming the dystopia from Escape from New York.



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As I reiterated in >>>/alt_archive/5937 Cameron's recent ventures have given me little faith in him. The same applies to Ridley Scott with his abysmal Alien Covenant and how he essentially killed Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5 attempt by basically pressuring the studio to prioritize his shoddy Prometheus trilogy, dooming a promising sequel that offered an alternate Alien 3 scenario. I bring this up because Alien Romulus is coming out soon and while the teaser doesn't tell me enough about it's quality, the fact that BOTH Ridley Scott and James Cameron not only publicly supported the film (giving me Terminator Genysis/Dark Fate vibes) but also gave input/criticism/advice (i.e. pressure a la Dark Fate) to Director Fede Álvarez, who stated:
>"It’s also fascinating because [Cameron and Scott’s] notes and comments are completely different. (Laughs.) They wouldn’t repeat a note. Whatever Ridley said, Cameron said something different."
Although innocuous in a vaccuum considering the similarities to behind-the-scenes regarding the Alien and Terminator franchises, it makes me wary.

However it's not all doom and gloom. The trailer's atmosphere reminded me of the recent Dark Descent video-game which really embraced the grimdark aspect of xenomorphs. I only hope they don't do shitty, dark lighting, as often happens nowadays, a la AvP: Requiem . Álvarez seems to be genuine about his appreciation for the franchise, though simply saying such things isn't much with how often that claim is used.

The cast has potential although they're a little too young IMO, but we'll see, maybe they're just the survivors while the adults die, or some adult characters may feature as secondary roles.
Isabela Merced is a wonderful actress, playing one of the leading roles, so I have hopes for her. Amara Namani wasn't great in her break-out film Pacific Rim: Uprising, but she wasn't terrible either, I think it was just bad directing that undercut her, so I think she might pull it off, especially with that Ripley visual reference in the trailer. Tommy Collins is also a pretty good actor, being quite real in the roles I've seen.

The plot summary so far is promising, reminiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Just saw the teaser, not hopeful. CGI face huggers chasing people around, and it looks basically like a remake of the original. I love that film, and other works that use the Alien license, but I don't reckon this will stand out from any other monster-in-space film. Why do we need it? It's like that The Thing prequel that nobody remembers.


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>it looks basically like a remake of the original.
I don't think so, it's just a similar aesthetic, which makes sense given what its about.
>CGI facefuggers
Yeah that is pretty lame NGL.
>I don't reckon this will stand out from any other monster-in-space film… Why do we need it?
Alien and Aliens is a pretty damn high bar tbh, I'd just appreciate a good movie in the same verse. The older films and media are fun, but something new (that isn't schlock like Prey or Covenant) would be nice.
>It's like that The Thing prequel that nobody remembers
I 'member… it wasn[t that great but I thought the prequel was pretty decent for something made essentially by fans with a budget. Although if you're looking for a similar movie to The Thing, try Harbinger Down (2015).

Honestly I'm just sad we'll never see Blomkamp's ideas realized

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I don't know where else to ask this but how do I make the best use of my free time?
I was a NEET and stacked up too many hobbies but now I'm going to trade school and soon I'll get a job and the little free time I have is too crammed.
What do I do?
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Some guy is necrobumping old threads from the very bottom of catalog.


sorry i was lurking and didnt check the date


You weren't doing it in bad faith, so no biggie lol.


Nta but I personally want an update from him tbh. I’m curious if he’s maintaining any hobbies or found a way to balance it.


"Necrobumping" is only a sin on old style boards where the implication is that the thread either settled or was superceded.

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 No.28486[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post general thoughts, comments and marxist or any analysis on the show.

Ep 1 and 2 is out, Ep 3 comes out today.

Never seen GoT and enjoying the show so far, decent political intrigue so far.
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>They would not produce some kiddie cartoon
Uhhhh… I guess I shouldn't mention HBO Max then. Although technically Max's adult cartoons are still Cartoon Network/Adult Swim's production. But HBO and Cartoon Network/Adult Swim are subsidiaries of WB Discovery anyway, they cross over (in Multiversus it's taken literally). If we'll see a cartoon adaptation of GoT it'll probably be made by Cartoon Network Studios if it won't get closed before this ever happens. Or Frederator Studios. DEFINITELY Frederator, they've made Castlevania. Although CNS has made Primal afaik so hard to say.


Funny that you say that it should be fully animated for better visual quality while we have hundreds of cheaply-made 2D cartoons, both targetted at children and adults. Realistically speaking, the animated GoT will probably be like Velma or that Star Trek cartoon because animated sitcoms are a form of incureable cancer. I know I said that Frederator would most likely produce it but on second thought it's the BEST CASE scenario.


Me too, soyjak fandom will like it tho. Relax tho, it's just the trailer, which is all about advertising, usually not produced by the showrunners at all


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That's kind of appropriate for this story. That's not why they're doing it, thoughever. It's very effective marketing to have different "teams" in the fandom arguing with each other because it keeps more attention on the property. Different industries figured it out at different points. Movies/TV production probably realized it with Twilight and the whole Edward vs Jacob craze that everyone and their dog had to hear about even if they hated it.

If Gurm wanted to get his shit animated he should try to make more connections in Japan. Maybe Miyazaki (not that one, the other one) could hook him up with some anime studio. The prospects of an adult animated ASOIAF show is straight up not going to happen because Gurm is under the HBO umbrella. If he had jumped on Netflix they would be all over it. They love animation. Warner-Discovery-whatever fucking hates it due to the new CEO David Zaslav who clearly hates animation (canceling and pulling a ton of it from the HBO/Max catalog). Partly because animation is costly, probably partly because he is a boomer who wants to make low effort reality TV and thinks cartoons are for babies.



Ahahaha. This fatass will probably rather kill his cousin instead of writing the books. I'd be surprised if he has even written a single chapter from TWOW that wasn't left over from the ADWD script.

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 No.4441[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Holy shit, I've rarely seen a movie as on the nose and blunt in its critique of capitalist society, and yet Americans seemingly cannot comprehend what it's a criticism of. I've seen "It's about authoritarianism" "It's about the death of free market competition" "It's secretly about socialism!"
Holy fuck, how can it be possible to be as retarded as burgers? It's like unless a film blatantly jumps up and down shouting "CAPITALISM BAD" they literally can't parse out any form of symbolism or allegory at all. Why are these people such idiotic apes?
The writer/director was literally part of the South Korean Socialist Party, tf is the dysfunction in burger brains?
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This was surprisingly compelling for a hot take



He has got a point. I wish for more minority actors in movies and TV.


I wish for more movies and TV shows that didn't have shitty scripts instead.


Also, minority where? America isn't the world.

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transfer window edition
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Pure europoor and British cope.


"Premier" League: Could Arse actually win this shit?
They are gonna bottle it, right? Right?


I knew it
Anyway Internazionale Milano is quite likely to advance to the CL final which I see as a win for leftists


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top 10 best football chants


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 No.5031[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hey all, I was curious at to what you guys think about the SCP Foundation shared universe.
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>SCP-4078 was Trofim Lysenko, a Class IV Reality-Altering humanoid entity, biologist, and political ideologue in the former Soviet Union.


I wonder, what's the consensus on GRU-P?


What the fuck did I just read lmao


A SCP smutfic


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Interesting thing is mal0 isn't actually all that connected to SCP-1471. Pic rel was where the skulldog design came from.


 No.36674[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Ancient History and Lost Civilisation Enjoyer Thread #3

>Previous threads:



<Confirming the age of ancient footprints

>For their follow-up study, the researchers focused on radiocarbon dating of conifer pollen, because it comes from a terrestrial plant and avoids the issues that can arise when dating aquatic plants such as Ruppia, according to the news release.

>The scientists were able to isolate some 75,000 grains of pollen, collected from the exact same layers as the original seeds, for each sample. Thousands of grains are required to achieve the mass necessary for a single radiocarbon measurement. The pollen age matched that found for the seeds.

>The team also used a dating technique known as optically stimulated luminescence, which determines the last time quartz grains in the fossil sediment were exposed to sunlight. This method suggested that the quartz had a minimum age of 21,500 years.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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The responses are very telling.
This isn't about truth, it is about being a contrarian. Even if you have the backing of mainstream academics you have to pretend otherwise, because them agreeing with you threatens your status as brave rebels, who fight the lies of those academic eggheads. Sad.


What the fuck is this vague accusation even referring to? To whom?


What are you talking about? The overall point of "there are older cultures we haven't found yet" or "ancient peoples were more advanced than we give them credit for" are pretty mainstream. Some of the more marginal and less important claims that Hancock reports are also seeing more evidence pointing towards them, like that crater found under the Hiawatha glacier or the South American crop residue found on Rapa Nui.


>The Holodomor being a myth is academic consensu

Leftypedia does not agree with that


>In the early 1930s a series of food crises affected major agricultural countries,[4] the one in the UkSSR being an outright famine:

>[…] the USSR experienced an unusual environmental disaster in 1932: extremely wet and humid weather that gave rise to severe plant disease infestations, especially rust. Ukraine had double or triple the normal rainfall in 1932. Both the weather conditions and the rust spread from Eastern Europe, as plant pathologists at the time documented. Soviet plant pathologists in particular estimated that rust and other fungal diseases reduced the potential harvest in 1932 by almost nine million tons, which is the largest documented harvest loss from any single cause in Soviet history.

>— Mark Tauger, [5]

This was followed by severe drought.

>Anticommunist sabotage also had an influence.[6][7] While collectivization might have influenced the famine, its extent remains disputed, but is likely that inappropriate procurement targets also contributed to the crisis.

>The Soviets responded to the famine by sending food aid and reducing food quotas and food exports.[8][9][10][11] Despite their efforts, modern analysis indicates that 1.8–2.5 million people still perished, which corresponds to the Soviet estimate of 2.4 million.[12]


 No.16134[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What do you think of the Solarpunk literary genre? I find it very interesting, not only because I find the aesthetics very attractive, but also because it is openly anti-capitalist and has a very strong ideological content.
But I would like to know what /leftypol/ thinks.

Do you find a Solarpunk society the ideal society?anarcho-communismAnarcho-Communism
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>my ideology? le cool aesthetics of course!
lmao is this drivel supposed to prove the other poster wrong??


there's nothing wrong with cool aesthetics. or unsocialist for that matter


Engaging prose, meh content.
<It is a dark truth of environmentalism that wind farms, solar arrays, hydroelectric dams and other triumphs of sustainability require completely engineered landscapes. Building them means ripping up the ground and installing massive amounts of metal and concrete.
I agree that's true but I don't see what's dark about it.
<In light of their power, overthrowing the mega-rich is a dicey project, and one perhaps left to a different kind of political aesthetic. Instead solarpunk can challenge the capitalist status quo by nurturing alternative economic arrangements at a community and network level. Encourage resiliency that insulates towns and neighborhoods from economic shocks. Forge mutal aid pacts that protect members from fiscal predation. If we can prove that we don’t need them or their money, the chokehold of the plutocracy will loosen.
Without freely available land, how would that work? I don't need the landlord in the sense that I don't need that person to exist for the house to exist, but I must pay rent to a landlord and there is no practical way of sneaking out of this except for a tiny minority. The only thing that could do away with landlords is class struggle. There is a lot in the text about doing this or that in a sneaky way (growing food on land you don't own), all of these have to be niche activities or they cease being sneaky.
>debt jubilee
>tax on extreme wealth
>the regulation or even abolition of usury
Not gonna happen without taking state power.
<vertical farms
<As Vaclav Havel explained: “Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.” Havel, an artist turned activist turned statesman who led his nation out of a time of crisis, in many ways embodies the transformational power of Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


lmfao its neither socialist nor unsocialist, its just baby shit for petit bourgeois with too much spare time


Who's gonna mine the material needed for the solar panels?
Austin TX ass ideology

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>Comedy Central announced on Wednesday that classic MTV animated series Beavis and Butt-Head will return with creator Mike Judge once again at the helm.

>Beavis and Butt-Head has received a two-season order at the network, which also has plans for spinoffs and specials. Judge will be writing and producing the series along with voicing the titular characters. The revival will tackle Gen Z after the original series dealt with Gen X.

>"It seemed like the time was right to get stupid again," Judge said in a statement.

>Comedy Central, which is under ViacomCBS along with MTV, recently announced a Daria spin-off series, titled Jodie, that will feature a voice-cast led by Tracee Ellis Ross.

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I'll watch it on a pirate website and then probably forget about it


Hopefully they don't fuck it up


So did anyone here actually see Beavis and Butt-Head Do the Universe ? Was it at all good? I don't trust the reviews/critics


it's worth a watch


Beavis and Butthead aren’t nihilists.
Their goals are very limited by being dumb and you are supposed to laugh at them for it.

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Ok so I couldn't find any music prod thread in here so making one to see if anyone could tell me where to start with production. I really like to listen to music and would love to make some too!!!
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If you only use samples, then you don't have to learn theory (besides the concept of staying in time), sure. But composing definitely requires that knowledge.


This thread was literally at page 25 and hasn't had a post since the end of 2021, over 2 years ago. Why have you monkey's bumped it for no reason? You KNOW the posters from this thread are no longer here, and you KNOW there is >>>/music/
Are you okay?


sorry i was lurking and didnt check the date


People complaining about necrobumping must be the dumbest shit ever.


Necrobumping is often used as a method by spammers and bad faith actors, which is among the reasons it's seen with suspicion.
In addition it's often discouraged on forums, imageboards and Stack Exchanges etc. because
>Bumping a topic that has been dead for months or years is not doing anything except raising a very old discussion to the top. It is entirely possible that the people involved in said discussion have either forgotten what was going on or simply left the community. sage for offtopic

No harm no foul, just pointing it out friendo.

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