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 No.3558[View All]

Thread for those who like to read and write including fanfiction. Share drafts, look for beta-readers, ask for writing advice, give recommendations and do all that other cool jazz. Just remember to not bully anyone else no matter how shit their taste might be.
342 posts and 72 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I’m confused, do you guys mean actual OCD or being a perfectionist?



Good luck on your journey to sobriety!


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Any other /fimfic/ horsefuckers ITT? It's pretty much the only reason I still visit /mlp/


I ashamedly admit to having browsed the site in the past, though I was never a br0ny or even liked the 2000s-2010s iteration of MLP. It was kinda unavoidable at the time. Still, there's good fics among the (horse)shit.


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Well, here's first Draft. As you can see, still some issues when it comes to actually finishing the thing. I haven't really written an intro, deciding to keep a strikethrough'd version of the previous attempts into just to see what can be used, but overall introless. There are some parts where I can feel the college paperness of it all. The yellow sections means I might cut it, blue means I might rewrite. I felt that the yellow highlighted about politican organizations was just not an argument one might make. I guess it can apply to an org, and why they might not care for fitness, but eh. I felt that one was too college paper. The second one, I just didn't care for this argument. I thought it was a bit of a strawman of the average lib. And yet, I was compelled to make it, I guess to address it and also I wanted a third argument. For Fitness, I felt a bit better on, though it gets a bit weak at the end. How To Fitness, its decent but I def need to refine the advice given on how best to go about fitness. Red Fitness, I am conflicted. I feel there are some lines in isolation I like.But I can see it if someone says some things aren't necessary. I think I might have a habit, or at least of this project to find out about something or remember something and want to just add it in. You can probably see this throughout the essay. I tried to edit it, even printed it out to take out some lines I didn't like. But I am a man, and so faults may occur. I justified it, with a new font.


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>Writing an isekai story where the main character ends up in another world
>Don't like contrived "every country and race magically speaks the same language as the MC" bullshit
>Don't want contrived "divine knowledge" shit since it's a cheap cop-out
How would I go about writing a foreign/fake language guys? I know that Trek created Klingon and LOTR's Tolkien wrote the Black Tongue and Elvish for his books, but I'm stuck wondering "is there a 'common tongue' in such works, and how would I go about writing such a base language and having the main character learning it?
The closest example of such a plotline I can think of in (say) fanfiction would be https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7914311/1/A-New-World-The-Story-Of-A-Lost-Shinobi
But while that fic has the Japanese - English conversion, it's not quite accurate (given how Kanji work which makes a 1:1 translation much more inaccurate + the cheat of shadow-clones. So now I'm stuck thinking of how to impliment this in my story, since it's created a huge block for me.


you could use a conlang. the easiest ones are probably easiest also from a writing perspective, since they are easy to learn. toki pona might fit the bill. on the other hand it's perhaps too simple since it only has one word for land animals (soweli), no words for colors like purple or brown (in fact it only has three color words) and so on


I was thinking of doing that, but like you said it has limitations. Frankly I'm thinking of doing a deep-dive study of linguistics and etymology to try and replicate the language creation process.


sound incredibly nerdy go for it!


>How would I go about writing a foreign/fake language guys?
There's a million resources for conlangs if you want to flesh out the language to any degree (a few words and grammar rules are probably sufficient for storytelling purposes). You probably should have at least some concept of linguistics if you want to make the language differences a plot point, but you also could just leave it as characters struggling to communicate with each other if they don't share a language.

>Frankly I'm thinking of doing a deep-dive study of linguistics and etymology to try and replicate the language creation process.
Ok. Here's a youtube playlist that walks through the process.


Play Kotonoha Amrilato, it's about a Japanese girl ending up in a parallel universe where everyone speaks a language called Juliamo.


>probably should have at least some concept of linguistics if you want to make the language differences a plot point
It's going to be an underlying part of the main character's journey, regarding things lost in translation, underlying native cultural meanings to words and other such aspects. It's jarring how lazy a lot of isekai are regarding just accepting utter foreigners when most such stories take place in fantasy settings, where xenophobia is rampant and a stranger with no understanding of local/national culture would not be having an easy time.

>a youtube playlist that walks through the process.

Thanks, this is exactly what I've been looking for

Wasn't that based on Esperanto?
You're referring to https://vndb.org/v21321 right?


I just wanted to trick you into learning Esperanto…


I started learning it a while back but I couldn't get through it all.


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I'm considering writing a story but I'm finding myself considering if I ought to do First or Third Person perspective. Most literature tends to go for the latter, especially in longer stories, and few go for the first person perspective. Does anyone have any suggestions?

For context the story I'm writing is fiction, the setting is technically fantasy (as in there are magic, monsters and gods) in a mythological sort of way. An example of this would be something like Inuyasha's ancient Japan, or classical Fairy Tales such as The Ice Queen, Princess and the Frog, or The Red Flower. There's going to be 3 main characters (at least in so far as I've planned out), there isn't a central villain planned at the moment, and it's a journey type story, so it's not short.

So First or Third Person?



“Don’t you eat that apple!”
“Yes,” the man said.
“Yes,” the woman did not speak, she echoed.
“I’ll be back…”
The towering door creaked. Golden light poured out of it, as the silhouette of some mountain formed.
“Ssssssshit, where were you, chief?”
The shadow knelt. A bearded face looked at the hissing thing on the ground.
“I just had to make sure the trap was set.”
The slithering serpent went into the light. The great bearded head of god almighty rose high. Swivelling hither. Turning hither. The coast was clear, or so God hoped.
“Sssay, ssssssister,” Lucifer whispered. “You sssssseem famisssshed.”
The woman looked up with doe eyes. What kind of animal was that? She hadn’t seen it in Eden before.
“Ssssssuck on thissss.”
The apple fell. Hit her head. It bounced onto the luscious grass. Rolling like a world unto itself, a kingdom of desire, spinning, spinning, red and ripe. She picked it up; beads of water covered the shiny flesh.


lmao retard take i found funny in the wild.
"uhh everyone like schizo abe, ignore he got assasinated for being a enabler of cultism, or the fact vinctims of japanese fascism hated his nazi defending ass"


Consider that for first person, it's implied very directly and strongly that the narrator is the same character as the POV character, while third person can more easily be separated conceptually as an observer and commentator. The narrator is a character in the story, in the sense that word choice and what information gets focus implies something about them. Or you could do something like Douglas Adams and give the narration a more overt personality. How you write the story will affect how the reader relates to it. That's what the relevance of the choice is, so use that to inform what works for the story you're telling.
This is generally done in third person due to genre conventions relating to the origins in folklore retold orally about things that happened to different people long ago. First person doesn't fit that aesthetic.
>There's going to be 3 main characters
Is there one POV character or do you intend to switch between them? A third person limited or omniscient narrator can readily maintain a single characterization observing those three. The "closer" the narrator is to the characters in terms of what they know, the more the narration from different POVs should vary. A distant narrator recounting an ancient tale probably wouldn't comment much on their thoughts or feelings, but a more neutral voice with more intimate knowledge can characterize them by reflecting their personalities. If you plan to switch POVs and use first person, then you would expect the narration style to be distinct for each character.


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Link the fic it's reviewing.

I understand the concepts of First and Third Person, but thanks for simplifying some aspects
>do something like Douglas Adams
It wouldn't work for the story I'm writing.
>This is generally done in third person due to genre conventions relating to the origins in folklore retold orally about things that happened to different people long ago
While true, the reason I ask is because I was considering writing the story from the perspective of the main character as they are first thrown into events, and as a result choose a path to follow, along with some fellow companions with similar motivation.
Essentially I want it to begin as a young man/teen put on the path of revenge, who through his journey getting there and the relationships he gains, slowly lets go of his hatred and anger.
This in part makes me want to rely on a first person view to help carry across the emotions, but I'm not experienced in writing like that for long-form stories.
>Is there one POV character or do you intend to switch between them
I'm on the fence about it. If its a First Person then I'd have to limit myself to one or two POV shifts in a chapter to prevent confusion, but Third Person limited would lend itself better then as well.
>If you plan to switch POVs and use first person, then you would expect the narration style to be distinct for each character.
Very good point, thanks.

I'll take this brainstorming into account, it's given me plenty of think about. Thanks


Any tips for writing alternate history?


Have interesting characters unlike Turtledove


Depends on how realistic you want to be. A good example of Eric Emmanuel Schmidt's book on Hitler, where Hitler is actually accepted into Art School and how that changes both everything and nothing.


>Link the fic it's reviewing.
Looking back, i should have guessed this type of "Review" would happen in a >Gate fanfiction.
shame, i like the concept and would love to make a USSR one in the future.


I guess I'm just hung up on how to structure the story to be able to really explore the alternate history of the setting. Maybe I'll have to read more alternate history books.


Thinking about writing a liberal version of The Turner Diaries though maybe it would work better as a video game.


Liberal Crime Squad?


I've not really played it but I am aware of it, maybe I will have to play it though.


I posted some GATE fanfics involving the USSR in the Girls Und Panzer thread, but some of them are deleted.

GATE really does attract the worst fanfic writers, probably because it's such an easy concept.


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November is National Novel Writing Month (but anybody in the world participates in it).
There are 30 days in November.
Can you write a 50,000 word novel?
That's about 1667 words per day.
Maybe you've just got a short story or novella to write.
Now is a good opportunity to start since there's an international community of writers in the NaNoWriMo community.


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Found out about it right after discovering https://www.touhou-project.com/ last month. A few of the regulars there participated. Sometimes they host competitions too. Anyone here go there?


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Warning, NSFW prompt:
“You may now, uh… which one is the bride?” The priest asked confusedly. Nidalee didn’t care to wait any longer, leaning in and giving you a big, hard smooch on your lips before deciding to simply walk out of the building with you. She dragged you along, holding your hand the entire way back to the limousine… nobody showed up for the wedding- after all, you two only met three days ago. The entire ride back to your place was full of wet, sloppy, gagging as she fucked your throat the whooole way there~ Grabbing at the back of your head, cupping your chin, squeezing your cheeks, pulling your hair… you loved it. Every second of it. That’s why you asked to marry after only one sleepless night with her~


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How can writers avoid "literally me" situations? You know, where a character that was meant to criticize certain people is received instead as some kind of positive representation? Even if you have other characters (or the narrator) spell out what's wrong with them, they still seem to be interpreted as based for triggering their opponents.
Pic related, one of the classic examples.


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You can't. People will interpret it as they will. The best a writer can do is be definitive and consistent with the characters they're writing.
As an anti-example; General Ironwood from RWBY. He's supposed to be paranoid, using military discipline and force to solve problems and being a military thinker. However he's still on the side of good. However the writers of RT needed a conflict between him and RWBY, so they had him just jump from paranoid into dictatorial insanity, banking on a plan that may not work, abandoning the planet and the people of it, and shooting down rescue ships and so on. Not to mention a lack of proper military tactics and defenses against a horde enemy. This was a terrible attempt to make him a villain and to prevent the "literally me/dindu" aspect (and failed anyway since most fans still like the General).

So to prevent this
A) Consistent antagonist/negative portrayal or if not, then write a proper twist reveal such as in Disney's Atlantis with Commander Rourke
B) Make sure to have your protagonist/positive character portrayals consistent and make sense within the narrative framework. For example Luke Skywalker.


This goes beyond merely writing, but what do you do when you have two or more similar ideas for a project that at the same time can't really be combined? Normally I'd say to just create both but sometimes it' hard to justify it.


Make the character only exist in subtext, like W.D. Gaster Undertale


Write the outlines for both in more detail and analyze what elements work best and see if you can either combine them into one by removing the excess, OR if you can differentiate one of the stories significantly enough to matter. Otherwise the only other idea I have would be to write one story as a mainline, and another as occurring within the same universe but otherwise being a separate story.


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is an archive of all fanfiction.net fanfics as of 2016 prior to a set of purges, so it's a good archive for stuff up until that point.

These are helpful in finding more recently deleted fanfics

Some fanfiction can be found in archive.is but that was a while ago.


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Repost of an AU someone posted on /siberia/ months back:

I feel like if General Plan Ost somehow was a real thing, we would see a manifest destiny happening in Russia in the 70s, I can just imagine how niche it would be.
>Germans looking for a quick fortune start colonizing the Eastern Lebensraum
>People start building the Berlin-Kazan train track and massacre the locals for their scalps
>Small German homesteads surrounded by white-washed stone walls, Siberian horses, vegetables, imported Holstein cows and Latvian slaves starts popping up everywhere in the Eastern European marshland being attacked by the natives. whom they try to fight by making a circle fort out of their wagons and using their kar89 against their mosin
>Dirlewanger Bandito brigade (10000 Reichsmarks reward alive or dead) ties a whole Belarusian village onto a single piece of a train track and gains an official pardon by the new corrupt marshal of the new town of Moscowein and becomes its sheriff.
>Today's retarded Reichsburger movement, believing the nazi federal government to be authoritarian and bad, start immigrating to the East in droves to escape its rule and become today's nazi cowboys
>Saloon brawls happen all the time but everyone even the women drink German lager and carry ww2 pistols
>Rumors that a tribe of Polish winged hussars, central Asian Mongol raiders, Kazakh kipchacks and Russian horse riders with face paint, armed with PPS are starting to pillage the German colonizer's train tracks yelling AYAYAYAYAYYAYAYYA and taking everyone captives to be sacrificed to big chief man of steel in Yekaterinburg socialist khanate
>the local natives of Tatarstan use all their farm animals to pull a disabled IS-3 tank onto the train tracks so they can rob the German supertrain when it has to slow down.
>former gang member on that specific train who came from greater Finlandia called John Marston (Jan Manstein) survives the attack by asking the tribe's leader to do a luger standoff at high noon behind the old burned Belarusian barn. he loses an ear but is spared by tribe leader for bravery
>he continues his mission given by the Gestapo to hunt down the last member of his former gang named Arthur, his journey takes him to the Caucasus where he meets Chechnyan bandoliers and befriends them
>they assist him in finding the location of Arthur and killing him
>he later retires in his barn near Moscowein and is executed by the Gestapo government representatives and 200 Sturmtruppen das Kolonialbrigade who attack his barn with mg 43, except his wife and children manage to escape and save his book called Bloodmeridian and Soil

Links to pic 1 and 3 that I found interesting


I'd like to write more but I feel like a fraud because I haven't read enough. Can anyone relate?


I can and can't. I literally read almost every book in every library in my area as a child and I've been reading for decades, so by modern standards I'm well-read, but at the same time, when writing I find myself feeling under-read and incapable at times, it's natural when you're not a professional writer and haven't had a few books or written works under your belt.


Every time I think of writing something my brain goes "you haven't even read 80% of literary canon, fraud"


Impostor syndrome is pretty normal for anything. Just remember that however bad you are at something, there's somebody worse at it being paid a lot to do it. Especially for writing.



A draft of what would be the first chapter in a longer story. Is it worth continuing?


Plot wise, seems very clique.
Writing feel stilted and awkward, entirely composed out of short fragmented sentences.


Thanks, probably won't continue. I was excited to write it but I've never done anything like it before.

I was going to call the story 'The Death Of John Smith'. It was vaguely inspired by The Madness Of Hercules.

The plot was going to revolve around a husband's murder of his wife, split into two narratives.

The first narrative would be his release from prison after serving a life sentence and his struggle thereafter. I was going to send him through the stages of grief, and eventually he would suffer a psychotic break as he experiences hallucinations of his dead wife speaking to him. The story would end with him being consigned to a psychiatric ward.

The second narrative was going to be the lead up to the murder. I was going to interweave the narratives so that they ran parallel.

I had so many ideas for this. It was going to be about the failure of his struggle to forge an identity seperate from that of a murderer.

The next chapter was going to be about a barbacue in his family home with his wife and daughters, as well as their friends and his mother. The chapter was going to end with him pouring his cup of red wine on a myrtle plant in his backgarden, transfixed with his anger at his wife and invasive paranoid thoughts of her cheating on him. I was going to describe the wine mixing with the soil and appearing as though it were blood (in a vague allusion to a part in the Aeneid).

I was gonna be a smart ass and call that chapter 'Libations'. I also planned for him to murder his wife with a carving knife in front of his daughters, and describe their screams like that of a banshee.

The woman who recognises him in the first chapter was an allusion to his mother, which was a theme I was going to try and develop.

I guess it will all just be another unwritten story.


Keep writing. Also if you're concerned about how something sounds, try reading it out loud or having someone else do it for you.


Dont get discouraged anon, its the first thing you ever written, of course its going to suck, nobody ever made a masterpiece on their first attempt.


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always looking for stories, like horror the most, articles too, can't pay, unemployed


Unique IPs: 25

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