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Since nobody has made a new one and people keep asking for it I made the next one.
Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky" - http://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Swole-Soldiers Edition

Previous threads on >>>/alt_archive/
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Martin Ford on the other hand ought to be an inspiration to any /fit/itzen as he achieved his goals and overcame his issues and problems.


>smith machine
not ideal for a lot of reasons, but in particular it won't help your form because it stabilizes the bar for you, you are much safer starting with minimum weight and making sure you get the form right.

>If you want to burn calories, then doing lots of low intensity exercise will help the most
for sure, but I'm trying to maintain muscle mass while I lose weight so I'm still doing resistance too, just in a different "mode"


North Korean Athlete Kang Hyon Gyong recently set world records for the snatch and clean & jerk with 104kg and 131kg respectively at 55kg bodyweight (though not at the same competition).


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most feeble north korean


what's crazy about that clean & jerk WR session is her opening lifts were above everyone else's maximums and she kept going up from there. simply built different


 No.27348[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

post meme templates and objects with transparent backgrounds, etc. for our OC makers to use.
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 No.11924[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What's the Marxist take on the ongoing Drake vs Kendrick Lamar feud?
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>Kendrick's producer The Alchemist is not only a Zionist but also "Israeli."
imagine thinking Palestinians care.


none of this is a conspiracy
celebrity spectacle #48271947639473 happens, record label makes money from music released under it, and the sun sets on another day in the US
this still would have happened even if israel didnt exist


Lotta pro-Palestine people have terminal main character syndrome.


Kek, now Macklemore has a diss track against him.


They do unfortunately. I blame Arab shame-honour culture.


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Undertale is primarily a commentary on the ways people approach media. Genocide route, in that context, is a response to playing through games in the increasingly prevalent mechanical and consumptive way. While there's enough in there to support Toby exalting authorial intent, I think he's noticing trends in the ways people approach games (consumptive and completionist), but hasn't really diagnosed the cause, which is why he condemns the player for playing through genocide (or choosing to see it without playing themselves) as a personal failing rather than getting at things like the culture industry or trends in game design and marketing that encourage that kind of approach. As not a great fan of authorial intent I still see a lot of value in a game (or anything really) having the guts to resist people who only want to engage with it in a boring or distanced way.
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Undertale Yellow was fun.


>Genocide route, in that context, is a response to playing through games in the increasingly prevalent mechanical and consumptive way.
Is it though?
to me people who approach videogames genocide way are people who aren't very used to them and take them less seriously. i also don't see how it is increasing, keep in mind that the genocide way was pretty much the only way to approach games back in arcades.
>he condemns the player for playing through genocide (or choosing to see it without playing themselves)
the game becoming harder and edgier is a reward for some. i would say that not caring about fictional characters is not the same as not caring about real people so i don't have a problem with people not taking morality seriously on a videogame.

what are your thoughts on super columbine massacre rpg? which is practically undertale's antithesis now that i think of it.


Considering the kind of shit Toby Fox used to do online when he was part of the Homestuck team I have a hard time believing Undertale's commentary is that serious.


>the game becoming harder and edgier is a reward for some.
it becomes more boring because it forces you to "grind." Not actually a grind mind you, but a similar situation of wandering around the level triggering random encounters. Instead of the purpose being to level up so you can beat harder stuff later, it's because you have to kill enough of the random encounters to trigger the genocide flag. It's designed to be a slog. That's part of the point of it, that the play style typical in RPGs is excessively violent.


the nipponese fox folded a thousand times gets so much attention when martlet is fucking peak


 No.1345[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What can we learn from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and this example of relatively modern warfare? Strategy, tactics, operations, geopolitical responses, information warfare, civilian pov and response. Anything related. Not the thread to talk about "who is in the right".
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An interesting development is a new MLRS system being worked on in Russia. It is a bi-caliber system, meaning it has 2 different rocket calibers meaning it can fire different ammunition types and ranges at the same time including mine-laying. This seems to be a reflection of the basic concept the M-270 has of allowing it to mount both MLRS systems and a large tactical ballistic missile, I suspect that Russia is improving it's already formidable MLRS systems based on this concept.



I've noticed that most videos of tanks and AFVs being actually destroyed in Ukraine are either those that hit anti-tank mines, hit by artillery directly or destroyed after being mobility-killed an abandoned (or hit by ATGMs in weakspots). An example of that is vid rel where a Ukrainian drone drops an M-67 hand grenade into the open hatch of an abandoned T-90M near Chasov Yar. The tank got mobility killed and abandoned. It got hit but not penetrated with an ATGM to the right-hand turret cheek (you can see the detonated ERA).
>Inb4 "why don't they close the hatch!?
Most modern tanks have spring assisted hatches to make opening them (and bailing) easier, so actually closing one takes a lot more than just a nudge. Besides even if it was easy, every millisecond spent not getting outta there increases the chance that closing that hatch will be the last thing you'll do, especially as the hatch is often used as a shield against bullets when leaving. During drills for escaping you are expected to GTFO as fast as possible and only grab your gear and assist any other survivors first. Even if you've got time, there's a human factor: You just got hit, there's probably smoke in the air, electronics might be sparking, hydraulic fluid leaking, your comrade may be wounded or straight up killed, you're really not thinking about a fucking hatch, you just get the fuck out.

Occasional kills of AFV on AFV combat happen, but most of it isn't tanks. A M2A2 ODS Bradley recently took out an MT-LB with its 25mm autocannon from behind, but the MT-LB is lightly armored troop tractor. Around the same time the Ukrainians claimed a Bradley took out a T-80BVM with a BGM-71 TOW, however the video footage only shows a TOW launch against a moving vehicle in blurry drone FLIR. Considering that the T-72M used by the Syrians was outright immune to the original TOW missile back in the 80s without any ERA or the thicker armor of the T-72B variant. and the T-80BVM's frontal armor (which is what is demonstrated as hit) is far better protected even against a TOW II. The day-time photograph of the supposed T-80 taken out is questionable but is at worst a mobility kill, as the tank isn't even burnt, only missing a track.

There's a few tank-tank battles but most are 1-hit kills, because only frontal armor on any MBT is survivable against another peer combatant tank, thus a T-72B has wrecked at least one Leopard 2A6 and one M1A1 SA Abrams and T-Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


One thing I notice is that T-90M often turn their turrets before the crew bails out. Likely to avoid that the gun or larger turret, or debris, block the drivers hatch.


Unlike the Abrams and other Western tanks they don't NEED to but you're correct that it's done to make exiting for the driver easier.


Need a source on that Syrian T-72 story. Seems rather ridiculous considering how many T-72 were destroyed in their civil war by ancient recoilless rifles.


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 No.469[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you have anything to say about this man?
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I didn't know he did that, nice


Related to this, can anyone answer >>>/music/8761 ? The song is uploaded and partially answered in >>>/music/12134


Doesn't he hate his own work though? He hates his own work and calls anyone who enjoys it as immature and actively despises anime in general. Really discourages me to engage with his work. Alan Moore also hates his own work but he seems like a chad and a fun dude to talk to who doesn't hate comics per se either.


No, he doesn't hate his work. He's an artist, he's always critical of his work and always bitter with the world and people in it. It's more expression of his frustrations than genuine hatred.


Miyazaki generally comes off as:
1. a very perfectionistic artist with high standards of himself and others
2. a disillusioned communist who got blackpilled by the 80s and 90s and wants to blow up modern japan for being emblematic of everything he hates
3. kind of a dysfunctional asshole

You put all three together, you get Mr. Fuck-Anime Anime Grandpa


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 No.373[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How would you go about fixing the Isekai (sub?)genre from its current state of mediocrity and stagnation?
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Saw some retarded takes recently and I finally had some time to address it.
>Everything looks like an isekai because it’s filled with the same tropes. Weebs don’t like when you point this out.
This is just a useless and never-ending semantics debate.
For one thing, "Native isekai" is a weeb joke on isekai being so abundant compared to regular fantasy that fantasy is called native isekai jokingly.
Secondly; Yes, there are commonly widespread tropes between Isekai and regular fantasy… mostly because most Isekai take place IN fantasy settings, specifically LitRPG fantasy, only animated.
This encompasses the characteristics & eccentrics that are actually associated with "native Isekai" minus the ones that are too broad and just a common trope among either fantasy or Japanese media. Unfortunately the term is largely forgotten by modern weebs, which is why we get MyAnimeList takes like the following
>Native isekai: Series that share many tropes with the standard isekai anime, but they don't have the "travel to another world" element. This mostly means that they have a couple of the following features: OP main characters, medieval fantasy worlds, Tolkien-esque fantasy creatures (elves, dwarves, etc.), RPG mechanics (levels, skills, classes, UI screens, etc.), adventurer classes, dungeon exploration, harem, quests to defeat the demon king, reincarnation, etc.
It's not wrong so to speak, but really it misses the fact that, Isekai or not, most Japanese fantasy today sucks balls because it always feels like a Dragon Quest ripoff with the whole muh demon king and muh RPG mechanics shit always being a part of the plot. I won't even go into KnowYourMeme and its lopsided page on "Native Isekai"


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On the subject of LitRPG and the general mass-production of fantasy stories (both slop and good stuff) I think recently Korean Manhwa and Chinese Manhua are starting to gain traction in foreign markets as well since their tropes have some slight variety that can attract some weebs and other consumers at the moment, it's like a new drug for fans of the genre. Stuff like Reincarnation of the Suicidal Battle God or Skeleton Soldier Failed To Defend The Dungeon have gimmicks

TL;DR: The current dominating fantasy genres are Japan's Isekai/LitRPG, Korea's Regression fics and China's Martial Arts Cultivation
Reverend Insanity is like all 3 of these things simultaneously


Edit: of course Gigguk did a video on it. It's his typical crap, but lists some interesting manhwa of the Regression genre: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9zfJPu2BbE


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Isn't the defining element of isekai just taking the "crossing the threshold" part of the Hero's Journey to an extreme?


Yeah, "native isekai" is a synonym of "LitRPG." But you've gotta admit that nobody knows wtf LitRPG is, give people some slack and actually introduce them to this genre.

But thanks for introducing me to this term. Have any recs for Western LitRPGs?


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>Isekai was added to the Oxford Dictionary
<alongside tonkusatsu
LMAO. English lacks singular words for those terms but still, it's funny to see weeb terms normalized.

I'm overworked at the moment so I'll give you the reccs a bit later when I have a spare moment for more than a cursory post. Pic rel is some basics. There's Deck Builders, Base Builders, Apocalypse LitRPG, Monster Evolution and other subgenres of LitRPG.

>Isn't the defining element of isekai just taking the "crossing the threshold" part of the Hero's Journey to an extreme?
Sort of, but that makes Isekai start to lose meaning.
How the fuck is ATLA Lore Flexible? They don't travel to any other world unless you're counting the meditations to the Spirit World, which are more like communicating with deities than actually being in-another-world.



I think the left is too nice, and doesn't feature enough comic sadism and spite.
I genuinely have a deep desire to be hurt and controlled, and to hurt and control others.
I think such self-defeating desires are as legitimate as any others, and cannot be reduced to madness or ideology.
I do think I should probably just pay for a dom when I save up enough neetbux.
Or maybe ERP online.
But I'm kind of a coward though.
Anyhow, that's the biggest reason why I don't like the left.
>inb4 but if you don't like the left then why are you a leftist
Easy, I don't like myself either.
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I guess I want others to degrade me because it's the only form of attention I can trust. The left being nice feels gross and manipulative to me.




Thank you, I needed the pick me up.


>The desire that desires its own repression is very curious isn't it?
Well, sure, but it's up to the individual. Social Darwinists are somewhat based except for their fetishization of Nature (something primitivists also do) and, just as with sadists, their fetishization of bringing suffering to others. I don't think it is the individuals' duty to inflict harm, they are free to decide for themselves what ways of living are best for them, everything else is just an anti-morality. I want to be consistent in my moral nihilism so forcing sadism on myself or others is not something I want to do.

But do what you wilt, I don't care.


It's not really about ideology, it's about the irrational drive to suffer.


 No.26672[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I just beat this game, I remember seeing another discussion thread about this game but I can't find it, but I want to talk about the game, full spoilers.
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Just played it. So many hate worthy characters in this game and I'll be damned if I let them get a one up over me. So I save scummed like mad, fun though.


found an hour an half one


No way I'm watching this garbage, summarize t


Oh ok this is the placed we can post spoilers for the game, did not notice that.

Quite disapointed with Kim, he was quite harsh with the workers liberation thingy.


>reactionary youtube video essay
>nasally nerd voice
Name a more iconic combo.


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Has anyone heard about this new dating app called Duolicious? It's supposedly designed to help you meet like-minded individuals based on your personality. Sounds like a neat concept, but I can't help feeling a bit skeptical about it.

First off, how accurate can these personality assessments really be? I mean, are we reducing the complexity of human relationships to a mere algorithm? And what about privacy concerns? With all the data breaches happening these days, I'm wary of handing over intimate details of my personality to some tech company.

Plus, there's the whole capitalist angle. Is this just another way to monetize loneliness and exploit our desire for connection? It feels like these apps are more about making profits than genuinely helping people find meaningful relationships.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this. Do you think Duolicious is a step forward in online dating, or just another tech gimmick preying on our emotions?
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Do you have any examples where this actually happened?


Sounds like a plot of one of those bitcoin wojak omegaverse cartoons on youtube


Looks like all the user data has been scraped and published:



>not a single afab
Material explanation?


 No.34976[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Is this the end of anti-woke? Or at least a deep wound in it?
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>"teenagers are hormonal and horny" is a stereotype
"Pretty sure" your education has failed you, or you failed your education, if your knowledge of biology and anatomy is that low.


>"teenagers are hormonal and horny" is a stereotype
The stereotype is that edgy/horny stuff is liked by teenagers or those who have the same level of mental maturity, not the Captain Obvious biology stuff you just said. Just because a person enjoys a certain fanservice-heavy work does not mean they are a teenager or a manchild and vice-versa.

Please, stop coping and being extremely close-minded, you're no different than the teenagers you loathe so much.


>>35265 (me)
>the same level of mental maturity
Replace with "hormones" if you want, it all comes down to "People enjoy it 'cause they're stoopid" regardless.


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i hate it when people label all media with sex in them "pornographic", but i might actually hate even more when people respond along the lines of "it's not porn! it has artistic value!", as if porn can't have artistic value. like films like corruption and bacchanale don't exist


They are now mad at nakedy in Hades 2




Hello comrades I'm a transwoman who owns a Bersa in 380 (pic rel) that I purchased in more prosperous times. Is it suitable for home defense? I live in a pretty crap apartment and am concerned about over penetration and efficacy. I don't have much money for another option. Please advise.

TLDR trans femme comrade needs caliber advice
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A crossbow would be better, but that seem like it'd work fine.


1. A gun you have is better than one you don't.
2. A gun you are adept at using is better than one you just have.
yeah sure that's fine.
>concerned about over penetration and efficacy
looks like you got hollow points which reduces penetration and increases tissue damage. don't waste those on practice shooting though, just get some cheap boolets designated for target shooting.


It'll kill people for sure if that's what you're wondering. Cheap ammo and easy to carry as well.


define "suitable". will a .380 kill a man? yes. is it wise to shoot indoors? no, few guns are. hollowpoints are safer though
find a good range and practice. get some click rounds (not sure what the term is in English but blank rounds you can fire without damaging the firing pin) and practice loading, unloading, safing, unsafing and handling it in general


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Birdshot round are good for home defense. Hit an intruder anywhere near the face and you'll ruin their objective without killing them.
Home defense is different than having a body count, try to avoid that if possible.
A blank, a couple round of birdshot and then HP for the final rounds if things get serious. I like my shotgun because I've been able to dissuade one potential intruder with the sound of racking it, glad I haven't had to kill anyone.


 No.23219[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Average Sci-Fi Fan
<Average Fantasy Enjoyer
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you know when you are a kid reading about the byzantine empire on the encarta and you get to the iconoclasts, and then you find that some religions in the past had opposed many forms of art, and you tell yourself; that's dumb, why would they do this? what's the problem with arts?

I think I'm beginning to understand


Star Wars is fantasy scifi.


Why not have both?


>two year old argument about which genre fiction is better
They both suck, and are as a rule extremely juvenile. Fantasy and Sci-Fi have only gotten worse with commodification. What was just an impotent power fantasy for nerds in the 70s is now a cultural juggernaut filling the shelves and theatres with endless liberal knockoffs of Lord of the Rings or Star Wars.


>realizes the discussion is dumb
<posts an even dumber pseud take sprinkled with leftoid buzzwords


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What's the difference between "jazz" and "blues"? I refuse to read Wikipedia


blues is for alcohol, jazz is for heroin


blues = sad jazz


Jazz = complex harmonics and improv
Blues = form of jazz with typically 12-bar progression


Blues were a type of folk song that originates from black Americans. Basically the Blues are venting or struggle music from America - These developed in relation to Black Spirituals which were handed down to the ancestors of black slaves.

When it came time for record labels to exploit a certain class, they found that blues hit much more with white audiences than spirituals and decided to record blues' songs to fill vinyl's to print off during the era of recording.

Blues is characterized by its repeating structure and it's passionate improv along a repeating structure - notably the 12 bar blues.

Jazz was born out of this improving technique over blues structures, but was combined with the bigger bands in new orleans, and dropped the "struggle" aspect of blues. over time Jazz deviates from Blues by focusing more on the improv aspects of the music, and adding more intricate chording over time as opposed to blues.


 No.23154[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Why do people constantly call the saga of Tanya Mangaka a communist? just stumbled upon the guy's feed and it's full of boomer takes, SDF shilling(this is the complete antithesis of the JCP), and anti-communist retweets.

On top of that, Riyoko Ikeda(The Rose of Versailles) who was a member of the Japanese communist party in her youth is now doing interviews with LDP and butt buddies with a senior member. The Riyoko one is far more shocking than the nazi anime girl
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>anyone that cries about it is always a whackjob
Says the puritanical busybody censor.


>i can see articles going back to 2003 in the red flag calling for some form of AV regulation.
"Some form of regulation" sounds vague and could very well mean addressing the fucked up abusive aspects? Or regulating where/how it's sold?
>It did pick up massively when Saori Ikeuchi won her election in 2014
Which implies it wasn't a huge focus of the JCP before that.
>regarding the loli stuff, the JCP was in favor of regulating loli porn in 2008
>It wasn't until the mangaka lobby kicked in and put fear into the opposition they did a 180
Yeah see it sounds like before 2014 when it "picked up massively" it wasn't a super-important element part and there were different sectors of the JCP that cared and others that didn't (i.e. they're not a hivemind); just as Ken Akamatsu, the guy who wrote a gay marriage in his manga, is now part of the LDP and is against censoring "degeneracy" while I'm 100% sure there are boatloads of other LDP politicians who'd absolutely support banning the mere mention of The Gays. As I pointed out, in 1997 the head of the New Japan Women's Association was on the same page as Shotaro Ishinomori on the subject of "censoring manga to protect youth".
>violent/sexual games bad for kids stuff
Again Tezuka supported them all his life and that's a dude who showed babies being killed in his shonen manga. Dumb stance to take.

The fact that you say it kicked in high gear in 2014 and they 180ed back in 2008 kinda enforces my general view that the 2010s are when a lot of the mainstream left developed unflinching sex-negative views, outright comparable to the right in some cases.
>agree, nightmare enforcing it.
Nah it's a "don't be a moral busybody" thing for me as >>24709 said. I don't really agree with the "sex work is work" stuff when it's extended to stuff like being a street-walker but you CAN have less abusive, and in the run largely non-abusive creation of pornography just as you can have that for every other type of work.

To elaborate, my personal view is anyone doing porn scenes should be able to choose who they do them Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Left, right. All the same. "The left wing of capital" as the posties say. Especially the "progressive" left. The so-called "social progressivism" is just social conservatism that gives privileges to minorities and replaces Christianity with pious atheism, That's the only fucken difference. "Deschooling? Sex positivity? Wut? Haha, ha, you're insane."


call me a prude all you want, twitter isn't suited for loli smut. dozens of obscure sites for it, if anything having that material front and centre on twitter would just get more calls to ban it
this reminded me she had a fit over Naomichi Yamato and Shinsaku Sasaki endorsing 3 LDP guys(one a racist) and the 1 CDP guy they endorsed was a muh cancel culture dudebro. CDP heads had to tell him not to associate that stuff with the party cause he was waving around pro loli porn ads for his election and screaming at feminist groups such as colabo lmao
only issue with ikedas nowadays is so much of her works are outdated now days, claudine comes to mind. also I read the whole LDP interview with her and it's really just ordinary talk about women's issues and them wanting article 750 updated so men/women can keep their original surnames


>this reminded me she had a fit


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I have to confess something to you, comrades. I've been a leftist for many years now (here since the 8chan days), and I still CANNOT fully understand what the fuck dialectics is. Yes, I've read plenty, I've read a lot of Marx and Engels, later Marxist authors, philosophy books, dictionary definitions, I've watched philosophy lectures, youtube videos. I've even read some Hegel, with a lot of difficulty. All this and my brain still cannot grasp wtf dialectics is actually supposed to be.
The first problem is that many of these texts on dialectics look like pure gibberish to me, and it makes me mad when I can't understand them. Second, the words and definitions seem to change constantly depending on what I'm reading. Some people talk about the "dialectical method", others about "laws of dialectics", the "dialectic of history", "materialist dialectics", "dialectical biology", "dialectical consciousness", x person's dialectics, x philosophy's dialectics, others even bring up math and physics, etc. It all becomes increasingly convoluted and confusing, and in the end I fail to understand anything. It just leads me back to my initial question, what the fuck is dialectics? Maybe I'm just really not smart enough for Marxism, or philosophy is not my thing.

Still, I've been thinking about giving dialectics another try, maybe starting from scratch again, so if anyone knowledgeable can point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it. Maybe there's some key treatise I've missed or some obscure lecture that will make it all easier. Thanks for reading my rant.
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Thanks for the encouraging words.
>the interaction of antithetical forces which leads to a radical transformation of something. With that comes new emergent qualities and phenomena.
Yes, that does sound like what I've read on dialectics before. Looking at my old notes, Lenin for example says dialectics is "the theory of knowledge of Hegel and Marxism"
>In brief, dialectics can be defined as the doctrine of the unity of opposites. This embodies the essence of dialectics, but it requires explanations and development
I guess my initial problem is that it all sounds so… abstract? I find it confusing and really abstract, like a sort of vague, extremely generalized statement. Do you just take this about opposite forces and apply it to whatever subject you want, like history or biology? I'm probably approaching this from the wrong angle, because my mind wants to find some kind of scientific backing behind the philosophy. I end up thinking that, since these men wrote philosophical theories related to the brain and physics, it should be the job of modern scientists to clarify and define what exactly the mind, human thought, reality, etc. are.

Also, allow me to recommend this video. I saw it recommended on /leftypol/ a couple years ago, I've been watching it and it's been helpful. It's quite theory dense so you might wanna take notes.


>Do you just take this about opposite forces and apply it to whatever subject you want, like history or biology?
Yeah. Ever since I became enamored with Marxism I tried to translate dialectical materialism to science. I think complex system theory and some ideas in physics such as critical transition are a scientific expression of dialectical materialism, coincidentally so. Though they still harbor brainworms due to the philosophical grounding of capitalist society (e.g. mechanical materialism, idealisations)

>Also, allow me to recommend this video.

That was a very interesting watch. Are you German? If not then it must be quite difficult for you to understand the content, having to learn all of that in a different language. I'm German but I read almost everything in English, even German philosophers, and I think the English translations are harder to understand. They don't quite convey the ideas the same, after all the translator isn't just translating the language but is also delivering their interpretation of the text when they translate it.


>Yeah. Ever since I became enamored with Marxism I tried to translate dialectical materialism to science. I think complex system theory and some ideas in physics such as critical transition are a scientific expression of dialectical materialism, coincidentally so. Though they still harbor brainworms due to the philosophical grounding of capitalist society (e.g. mechanical materialism, idealisations)
Ok then, good to know I'm going in the right direction. I get that having scientific knowledge is necessary to understand dialectics too. I've heard many times from marxist authors and soviet textbooks that dialectics has been vindicated by science. They mention dialectics in many scientific fields and in concepts like entropy, elementary particles, natural selection and so on. Karl Marx considered Darwin to be pretty important, he told Engels about Origin of the Species
>This is the book which, in the field of natural history, provides the basis for our views.
Have you ever read Dialectics of Nature? After studying a lot of science back in his day, Engels was convinced that nature is indeed dialectical and wrote this book with Marx's backing in an attempt to prove it:
>"To me there could be no question of building the laws of dialectics into nature, but of discovering them in it and evolving them from it."
>"Dialectics, so-called objective dialectics, prevails throughout nature, and so-called subjective dialectics, dialectical thought, is only the reflection of the motion through opposites which asserts itself everywhere in nature, and which by the continual conflict of the opposites and their final passage into one another, or into higher forms, determines the life of nature"

>That was a very interesting watch. Are you German? If not then it must be quite difficult for you to understand the content, having to learn all of that in a different language.

No. I should have mentioned that the video has English subtitles. Still, many of these words that the German philosophers used like substance, thing in itself, immanent, spirit, and the infamous Sublimate/Aufheben have been VERY confusing to me. I should make sure I understand them all before trying to step into German idealism.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>Have you ever read Dialectics of Nature?
Yes, and I was quite disappointed by it because it wasn't what I was looking for. For most of the book, Engels meanders about scientific questions that are archaic today and when he spoke about what dialectical materialism means in scientific terms he did so relatively briefly.

>have been VERY confusing to me.

Bet. The terms are more intuitively understandable when you speak German.

>Really? So you don't prefer to read in German? I thought Marx and Hegel would be way easier in the original language.

I didn't explain that well. I do read them in German nowadays and also think it's easier to understand them when you read them in the original language. What I meant was that I used to read everything in English because most of the content I engage in is in English. Free English PDFs are much easier to find than German ones so I started reading German philosophers in English first.


Traditionally, dialectics was a subdivision on of logic and was about the study of how arguments are derived. Hegel's dialectics (which is what Marxists are usually building on) refers to a particular kind of dialectical method used by Hegel. If you want a simple introduction read Hegel's Encyclopedia. Its a basic short summary of his whole philosophical system. Get a physical copy. grab a drink, put on some music, and just read and make notes as you move along. Its the only way to do it.


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 No.233[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

itt hueg fricken 2d oppai
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The flushed / blushing emoji shirt meme is proof of Big Oppai superiority.


I honestly watch porn with flat-chested girls depending on the mood since I don't actually come around them often.



 No.4909[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Things that are not anime and manga are also okay, and communist cosplay is even better.
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Ah, Mogudan. Now that's someone I haven't seen in a long, long time.

Apparently it was because Studio Khara cracked down on fanart.


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>how the fuck do you stay comfortable half naked without panties like this?
<she may be wearing very subtle adhesive underwear


being half naked is very comfortable


Found some good Rei and Asuka clothing stuff (not plugsuits but still)




 No.429[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

The finally of season 4 was actually pretty tight even if gentle arc was fucking dumb.
I normally dont like shounentrash but the animation and art is pretty fuckin good.
Also Eri is adorable.
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Theres studies showing that brain doesnt actually "finish" developing after 25.

It was pharma propoaganda to advocate pushing for meds for kids and to justify infantilising young adults.

Also public schooling model we have does have adverse effects


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>MFW there's a Bakugou_is_dead tag on Rule-34
>It's because of the hype that he died during the war
>It's mostly latinos making Mitsuki basically brush him aside and just trying again to make a new kid


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Been flipping through various fan-art and Kiahl caught my eye for the rather unique nature of their stuff. It's almost all erotica or porn but the style of final art is technically fairly good and clean, with some being quite well made. The only parts that feel off are the feet (mostly the toes feel a bit too long and the heels foreshortened), the knees are often over-defined and the animu-eyes of the faces being a bit more excessive than is necessary for anime in general or BnHA in particular. But these are very minor gripes that I personally took note of. Deku in their fan-art has short hair which threw me off for a bit.
The really unique aspect of it is how massively /d/ their content is; amputation, futa, raceplay, hyper cocks, cuntboys, NTR, literal mind-fuckery, mindscape fuckery, bdsm, trap etc. as well as just normal sex. It's mostly not vulgar the way a lot of slop-porn is like despite being utter fetish material, even if most of the fetishes mentioned aren't my cup of tea. It kinda uses the aspect of Quirks giving essentially unlimited bodies and powers mentioned in >>24661

Pic rel is like the one SFW thing I found of theirs in various galleries.



>head massage
>instant arousal
She's so down bad, holy shit.


Man, the dismemberment fetish is just weird to me. It's not guro necessarily but still. I don't get it.


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 No.3091[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Music Sauce Thread
Thread for locating sources on music, musicians, composers and other content.
If you can, use Use Shazam or MusicID to locate music by audio.
Also https://www.aha-music.com/identify-songs-music-recognition-online/
Use https://songsear.ch/ for lyrics
201 posts and 66 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Looking for sauce for the music in these 2 clips of 60 Cycles and this clip from a Russian documentary about Ocean-70.


Edit: For the Russian documentary clip the sauce is Victory by Ronan Hardiman composed as part of Michael Flatley's Lord of the Dance, which is why it was so familiar sounding to me.

For Clip 1 I knew it was some variant of Booker T's Green Onions, but audio search isn't giving me a proper result, and I can only find the normal version online (vid 1 rel). For Clip 2 I can't even find a hint of what it is and aha-music gave me nothing.

Here's the original 60 Cycles film if it helps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KotsGmYl8A

>Studio Ghibli Copyright removed
Cunt, I should have downloaded it. Regardless I think I know what it is assuming you're referring to the piano section of the deleted video from 1:45-1:54 - It's a variation of The Days Long Gone (vid 2 rel) from Nausicaa of the Valley of the WInd Image Album, Composed by Joe Hisaishi in 1984. Can't tell which variant though.
The clip is at least archived on wayback for now so I downloaded it and am posting it here as archive (vid 3) https://web.archive.org/web/20240124094049/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sARq7qAqqc0


Had a strange SNAFU with Aha-Music
Clip rel's sauce is Deadwood by Really Slow Motion but Aha gave me a slightly different name def -> idgaf zero pandas feat. really slow motion
Just a weird thing I noticed.


Don't have this instrumental but I got a similar song.


Looking for sauce on this clip (its pretty good as a loop but I'd like the whole song).


 No.9187[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post in this thread every time you come to this board. Post music you like here, whatever it may be.
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I prefer the originals but some of the synth tracks of Atomic Heart are pretty good.




>"Интернационал" в итальянском концлагере
Фильм "Они шли на восток" 1964


yeah I'm thinking Miku Miku oo ee oo


 No.5237[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Comrades let's have a thread for martial arts, combat sports and self defense. Striking, grappling, all styles welcome (except fake ass shit). Let's talk about training, techniques, fights, fighters, etc. Here's a fun fact: One of the many achievements of the soviets was founding their own combat system, sambo, which proved to be extremely effective and is still widely practiced today. Also, Judo orange belt here (AMA if you want)
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Thanks a bunch man, I remember making knock-off nunchucks with sticks and rope and trying to imitation Bruce Lee, and failing completely lol. You may be interested in the HEMA thread BTW >>3859


I'll look around the KB and Muay Thai gyms then, thanks. I don't know the sauce for that pic, but I think I found it on Facebook


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No problem. Another tip: to resheath hold the sheath at the very top then run the back of the blade along your thumb until yhe tip gets to the hole. Sure you probably have seen it in movies.

I also learned a little on tonfas and sais. Shotokan they basically teach you all the ninja turtle weapons + tonfas. Intersting truvia, but the reason that collection of weapons came into being is because they were all originally farming tools and peasants weren't allowed to own swords so they came up with farmingjutsu.


well I looked up a club that does Shotokan and K1 so I can do both of those, there's no kyokushin nearby, I'd like to move somewhere to do it someday


Found this too
>Training that will Expose the Lies of Your Katana Swinging


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>A shotgun (also known as a scattergun, or historically as a fowling piece) is a long-barreled firearm designed to shoot a straight-walled cartridge known as a shotshell, which usually discharges numerous small pellet-like spherical sub-projectiles called shot, or sometimes a single solid projectile called a slug. Shotguns are most commonly smoothbore firearms, meaning that their gun barrels have no rifling on the inner wall, but rifled barrels for shooting slugs (slug barrels) are also available.

The shotgun is thought of as being an extremely basic firearm but it is also very versatile and powerful. It can shoot loads that allow you to hunt small game, large game, from birdshot to buckshot, to even rifled slugs that basically turn your shotgun into a rifle, also works good for home defense and even military applications (think WW1 trench guns).

People have a misleading sense of how much spread shotguns have especially in video games where they magically become ineffective after 10 feet meanwhile in real life hunters regularly kill animals with buckshot at far greater distances.
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what's the deal with burgers and muh home defense?


Come find out.


what the hell does that mean? that doesn't answer my question


It's a joke, the implication is that if you "come" and enter their home, they will shoot you.


Refilling a shell
>The video does not show the exact parameters and names of the components. This is not a tutorial for making shotgun shells, it is a reconstruction of a museum rarity.

Video is by Drobashevich a Russian Shotgun channel



Gonna start a thread on this since I just found something cool I want to share, will post it as a reply.
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This made me throw up lmao what is this you can get decent dual tubes for sub 10, and dual PVS-14s in a panobridge for sub 7k

Thats like only on the ""new"" army ENVGs


Never used a dovetail for monos thought they didn't wobble at all but my only experience with monos is J-arm and bayonet.


Review of Russia's current thermal sight for its army


 No.3859[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

:Broadsword Edition:

>What is HEMA or WMA?

Historical European Martial Arts or sometimes Western Martial Arts are attempts at decoding, studying, and practicing the history, art, and fighting of everything from the Medieval Period to Early Modern Combatives.

What traditions are you lot studying at the moment?

Me? Going through George Silver's "Paradoxes of Defence" to expand my regimental broadsword/sabre repertoire.
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I love how this video got so many sword-fags on youtube agitated.


v nice

I also got two new 2nd-hand copies of McBane today. Feeling pretty good rn


>How Would a Katana Swordmaster Fight with a Buckler?
Lets Ask Seki Sensei is an interesting and informative channel IMO.


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I have an old book about Knight armor, it's pretty thick, I gotta find it and upload the contents sometime. Link is archived at archive.is if you want to avoid the actual site


The guy also did a video on fighting with a Rapier
>How Would a Katana Swordmaster Fight with a Rapier?
The description has other such videos, such as analysis of use of a Longsword.



За Победу!

Post photographs, videos, documents, maps, medals and stories relating to the Great Patriotic War.
Post about WW-II history you know or want to know about. Primarily Soviet focused but includes others too.

If you have a soviet veteran in your family history, feel free to create an account and register their name, photo and any other information at http://moypolk.ru
No shitposting
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I know Listverse isn't a high-quality site for news or information but it has some interesting posts, especially when you're 'aware'. Like most liberal burger rags it has a heavy anti-communist scaremongering angle in any content relative to the USSR, but an angle I don't see leftypol talk about as much is that also like most liberal burger rags, they try to avoid any mention of Russian or Soviet people in lists such as those of "real heroes" and whatever. Relative to this thread is
NOT ONE SINGLE NURSE mentioned is Russian, let alone Soviet. While I certainly wouldn't want to take away from the heroism of the others on that list, I find it peculiar as fuck given that unlike most countries Russia was among the earlier to have field nurses, starting at the very least from the Crimean War.
Soviet War Nurses were an intrinsic part of the Red Army and many were Heroes of the Soviet Union for their valor of saving troops under fire, such as Mariya Borovichenko (pic is not her).


 No.7832[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hip hop of any genre
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Matty B - Globalisation



I think this is one of his under rated tracks. It kind of makes me think of something MF Doom might have done.




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 No.20[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Comics and cartoons are the industried were the contradictions of capitalism are the most noticeableYou know them I know them.
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You mean Katia? Duh.


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Why are like half of all memes today just variations on "le soy face?" is this the inevitable end point of casual reaction image posting?


>The apple juice
Does Karkat know?



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Thoughts on Arknights?
Kinda surprised there's not already a thread about this, there's so much politics crammed into this game's story I'd imagine people here would have interesting takes on.
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I'm not really experienced in Arknights lore so I could be wrong.
But am I the only one who's disturbed that there's a weapons manufacturer based off Raytheon and the game never criticizes them for how fucked up their business practices are? I wouldn't be complaining if they used the generic "Thor Industrial" name from the beta.


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I miss Reunion, the current Londinium-Dublinn-Kazdel arc is boring.


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From what I see, most of the anti-capitalist stuff comes from the tradlarp Kazimierz events.


From what I've read so far, yeah, but seems they're broadening the scope a bit more with stuff like the recent blacksteel story.


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post pics that you took. I'll start with kot
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weirdly docile and very cute adolescent squirrel in my backyard



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Nice bird!


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yessir tho I'm worried about it. Seems way to chill around me and the dog so I hope it doesn't need help cuz I'm not going to intervene and the only local wildlife rescue closed recently

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