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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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File: 1663004782733.jpg (120.15 KB, 934x934, Imagepipe_4.jpg)


post pics that you took. I'll start with kot


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another kot


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2 kots


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Fibonacci kots


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from the vicinity of reddit lake



i see what you did there




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File: 1663605209238-0.png (4.78 MB, 2162x1273, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1663605209238-1.png (5.75 MB, 2300x1595, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1663606124027.png (2.08 MB, 1960x1086, ClipboardImage.png)

In photography camera and the lens(and the subject of course) do all the work. There's only 2 mechanical variables you actually set on a DSLR camera. F-stop and shutter-speed. ISO on a digital camera is just digital gain which you can just do in post anyways. So once you understand F-Stop and shutter-speed you understand all there is to know really. After that it's just learn how to hold the camera steady and how to frame a shot.

You can pick up a Canon 7D for 200 bucks on ebay now. 300 with the stock zoom which is what I shot: >>29155 with.

For processing your images I recommend Raw Therapee. It's better than Adobe Lightroom IMO and it's free.


Also all that light meter business you don't even have to worry about because you can see the results of your settings in real time unlike traditional photography. Digital photography is really easy.


File: 1663606805077.png (781.65 KB, 600x420, ClipboardImage.png)

Another thing to know is where the white clip and black clip of your photo are. Information that is beyond either of them is lost forever, meaning you can't turn down a picture of an over exposed sky and get back the color. Also on digital cameras there is a lot of noise in the low exposure areas. You can turn them up but it will increase the digital noise alot.

So things to keep in mind when taking photos. If you expose a picture for something in the shade, things in direct light, and especially the sky will tend to be blown out. Another tip for portraiture is to shoot people in the shade because indirect, soft lighting, will always look more favorable.


time to mine exif data


> mine exif data
>from clipboard.png
It wouldn't have told you anything interesting anyways. Just the camera model I already told you and the settings I used when I took it.


The clipboard exif data literally stores your OS, username, birth date, social security number, and a photo of your genitals.


I've heard before that the site automatically removes exif when a pic gets posted, but i wiped it out three times before posting just to be sure.


leftypol didn't
when did it start?


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The Marx library


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Another Lenin


is that views by drake


was it difficult to get to?


Monument of BKP
yes a bit difficult. it is in the middle of nowhere but there's a road to it.


i can't find that thread with the guy talk about file sizes and colours

so i'll ask here, how do i capture non hdr photos?
when i take them with game bar

it gives me .jxr and .png files, one super light and the other dark

how do i combine them into a cohesive image


File: 1664708274252-1.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1041, fate.png)


> All maintenance ended with the fall of communism in 1989, and the building remains closed to the public due to the hazards of the weakened structure

>Inside the building, mosaics commemorating the history of the Bulgarian Communist Party cover approximately 937 square meters; 35 tons of cobalt glass were used in their manufacture. One-fifth of the mosaics have already been destroyed due to age, weather-related deterioration and vandalism.

>Mosaics on the outer ring of the monument were built with natural stones gathered from rivers across Bulgaria; these mosaics have mostly vanished due to natural wear.

We truly are in an era of the blackest reaction.


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If you're looking for cameras, remember: single-lens reflex if analog and mirrorless if digital
Ehh, with analog you have more room to play around than just the camera and lens itself e.g. https://thedarkroom.com/pushing-and-pulling-film



What’s the best freeware alternative to photoshop these days?


That post you're replying to mentions RawTherapee, a GPL-licenced program


Oh, and there's always GIMP


nightwalk using crunchy phone camera




Off by one



In Georgia.


always found the fact that any asian country can be considered european as long a sit aligns with interets of the US, like turkey seethes when people don’t identify it as part of europe, just like other “european” countries do. why a pointless waste of time since eruope and asia don’t really exist as separate entities like libs would like to pretend.


File: 1715459342565.jpg (8.13 MB, 6000x4000, IMG_1329 - Copy.JPG)

weirdly docile and very cute adolescent squirrel in my backyard



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Nice bird!


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File: 1715647688135-1.jpg (1 MB, 6000x4000, IMG_1337 - Copy.jpg)

yessir tho I'm worried about it. Seems way to chill around me and the dog so I hope it doesn't need help cuz I'm not going to intervene and the only local wildlife rescue closed recently



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