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 No.20[View All]

Comics and cartoons are the industried were the contradictions of capitalism are the most noticeableYou know them I know them.
102 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Are they still making cartoons? What channel(s)?


flapjack, regular show, adventure time and gravity falls are peak gen z nostalgia
don't know wtf the rest are


Is this what zoomers actually feel nostalgic for?
There were some cartoons back in the day that were ass, but we still had absolute bangers like Hey Arnold, Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Lab, Ed Edd n Eddy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, the Thornberries, Rocket Power and early Spongebob.


why is home stuck
get her out


get a life


>communism bad because a bunch of retarded teens who LARP as communist revolutionaries online spend their time cancelling each other on Tumblr
Has this dude ever tried logging off and finding out what's going on outside of the comfort of being a middle class American?


>middle class
He lived in a mansion for most of his life on one of the U.S. islands. Tried real hard to scrub that one from the records for some reason.

Not a zoomer and Flapjack was fucking cool. The very last cartoon I still used the boob tube for.


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>He lived in a mansion for most of his life on one of the U.S. islands.


Should I get read/consume homestuck?


sure why not, just know epilogues and ^2 is dislike for a reason
i would recommend reading mspfa, they have some good shitposts.


It's a fine work, albeit lengthy and verbose, but it's also flawed and there's a reason why shitting on Andrew Hussie is a beloved pastime.
If you're a young, boring, online suburbanite who can withstand purple prose, then it's right up your alley.


Guess that must be it. There used to be a photo of him with the mansion too, but good luck finding it. (It was a slavers mansion needless to say.)

No. Seriously, without irony or hyperbole: no.
Read Problem Sleuth, and then stop.
This was the advice I was given, and I didn't listen and I regret it every time I think of Homestuck.


>This was the advice I was given, and I didn't listen and I regret it every time I think of Homestuck.
I read it as it came out and it felt like I wasted so many hours of my life on that garbage. It really went downhill after trolls got introduced.


It was bunk from the get go. Trolls definitely didn't save it, though. Jester mode was the only good part. Homosuck was entertaining but Hussie fucked it sideways by being Hussie.

Fuck Homestuck, read Vast Error instead.


I'm not sure. It's one of those things where you had to have been there to fully enjoy it.

I have similar feelings towards Homestuck as I do Kingdom Hearts. It's self-indulgent style over substance nonsense that was obviously made up as it went, but the style is cool enough unto itself that I like it anyway.


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>yeah i read mao


Homestuck has substance, sometimes even pretty good substance. That and the admittedly entertaining way it purposefully intersects text with subtext, are the only two saving graces.


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I miss the thrill of stumbling around the internet looking for fun, new webcomics.


They're still very much a thing, you just need to look for them.


Any recommendations?


I fucking love Homestuck but holy shit can a Homestuck "Communist" be so annoying. There are some real as hell Red-blooded Stuckers but when the writers of HS2 tried to astroturf leftism in their moneysink sequel webcomic and endorse Bernie for president I wanted to just side with the Condesce.


All hail Bonequest/Jerkcity


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Why did you post this.


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i'm so tired.


best girl






The reaction to Moore's work is a greater indictment of comic book fans than any insult he ever gave them.


Sir, this is a homestuck thread.



whats wrong with them?


thread subject says otherwise


One of our brain damaged mods made the woeful decision to turn the homest*ck general into a /co/ thread. Why they did this, rather than make a dedicated thread and let this one fade into oblivion as it should, we can only guess at.


Their insistence on gobbling up the same pandering slop that keeps being regurgitated over and over again has helped lead the Western comics industry into the stagnated dead end that it's currently in, and they react with violent negativity when they're reminded of this fact.


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The only good thing from Helltaker at this point is fancomics and memes.


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Michael's cute


gay, orange skyrim cat better


who cares


orange skyrim cat better


Low bar, let's be real.


>you can only like one thing


just like poopbar Helltaker
nou black adventure cat better


is prequel even getting updates



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You mean Katia? Duh.


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Why are like half of all memes today just variations on "le soy face?" is this the inevitable end point of casual reaction image posting?


>The apple juice
Does Karkat know?


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