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 No.34976[Last 50 Posts]

Is this the end of anti-woke? Or at least a deep wound in it?


These people really do look like the poljack meme.


chinlets mocking anyone for being a consoomer shill while being ready to shill a derivative game because the bland main character has a semblance of ass and that game in turn being "censored" is a gem of a bit


>Hurr look at these retards!
Says the retard that took the time to cherrypick all these obscure ass videos to indulge in E-Drama. Also I find it kinda funny that while people have been complaining about the game, while people defending the change have done shit like putting bounties on the heads of people expressing an opinion online.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but don't pretend to be better when you're indulging in the culture-war garbage yourself.


We hit peak woke in 2018. We hit peak anti-woke a little after, since the latter trails behind the former. Not watching your video because I don't care about ragebait slop.


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these really are the dregs of society i can't even fault them for wanting to see booba in ther playstations. look at them. they look like fucking mutants


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he should be a paying customer but for hair implants


Is gayming reddit or 4chan?


>while people defending the change have done shit like putting bounties on the heads of people expressing an opinion online.
nooooooo you cant make a JOKE on the INTERNET NOOOOOOOOOO


ARe people just mad at this game because there's a big butt in it or what


big butts are woke


>nooooooo you cant make a JOKE on the INTERNET NOOOOOOOOOO
<It's just a prank bro!
<I was just pretending to be retarded

Don't give a fuck about the "censorship" because its stupid whining, but essentially the Director came out and stated that they purposely removed cleavage and skin and reduced breasts on female models as well as removing blood spatter and other stuff because of puritanism (meanwhile the same company is making games featuring softcore naked men having gay sex). So while the people complaining about "le boobs" in the game are exaggerating, at the same time, people that 'celebrate' this are also double-standard retards.


>puritanism (meanwhile the same company is making games featuring softcore naked men having gay sex)
They sell that game to western markets?


>Is this the end of anti-woke?
"Anti-woke" is not the same as zoomer conservatism, it's just how radlibs use this term because zoomer conservatives are more widespread than dirtbag leftists and because they consider everyone who disagrees with them a reactionary anyway.

Regarding this video. A petition? Really? They must be new to the Internet, petitions don't work, change.org should just die in a fire. And the complaint of this clothing not being revealing enough is laughable, I looked at this image and didn't understand what they were complaining about because it looks pretty fucken lewd.


What even is zoomer conservatism anyways?


Total gibberish. Conservatism hasn't had a coherent ideological project for a long time and you can really see that in the youngest members. They will talk on and on about how Biden is committing a genocide in Gaza then turn around and say they're supporting Trump (because they have no memory/knowledge of Trump's extremely strong support of Israel). That's just one example. It's purely vibes based.


isn't that type of person almost entirely on leftypol (Of which there are probably only like 5 of them at most?)

I thought zoomer conservatism was mostly about a masculinity crisis, like the video that I posted had a lot of dweebish men who are into conservatism because they think that by saying the right lines, they will somehow heman their way into becoming a muscular chad.


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that or he should grow out the hair he still has left or get a combover or anything, jegus


I mean, if you think about it, both the new right and the new left continue to exist solely because of peer pressure: people don't accept their opinions because they think they're correct but because if you don't you're a libtard, a reactionary, an SJW leftist, a Nazi, a soyboy, a white male, and so on and so forth. Also, zoomer conservatism is the only popular alternative to liberal progressivism, and conservatives still have a belief that the "silent majority" (which is "obviously" all conservatives) can't be wrong, even if they performatively laugh at NPCs like latte-drinking hipsters. Those zoomers who are scared away from liberal progressivism because of its thought policing immediately fall into the same liberal progressivism but with conservative values. Modern progressivism is just conservatism with a different rhetoric, same in reverse. It pretty much reflects America's pointless two-party system, it's all just political ping pong.


>>35000 (me)
NTA btw.


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I get it. It's funny. Sweaty pathetic gooner gamers getting angry because they've been denied a single piece of gooning material. It's laughable and obviously not even remotely a serious social issue.

But I am curious, why did the game get censored? Doesn't the profit motive demand sexualized content? Sex sells. Or maybe it was censored precisely to trigger this "backlash" (maybe it was even astroturfed) for free publicity?


>But I am curious, why did the game get censored? Doesn't the profit motive demand sexualized content? Sex sells. Or maybe it was censored precisely to trigger this "backlash" (maybe it was even astroturfed) for free publicity?

CERO is pretty conservative and most H-games are pretty much PC exclusive. Japan has pretty sanitize mainstream media in comparison to the west


Yes i know that shift up is Korean, but it has to be because Japan is likely a huge market for them. They censored how much blood there was in Stellar Blade too.


Sex sells but advertisement sells a lot more ant it must cater to everyone.


Not a fan of the Stellar Blade girls design at all but I think people have memory holed just how negative people could be about 2B when Nier Automata was announced. Not even just in Resetera adjacent circles, lots of people were dismissing a game as weeaboo pandering garbage. You still see that a bit too once you leave the twitter bubbles you've found yourself in, but Nier Automata is critically acclaimed so they have to begrudgingly admit there's more to it than just sex appeal.

We are living in discourse hell. Most people talking about it don't even care about the game. If I had a dollar for every idiot engaged in this who admitted to not owning a PS5 or talked about not giving Sony money anyway, I'd be fuckin' rich.


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< "It's no longer about gameplay, story, or technical innovation. The industry is nothing but culture wars fought by game journalists and their twitter followers."


Funny how they say those who criticize forced diversity hate to see women in their vidya games or something.
>2000s: "We have a female protagonist."

Wish we could respect women without their existence turned into a sensationalist article by game journalists to pander to current trends.


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Say what you say about anti-woke comic book nerds but at least they walk the walk by creating their own indie comics. So what's stopping anti-woke gamers from doing the same with making indie games? Is it the lack of ambition? Is it the lack of skills? Most of them are from petit-bourgeois backgrounds, so it can't be funds. What is it?


if you unironically believe that some guy on twitter was trying to put a real hit on mark kern's head you're actually retarded


You only need a pencil or a tablet to make a comic and an account on social media to post it, so anybody could potentially make comics, hell your drawings don't even have to be pretty, look at stonetoss's shit.

Making a game require several more order of magnitude work and time in comparison, so if you genuinely aspire to make the game with the content you want, you either have to be able to work and coordinate as a team or in some rare cases, being one single dedicated dev who is so devoured by their passion they can actually put all of their soul, ressources and time to the making of their projects.
This exclude de facto most righoids.

Of course there is also the possibility of being Porky and hiring people to do the game in your place, but hiring people on the long term (can take years to make a game ) requires more than pocket money from mom and dad's convenience store.
Where to find the finds then? Loans? Good luck convincing the banker to associate themselves with a potential controversy.
Crowdfunding? But then you would have to be not a piece of shit gritfter who will run away with the money at the first chance, which is a regular pattern in anti-woke circles.


when did being against puritans become "anti-woke"? stupid fucking burger culture wars



So has anyone here actually played it? Looks like a more sluggish nier at most


The Souls-like with the hermit crab looks better.


>when did being against puritans become "anti-woke"?
There is no practical difference.

As I said, "anti-woke" is a blanket term, it does not denote any actual cultural values. "Anti-idpol" is a subset of "anti-woke" that criticizes reactionaries too, always has been. The reason why "anti-woke" is associated with conservatards is because you can be anti-woke and not be based anti-conservative, same as you can be anti-capitalist and not be a Marxist or you can be an anarchist and not be also based an anarcho-egoist. Say, I'm an anti-racist. But I'm not the same kind of an anti-racist as a typical wokescold would be. There are differences. All of these "antis" denote an opposition to something, but being an anti-statist does not make me an ancap for freak's sake.


That's what killed my interest in the game. For all the inspiration it draws from Nier apparently the story's garbage and the game looks like it plays like Souls instead of a proper hack n slash. Also being a ps5 exclusive (for now).


>the game looks like it plays like Souls instead of a proper hack n slash

Guess I'll play Ninja Gaiden 3 and Metal Gear Rising instead. NG3 with Kasumi is basically the same thing anyway.


>workers in game industry sleeping on the floor of the office during crunchtime
>video game women not softcore porn


>the same company is making games featuring softcore naked men having gay sex
Hold on, hold on, hold on. You can't just post that and not share the goods, bro. Where's that booty at??


Sorry I'm not a dumb fucking American who gets their panties in a twist at anything remotely sexual or even just erotic.


Amazing false equivalency. You realize you can say the same thing about people screeching at dicks and tits and asses?


Americans should dip their toes into the eroge market. Surely we got some pervert in like, Portland OR with some ideas.


>Obscure ass videos
>They're on the first page of the petition
We caught a live one


He's making shit up. Shift Up has made three games so far: a mobile RPG game known as Destiny Child, a gacha game known as Nikke thats almost funny with its emphasis on hot women ass, and Stellar Blade.


americans have been making fugly ass h-games for decades



how tf is that even a false equivalency? also you could say that but tf this gotta do with a thread specifically about people saying the opposite?


NTA but modern AAA gaming being nothing more than a way for journalist moral posturing is not just something chinlets would say.


i find it amazing how the anglo culture war has distorted things in just the last decade, shitting on media journalists and critics has always been the norm everywhere jesus christ


>i find it amazing how the anglo culture war has distorted things in just the last decade
It hasn't, gamers just didn't know that journalism sucks because they didn't read anything other than gaming magazines so they just trusted whatever the journos said. You know what tbey say, "Sonic was never good," "Sonic Adventure was a rough transition to 3D" and "Postal 2 is mid." And "Duke Nukem 3D and Serious Sam are so totally dated, like, oh, my gosh, how do you play this, guys?"


>Postal 2 is mid
Where's the lie?


>"Duke Nukem 3D and Serious Sam are so totally dated, like, oh, my gosh, how do you play this, guys?"

I mean it's not exactly wrong, the 'ironically detached badass protagonist who makes everything a joke' was old 25 years ago


you just dont get it


>Sonic was never good
that is correct though


ok nintendon't.


with the rise of streamer culture the whole "e-celeb said so so it must be true" thing has only gotten worse. niches arent allowed to exist anymore


>the 'ironically detached badass protagonist who makes everything a joke'
You mean Deadpool?
>that is correct though
The problem with gaming journalism right there.


>"e-celeb said so so it must be true"


Thanks for ripping off the bandage, I guess. Back to Bastard Bonds I go.


20 years later and /v/ermin still litter their own board with e-celeb threads


>they just trusted whatever the journos said.
Zoomers say the wildest shit.

>"Sonic Adventure was a rough transition to 3D" and "Postal 2 is mid."

Where's the lie?

>ironically detached badass protagonist who makes everything a joke
This applies to neither, what the fuck are you talking about. Did you even play these games?


i've seen people play a bit of both games and that's the impression I get


ah the social media staple, discussing a hallucinated version of media you didnt even engage with beyond second-hand videos


I sat with my friend and watched him play it for like an hour while I was eating lunch, anyway why can't I have an opinion even if I did just watch videos? who cares this isn't a courtroom


>why cant i have an opinion on something i didnt experience


uygha thinks humans getting an impression of something from observation is a recent phenomena


>Where's the lie?
SA1 wasn't as glitchy as SADX so equating the two is ignorant, all the shit SA1 gets except Amy and Big is its ports' fault, and certain playstyles being "boring" is not the issue with 3D but with these playstyles. Postal 2 is like Goat Simulator, it should be experienced at least once. A funny mess isn't exactly what I'd call "average."


Sonic Adventure ports are an interesting topic https://dreamcastify.unreliable.network/index.php/category/general-downgrades/
>Postal 2 is like Goat Simulator, it should be experienced at least once. A funny mess isn't exactly what I'd call "average."
What do you mean? It's a solid puzzle game. Do you think being a half-life-style "cinematic" experience holds it back?


Pseuds and people desperate to have an opinion aren't new, yes.


>What do you mean? It's a solid puzzle game.
I meant that in a positive way. It's so bonkers that I don't quite get why it got such a cold response from the critics. I even get the criticism of mediocre Sonic games but this? No idea.


I think one is able to construct an opinion on a character's personality based on walkthroughs alone. Though calling Duke and Sam "detached" is too much of a stretch, they care more about the fate of the world than many modern characters who spew meta-jokes every second.


The criticism of 3D sonic is that the controls are a pain and the level design amateur. That's what the "rough transition" refers to. Cunts hang other, game specific complaints on that coat hanger to strengthen their argument.
As for the much decried, and hilariously bad, writing: it was at first constrained by the limitations of the hardware. This gave people the wrong idea and when those constraints widened, they were surprised by Sonic Teams actual intent (that was always already there). I can see the charm of "modern" Sonic, though.

Portal 2 is just bad. Most superficial 'comedy' possible. So superficial in fact, there is nothing to get out of it (except the admittedly clever petition gimmick, but that's one task).
Fun fact: Portal 2 was rehabilitated by civvi11. Before that Portal 2 was the interest of a dedicated but small niche. Hence seeing it mentioned seriously at all is a bit surprising.

It's not ironic. Open your mind, be less cynical.


>The criticism of 3D sonic
Which 3D Sonic? Because the main complaints towards SA1 were glitches (SADX's fault), facial animations (fair), physics (they're better than in modern Sonic games but they are indeed a downgrade from classic Sonic) extra characters (complaints about Amy and Big are fair, others are kinda nit-picky, especially those directed at Knuckles), music (some vocal tracks sound dated even by 1980s' standards but otherwise the game's OST is good) and voice acting (localization's fault, which is a plague of many Japanese games in the 5th-gen and 6th-gen eras, Mega Man X4 and Final Fantasy X come to mind).
>the controls are a pain
Sorry, what?
>the level design amateur
How? Don't tell me it's the automated sections.
>Portal 2
It's Postal 2.
>Most superficial 'comedy' possible.


>But I am curious, why did the game get censored?
it's a self-inflicted wound from americans, the ESRB made sex an extreme no-no, while at the same time, Sony and Microsoft have an effective duopoly on console gaming, so if you want your game to be distributed for playstation and/or xbox, you're going to have to submit to their restrictions, which usually err on the side of caution to avoid the dreaded Ao rating, even for rated M games. stellar blade devs didn't disclose this caveat to scam retards out of their money and now they're bawing like the pathetic manchildren incels that they are.


>if you want your game to be distributed for playstation and/or xbox, you're going to have to submit to their restrictions
Xbox and Nintendo's restrictions are lighter than Sony's for some reason. Not in the games published by Nintendo that are not rated M though, not only do they censor anything lewd but they've even censored one character's sexuality. Like, why isn't Twitter molding over this? I'm not an idpol-obsessed wokescold but what progressive views I do have conflict with this. And Xenoblade 2 came out in 2010s, what's the matter with you, Nintendo? But wait, NOW they're trying to overcompensate by promoting games that look like they were made by a Tumblr artist but I still remember, Nintendo. I remember what you did.




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People love glorified blogposts just because they share the same format as proper news articles.


Such an ageist opinion to have honestly. Mocking the perceived "adolescence" of a person is a thing even progressives do, let alone conservatives. It's nice that we can watch ponies and magical girls and get accepted, alright. But the moment you say you like something over-the-top and edgy (say, Shadow the Hedgehog's soundtrack or, I dunno, metalcore or screamo, MySpace music in general) you are """immature.""" So what if the teenagers like this? Based teenagers.

The problem isn't that something is stereotypically liked by teenagers but rather that teenagers want to be more "adult" by consooming the "adult" media, same as pretentious adults would rather consoom something artsy instead of edgy and sexy to seem more "adult" and "intelligent." Why can't we enjoy all art, irregardless of the age and gender stereotypes attached to it? I like ow the edge. I like fanservice. You can call me immature and adolescent all you want but those are the things I genuinely enjoy, and I'm not gonna call it "guilty pleasure," I enjoy this openly.




Thanks for the pasta.
Btw: less is more, my guy.


>not only do they censor anything lewd but they've even censored one character's sexuality. Like, why isn't Twitter molding over this?
probably because it's par for the course, if lewd stuff was frowned upon by the ESRB. anything queer was completely verbotten. if nintendo is stocking tumblr-ish games now it's because they realized that's their target now, and there's money to be made by pushing through censors.


Because, you dumb coomer, teenagers have no taste and no standards, and they will enjoy anything given to them. So why not make something of actual quality, and let the shitters figure out how to yank it, themselves?


>teenagers have no taste and no standards, and they will enjoy anything given to them
Adults have no taste and standards either, you pretentious fucken retard. The scum like you is precisely whom I'm talking about.


Stay mad and permanently erect. Until you're past 25, and you aren't anymore. Then you will notice how often media tries to get in your pants, without finishing the job, and offers little else of substance.


>stop getting turned on at things I don't
Dumbest posts of the day.


Talking with coombrains is as fruitless as with any addict in denial, I suppose. And just like any addict, they have very, very little agency or self-control. Which is why policing them is not only desirable, but necessary.

It's not like they will ever understand (until they literally grow out of it) that a gambling game full of sexy women that are actually something else (horses, guns, ships, historical figures) and all call you "master" are designed for nothing else except taking your money, and constitute addict abuse.


literally 80% of men are 'coombrains' including you most likely


The closest thing to "coombait" I have ever bought was Skullgirls. Over a decade ago.


ok, so you don't buy games with tits, you watch porn right?


Of course. Are you about to say something stupid, like compare actual pornography to perma cockteasing? Does Stellar Blade include actual, explicit erotica and sex?


NTA but I object to the argument that suggestive games bring nothing since you can just watch porn: With porn, you are always passive, whereas with a game, there the whole aspect of you exerting control over the sexy character, which is a well known turn on for a lot of people.


I wasn't referring to porn to as only being in video format. I know porn games exist. I play them, too.

But sexually suggestive media, of any kind, including commercials, that has no… finish… exists only to trick you into, sometimes literally, paying attention. And in doing so, sabotages itself, because sexual imagery actually decreases recollection. Nobody will be talking about Stellar Blade's plot. Substance is hard, titties are easy. In contrast, Quake 4 was released in 2005, and everybody who played it, still remembers that scene.


> I know porn games exist. I play them, too.
Whether it's watched or played, there are different degree to pornography which appeal differently to different people, or sometime by the same people depending of the mood. Like why are pin-ups still made when thousands of pictures of women getting railed or are available everywhere?


>Until you're past 25
1. You're assuming my age.
2. Switching goalposts is another problem with adultism. Even adult people are not "adult" enough. It's a cope-out, many adults are childish and stupid, that's just what being an adult is. "Adult" is not synonymous with "wise."
>Then you will notice how often media tries to get in your pants
Thanks for pointing out the obvious, I knew that already. But your idea that the sex appeal is utilized because the game has nothing else going for it is completely whack, I wouldn't play DOAX3 just because it has tits, I'd rather play the first game because it's an actual game. Also, your idea that adults are somehow immune to sex appeal is also whack, and it's not the only way to attract the adult audience. Nostalgia pandering is another method and it has been very effective for Disney.


>sometime by the same people depending of the mood
This, sometimes you just do not want to wank off to porn really. Besides, women can look sexy even without getting fucked, sometimes even more so with a good enough execution.


"Wisdom" has nothing to do with it. Aging is a chemical process. 25 is the age your physical maturation is done.

>1. You're assuming my age.

You've been kind of telling it. Very insecurely.

"Whack" is not an argument. Dead or Alive has been going for 25 years, and not once have I ever heard anything about its plot, or how it compares as a fighting game. And, yes, of course it's Team Ninja.


How the fuck are you better than people that play gatcha games then? Just stay in your lane god damn.


I don't play gatcha games, for one.


>25 is the age your physical maturation is done.
Pretty sure it's done earlier, and people don't lose their sex drive until they're in their senior years.
>You've been kind of telling it.
This is an anonymous imageboard, you're just imagining things because of your confirmation bias. It isn't even about "Muh porn," it's just annoying that people are prejudiced against others because of some age stereotype. I'm saying this as a Mature Adult(TM), I don't think I need to "check my underprivilege" to say that.
>not once have I ever heard anything about its plot
It's a fighting game, dude.
>or how it compares as a fighting game
Maybe it's because, I dunno, a niche series? The fighting system is actually pretty fun, utilizing a rock-paper-scissor approach to attacks, grabs and parries. It's also pretty fast-pased, feels completely different to Tekken or even Virtua Fighter, the game that inspired it. It also popularized environmental destruction, something Tekken later borrowed from it. Also, DOAX is not a fighting game, it's a beach volleyball game. The only good standalone beach volleyball game.
>And, yes, of course it's Team Ninja
Team Ninja that made Ninja Gaiden 2, one of the greatest hack 'n' slash games ever made? That Team Ninja?

You know nothing what you're talking about.


>"teenagers are hormonal and horny" is a stereotype
"Pretty sure" your education has failed you, or you failed your education, if your knowledge of biology and anatomy is that low.


>"teenagers are hormonal and horny" is a stereotype
The stereotype is that edgy/horny stuff is liked by teenagers or those who have the same level of mental maturity, not the Captain Obvious biology stuff you just said. Just because a person enjoys a certain fanservice-heavy work does not mean they are a teenager or a manchild and vice-versa.

Please, stop coping and being extremely close-minded, you're no different than the teenagers you loathe so much.


>>35265 (me)
>the same level of mental maturity
Replace with "hormones" if you want, it all comes down to "People enjoy it 'cause they're stoopid" regardless.


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i hate it when people label all media with sex in them "pornographic", but i might actually hate even more when people respond along the lines of "it's not porn! it has artistic value!", as if porn can't have artistic value. like films like corruption and bacchanale don't exist


They are now mad at nakedy in Hades 2




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