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We should have our own board for memes and communist aesthetics. Chans offer little in terms of political discussion but memetic warfare is powerful propaganda.


You mean unoriginal content? Because there's already an OC thread and /draw/


Memes are reactionary. If I wanted to see that shit I'd go to twitter or tiktok.

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How much would post quality improve if posting garbage from youtube/reddit/twitter/4chan outside of itg was met with deletion and a ban?


so the opposite of the current mod policy


by about -50%, just because retards post bad shit from those places shouldn't devalue or cause removal of actual good posts incorporating that, idiot.


That is already policy

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Can you ban the lesswrong libertarian retard from ruining any more threads with disingenuous and superfluous "arguing"? Thank you.


probably a Tor user


There's so much fucking ironic shitposting, trolls and bait lately.


still less than 6 months ago


Yeah and there's also way fewer people making worthwhile posts than 6 months ago too.


Why do mods allow shills for the fossil fuel industry to post here and derail every thread regarding climate change when every other type of reactionary basically gets banned on sight?
They literally add nothing to the conversation, dismantle any meaningful conversation that fan be had on the topic, and their argument half way centers around shilling dengism anyway
Why the fuck are they allowed to endlessly destroy threads for fucking nothing?


People are allowed to disagree with you.

Judging by this and the many other complaints you've made about /leftypol/ and its userbase, I don't think this is the right website for you.


he might prefer wizardchan

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thanks mods i like this place a lot


Cheers, glad you like it, I do as well.


Why do anons keep derailing threads when they see
>Le tripfag
>Le namefag
Post and then complain about the thread derailment they themselves started?
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Stay forever mad cause your pet project leftychan is at 2pph
After mods I wonder what your next scapegoat will be


Because most users are 2016 tourists that treat tripcodes as a registration system and not as a disposable identity meant for use in a few threads. Secure tripcodes shouldn't even be a thing, they're supposed to be crackable.


Underrated post


Everyone except his own narcissistic ass.


Newfags don't know about the right to vanish.

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everybody now


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why should mods be arbiters of value?


Pask needs to touch grass and stop wasting his free time. There's more meaningful voluntary work he could do that would get him out of his bedroom.


We are not cavemen. We use technology.


Drink bleach transhumanist


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>/pol/tards get completely btfo
>janny deletes thread instead of anchor


if you want to btfo /pol/tards, do it where they live. everyone wins.

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what if we let a dumb thread die?


That would be too intelligent for leftypol






wtf is this sneedeal


>wtf is this sneedeal


Please bring back wordfilters.

Some suggestions

bring back Vaush -> Agent Kochinski

and filter breadtuber to fedtube
54 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Well, I don't.


There's no reason a leftists should be using these words as much as they are used here. It's mostly used by right wingers who adopt socialist imagery and vulgarize theory to fit their ideological needs. Disc0rd retards, right wing idpolers, conservative "socialists", ironic and unironic nazbols, all of you wolves in sheep clothing should be purged on sight. No leniency for disease-ridden vermin.


That'd fuck up a lot of links


Calm down, dude.
>as much as they are used here
Ah, but you can use them.
It does describe a real thing and I find that I have to call reactoids degenerate ("atavistic" could theoretically be a substitute) on the reg. I don't want it to get wordfiltered to casanova Rightoid.
>ironic and unironic nazbols, all of you wolves in sheep clothing
>all of you
This literally could not be further off the mark.
Listen, I am your fairy fucking godfather. But I haven't got a magic wand that I can just wave about.


>t's mostly used by right wingers
<You call out people for being retards and decadent porky suckups? ur /pol/!!!!
go back

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