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File: 1643800484997.png (167.11 KB, 1920x1080, goawaypasquale.png)



everybody now




just gonna anchor this
feel free to scream and whatever


Tbf, mods shouldn't use "delete all posts by IP" so liberally.
It can cause for problems. Like deleting the posts of another anon who uses the same VPN and making surtain conversations an unreadable mess





So how's things otherwise? How are you going?


things are great, mostly. gf tested positive for covid this morning, I was with her yesterday. now I'm isolating until I can get tested tomorrow or day after, I don't want to infect anyone vulnerable, and it's mostly old people living in my building.

how are you?


That's good.
Doing alright, gotta have my watch repaired.


Yeah, pasqale has to go! Go to the People's auditorium that is.

He is late for the ceremony in his name to receive a Medal For Impeccable Service.

Go go go!


>Tbf, mods shouldn't use "delete all posts by IP" so liberally.
>It can cause for problems. Like deleting the posts of another anon who uses the same VPN and making surtain conversations an unreadable mess
x100 this


ohh god i took an iron supplement but my body reacted badly to it
vitamin c supplements helped a little
gonna lay down in the dark for a while


It's easy to say mods shouldn't delete and instead rely on bans because of this and that reason. The issue with that is that a good 90% of the modded content is posted by ban evaders.


mods can check out post history to see if there’s anything of value to be lost


why should mods be arbiters of value?


Pask needs to touch grass and stop wasting his free time. There's more meaningful voluntary work he could do that would get him out of his bedroom.


We are not cavemen. We use technology.


Drink bleach transhumanist


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Unique IPs: 8

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