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Why do anons keep derailing threads when they see
>Le tripfag
>Le namefag
Post and then complain about the thread derailment they themselves started?


Why do you tripfag?


this site is so fucking shit I wish I could stop coming back


Your fault tbh


you spend all your time insulting people
and then complaining about pushback


Because tripfags are cancer and you keep whining about 'leftypolers'


File: 1642865578533.jpg (18.85 KB, 177x275, delete this.jpg)

This flag used to be good.


>>>/4chan/ newfag


Thought this was a politically incorrect site?
You’re mad that you got your feelings hurt?


Why do you keep tripfagging when it's clearly ruining threads and providing nothing of value.
Tripfagging causes most of the drama on this site and offer nothing. Go back to where you came from if you want to do that shit. You're not welcome here.


It's not that I am mad, I think the quality of this site has been incredibly shit, in large parts cause of you




Then filter me
I’ve made it incredibly easy to hide literally anything I post and yet you refuse to
You have nobody to blame but yourself

Do I need to explain how you filter certain posts? You just click on the options tag, click filter, choose name, filter “Dark Marxist”, and just like that you no longer need to seethe over what I write


If you hope for an inter-imperialist war to break out then you deserve to die and are not a communist, I fully back that statement


>it's your fault im being an attention whore and shitting up threads for no reason!


He is always in a rage, hope he gets a heart attack
individual solution to a systemic issue


Thought this was a politically incorrect site?
You’re mad that you got your feelings hurt?


>Do I need to explain how you filter certain posts?
Do I need to explain that's not a solution to the problem?


because idfags are the cancer killing leftypol
you clearly dont have respect for the place and should be treated like shit for it


Why do you tripfag?


just reiterating that you should be mercy killed.


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we don't do it to the ones who aren't obnoxious cunts like CPUSA. sounds like a you problem.


>create a persistent identity
>earn bad reputation
go fuck yourself lmao


PTSD from when Pennyfag caused the great /leftypol/ schism of 2021.


>we don't do it to the ones who aren't obnoxious cunts like CPUSA
I see through his bullshit, he's probably one of the worst ones with his "aren't I relatable, guys?" ways of spreading his opportunist bullshit leading well-intentioned but naive burger comrades on here straight into the bag of the most co-opted controlled opposition glowie party in the United States.


This. He’s incredibly annoying and promotes liberal bullshit like Piketty.


No the drama is caused by mods and nobody else.

If you can’t see a name being used without seething that’s your fault


Stay forever mad cause your pet project leftychan is at 2pph
After mods I wonder what your next scapegoat will be


Because most users are 2016 tourists that treat tripcodes as a registration system and not as a disposable identity meant for use in a few threads. Secure tripcodes shouldn't even be a thing, they're supposed to be crackable.


Underrated post


Everyone except his own narcissistic ass.


Newfags don't know about the right to vanish.

Unique IPs: 12

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