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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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Hello everyone, we have decided to take some measures to try to make /meta/ more productive - first of all, all posts by mods wil now be identified by mod tag (preferably) or by putting mod in the name field if needed. This will also apply on all other site management threads. Individual mod names will be optional. We hear the criticisms that have been levelled on this issue and we apologise that it has taken some time to take this action.

In addition we would like /meta/ to be a more productive space in general, so please try to post suggestions for improvement rather than blanket criticisms. We may move ban appeals into a dedicated thread in order to reduce the amount of new topic clutter. I hope that we will be able to introduce more reforms soon but this is an important first step. In addition, recruitment of new moderators to give some new blood is continuing apace currently. Please bear with us for more improvements!
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I've been banned multiple times for "illegal content" and /pol/ spam but I literally am just shit posting and arguing with Grace from my phone. Probably something to do with dynamic ips. Every single time I appealed and got denied, so I had to wait 'til I'm home to make a /meta/ post.
Not really sure what to make of it, there could be a wrecker in the mod team or there could be a glowie abusing certain ip ranges constantly.
Or, dun dun dun, it could be both :o


Not a lot into wrecking personally but paranoia is hilarious to me


>muh pomo
ok anglo




>using words you don't understand


Filter please. Seems to be the same person too spamming it


Tulcel > Trotskyite
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Do it not because it needs to be done but because it is funny → >>26570


I want her to choke me until I pass out.


Do you need help, because we can get you a dominatrix if you really need to get off.


That would be a frivolous use of funds tho
come on


We can arrange that, anon


Off topic is a lame incel hangout spot now, and offtopic boards in general are just a bad idea

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So the sex and relationship thread specifically is just locked?


So now it's every thread?


Weird as fuck. Can't post the one fucking post I wanted to make, even in this thread but I can't post other shit.


A sign from god to stop wasting energy on this shit site and software.


Why does the matrix chat don’t work when I open it on element? When I click “join” it says “you were not invited to this room”

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So are you making any attempts to ban "tulcel" spammer or are you just letting them be? Is Tulcel spammer, a thing noticer equivalent, or are you just letting them spam for shits and giggles?


I haven't even seen the person you're talking about. Tingnoter isn't as stealthy.




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This image is obviously fake. Any idiot can use inspect element.


Hello Comrades, the Tulcel Spammer is going to be filtered and turned into what they really are a Trotsykite.

Due to a vote of 5 to 2 any mention of the word "tulcel" will be changed to Trotskyite, if the spammer continues after that then we do Thing Noticer on sight.

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>overmoderate because the rules are so subjective that something just has to bad for discourse to be removed, and even then 'mods are always right'
>smugly bitch at a user saying you don't curate and they should go to reddit
Why are you smug redditoid glowholes like this? To any mods who aren't like this, why do you support this? Stockholm syndrome?

BTW where did the thread on NPA's attack on AFP go to? This site is radioactive
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Gee, I dunno


When I was talking about the moderator’s hypocrisy about their response to idpol two weeks ago, I was not accusing the topic of trans people as being idpol. I was pointing out the hypocrisy of a moderator preserving posts containing ethnic stereotypes while banning others for idpol during a mass post deletion. Ethnic stereotyping is idpol, but they ignored those posts and I got banned because they thought I was referring to trans topics as idpol.

Idpol is a subjective word and it should be defined before it is enforced as a rule.


If you think a post should be removed then report it, we can't see everything.


that's a terrible ban…

Which mod made that ban?


It was wvobbly according to the mod logs. What a suprise.


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So shilling the site on Reddit does work…
Now we have to keep shilling and bring Russian communists from VK.
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Sir this is a chess club


No, it's an ERP forum


If it's not a chess club why do we get so many people turning up wanting to play checkers


are you me? i find it works also as just great bait


>what's the point of good discussion when it's bound to offend one of the mods (who are of every tendency) and then get bumplocked, deleted or moved to /siberia/? Then they come up with some lame excuse why they did it and back each other up cause that's the system they have.
wow this is real communism in action!

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When did the mods on this site become the same stick-in-the-butt-leftism-is-a-secret-treehouse types as the reddit mods?

Like, wasn't one of the key moments in leftypol history the Catgirl meme war, where we established that pictures aren't inherently reactionary?

Weren't the original principles of this forum of ours that unlike every other "leftist" space on the internet, we don't take the bad faith "everyone is a reactionary unless they prove they aren't" path to community building. Don't we believe that "open discourse and shitposting is a superior pedagogy to strictly moderating and banning potential comrades for not towing an increasingly strict line of things that will lead to instant bans?

I've been in the meta room on Matrix, and it essentially functions exactly how you'd expect it to: Mods and their sycophants acting like they are above everything and not wanting to dissent, because the logic of these spaces is always:

>If you disagree that we should ban someone for X, then that must mean you support/defend X.

And no one wants to be that person who criticises the process for fear of being labelled a reactionary themselves.

Clearly something has gone wrong in the process. I propose a "Poster's Union Thread" where only non-mods and janitors may post. Would the moderators agree to that?
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nah mods violatin when they took down NATE HOFFESTEDERs address btw an woodbridge,VA anons out here?


>only non-mods and janitors may post
This idea relies completely on good faith on part of the staff.
I'm pretty confident you can picture what I'm saying here.


Why was this thread bumplocked?


dude you're obsessed
I 100% agree with you but do you not see that a website is a privately owned thing, and after multiple iterations, multiple changes of leadership/ownership and splits, there's no such thing as one single leftypol? This leftypol is how it is

it should be obvious right? some people are just less equal than others. Woe if the mods identify you based on posting style and have a grudge. But of course, moderation here is very light, the mods loathe to curate :^)


>some people are just less equal than others.
Thanks George, now go back to getting raped in hell
Do you believe yourself equal to me? That's ludicrous.

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why was i banned and my post deleted, but my ban isn't in the logs.
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Looked it up
incel shite


It's a locker you mongoloid
Are you okay? Calm down, you are incoherent


oh no where did it go?


>Mods make a literal Fairy Tail Tartaros reference


I don't even know what that is. If I've made any reference it was accidental.

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