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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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So shilling the site on Reddit does work…
Now we have to keep shilling and bring Russian communists from VK.


I kind doubt that, it's more natural fluctuation (and spam)


posts have been steadily increasing for weeks now.


>russian communists from VK
and from 2ch.hk The /ussr/ board is a little slow but still has users. We have a Russian thread at the moment and can use that as an embasssy


We're down to 2300 ips wtf
Didn't we have like 2600 little more than a week ago?


again, natural fluctuation


I havent been spamming the site with my vpn much this week


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we should get the sci-hub creator here, her entire work is plundering publisher porkies and she said several times in the past she's inspired to do it by communism

i believe she speaks Russian although she's Kazakh, and she uses VK a lot
we had a thread on Siberia to honor sci-hub on its birthday
maybe an article in new multitude could catch her attention…


sounds good


>maybe an article in new multitude could catch her attention…
Worst case, we get a good article.


good idea. hopefully we can get in touch with vk also


How do Tor users effect the number of IPs? I guess they count as one but the posts should still be counted…




Holy shit, number go down! Death is imminent.


I didn’t come here from reddit. I came here after I got back on my meds.


>down almost 50% a year and a half later
leftypol has fallen


global maximum uygha outlier
read uygha read


>up 10% since i posted this
we are so back


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I don't know about reddit, but I saw Alunya back in the 8ch days on /tech/, them saw her again recently–like maybe a year ago–on Twitter, got curious and came here. So like, post the cat every once in a while and she'll bring in some people.


This is it, people love catgirls.



use it daily love seeing Lenin and the knowledge crow everytime I read some new paper


im a bit bias since its my age group but appeal to zoomers

not only are we more leftist than other generations but we are also aware of how shitty and astroturfed shit like insta or snap is, zoomer humor is basically just a better,more positive version of old school 4chan humor+ you can have the inherent edginess of any chan board without the baggage of being shutin nazi pedoweebs

>tldr zoomer invasion could save the site,propel into a new golden age and radicalize the US


*radicalize the youth dont why i typed US


What reddit subs are we advertising on?


We already own reddit. Resistance is futile


I tried to do some outreach on leftist subs ages back but everyone said it was bad and cringe so I never did it again…



I do a bit of cheeky advertising on 4chan "go back to leftypol.org" whenever someone makes a good political comment


doing god's work


kek I do this from time to time, since that was how I got introduced to the old 8gag board

recently somebody replied they abandoned /leftypol/ because the new mod team sucks, I'm not even lying


Met the new boss, same as the old boss
In a literal sense


Yeah I (Me) am aware.


Well ok then


no problem boss


Have some self respect



So should we make a planned outreach campaign? I think fbi.gov channels and live YouTube shows are also a good opportunity.


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It's the thing, you know the thing inside of you, you just simply reach inside and look at it "Ah there it is"


Someone needs to bring back the Maoists, they spurred most of the good discussion here.


what's the point of good discussion when it's bound to offend one of the mods (who are of every tendency) and then get bumplocked, deleted or moved to /siberia/? Then they come up with some lame excuse why they did it and back each other up cause that's the system they have. They pretend to have a way to complain but /meta/ thread is just them insulting people.

Nobody who puts effort into things and their posts is going to deal with it. Memes and low effort replies that are politically correct (ironically) for /leftypol/ are encouraged. Anybody who says anything is called a schizo yet they are the ones writing one thing in their "rules" and OPs but doing another.


VPNs and mobile users would inflate that


what 'good discussion' are you not allowed to have here other than endless rehashing of the gender/transgender issues?


What is this, /lit/?


Weirdly though the total amount of different IPs has decreased but the PPH has increased.
Seems like like a pretty bad case of the Pareto Principle, where most of the posts are being made by a few people.


>what discussion are you not allowed to have
>no, not that one
Wow, we see the absolute genius of the janny on display here


as a recent example.
>inb4 goalposts are moved


Not that anon, nor am I a janny, but I think they mean the boilerplate. Like there's a lot of discussion that could be had about trans issues if we nuked the reactionaries so we weren't always engaging in the bare boilerplate, as that's just sisyphean.


>>26102 (me)
Alternatively: figure out a way to get reactionaries to engage with more advanced topics in good faith. Which might not be impossible. We almost have that, though usually they're successful in dragging the conversation back down to boilerplate. The site wouldn't exist if we didn't already have some success in this regard though, most of the stuff we talk about here would be completely off limits on sites like 4chan.


Sir this is a chess club


No, it's an ERP forum


If it's not a chess club why do we get so many people turning up wanting to play checkers


are you me? i find it works also as just great bait


>what's the point of good discussion when it's bound to offend one of the mods (who are of every tendency) and then get bumplocked, deleted or moved to /siberia/? Then they come up with some lame excuse why they did it and back each other up cause that's the system they have.
wow this is real communism in action!

Unique IPs: 26

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