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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1590991[View All]

Multipolarism, in its most basic form, posits a world where multiple powers (countries or entities) exist in a state of relative equilibrium, challenging the unipolar hegemony led mainly by the United States post-Cold War. The emergence of China, the reassertion of Russia, the rise of regional powers like India, Brazil, and South Africa, among others, suggest a move towards this multipolar world.

BUT is it rly just Capitalism 2: Electric Boogaloo - Neo-Dengism Edition? To what extent is multipolarism just capitalist nationalism for people not in green on this map? If the whole thrust of socialism is now just "America bad" what becomes of the classical socialist goals of workers control of the means of production, and abolishing class society?

🇧🇷 • /brg/ - Brazil general >>>/leftypol/1793453
🇷🇺🇺🇦 • /ukraine/ - Russia-Ukraine war general >>>/leftypol/1838552
🇮🇳 • /subcontinental/ - India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Buthan general >>>/leftypol/1828924
🇨🇳 • /prc/ - People's Republic of China general >>>/leftypol/211384
🇿🇦 • /africa/ - Africa general >>>/leftypol/1831758
450 posts and 91 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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healthcare pls


>You are the front door of this great continent; we are the back door
Was Mao aware of the subtle sexual undertone this statement could assume?


Every war now, including the one Iran is on the brink of, is competition between bourgeois states. These are all advanced bourgeois nations with developed state powers turning outward against one another, and the communist position is the same one Lenin supported in regards to the great war.


Sorry but complaining to workers that "X government is taking your money and giving it to Israel/Ukraine", ostensibly meant as a means of stirring them up and raising their consciousness, is in reality purely bourgeois rhetoric that does not move beyond the bounds of capitalist politics. Telling workers that the state is putting money to 'the wrong use' amounts to implying there is a 'correct use' of money beyond the function it serves for capital, thus by extension telling workers they have a stake in 'fixing' the distribution of surplus-value.

At least the fight for higher wages serves as an arena for struggle, to sharpen class antagonism and engage workers in strikes and confrontations, as long as communists do not support wage increases as an end in itself and definitely not because that money is 'rightfully' for the workers (it isn't).


This, we must not fall into anti-americanism and forget about all the millitary bases Iran, Russia and China have spread across the world or their hegemony on finance and information


Cool strawman. Despite all the theatrics the US and China have no problem doing business with each other, anyway.


>amounts to implying there is a 'correct use' of money
there is a correct use: bettering the lives of the working class
workers need to be made aware how many resources are being sent to the fascist states of ukraine and israel and the reason WHY so much is sent there to their detriment when they're barely able to pay their bills: because it's in america's elite interest to strangle russia, iran and china


> advanced bourgeois nations with developed state powers turning outward against one another
do you actually think imperialism is when nations have "developed state power"? how does that make them turn outward against one another and what does it have to do with capitalism?


This is probably the dumbest idea I've ever heard of


With the last aid package the Us Congress seems to communicate that they are 100% behind war for the sake of unipolarity on three different fronts: Ukraine, Taiwan, and Palestine.
Personally I have the gut feeling they will lose on two fronts and win on one of them, but that's just my prediction


> Francs
Anon, from which decade is that source from?



There is a fantastic article written on it by Intan Suwandi, Author of Value Chains: The New Economic Imperialism

I recommend the series the article is a part of by OpenDemocracy, called decolonising the economy: https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/oureconomy/decolonising-the-economy/

Also in this is, John Smith's article, Imperialism in a coffee cup, Smith and Suwandi are really the best current authors on Imperialism, best explainers of it.



the swan song of the desperate burger


What if I prefer one socialist pole instead of multiple capitalist poles?


Well better tell China to start moving for global hegemony then, instead of cross-linking the imperial periphery and permanently destroying the global empire ☺️


BRICS and the Multipolar Question
Extremely clear-eyed analysis of multipolatity from a communist party member. No fucking around on the current nature of Russia or China.


you gotta give more than that if you want people to watch an unknown youtuber rant for one hour and a half


Then go build it you whiny worthless fuckbag.


Feel free to link me an article or any section written by Marx in support of multipolarity, liberal bros.


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This doesn't belong on subcontinental because it includes the 50 million Indian subcontinent people that live outside India and also relates to China. Let me tell you some positives and negative of this rapidly advancing Hindu nationalist global movement.

>general emphasis on developing the means of production in India (this has been successful in areas like steel, cars, motorcycles, where India is number 1 or 2 now or fast approaching it)
>tries to be independent of western powers by advocating for a robust nuclear deterrent
>castes/tribes in India are basically occupation based groupings similar to unions or mutual aid groups and there is still an expectation that members of a caste should take care of each other, lend money to each other, etc. Everyday life is extremely collectivist and clan oriented and this may serve as a basis for communist ideas within Hindu Nationalism. Democratic politics has allowed working class castes to become dominant in many states. This kind of organic organizing is not really allowed in China. Castes often move up and down the heirarchy as demonstrated by the rapid advance of the merchant/farmer castes at the expense of the brahmin/warrior castes. There hasn't been a Brahmin leader in India in 20 years and there doesn't seem to be any such leaders on the horizon. Brahmin and warrior caste dominance is basically over as the merchants/farmers have benefitted under capitalism's emphasis on private property.
>open to working with African and other global south countries to advance the agenda of working poor people in the global south (India pushed for inclusion of African union in the G20)
>Modi criticizing and investigating billionaires like Adani for the first time during the last few months. Even Elon Musk finds that Xi Xinping is more desperate to please billionaires than Modi. This is because Xi doesn't have democratic legitimacy so he is extremely dependent on foreign cash inflows.
>A coherent Hindu nationalist movement has given voice and equality to Hindus living overseas, as demonstrated by grand hindu temples being allowed to be built for the first time in Arab countries and Russia. The promotion of VP Kamala Harris and PM Sunak would probably not have happened if Hindus hadn't united against constantly being called demon worshippers by muslims and christians.
>It is keeping China honest by making sure that the countries of central asia and southeast asia are able to maintain their independence and negotiate in a fair way with the Chinese billionaire class.
>During the last six months, Chinese state media like Global times is publishing positive articles on Hindu Nationalism and correctly noticing that it is a movement for national liberation and decolonization. Modi is also sending out some positive statements towards China.

>Many hindu nationalists are embracing anti-gay and anti-trans views because of American and Russian influence.
>Many hindu nationalists are drawn to toxic libertarian ideas and Modi only seems to be making anti-billionaire and pro-welfare remarks because of democratic politics in India. Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley are good examples of how crypto Hindu Nationalists are pushing even the Trump movement to the right on economic and social issues. Communists inside Hindu nationalism are still a minority but may be more relevant than Communists within the CCP.

Overall, things are pretty grim for those in favor of public control of the means of production but there are green shoots in the Hindu Nationalist movement.


As much as I like the original BRICS, it is clear that Russia, Brazil and South Africa are a lot less relevant than India and China at this point.

There should be a grouping with just India and China at this point. Russia is too involved in white supremacist politics to be trusted at this point.


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should we work with fascists? fascists are often able to rally support around a nation from middle and upper classes with a form of consciousness which can make them incredibly useful allies in the war against the west, it also helps that the west is now pushing a lot of reforms that are angering fascists like enforced liberal-ideology, open borders, ect. pic very much related worked out incredibly well for the communist movement and the international proletariat as a whole


Chiang Kai Shek wasn't fascist. He was just a Nationalist.


>/leftypol/ doesn't want to watch Communist geopolitical analysis sweaty
This is an actual active communist in the UK that doesn't dickride BRICS leaders and gives a realist analysis. There's no ranting, you got /isg/ for that.


>active communist party in the west
>relevant in the slightest

*yawn* how many of those party members met with xi jingping or went to study in china or russia? absolutely none.


>Should we work with fascists
This faggy, opportunistic red-brown alliance shit being a daily talking point here is why I continually ask myself if leftypol should just be destroyed


international struggle starts with a nationalist and more specifically anti-western struggle if you don't wanna win then fine go and jerk off with your trotskyist struggles about memey nonsense and vague notions of "class struggle above nations"


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>Socialist struggle starts with embracing fascism, if you don’t accept that you’re a filthy trot globalist jew!
Stalinoids tell on themselves every day on this piece of shit website


>Even Elon Musk finds that Xi Xinping is more desperate to please billionaires than Modi.
excuse me??


>general emphasis on developing the means of production in India
Marxoid ramblings kys


>Is 3rd world Nationalism More Communist than communism
Never was.


go crawl back to whatever dnc funded psy-op you came from you fucking freak, unipolarity is the most dangerous threat the world has even seen and the fact that people like you can't see it and instead opt to attack other people fighting against hegemony is so fucking funny, like you actually think you're part of the struggle by selling newspapers and correcting people on /leftypol/ all the while actual communists and nationalists of the multipolar movement are working with russia and china to bring about a new era of prosperity for all.


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Why do you hate each other? You are both opportunist Trotskyists. You should both join your leader, in hell.


trotskyists are fascists that representthe DNC, if you've been keeping up you would've learned this years ago


Nigha, the post I was responding to was your faggot ass literally claiming socialists and fascists should work together, please kill yourself in your fucking suburban hovel and stop larping as a communist just because you fap to pics of Stalin you fucking fag
>Muhh globalist




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>Xi doesn't have democratic legitimacy


>Literally propose socialists need to start working with fascists and neo-Nazis
<Muh trotskyists are fascists
Leftypol Stalinists truly are the most cowardly scum of the Earth
These fuckers lie like they fucking breathe
Rat bastards that will unironically promote collaborating with fascists and then call you the fascist for pointing out what a fucking cockroach they are

The only group in the socialist milieu regularly fascinated with, infatuated by, and desperate to work with fascists

Every accusation is a confession


every time socialists and fascists have worked together has been to our benefit; the SRs in russia were essentially fascist and the soviets worked with them when they were useful and chinese communists did the exact same thing with the KMT to liberate themselves from japanese oppression then you have groups like the KPD which formed combat squads multiple times to contain nationalist groups that were against the imperialist treaty of versailles and they were crushed for it. these are just provable historical facts.


> every time socialists and fascists have worked together has been to our benefit
Stalinoids will never beat the red fascist accusations, nor should they


here, have some vijay prashad, an actual internationally respected marxist, talk about imperialism and lenin and his actually researched analysis on hyper imperialism published on tricontinental
the different eras of imperialism he identify and the historical perspective he gives on lenin analysis are great, and the hyper imperialism article has tons of information, like the fact the US led imperial bloc have 75% of all military spending on earth.

>doesn't want to watch Communist geopolitical analysis

just cause the man is a member to a communist party doesnt mean much. You havent said shit about what his perspective actually is or why it is valuable, just that his analysis is "clear eyed" and "doesn't dickride BRICS leader", which makes me guess you're some anti multipolarista retard. He doesnt seem to be widely known judging by his views, it isnt a discussion or interview, its just the man talking for one hour and a half, and Im not gonna bother trying to listen to that without you giving more than "huh its good watch it, also he shit on china and russia!"


I have never even opened that thread. A guy talking alone is usually called ranting.


Why not just look at what Kerala is doing and scale that up? Kerala is an example of what the CPC would try to do if they had to run India. Religious nationalists are retarded and there are actual communists in India doing good work.


>Russia is too involved in white supremacist politics
what a retarded fucking post


also I forgot how he talk about the difference on old style fascism and the "resurgence" of it and how its very different in how it operates, now being integrated with liberalism and not needing any violent militia to get into power


>Is Hindu Nationalism More Communist than the CCP
No. As told before, you are cringe and retarded.
Sage & Report.


I watched this before and it was quite interesting, iirc. What of his books should i be reading to see these ideas more fleshed out?


cant tell if this modi loving fuck is actually buying his own bullshit or just trying to gaslight us



>A guy talking alone is usually called ranting.
literal retardation
>here, have some vijay prashad
not retardation. I posted that article in the reading thread on /edu/ a few weeks ago, catch up sweaty
>just cause the man is a member to a communist party doesnt mean much
more retardation. The guy is active and touching communist grass on the daily, more than you or I are doing. He's giving a communist geopolitical analysis of multipolarism relative to current events, which is why I posted it in the fucking multipolarism thread.
<why is all this salting you up so much?


Anons if you don't keep up to date you're gonna be left in shock by economic events outside the west. I'd prefer to be listening to informed daily reporting by anyone on the left but it's not happening. The west is walling itself off through sanctions.
>also, people close to generals are talking about civil war.
In France

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